MECHANISMS SUPPORTING A POTENTIAL USE OF MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE IN WETLAND CREATION Ronald B. Sawhill AUTHOR: Instructor, School of Environmental Design; The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602. REFERENCE: Proceedings of the 1996 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 20-22, 1996, at The University of Georgia, Kathryn J. Hatcher, Editor, Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Abstract. Municipal sewage sludge (MSS) is proposed as of 75 cm. and an average depth of 23.4 cm., 540,000 m 3 of a suitable component of wetland substrates for the purpose of fill would be required to create a similar wetland in the pit. wetland creation. Sludge use is currently limited to dry sites On the site, Columbus Water Works (CWW) has land due to potential water pollution concerns. Wetland structure applied MSS by subsurface injection for many years. and function were compared to sewage and waste disposal Vegetative crops are planted to utilize sludge nutrients and to facilities to identify strengths and weaknesses in natural stabilize the soil surface. The land elevation ranges between pollution control mechanisms. Wetland and substrate designs 205' and 210' MSL, while the 100-year flood elevation is were proposed to augment the natural mechanisms. 224' MSL. Inundation occurs periodically with durations of one to six days. The hydrologic regime is fully described in Sawhill, (1995). Although these fields do not qualify as INTRODUCTION wetlands, (lands possessing hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and saturated or covered by water at least some part of Background. Municipal sewage sludge has been recycled the year), periodically they do experience temporary wetland successfully as a soil conditioner in mine reclamation conditions. This research considers a similar subsurface projects, as an agricultural soil amendment and as a top installation of MSS, but in extended wet conditions. dressing in forests (Sopper, 1993). MSS has not been permitted for use in wetlands, because the United States Relevance. Combining inert waste disposal, MSS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines prohibit disposal and wetland creation may present beneficial sludge application where there is the potential for direct economic and environmental opportunities. Sand and gravel surface water or ground water table contact. However, the mines are infrequently reclaimed and they are often located conversion of existing wastewater treatment ponds to forested in floodplains where development is restricted. Properties in and scrub-shrub wetlands has been proposed (Alford and floodplains may be available at lower cost than more Ashley, 1995), and wetlands have been used successfully for developable properties. Significant subsurface investigation wastewater treatment. records are often maintained by mining companies, and these Sewage treatment is modelled on natural physical and may be useful for site selection and planning purposes. The biological processes. Although controlled and augmented in conversion of exhausted mining sites to disposal facilities treatment plants, these processes occur at definable, but would be less likely to generate controversy than would the variable rates in the natural environment. The use of natural conversion of most farmlands. Once waste disposal is and constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment illustrates completed, the created wetland could serve as a replacement one case for using natural waste recycling systems. wetland mitigating other public projects. Notwithstanding Evaluating the potential for incorporating MSS in wetland economic potential, the conversion of waste property to substrates is potentially a similar application. beneficial habitat is environmentally desirable and a practical step toward the sustainable use of natural resources. Site Considerations. A sand and gravel mine pit located in the Chattahoochee River floodplain near Columbus, GA is to be converted to a wetland. Columbus Water Works METHOD acquired permits to dispose of inert waste (yard wastes, tree limbs, stumps and broken concrete) in the pit. Once filled, A proposed MSS substrate was compared with a natural the pit will be capped with soil and planted. This research wetland substrate to identify differences in content and proposes combining MSS with the inert waste as an integral differences in concentrations of shared components. component of the wetland substrate. Differences were considered to be an indication of a probable The flooded mine pit is 17.5-hectares in area, has steep need for mechanisms or methods of mitigation. The barren sides and a depth that varies from 4.5 to 7.0 meters. structures and functions of existing approved waste treatment Compared to an adjacent wetland having a maximum depth and disposal methods were compared to natural wetland 467 structure and function to identify strengths and weaknesses Nitrogen pollution can be controlled in four distinct ways: for pollution control in natural wetlands. Identified consumption (especially by plants), denitrification of nitrates weaknesses were proposed to be solved by substrate design into nitrogen gas, adsorption of nitrogen compounds to clay and construction practices. Published data regarding nutrient particles, and blocking dissolved nitrogen transport by means cycling, fate of metals and EPA regulations for sludge of a barrier. Approved methods of sludge treatment and disposal were used. Rates and quantities of denitrification, disposal use these four nitrogen control strategies to varying substrate degradation, and methane production are fully degrees. All four of these controls also occur in wetlands. documented in Sawhill, (1995). Consumption. Plant uptake of nitrogen is the basis for the land application of sludge as a disposal option. Applied RESULTS MSS quantities are based on the plant available N content, a basis similar to fertilizer rate determination. Aerobic The proposed wetland substrate was defined by locally microbes in the soil nitrify NH 4-N to NO3-N making the available daily quantities of inert waste (160 m3 (1') and of nitrogen readily available to plants. Plants then consume the anaerobically digested MSS (23.78 dry tons cr'). Inert waste nitrogen for biomass production. was not considered to be a major pollutant source, therefore Wetlands are typically nitrate deficient, because the soil is comparison of the MSS with a natural wetland substrate was anoxic. Consequently, wetland plants have adapted to performed. A chemical analysis of a Georgia peat was not consume NI-14-N directly or to provide a thin oxygenated zone found in the literature, so a North Carolina peat (Campbell, along the periphery of their roots where nitrifying microbes 1981), was selected as a reasonable comparator. Chemical can operate (Etherington, 1983). Because a greater portion analysis of a CWW sludge was supplemented with average of the sludge nitrogen content is NH4-N or will be U.S. MSS data to generate a complete sludge profile transformed to NH4-N, ecosystems specifically adapted to (personal communication: Jordan, Jones & Goulding, Inc., NH4-N consumption would appear more desirable. The 1994 and U.S.E.P.A., 1983). Pathogen content was not restricted aerobic sites limit the location of nitrification to available, but the sludge was identified as Class B (containing points of consumption, eliminating wholesale nitrification and some pathogens). Table 1 identifies the major similarities minimizing the total quantity of mobile nitrates. Wetland and differences between the peat and sludge. Three plant biomass production often exceeds terrestrial production differences are important: sludge is higher in nitrogen, metal levels, suggesting wetlands have a greater capacity for more content and it contains pathogens. Thus mechanisms to rapid utilization of available nutrients. eliminate or mitigate these three differences were pursued. Denitrification. Facultative and anaerobic wastewater Nitrogen stabilization ponds utilize an anaerobic layer that serves as a The studied sludge contains 0.08% nitrate (NO 3)-N, 1.37% site for denitrification by anaerobic microbes. These bacteria ammonium (NH4)-N and 7.27% organic-N. Nitrate-N is denitrify NO3-N to nitrogen gas (N2). Wetlands are effective highly mobile in water and is the primary nitrogen pollutant denitrifying systems because of their anaerobic substrates. of concern. NE14-N is much less mobile, but it is converted Denitrification has been shown to occur biologically as to NO,-N by nitrification. Organic nitrogen is slowly previously noted and also chemically by interaction with converted into NH4 N. Since the process of nitrification reduced iron (Fe'). Nitrate content in groundwater has been results in the conversion of NI-14-N and Organic-N to NO,-N, shown to fall to zero within one or two meters below the control of nitrogen must be addressed throughout the cycle. oxidation limit and a strong correlation between Fe' presence and the absence of NO3 in groundwater has also been shown (Lind, 1985). Because Georgia piedmont soils and Table 1. Peat and Sludge Characteristics groundwater contain high amounts of iron, they could serve as effective barriers to nitrate leaching in wetlands. Physiobiochemical N.C. Site Characteristics Peat Sludge Adsorption. Soil cation exchange capacity is evaluated for the land application of sludge, and is an important factor Volatile matter 62.9% 65.1% in controlling nitrogen leaching. Clay particles carry negative Organic carbon 32.4% 31.2% charges
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