VEIXF.$IAV, MAV 10, PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST ORECOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. 1!, c 1 IS BEING USED r--v 0 t SOME DOXT KNOW &HD BEST lxsTitrnox is it.ek OLDEST I'luk Numbers of MiikiizIik's Aw Simula (i Complete I'llo. Those HiivhiK OKI MiiKiizliK'si I.lstotl May 1100f S3 , Confer Favor by ltnmtliij Thorn that & S. S. was .i We have never claimed ":r.1mpnt or disorder. to Library Notify IJIirarian. cure wonders, nor one that would commended MorethanfortyyearsagoU .7"" Since it was established in Its new a an today , af r a long HUiiitti;) in t lie city hull tht) public as a blood punfle r, honest ilmiry has been steadily growing In 'hCn atttta diseases and disorders arising popularity and the books nre now is made A a efcrhoe ic.oWps and the u.i'd much moiv than formerly. How- S i im : - from an impure or pol luted blooa - - ever, there lire many people who even n:v are unaware of the fact that the library is strictly a public affair ami of any o .u is for the free use of all the people greater number of people than . nerve. the city. Those who have not yet blood is the of library are cordially The J" dcrcndcit it for nourishment made use the smew of body is on invited to do so. muscle, tissue and At thi3 time Miss Batterson. tht and strength, and as it circular , healthful properties' needed t0 librarian, is engaged in completing the furnishes to these different members the magazine files. Is to "a-.':'- " It the Intention to ) v . -- preserve them and enable them - ,H complete files of all the eUn-Uel- y lift ' maintain various duties. So HTln nsed S. S. S. k leading magazines "'"l In order t perform their Ha meriu testify to tree irom I can complete the collection the following long as the blood remains as a blood purifier and tonle. numbers are needed. Any donations infection we are apt to escape dis- enrlohet, puritt and It impur-ltle- a, of these missing numbers will bo any impurity, humor or oleames the blood of all ease, but at the mm time U a greatly appreciated: on tne sys and Monthly. All volumes poison acts injuriously wonderful lnvigorator, tonlo Atluntlc U also 1900 to May, 1909. affects tne general ncuuii. and tystem builder. It from January. tem and Rheumatism. Century. July. 1901 to May, 1904 pimpies, a fine remedy for Pustular eruptions, maeter of thle very pain- February and July, '1905; January afFec- - It li ractiPQ and the various skin ful dlseate, and ai a tonlo to February, July and August, 1906 the blood is In a rive appetite, strength to tho August and September, 1908 Jan tions, show that up or nerve and build the uary to May, 1909. feverish condition as a resun no equal. Cosmopolitan. All of 1900 and to some humor, or the presence of an ia a very fine medicine It every eonft. September. 1901; October and De irritating, fiery acid. Rheumatism Indeed, and I have cember. 1901: February and from excess ot uric acia dencelnlt. April December, 1902; of 1904 comes from an MKS. Y. L. BAILS V. to all Clearfield, Pa. and 1905; March, May, August and in the circulation, while Catarrh, 703 Linden St., September. 1907; February, July to Sores and Ulcers, bcrotuia ana rtt . J si rA nil September and November, 1908. (Jonta2lOUSa OlOOU ruisuu, nit on Monthly. August grow worse as ong as ' Harper's From seated blood disorders that will continue to 1903. to December, 1904; December - various causes. SUCll at Oc the cause remains, oaa ' 1905: February. 1906. and from ..'u-rfr- howe and kidney action. tober, 1906 to October, 1907; May to ci ; .he cu JulVi 1908: September. 1908; Jan indiglLn, etc., or .he .rouble may be inhen bur uary to May. 1909. the blood must Deiore inc wuy v.a.. McClure. March to May, July, Oc natural and tonic It is mad : ertWf 1900; January S S S. is a blood purifier tober to December, he $4M February and May, 1901; January to of the harmless juices and extracts of roots, har mfu March, May, September to Novem nized curative ability, and being free rom all jmaabbM February, August ber. 1902: March, absolutely safe medicine for young or old. S. S. S. to December, 1903; Jarf-uar- v or In Our Immense October, and any and every trace of impurity, humor Buys Any Hat to circulation and removes to October. 1904; January blood and cures March, May, June and September. It freshens and enriches the ffipftr gj poison Scrofula 1905; September and December, 1906; permanently Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, January, May and October, 190S Contagious Blood Poison, and all other blood disorders. &5.S. Millinery to May, 1909. Diseases, ntdW New Stock of January the same time a most pleasant acting. North American Review. All from is the most reliable and at weak and who are suffering with 1900 to November. 1904; April and cine for those whose blood has become December. 1905: February, Septem Anaemia. Malaria or some other debilitating sickness. Now's opportunity, wait till the November, 1906; February. Spring to cleanse d your don't all ber and A b ood purifier is especially needed in the April and July, 1907; March and which have accumulated daring February to May, 1909. circulation of the impurities thj good ones are sold. We're showing the very latest At.rll. 1908: most rehable and oertdn Outlook. All volumes from 1900 shut-i- n life of Winter, and S. S S. is the the values to February 18, 1905; August 19, good results. Book on the blood mejeadvic styles, the best trimmings and giving best IT,. 23. 1905: from AT1AHTA, 01. Vnv. December iale at all drug stores. THE SWIFT January to March, 3, March 24, May ever offered in Pendleton. 5. June 7 and 28. August 25, Novem ber 17, 1906; January 12 to 19, Feb buys choice of any of ruary 2 to 9. February 23, March REMEMBER: $4.95 your 30 to April 20, September 21, Nov- ember 23, December 14, 1907; Jan- our hats up as high as $15. uary 11, February 8, April 11 to 25. For Bilious Attacks Mnv 9 in Aueust 12. August 26 to September 3. November 14, 1908; Here is help for Your bilious attacks may be both prevented January to Juno, 1909. you. are Review of Reviews. From Jan and relieved, but prevention is better than cure. The means The Peoples Wareho uarv. 1902 to February, 1904; July, at your hand. When a dull headache, furred tongue, yellow cast Sntitomh.r nnd October. 1904: Jan to the eyes, inactive bowels, dizziness, or a sick stomach, warn Save Your Coupons What Time Will the Clock Stop? Where it Pays to Trade uary. 1906: January. 1908; Febru you of a coining bilious attack, resort at once to arv to May. 1909. St. Nicholas. All volumes from 1900 to 1905; September, 1905; Jan uary, 1906, to May, 1'J"'j. :;rrlbner. All volumes from 1!"2 " to 1906; February, June, July and mm LA GRANDE M September. 1906; December, 1907: to No- whichiiiiiii'iact almost instantly cn the liver and bowels, and quickly April, May. October ' January, vember, 1908; February to May, 1909. regulate the How of bile. A few doses of IScecham's Pills will CAPTURE BURGLAR i X -- World's Work. All volumes from correct the stomach, put the blood in order, relieve headache and a 1900 to March, 1905; June and July, tone the entire system. TT" 1905; February, August and Novem- For over sixty years, on land and sea, Beecham's Tills, by their ber, 1906; January. November and safe and thorough action on the stomach, bile and bowels, have La Grande. James Elsworth, Clint December, 1907; June, 1908; Jan- maintained their world-wid- e reputation as Irwin, Albert Wadell and Mr. uary to May, 1909. all four young gentlemen of Notify the librarian if you can sup- Island City, at midnight last evening ply any of these missing numbers and adopted an Impromptu role of Sher- they will be called for. lock Holmes and captured a bold thief The Best Bile Medicine way with nearly who was making his Lived 1"2 Ycnrs. Boxes 10c. end 25c, with full directions $500 of the Island City Milling com- Wm. Parr England's oldest man pany's money, besides loot from sev- married the third time at 120, eral stores in the suburb. The man worked in the fields till 132 and liv- caught red handed has confessed and ed 20 years longer. People should is now in the county Jail anxious'to he vouthful at 80. James Wright of commence service of a penitentiary Spurlock, Ky., shows how to remain term as punishment for his rash act. young. "I feel Just like a The four boys In question were re- hoy," he writes, "after taking s.x turning to their Island City homes bottles of Electric Bitters. For thir "OPPORTUNITY" last evening, and when passing the ty years k'dney trouble made life a new flouring mill saw occasional burden, but the first bottle of this flashes of lightning from within as of wonderful medicine convinced me 1 MODERN ACREAGE a lighted match. Mustering a supply had found the greatest cure on of arms and ammunition they stole earth." They're a godsend to weak, A Modern Home Project, With AH Modern up to the door and alarmed a bur- sickly, rundown or old people.
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