RECENT ACQUISITIONS Department of Printed Books Acquisitions 1968-1978, Map Library By Sarah Tyackc and Helen Wallis Between 1968 and 1978 the Map Library has acquired a number of important and unusual atlases, maps, and globes dating; from c. 1500 to 1850. Although all acquisitions are entered in the published Map Catalogue and in its subsequent accessions parts, this article provides fuller descriptions of some of the more interesting items acquired which, it is hoped, will reach a wider audience. A second article will complete the listing of notable acquisitions for the period 1968-78. ATLASES plates before tbe lettering engraver bad started work. On only one has the dedication been BEVIS, John. [Tbirty-four proof states of star filled in. Comparison of the proots with the charts prepared for the Uranograpbia Britan- nica by Jobn Bevis, c. 1750.] pi. 34; 36 x tinisbed maps also shows that many significant 31 cm. additions were made tor the final publication, botb of extra outlines to constellations and of John Bevis (1693-1711), F.R.S., undertook the extra stars. Although heavily indebted to tbe compilation of bis star atla.s in 1745 after seven work of Jobann Bayer, tbe atlas of 1786 con- years of astronomical observations made at bis tains about tive times as many stars as Bayer's observatory at Stoke Newington. He bad the atlas, Vranometria, and Bevis introduced plates finished and ready for the press when. Gotbic lettering to indicate tbese additions. in 1750, the publisher, Jobn Neale, became A copy of tbe Atlas Celeste (17H6), itself a very bankrupt. Bevis was tbus deprived of the rare work comprising fitty-t)ne star charts and opportunity to publish the work in bis lifetime, an engraved trontispiece, is already in tbe Map although in 1750 he was honoured by tbe Library collection. Berlin Academy of Sciences for his 'inimitable Maps C,2i.e.S. atlas', shortly expected to appear. When in 1786 the publisbers offered for sale sets of the Bo WEN, Emanuel, and KITCHEN, Thomas. sheets remaining from the original impression Tbe Royal Englisb Atlas: Being a New and as an atlas of 51 maps witb tbe title Atlas Accurate Set of Maps of all the counties in Celeste, tbe work was publisbed witbout men- England and Wales... London: printed for and tion of Bevis's name. sold by Cartngton Bowles, 1177S.] pi. 44; 47 cm. Tbe set of thirty-four proof sbeets which Tbe Royal Englisb Atlas was tirst published have now eome to light show the state of the about 1763 and is known in six editions, whicb 181 THE ROYAL ENGLISH ATLAS: .BEING A NEW AND ACCURATE SET OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES, DRAWN FROM THE Several SURVEYS which have been hitherto Publiflicd, With a general Map of ENGLAND, AND WALES. From the laieft and bcft Authoriea. I Englnnd J 5 Hampfhirc 39 OKfordfliirc a Bedfordrhirc 16 HcnlorJlhire 30 Shropfhirc I 7 Hcn:iordlhire 31 Somcrfetfliirc 3 18 HuntingdoDiliire 32 Staflordlhirc 4 Buckingham Hiir 19 Kcn[ 33 SufFoik. 5 Combridgcjliirc 10 Lancalhirc 34 Surrcj' b aicfliire • Leiceftcriliirc 35 Sulitrv 7 Cornwall Leice: j6 Warwickihirc CCumbcriancI { Rutla id/hifc 37 Wiltrtiirc L Wtftmor I and 37 LincolnDiire 3fl Worccftcrlhire g Dcrbylliirc 3j Middlcfcx 39 Yorkiliire 10 Devonlliirc 24 Monmouciiniuc +0 Eaft Riding o( York 11 Dorfctftiirc as Norfolk 41 North Ridmg of ditto ti Durham a 6 Northampton (hire 4a Weft Riding of ditto •13 Ll&x 27 Notfinghamlltire 43 Nonh Walci (4 Glouccftcrihiic lit Northumberland 44 South Wain. Containing all the CiTiii, TowNi, VILLAORI, and Cii URCIIEI, whether RECTOIIEI, ViCAiLAOBi, or CHAriLi, many NoiLBUEh* and GENTLIMEN'I SHAT!1, V(. Sfc. EACH MAP IS ILLUSTRATED Wiili » Genen! Dclcripiion ofihcCouwTf, itiCiTrei, BORODOH and MARKET TOWN 1, th«Number of MiMXx rclumcd 10 P A « L 1 AM E HT, rAXiiiill, HOUSLI, AcftEt of LAND, dc. And Hlftorical Ennfti rciitin to the TRADT, MAITFACTOSFI. uidCoTiitKMFHr ofthe CITIEI, uid Principal Towm, »i«l ihc prdinl Slate of their Inhibitant), (i(. By EMANUEL BOWEN, Gioc«ArHi« to llii MAJIITV, THOMAS KITCHEN, and Qiben. LONDON: Frinlcit for ind Sold hj CA«IIIOTOJI BowtH, ai hii M»p and Print Warchoufe, at N" 69, in St. P»ul'i Church Yiri, 182 are distinguishable by their imprints. The an atlas but lacking the completed revision.s maps were reduced and modified versions of noted in his advertisement of 1694, those engraved for The Large English Athis This example of the 'pre-1694' atlas is the (1749-60) and included additional views and earliest issue so far identified. The engraved descriptive legends. This example of the atlas title-panel does not yet include in the 'Table of is the second edition and, from the evidence of the Shires' the subheadings 'Wales' and an the map imprints, was published c. 1778. One 'Explanation of the Symbols'. In this respect other example of this edition is recorded by the atlas is apparently unique. Although this Thomas Chubb in The Printed Maps in the particular copy (formerly in the Gardner Col- Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland {1927), lection) is described by R. A. Skelton in County n. CCXIX. The edition is further identifiable Atlases of the British Isles i^yg-iyo,^ {1970), hy the presence of the name of Carington pp. 171-5, its contents do not match the list of Bowles in the imprint. By 1778 the original maps given there. consortium of seven publishers, which did not The atlas includes three non-county maps, include Carington Bowles, had been reduced to namely: 'A New Mapp of England Scotland three, namely John Bowles, Robert Sayer, and and Ireland. Sold by Robert Morden ... Phillip John Bennett; Carington Bowles had been Lea. .John Seller'[f. 1689.1;'An Epitome of added. S"" William Petty's large survey of Ireland . Maps C.29.C.2. By Phillip Lea' [c. 1690.]; and This New and Accurate Mapp of France ... By Philip Lea' [c. 1690]. LEA, Philip. All the Shires of England and It lacks three maps called for on the title- Wales Described by Christopher Saxton page: 'A Map of the Isle of Wight Portsea Being the Best and Original Mapps with Halinge . made & sold by Philip Lea' —this many Additions and Corrections by Philip map IS listed as 'Islands' on the title-page; Lea. [London:] Sold by Phillip Lea, [c. 1690.] [York-Shire Described by Ch. Saxton. Many 39 unnumbered maps; 44 cm. foi. additions and Corrections as ye Roads, Wapen- takes &c. by P. Lea.]; and 'Cambridge-Shire The first printed atlas of the counties of and The Great Levell of ye Fenns . by Sr England and Wales, prepared by the surveyor Jonas Moore'. Christopher Saxton (_/?. 1573-96) and pub- The atlas was probably bound after 1689 but lished in 1579, was re-issued in many forms before 1694 when Lea's corrections and plate until about 1770. At some point before 1689 substitutions were completed. It was formerU the globe maker and map-seller Philip Lea in the possession of Dr. Eric Gardner who (d. 1700) came into possession of the Saxton acquired the atlas from the noted writer on plates and, having reworked them extensively, cartography. Sir Herbert George Fordham began to issue them both as separate maps and (1854-1920). bound in atlas form. Maps C.2i.e.io. On 12 February 1693/4 Lea first advertised in the London Gazette the sale of The County Maps of England and Wales, in large sheets: LEA, Philip. [All] The Shires of England and described by Christopher Saxton, being the Wales Described by Christopher Saxton Originals, with a great many Additions and Being the Best and Original Mapps with many Corrections, as the Roads, Hundreds, Towns additions and corrections by Philip Lea. ...' Before this date, however, he seems to have [London:] Sold hy Phillip Lea, [c. 1694 or issued a number of the Saxton maps bound as later]. 51 unnumbered maps; 53 cm. foi. (the 183 CHRI STOVHF.R ^AXTO^ ^ Mai>p f!<litK>iis,W(/C "vw^ nil! II' I. J \ 184 word 'Air has been erased from the title after lisher Thomas Jefferys {fl. 17.^2 71) about printing). 1749. The only recorded example of this edition of the atlas that was complete with Jetterys's A later issue of Philip Lea's collection of the title-page as given above, was described by county maps by Christopher Saxton. This issue Harold Whitaker in Imago Mundi {1939)1 P- ^'^• (at the time in the possession of A. D. Baxter) The atlas he described was subsequently is described by R. A. Skelton in County Atlases broken although the title-page survives in the of the British Isles 1579-1703 (London, t97o), Whitaker Collection at the Brotherton Library, p. 176 and Appendix A, p. 217. The printed Leeds. The plates had been previously owned title of this particular copy, however, does not, by George Willdey who issued them in atlas as indicated in Skelton's work, omit the first form about 1730. They presumably passed to word 'All'; this has merely been scratched out George Willdey's brother Thomas who died in after printing. The title-panel, although not 1748. Jefferys then acquired them, as is evident in its final torm, now includes in the 'Tables of from the atlas's imprint noted by Whitaker the Shires', the subheadings 'Wales' and an above: until 1750 when he moved to number 5 'Explanation of the Symbols'. It still does not Charing Cross, Thomas Jefferys published include 'Also the new Surveis of Ogilby, Seller from 'Red Lyon Street near St.
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