ISSN 0373-5680 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 61 (1-2): 11-24, 2002 11 Checklist of the species of Cyclominae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) occurring in America south of the United States MORRONE, Juan J. Museo de Zoologia, Departamento de Biologia Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Apdo. Postal 70-399, 04510 Mexico D.K, Mexico. E-mail: [email protected] • ABSTRACT. The valid names of the genera and species of cyclomines (Co- leoptera: Curculionidae: Cyclominae) found in America south of the United States are listed, including their synonyms and distributional summaries. These taxa belong in the tribes Aterpini (genera Aegorhinus Erichson and Alastoropolus Kuschel), Gonipterini (genus Gonipterus Schonherr), and Rhythirrinini (genera Acroriellus Morrone & Ocampo, Acrorius Kirsch, Acrostomus Kuschel, Adioristidius Morrone, Amathynetoides Morrone, Ande- sianellus Anderson & Morrone, Antarctobius Fairmaire, Falklandiellus Kuschel, Falklandiopsis Morrone & Anderson, Falklandius Enderlein, Germainiellus Morrone, Haversiella Schweiger, Hyperoides Marshall, Lamiarhinus Morrone, Lanteriella Morrone, Listroderes Schönherr, Listronotus Jekel, Macrostyphlus Kirsch, Nacodius Morrone, Neopachytychius Hustache, Philippius Germain, Puranius Germain, Rhigopsidius Heller, Rupanius Morrone, Telurus Kuschel, and Trachodema Blanchard). KEYWORDS. Curculionidae. Cyclominae. Aterpini. Gonipterini. Rhythirrinini. America. • RESUMEN. Lista de las especies de Cyclominae (Coleoptera: Curculioni- dae) que se encuentran en América al sur de los Estados Unidos. Se listan los nombres válidos de los géneros y especies de ciclominos (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cyclominae) distribuidos en America al sur de los Estados Unidos, incluyendo sus sinonimos y sumarios distribucionales. Estos taxones pertenecen a las tribus Aterpini (géneros Aegorhinus Erichson y Alastoropolus Kuschel), Gonipterini (genero Gonipterus Schönherr) y Rhythirrinini (géneros Acroriellus Morrone & Ocampo, Acrorius Kirsch, Acrostomus Kuschel, Adioristidius Morrone, Amathynetoides Morrone, Andesianellus Anderson & Morrone, Antarctobius Fairmaire, Falklandiellus Kuschel, Falklandiopsis Morrone & Anderson, Falklandius Enderlein, Germainiellus Morrone, Ha- versiella Schweiger, Hyperoides Marshall, Lamiarhinus Morrone, Lanteriella Morrone, Listroderes Schönherr, Listronotus Jekel, Macrostyphlus Kirsch, Nacodius Morrone, Neopachytychius Hustache, Philippius Germain, Pura- nius Germain, Rhigopsidius Heller, Rupanius Morrone, Telurus Kuschel y Trachodema Blanchard). PALABRAS CLAVE. Curculionidae. Cyclominae. Aterpini. Gonipterini. Rhythirrinini. América. 12 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 61 (1-2), 2002 INTRODUCTION RESULTS The subfamily Cyclominae (Coleoptera: Cur- Subfamily CYCLOMINAE Schonherr, 1826 culionidae) comprises several weevil taxa that Tribe ATERPINI Lacordaire, 1863 were assigned formerly by Kuschel (1995) to the Subtribe ATERPINA Lacordaire, 1863 subfamily Brachycerinae (Morrone, 1997a, b, 1998, 2000; Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999). A Aegorhinus Erichson, 1834: 261 [type species: cladistic analysis based on larval features (Mar- A. phaleratus Erichson, 1834, by monotypy] valdi, 1997) has shown that they are closely re- [= Psuchocephalus Latreille, 1828: 597; Lopho- lated to the subfamily Entiminae, although their tus Schonherr, 1834: 314 (non Giorna, 1809, monophyly is doubtful (R. Oberprieler, pers. nec Fischer von Waldheim, 1813); Leucolopus com.). They are classified into nine tribes: Dejean, 1835: 261; Lophodes Dejean, 1836: Amycterini, Aterpini, Cyclomini, Diabathrariini, 284; Eublepharus Gay & Solier, 1839: 11; Ce- Dichotrachelini, Gonipterini, Rhythirrinini, So- ropsis Gay & Solier, 1839: 19; Leucolophus matodini, and Viticiini (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, Chevrolat, 1846: 322; Orodinus Gistel, 1848: 1999). Three of these tribes (Aterpini, Gonipte- IX; Oegorinus Montrouzier, 1855: 48; Psupho- rini, and Rhythirrinini) are distributed in the cephalus Imhoff, 1856: 221; Eublephorus Che- New World. nu, 1860: 225; Lophodus Gemminger & Harold, O'Brien & Wibmer (1982) and Wibmer & 1871: 2392 (non Symons, 1861, nec Roma- O'Brien (1986) compiled the most recent chec- nowsky, 1864, nec Newberry & Worthen, klists of the New World weevils. Over the course 1870); Sublepharus Desbrochers des Loges, of the last years, however, several new cyclomine 1910: 130; Euplepharus Bruch, 1915:416; Ae- taxa have been described, new combinations and gorrhinus Bruch, 1915: 416; Micropolus Kus- synonymies were established subsequent to these chel, 1952a: 243]; Morrone & Roig-Juñent, checklists, and new data have been added 2000: 421 (revision)]. (O'Brien & Wibmer, 1984; Wibmer & O'Brien, Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (1999) recently disco- 1989; Morrone, 1990, 1992a-c, 1993a-d, 1994a- vered that Psuchocephalus is a senior synonym of d, 1995a-e, 1997b; Morrone & Loiacono, 1992; Aegorhinus. Elgueta & Kuschel (in press), however, Morrone & Anderson, 1995; Morrone & Ocampo, have recently submitted a proposal to the Interna- 1995; Morrone et al., 1995; Anderson & Morro- tional Commision on Zoological Nomenclature, ne, 1996; Ocampo & Morrone, 1996; Alonso-Za- proposing that Psuchocephalus has precedence razaga & Lyal, 1999; Elgueta, 2000; Morrone & over Aegorhinus. While the case is under conside- Roig-Juñent, 2000). ration by the Commision, I maintain the current name Aegorhinus. My objective is to provide a list of the Cyclo- A. albolineatus (Blanchard, 1851: 332). Chile. minae occurring in America south of the United A. bilineatus Elgueta, 2000: 13. Chile. States, incorporating changes and additions that A. boviei (Desbrochers des Loges, 1910: 127) [= A. update O'Brien & Wibmer's (1982) and Wibmer incertus (Germain, 1911: 217)]. Chile. & O'Brien's (1986) checklists. Basically I follow A. bulbifer (Kuschel, 1952a: 229) [= A. bulbifer the same format of my previous checklist of the (Germain, 1911: 217)]. Argentina and Chile. species of Entiminae (Morrone, 1999). Classifi- A. delfini (Germain, 1893: 1031) [= A. boniarde cation of the taxa into tribes and subtribes fo- Cekalovic, 1970: 56]. Chile. llows Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (1999). The A. fascicularis Kuschel, 1952a: 243. Chile. arrangement of the genera and species within A. inermis Kuschel, 1952a: 236 [= A. inermis each tribe and subtribe is alphabetical. Each ge- (Germain, 1911: 217)]. Chile. neric name is followed by the original citation, A. kuscheli Elgueta, 1974: 133. Chile. with its type species and synonyms listed chro- A. maestus Kuschel, 1952a: 232. Chile. nologically between square brackets. Distribu- A. maulinus Elgueta, 2000: 8. Chile. tional data for each species are summarized by A. nitens Kuschel, 1952a: 229. Chile. country; an asterisk at the left side of the species A. nodipennis (Hope, 1834:15) [= A. nodinipennis name denotes that it is present also in America (Solier, 1839: L); A. rouleti (Gay & Solier, 1839: north of Mexico. 17); A. subrugosus (Philippi, 1859: 665)]. Ar- MORRONE, J. J. Checklist of the species of Cyclominae 13 gentina and Chile. Goniopterus Gemminger & Harold, 1871: A. ochreolus Kuschel, 1952a: 223. Chile. 2377(non Agassiz, 1846); Dacnirotatus MarelIi, A. oculatus Kuschel, 1952a: 235 [= A. philippii 1926:630] (Germain 1911: 217)]. Argentina and Chile. Although Zimmerman (1994) established the A. opaculus (Desbrochers des Loges, 1910: 127) synonymy of G. gibberus and G. scutellatus, there [= A. abbreviates (Germain 1911:217)]. Chile. are two distinct species of Gonipterus in South A. phaleratus Erichson, 1834: 262 [= A. distin- America (pers. obs.). Until the problem concerning guendus (Germain, 1854: 331)]. Chile. their valid names is elucidated, I keep Wibmer & A. schoenherri (Gay & Solier, 1839: 19) [= A. bre- O'Brien's (1986) names. virostris (Germain, 1911: 217)]. Chile. G. gibberus Boisduval, 1835: 324 [= G. bruchi A. servillei (Gay & Solier, 1839: 15) [= A. quadri- (Marelli, 1926: 630)]. Argentina, Brazil, and dentatus (Philippi 1859: 665)]. Chile. Uruguay. Introduced from Australia and Tas- A. silvicola Kuschel, 1952a: 230 [= A. izquierdoi mania. (Germain, 1911: 217), A. silvicola cistrans G. scutellatus Gyllenhal, 1833: 458 [= G. platensis Kuschel, 1952a: 230]. Argentina and Chile. (Marelli, 1926: 640), G. marellii (Uyttenboo- A. subplanifrons Kuschel, 1952a: 235 [= A. gaart, 1928: 77)]. Argentina, Brazil, and Uru- schoenherri subplanifrons Kuschel, 1952a: guay. Introduced from Australia and Tasmania. 235]. Chile. A. superciliosus (Guerin, 1830: 112) [= A. eschs- choltzi (Boheman, 1834: 316), A germari Tribe RHYTHIRRININI Lacordaire, 1863 (Gay & Solier, 1839: 21), A. fasciatus (Bohe- Subtribe GRONOPINA Bedel, 1884 man, 1842: 131), A. reticulatus (Gyllenhal, 1842: 132), A. perplexus (Desbrochers des Lo- Rhigopsidius Heller, 1906: 7 [type species: R. tu- ges, 1910: 128), A. vermicuIaris (Desbrochers cumanus Heller, 1906, by original designa- des Loges, 1910: 129), A. araucanus (Germain, tion]; Morrone & Loiacono, 1992: 130 (revi- 1911: 217), A. ornatus (Germain, 1911: 217), sion). A. superciliosus ornatus Kuschel, 1952a: 239, R. piercei Heller, 1936: 284 [= R. tucumanus A. superciliosus germari Kuschel, 1952a: 240, Sasscer & Pierce, 1913: 143 (non Heller, A. superciliosus philippii Kuschel, 1952a: 241, 1906)]. Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru. A. superciliosus andinus Kuschel, 1952a: 242, R. tucumanus Heller, 1906: 8. Argentina. A. superciliosus araucanus Kuschel, 1952a: 242, A. superciliosus laqueatus Kuschel, 1952a: Subtribe LISTRODERINA LeConte, 1876 242, A. superciliosus philippianus
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