DPWH - Davao del Sur DEO Updated Final Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2020 Code Procurement Project End-User ls this an Early Mode of Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks (PAP) Procurement Procurement Funds (brief description of AdvertisemenU Submission/ Notice of Contract Total MOOE co Activity? Posting of lB Opening of Award Signing Project) (Yes/No) Bids CIV!L WORKS 20LD0001 - Retrofitting/Strengthening of Bridge - Constructron Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019 11t12t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 2,000,000 00 -00 2.000 000 00 Retrof ittrn g/Strengthentng Inawayan Br. (801491MN) along Davao{otabato Rd Secton Brddrng 10t27t2019 of Brrdge (Davao City - Jct Digos Sect), Davao del Sur 20LD0002 - Retrofitting/Strengthening of Bridge - Marber construction Yes Competilive 10t21t2019 - 11t12t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 4 800 000 00 -00 4,800.000 00 Retrofittrng/Strengthenrng Br. (800154MN) along Davao€otabato Rd (Jct Digos - Sectron Btddrng 10t2712019 of Bndge Cotabato Sect), Davao del Sur 20LO0003 - Construction of Concrete Revetment along Construclton Yes Competitive 10t21t2019 - 11t14t2019 02t19/2020 02t24t2020 GoP 70,000,000 00 00 70,000.000 00 Constructron o, Concrele Digos River, Zone I Section, Digos City, Davao del Sur Sectlon Brddrng 10t27 t2019 Revetment 20LD0004 - Construction of Concrete Revetment along Construction Yes Compelrtrve 10t21t2019 - 11t14t2019 02t12t2020 02t 17 t2020 GoP 50.000 000 00 00 50.000 000 00 Conslructron of Concrete Balutakay River, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur Sectton Brddrng 10t27t2019 Revetment 20LD0005 - Construction of Concrete Road - Brgy. Constructron Yes Competilrve 10/03/2019 - 10t22t2019 ozt12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10,000,000 00 -UU 10,000,000 00 Concrelrng of Road Kinuskusan Road connecting to Sitio Alo Farmers Sectron Brddrng 1 0/09/20 1 9 Agricultural Cooperative (SAFACO) and Oavao4otabato Road (Cotabato Section) in support of Processed Meat lndustry, Brgy. Darapuay, Bansalan, Davao del Sur 20LO0006 - Construction of Concrete Road - Brgy. Conslructron Yes Competrtrve 10/03/2019 - 10t22t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 35,000 000 00 -00 35 000 000 00 Concretrng of Road w(h Poblacion - Brgy. Dalawinon connecting to Brgy. Kasuga Sectron Brddrng 1 0/09/20 1 9 mrnor drarnage slructure in support of Meat Processing, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur 20LD0007 - Construction of Concrete Road - Guihing - Conslruction Yes Competitrve 10/03/2019 - 10t22/2019 10t20/2020 10t30t2020 GoP 20 000 000 00 -00 20.000,000 00 Concretrng of Road Aplaya Road connecting Nagkahiusang Mananahi sa Sectron Bidding 1 0/09/201 I Camucaan Associataon (NMCA) and Digos-Makar Road in support of Wearables and Homestyles lndustry, Brgy. Aplaya, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 20LD000E - Construction of Concrete Road - Sikatuna Construction Yes Competrtive 10t03t2019. 10t22t2019 02t12t2020 ozt17t?o20 GoP 10 000.000 00 -00 10.000.000 00 Concreting of Road Street Road connecting Fairtrade Farmers Coconut Coop Sectron Brdding 10t09120'19 (FFCC) and Digos - Makar Road in support of Coconut, Coco Coir and Banana Chips lndustry, Harada Butai, Padada, Oavao del Sur 20LD0009 - Construction of Concrete Road - Sitio Conslructon Yes Competrtrve 10to3t2019 - 10t22t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10 000,000 00 -00 10,000,000 00 Concreting of Road wrth Balutakay - Purok Pluto Road connecting Balutakay Sectron Brddrng 1 0/09/201 I mrnor drarnage slructure Coffee Farmers Association (BACOFA) and Bansalan Mt. Apo National Park Road in support of Coffee Processing lndustry, Brgy. Managa, Bansalan, Davao del Sur Page 1 of 12 DPWH - Davao del Sur DEO Updated Final Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2020 Code Procurement Project End-User ls this an Early Mode of Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks (PAP) Procurement Procurement Funds (brief description of AdvertisemenU Submission/ Notice of Contract Total MOOE co Activity? Posting of lB Opening of Award Signing Projectl (Yes/No) Eads CIVIL WORKS '10.000.000 -00 20LD0010 - Construction of Concrete Road - Tubod - Constructron Yes Competrtve 1 0/03/20 1 9 10t22t20't9 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 00 10 000.000 00 Concretrng of Road Libertad - Bitaug Road connecting Trabal Weavers Seclron Brddrng 1 0/09/20 1 I Women Association (TWWA) and Davao4otabato Road {Cotabato Section) in support of Wearables lndustry, Bansalan, Davao del Sur 20LD0011 - Construction of Concrete Revetment, Constructon Yes Competttrve 10121t2019 - 11t14t2019 02t19t2020 02t24t2020 GoP 100.000.000 00 -00 100 000.000 00 Construction of Concrete Malalag, Davao del Sur Sectron Brddrng 10t27t2019 Revetment 20LD0012 - Construction of Concrete RevetmenuDike Construction Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019 - 11t1412019 ozt12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 50 000 000.00 -00 50 000 000 00 Constructron of Concrete along Digos River, Brgy. Aplaya, Digos City, Davao del Sectron Brddrng 10t27 t2019 Revetment Sur 20LD0013 - Construction of Concrete Road - Access Constructron Yes Competrtrve 10/M/2019 - 10t24t2019 o2t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10.000.000 00 -00 10 000 000 00 Concretrng of Road Road leading to Lao lntegrated Farms - Mt. Apo Trail - Sectron Brddrng 101 1012019 Balutakay Waterfalls, Brgy. Eman, Bansalan, Davao del Sur 20LD0014 - Construction of Concrete Road - Access Construclion Yes Competrtive 10t04t2019 - 10t24t2019 02t12t2020 ozt17t2020 GoP 10.000.000 00 -00 10.000.000 00 Concretrng of Road Road leading to Pula Tana Vierving Deck, Kiblawan, Sectron Brddrng 1 0/1 0/201 9 Davao del Sur 20LD0015 - Construction of Concrete Road - Access Conslructron Yes Competrtive 10t04t2019 - 10t24t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10,000,000 00 -00 10 000,000 00 Concreting of Road Road leading to Shyren Bugak Spring Resort & Brigole Sectron Brddrng 1011012019 Lake, Matanao, Davao del Sur 20LD0016 - Construction of Concrete Road - Access Constructron Yes Competrllve 10104t2019 - 10t2412019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10.000,000 00 -00 10.000.000 00 Concretrng of Road Road leading to Sulop Divine Mercy, Sulop, Davao del Sectron Brddrng 10110t2019 Sur 20LD0017 - Construction of Concrete Road - Marawer - Conslruction Yes Compelrtrve 10t04t2019 - 10t24t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 10,000 000 00 -00 10,000 000 00 Concretrng of Road wrth Baruring Road leading to Tudaya Falls, Digos City, Davao Sectron Brddrng 10t10t2019 laleral drainage del Sur -00 20LD001E - Construction of Concrete Road - Padada - Constructron Yes Competitrve 10t04t2019 - 10t24t2019 02t12t2020 02t17 t2020 GoP 1 0 000 000 00 10 000.000 00 Concretrng of Road Piape - Palili Circumferential Road leading to Scuba Section Brddrng 10t 10t2019 Diving, Beach Resorts, Mangrove Plantations, Brgy. Piape, Padada, Davao del Sur 20LD0019 - Preventive Maintenance of Road: Asphalt Construction Yes Competitrve 10t21t2019 - 11t12t2019 10t20t2020 10t30t2020 GoP 68 943 000 00 -00 68 943 000 00 Asphalt Overlay with Overlay along Davao{otabato Rd (Jct Oigos{otabato Sectron Btddrng 10t27t?019 correclron Sect) - K1564+(-278) - K1564+265, Kl566+603 - K1567i516, Davao del Sur 20LO0020 - Preventive Maintenance of Road: Asphalt Construction Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019. 11t12t2019 10/2012020 10t30t2020 GoP 62 123.000 00 -00 62 123,000 00 Asphalt Overlay wrth Overlay along Oavao{otabato Rd (Jct Oigos-Cotabato Sectron Brddrng 10127t20't9 correclron Sect) - K1559+727 - K1571+310, Davao del Sur Page 2 of 12 DPWH - Davao del Sur DEO Updated Final Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2020 Code Procurement Project End-User ls this an Early Mode of Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Source of Estimated Budget (PhP) Remarks (PAP) Procurement Procurement Funds (brief description of AdvertisemenU Submission/ Notice of Contract Total MOOE co Activity? Posting of lB Opening of Award Signing Project) (Yes/No) Bads CIVIL WORKS 20LD0021 - Preventive Maintenance of Road: Asphalt Construction Yes Competitive 10t21t2019 . 11t12t2019 02t21t2020 02t28t2020 GoP 90.000 000 00 -00 90 000.000 00 Asphalt Overlay wrth Overlay along Oigos-Makar Rd - Kl581+953 - 111593+882, Sectron Biddrng 10t27 t2019 correctron Davao del Sur 20LOOO22 - Preventive Maintenance of Road: Asphalt Constructron Yes Competitive 10t21t2019 . 11t12t2019 02t21t2020 02t28t2020 GoP 84 786,000 00 -00 84.786.000 00 Asphalt Oveday wrth Overlay along Digos Div Rd - Kl562+120 - K1562+860, Sectron Brddrng 10t27 t2019 correclton K1564+100 - K1564+5E4, K1565+000 - K1565+920, Davao del Sur 20LD0023 - Preventive Maintenance of Road: Asphalt Construction Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019 . 11t12t2019 10t20t2020 10t30t2020 GoP 84.535 000 00 -00 97,s35 000 00 Asphalt Overlay wrth Overlay along Davao€otabato Rd (Davao CityJct Digos Sectron Brddrng 10t27t2019 correclron Sect) - K1558+097 - Kl559+952, Davao del Sur 20LD0024 - Off€arria geway lmprovement: Shoulder Conslruction Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019. 11t12t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 32 518 000 00 -00 32.518.000 00 Pavrng of Shoulder Paving/Construction - along Bansalan-Mt. Apo Nat'l Park Seclron Erddrng 10t27 t2019 Rd - K1586+080 - K1588+7/14, Davao del Sur 20LD0025 - Reconstruction to Concrete Pavement - along Conslruclion Yes Competrtrve 10t21t2019 . 1 1t 14t2019 02t12t2020 ozt17t2020 GoP 9 500,000 00 -00 9,500 000 00 Road Reconslruclon Davao-Sarangana Coastal Rd (Malalag-MalitaJAS-G) - Section Brddrng 10t27t2019 K1592+160 - K1592+583, Davao del Sur 20LD0026 - Widening of Bridge - Cebulan Br. (800124MN) Construclion Yes Competitrve 10t28t2019. 11t19t2019 02t12t2020 02t17t2020 GoP 33 400 000 00 -00 33.400,000 00 Bridge Widenrng wrth along Davao{otabato Rd (Davao City - Jct Digos S€ct}, sectton Brddrng 11t03t2019
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