Word deed & Vol. X X No. 2 MAY 2O18 A JOURNAL OF SALVATION ARMY THEOLOGY & MINISTRY “All Christians Are Priests”: Martin Luther’s Doctrine of the Priesthood of All Believers Refreshing Salvation Army Ecclesiology: An Analysis in Light of the Protestant Reformation’s 500th Anniversary Reformation 500: Here We Stand and the Matter of Culture The Incarnation of Mercy CREST BOOKS Salvation Army National Headquarters Alexandria, VA, USA Word & Deed Mission Statement: The purpose of the journal is to encourage and disseminate the thinking of Salvationists and other Christian colleagues on matters broadly related to the theology and ministry of The Salvation Army. The journal provides a means to understand topics central to the mission of The Salvation Army, integrating the Army’s theology and ministry in response to Christ’s command to love God and our neighbor. Salvation Army Mission Statement: The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Editorial Address: Manuscripts, requests for style sheets, and other correspondence should be addressed to: Lieutenant Colonel Allen Satterlee The Salvation Army, National Headquarters, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria VA 22313 Phone: 703/684-5500 Fax: 703/684-5539, [email protected] www.sanationalpublications.org Editorial Policy: Contributions related to the mission of the journal are encouraged. At times there will be a general call for papers related to specific subjects. Manuscripts should be lengths as follows: academic papers (articles, literature reviews, and essays) – 5,000 words or fewer; sermons – 3,000 words or fewer; book reviews – 2,000 words or fewer. The title of the article should appear at the top of the first page of the text, and the manuscript should utilize endnotes, not footnotes. All Bible references should be from the New International Version. If another version is used throughout the manuscript, indicate the version in the first textual reference only. If multiple versions are used, please indicate the version each time it changes. Manuscripts must be submitted digitally in Microsoft Word format. The publication of all manuscripts is subject to editorial review. Authors may be required to make revisions. Once a manuscript has final approval for publication, a 100 word abstract of the paper may be used at the discretion of the editor. The deadlines for submitting final manuscripts are March 1 and September 1. A style sheet is available upon request. All manuscripts should be sent to the journal co-editors: [email protected] or [email protected] Editor-in-Chief: Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee Co-Editors: Roger J. Green, Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Theological Studies, Gordon College Jonathan S. Raymond, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow, Trinity Western University Editorial Board: Colonel Jeffrey Smith, Chairman Lt. Colonel Dean Hinson, Secretary Lt. Colonel William Banfield Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee Major Lesa Davis Major Brian Jones Major Young Sum Kim Major Roy Johnson Major Amy Reardon Dr. Donald Burke Dr. Roger Green Dr. Jonathan Raymond Dr. Bill Ury Diane Ury Editorial Assistant: Jessica Curtis Art Director: Roger O. Selvage Jr. Vol. 20, No. 2 May 2018 ISSN 1522-3426 Cover Photograph, 614 Corps, Birmingham, AL, by Brian Wallace. Word & Deed is indexed in the Christian Periodical Index and with EBSCO. Copyright ©2018 by The Salvation Army. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Word &deed A JOURNAL OF SALVATION ARMY THEOLOGY & MINISTRY Volume X X • Number 2 MAY 2O18 Volume X X • Number 2 MAY 2O18 Editorial — To the Glory of God Roger J. Green and Jonathan S. Raymond .............1 National Commander Shares His Vision for Word & Deed Allen Satterlee ...................................5 “All Christians Are Priests”: Martin Luther’s Doctrine of the Priesthood of All Believers Young Sung Kim .................................9 Refreshing Salvation Army Ecclesiology Andy Miller III..................................35 Reformation 500: Here We Stand and the Matter of Culture Amy Reardon ...................................53 The Incarnation of Mercy Diane Ury......................................63 Book Review Howard A. Snyder ...............................75 Book Notes Roger J. Green . 77 To the Glory of God Roger J. Green and Jonathan S. Raymond We rejoice that we are past our twentieth year of publication, and in that time we have preserved papers, articles, sermons, and other material that oth- erwise would have been forgotten or lost. In doing so we pray that we have served Christ and His Kingdom through this ministry, and for this we give glory to God. We are appreciative indeed for all who have contributed to this journal through their writings, but our thanks go out also to all who have made this possible—the national commanders, the national editors and their staff. With- out their full support this project would have failed long ago. We are especially indebted to the present national commander, Commissioner David E. Hudson, and to the national editor-in-chief and national literary secretary, Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee. They have been resolute in their support of Word & Deed, and following this editorial is a conversation with the national commander about the importance of Word & Deed. Because of these two gentlemen, we are moving ahead with confidence into future years of service. This issue is especially important for two reasons. First we have three ex- cellent articles that were first given as papers at the Reformation 500 Theo- logical Symposium, which will be more fully described in the next paragraph. Second, it is our privilege to introduce two friends, Bill and Diane Ury, who became soldiers less than a year ago. While they are new soldiers, they are not new to The Salvation Army but are quite familiar with our ministry, hav- ing participated in camp meetings and officers’ councils. They now serve at national headquarters as ambassadors of holiness. At the end of this editorial, brief biographies of the Urys will be given. This issue will conclude with a 1 2 WORD & DEED VOL. XX, NO. 2 • MAY 2018 homily by Diane Ury entitled “The Incarnation of Mercy” and with some book notes. Now onto a description of the Reformation 500 Theological Symposium, which was shared with us by Colonel Richard Munn, presently the secretary for ethics and theology in the USA Eastern Territory. Colonel Munn organized this conference. In recognition and celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation the USA Eastern Territory hosted a Reformation 500 Theological Sympo- sium on October 26, 2017, at the THQ Crestview Conference Center, West Nyack, NY. Over 100 delegates attended the symposium, over 300 watched a live webcast, and an estimated reach of over 22,000 connected through Face- book live. Three motivating factors combined to bring the event into being: • The understanding that salvation by grace through faith is central to Salvationist mission and identity. • The belief that followers of Christ should exercise theological under- standing. • The conviction that familiarity with theory liberates the people of God for greater service. In addition to worship and service, Salvationists benefit from academic and intellectual stimulation. All are important for full conditioning. The present- ers, Captain Andrew Miller, Major Young Sung Kim and Major Amy Rear- don, shared academic insights on the reformation impact upon the Church, clergy and culture. Additional North American symposia are anticipated in the future. And as promised the following paragraphs introduce Bill and Diane Ury to our readers. Bill Ury was raised in Taiwan as the son of missionaries. His B.A. from Asbury College in history was completed in 1978. Beginning his M. Div. in Israel, he studied for a year at the Institute of Holy Land Studies on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. After completing seminary at Asbury Theological Seminary, he received his doctorate in 1991 from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. While there, he and his wife, Diane, served as associate pastors in a Chi- nese-American United Methodist Church in Chinatown, New York City. After completing his doctorate, he taught as the professor of systematic and histori- cal theology at Wesley Biblical Seminary where he ministered for twenty-four Editorial 3 years. Bill is an adjunct professor at several institutions. The Urys were pastors at the Elizabeth City Evangelical Methodist Church. Bill has taught Sunday School weekly, preached, and led seminars for nearly forty years. Bill also had the privilege of being the WBS seminary preacher on a nationwide program under the auspices of American Family Radio enti- tled “The Hour of Holiness” for over nineteen years. Beyond various schol- arly articles on biblical and theological themes, he has authored three books, Trinitarian Personhood, The Bearer: Forgiving as Christ and In His Image with co-author, Dr. Allan Coppedge. He has written extensively on disciple- ship as well. As a complement to the ministry of teaching and preaching, Bill disciples men and is a part of a weekly accountability group. The Urys have an intense interest in missions and have served overseas often. Both Bill and Diane are fully committed to the ministry of the Gospel as it is expressed in consensual Christianity and the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition specifically. Their deepening relationship of love for The Salvation Army has been one of the richest bless- ings of their entire ministry. Bill’s calling and personal desire is to incorporate sound, rigorous Christian theological thinking with true pastoral care and per- sonal compassion. Diane Nelson Ury is from Lapeer, Michigan. She attended Asbury College in the early 1980’s, where she met her husband. They married in 1984. Diane earned a B.A. in sociology from Asbury College in 1983. Her seminary edu- cation began at Asbury Theological Seminary, and she holds a Masters of Arts in Theology from Wesley Biblical Seminary.
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