Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-1-1984 University News, February 1 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Volume IV, Issue 3 . Boise State's Student Weekly Wednesday, February.I, 1984' .. '. , ' , , IPIRG core members [from left] Glenn Goffin, Denise Callaway and Brad Martin. Photos; by Russ P. Markus PIRG tries to fly at BSU Core members to petition ASBSUjor studentfunding that much control. .. but people have by Brian Mason and Julie Nash simple majority of signatures from among other campuses. Eventually, students who concerns." . The UniversityNews He added, ~~itmight.helpdesign the next . 1~ ';"'- ", ,didn}t kJlow;~becaIJ).e~inv9\ved .:. Weaver .'\ survey. All information that can be, will be 'I Idaho Public Interest Group (IPIRG) asked the core to find others who would be interested .by informing people on gathered and considered." will .soon petition BSU students for a Why can't only interested parties $40,000 annual budget supported by in- campus." . Denise callaway, a coremember and a research the issues on their own time, with .creased student fees. The proposed fee their own money, The University News increase would amount to an additional $3 junior in social work, said, "We need a PIRG. It's an effective tool to use and gain reporter asked the three core members. per student, and would be refundable after "Because nationally, this doesn't work," fees have been paid; and proper ID a sense of power. " She added, "I love PIRG. I want to do said Goffin. presented. If established, the group will hire at least IPIRG plans to use the money to this, because I've seen others in operation. They're a real complement. to student one professiopal staff member; as well as "challenge student apathy by researching elected officers and decide upon which public interest issues selected by BSU government, a way of dealing with student issues to research. students," according to IPIRG literature. and citizen concerns on this campus. We'd The group currently organizing IPIRG is like to see something done.". the core members. According to Brad Since 1970, approximately 175 PIRGs in Martin, a core member and senior psych- 30 states have been formed. High caliber research ology major, 5,·8 members attend the wwnne some of the larger groups attempt weekly meetings. , forays into the realms of legislative impact, many others make the publishing of guides Returning student talks aboutschooLlife. Martin says the group expects a budget When asked by The University Ne.ws of "$5U,OOO at the max" and adds that the and studies their focus. Most PIRGs consist' See page 4. of student groups, funded by student' how PIRG would be able to tell when their student "board of directors" would receive services and organization might no longer populations. no salary. He said PIRG, if formed, would be needed on the BSU campus, Goffin said be funded under a "refund system." All that if a majority of students request a students would pay the fee increase, but refund from PIRG two semesters in a row, those wanting a refund would have to PIRG would "voluntarily cease to exist." present their student activity card within The idea of a PIRG PIRG literature now on campus states the first 3-4 weeks of the semester at It that group directors will have "legal and PIRG refund table in, the SUB. The name, "Public Interest Research scientific expertise." According to Goffin, When asked why a positive check system, Group," is ,based on the idea that the "Those hired by a PIRG will be more similar to the one, used on income tax groups explore issues deemed relevant by teachers than doers. Presumably, we will returns for presidential re-election funds; the majority of students voting on those have biology students involved in an issue would not be used, Martin said, "It's been issues. Ideally, PIRGs that are student- of" biology. Expertise comes from all shown not to work because every semester you have to spend 60-80070 of your money funded are made up of large numbers of areas." . students, voicing their opinions and getting Another claim of the group's literature is on 'fundraising.' " involved in the actual research under the the statement, "PIRG will be ... non-parti- guidance of paid professionals and san and independent of any organization or A donation system volunteer student directors. ' interest group. - To help determine what issues would be When The University News reporter Glenn Goffin, another core member and .researched by' the' group,' .the. core com- asked about the claim of' operating- 'under a graduate ofPennsylv~rna's Swarthmore mittee offered an ','Issues Survey," divided total objectivity, Martin replied, "The College added, "It's a donation system. into four major areas; consumer, environ- professionals will help us do that. The whenever you have it, you spend rio moneyrnentaI, human rights and energy. .' research will be of a higher caliber, . on research. It's also not asocial contract. Subdivisions of the .issues on the survey, standing between two polarized opinions. i:1 We're saying to students, 'ATeyou willing included "violence against women," and The 'what is going on here' is a wall to that to tax yourself to have a PIRG on campus?' "nuclear energy and weapons." The topics objectivity." IPIRG started at BSU when a group of were selected randomly, according to " A question concerning the aim of the .eleven people approached ASBSUPresi- Callaway.' . - . group to be "democratically maintained" dent Deanna Weaver and ,expressed .the ':"Two members of the group sat down Was answered by Goffin: "Democracy is . desire to form a PIRG on the BSU campus.' and randomly selected "issues .from. other . (or what we hope it would be) an expression Weaver, who helped with the unsuccessful' "PIRGnurveys, on what' we thought was of the wishes of the majority of students. petition drive in 1979, appointed members wportant.·~CallawaYadded. ' ' We don't know how many BStistudents of the core to an ad'hoc, committee to study '·When' ask~dhoW'extensively }>IRG would~irivolved!'. ' . student interest ina fee-:supportedPlRG wouldaUowresponSe to "IS5Ues Surveys" ,', The question seen to be answered is, are group at BSU • The studycillminates with a ','toeontrol the focus of the 'group;. Martin . BSVstudentswilling to tax themselves. in pcitition drive by commi~ee members for ~:saici~"'l'heissu.e.~rveyiSn~tgoiDgtoha\te·. ;.orderto,hayeaPIRG,on campus? L~·,:.;-~", , ~.' !. ., "Good reading and great fun" " , " The Goldrush is on--ArmyROTC 'Scholarships Gr<g Meti&ar, Business Major, 3 year , Di. Keiser. BSU President Army ROTC winner Editor ROTC has much to offer. It will prepare scholarships Being accepted for an Army ROTC Kelly Love ;a" ,," . )'OU for a r,esponsible posicion in the active Scholarship took a lot of the pressures of f military or reserves as a commissioned school off my shoulders. Now I can just . ~ officer. This program provides valuable' pay for: concentrate _on my studies and become t'/ ~_..... experience for any future endeavor be if in more involved. because I don". have to (! _.. .business. industry. or public service... Assignments Editor w orry about where my tuition or books will Lindsey LaFon ·FEES come from. I ".~L.uMP SUM Timothy Showers. History Major. '3 year Entertainment Editor Dr. Keppler. Dean-school of arts 8< sciences PAYMENT.BOOKS winner Valerie Mead The Anny ROTC Program at Boise State Receiving an Army ROTC Scholarship is " $100.00 MONTHLY University _provides an excellent oppor-: an important step in achieving my goals of Copy Editors tunity to develop leadership s.i1ls. a college education and an officers com- '.' It is also an opportunity for the mission in the United States Army. Jessie Faulkner r individual citizen to provide (or the Jeff Morris h common defense as defined in the Pre- amble to the Constitution. Advertising Manager Doreen Heinrich, communications major Dave Sneddon Phillip L. Boren, LDS Institute Director For applications, Through ROTC I have gained many 'i friends, and experienced things which Ad Sales )' My son is a junior in high school. contact CPT would not have been possible if I had not , Universities and colleges are sending him taken the first step of applying for a Conrad Garner information. As we have reviewed his scholarship. Lisa Manaci options. one we are strongly considering is Bob (Goldsrriker) Hillan the availability of ROTC on campus Pete Winowitch because of our belief that there are some at 385·3500 things worth protecting ... freedom, home and country. Writers \- Bill Barrett I \', Rick Bernt Edith Decker Ann Heater Jeff Kline Warren McWilliams Julie Nash Joe Ross Bill Sharp Cartoonist John Waldradt y Business Manager ! , Jim Spafford I '.\" Layout Chief Jess Reynard Layout Staff Sandy Dutton Diane Jenkins Annmarie Jerome Erik Payne Typesetters Valerie Hammond Paula Slonecker Karen Smith Photo Chief Russ Markus Photographers Karl Enochs Joe Zehrung Distribution Steve Lafon The University News is published weekly by the students of Boise State University. Contributions and advertising are solicited; the editors reserve all rights. Offices are located on the 2nd floor of the SUB. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday through Friday. 385-1464. Name: _ Address: _ Clty:------- sr, SUBSCRIBE!,'-- , . -'-. -,', ,- . '.-._-, ameusnews Campus briefs '1984' talks address, repression. ~". .:_.: .. ';' ',: . -; - -. " - - '.,:' - . by Jeff Kline and dGe()19gist··....spe~k~··.
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