H2392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 26, 2003 I have one example, though, of a world knew that. But, in France, it If the gentleman would like to make company. USAID, which is a foreign seems like they were all united against any closing comments, I need to actu- aid branch, it does a lot of good things, the United States and against this war. ally make an engagement. but it is going to let some humani- Apparently, that is not a problem to Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Flor- tarian contracts go, and French and Sedxho, because they are a French ida. Mr. Speaker, I just want to thank German companies will be eligible to company. And yet here are the Ma- the gentleman from Georgia. Again, I compete for it. That bothers me a lot, rines, the brave and the honorable Ma- had to come to the floor today once I that they will be able to profit from rines who are the ones who discovered was hearing what he was talking this war. this hospital today, allegedly a hos- about. I had to come here and thank Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART. I could pital, and yet 55 different garrisons in the gentleman, thank him for standing not agree with the gentleman more, if the United States of America, when an up for our troops, thank him for sup- the gentleman will yield, Mr. Speaker. 18-year-old Marine sits down for lunch, porting our troops, thank him for sup- This is a two-fold problem. There is, a French company is making a profit porting the President of the United first, the opposition to this effort to from that. That is unbelievable, and I States, Commander in Chief in such a free the Iraqi people and to free the call on the Department of Defense to difficult time. Our troops are going to world from this very dangerous dic- cancel that contract. prevail because of their honor, their in- tator, free the world from a dictator Listen, there are reasons sometimes tegrity, their decency and because they who is trying to get or obtain nuclear we have to buy from an enemy. There are the best people, best troops and the best human beings that this world has weapons, and who already has other are reasons that somebody has some- ever seen, and they are well led, and weapons of mass destruction. thing unique, but we are talking cater- their cause is just. b 2115 ing. I am sure there are good compa- I wanted to thank the gentleman nies in Florida and Georgia and all We are trying to free the Iraqi people again for his words. They were hum- over America that can do the catering while at the same time free the world bling, and they were touching, and I service for the U.S. Marine corps, but a from this incredible threat. wanted to come here and thank him to- French company, it is unbelievable. So we have to remember these coun- night for his words. tries that we are objecting to that, Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Flor- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I ap- that even though unanimously, just a ida. If the gentleman would yield, I preciate everything the gentleman is few months before, they said, hey, think we are going to find a lot of that. doing. I think we are going to find a lot of look, we are going to give this dictator f companies that are profiting from sell- one last chance, he has to disarm, but SALUTING OUR TROOPS it is worse than that because not only ing goods to the United States, includ- are they objecting to the freeing of the ing to the United States Armed Forces The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Iraqi people, are they objecting to rid- and armed services, as the gentleman BRADLEY). Under the Speaker’s an- ding of the world of this dictator who just pointed out, who, by the way, are nounced policy of January 7, 2003, the is trying to get nuclear weapons, who probably also making a hefty profit gentleman from Maryland (Mr. has ties with terrorist organizations selling products to Iraq, even though CUMMINGS) is recognized for 60 minutes. and, by the way, including terrorist or- there are sanctions there and probably GENERAL LEAVE ganizations that have assassinated even some high-tech equipment to the Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Americans, but what is even more of- tyranny in Iraq. unanimous consent that all Members fensive is that at the same time they I think it kind of explains some of may have 5 legislative days within are selling this dictator high-tech the ferocity of the argument, some of which to revise and extend their re- equipment that he can use to further the aggressiveness of some of those marks on the subject of this Special Order. exploit, hurt, oppress, kill, murder his that were objecting to the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there people and others because of his ties States’ noble stance to help free an op- objection to the request of the gen- with terrorism. pressed people and also help rid the world of these weapons of mass de- tleman from Maryland? One would hope that humanity has There was no objection. gone above and beyond that, and yet struction and the possible obtaining of nuclear weapons to this dictator. I Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, this there are those that would like to prof- evening, members of the Congressional think we are going to see a lot of that. it even while selling high-tech equip- Black Caucus wanted to take a mo- The thing that surprised me, and it ment that they know they should not ment to salute our troops. These are be selling because they have said it re- does not surprise me anymore because men and women who have voluntarily peatedly in U.N. resolutions. So they we are starting to see why, and my col- put on the uniform of the United know it, it is not by mistake, and yet league just mentioned it, we are start- States of America to make sure that they are doing so to earn a buck, to ing to see why but, surprisingly, the fe- we maintain our way of life, maintain earn a buck? rocity of the argument and how our constitutional rights, maintain our Mr. KINGSTON. There is another ex- France, for example, not only do they privileges; and they have put their ample. Another company called object to any resolution that was not lives on the line to keep us safe. Sedxho, S-E-D-X-H-O, it is a French of their liking in the U.N. recently and Mr. Speaker, it gives me great sad- company. It is a publicly-owned French they said so, but, also, they went lob- ness today to start off my remarks by company, but they have $1 billion bying. They actually were talking to having to pay tribute to a great Amer- worth of food service contracts with every nation possible to try to stop ican hero who died in the line of duty the United States Department of De- this movement to free the people of while serving his country in pursuing fense. Recently, they signed an $881 Iraq and to free the world from this the American dream. Originally from million contract to feed the U.S. Ma- dictator who has caused so much grief. my hometown of Baltimore, Marine rines in 55 different garrisons. We are I think we are starting to see why, Staff Sergeant Kendall Damon Waters- working on a letter to the Secretary of but it is sad, it is sad that it looks like Bey, age 29, was one of the four U.S. Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld, to say he needs one of the main reasons or at least one Marines who died when their CH–46 Sea to renegotiate this, he needs to cancel of the reasons may be because they are Knight helicopter crashed near the it, he needs to look into it. But can my making a buck off of this dictator. Iraqi-Kuwait border. colleague imagine, here is a French Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, also, I would like to start off by first ex- company, and France, I do not remem- are they not making a buck or profit, pressing my deepest condolences to the ber one division in the country of things like that, but they have had a Waters-Bey family during this very, France in terms of their stance against lucrative oil contract in Iraq they did very difficult time. I mourn their loss, America in the last 3 to 6 months. I do not want to disturb. That it is clear along with the other members of the not remember anybody moderating. France is not after some noble or high Maryland Federal delegation. In America we had division. We had a ground about peace, but it simply boils Our prayers are with Sergeant Wa- pro-war and an anti-war group, and the down to profit. ters-Bey’s 10-year old son, Kenneth; his VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:18 Mar 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26MR7.127 H26PT1 March 26, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2393 wife, Belinda Waters-Bey of San Diego, Beaupre, 30, of Bloomington, Illinois; ing in Iraq come back to and what kind California; his parents, Michael and and Corporal Brian Matthew Kennedy, of America will their families be living Angela Waters-Bey; and four sisters, 25, of Houston, Texas.
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