JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY Hydroelectric Power Generation Assessment for Russia DRAFT-Final Report Prepared for Burns and Roe Company Harza Eng~neer~ngCompany and Energopromtechn~kaGroup, Ltd September 1994 JOINT EVERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY Hvdroelocrrrc Polver Generarzon Assessmc~nrfor Russlu Foreword Harza Engineering Cornpanv and The Energoprorntechniha Group Ltd have prepared thls report as part of the Joint (Russian-Arnencan) Energy Alternatives Studv tor the Russian Federation The objective oi this report IS to identifv pnontv projects tor foreign investment which would economic all^ lncrease the electricity generation capacity of Russia through hydroelectnc power The majonty of the data presented in this report were developed by the Russian "Gidroproject" Hydroproject Design Institute of Moscow (under subcontract to Energoprom) who have traditionally been responsible tor the des~gnand construction oi hydroelectnc plants in the former Soviet Union and now the Russian Federation The data has been reviewed and assembled into thls report by Haiza and Energoprom Draft Fml Repon September 8 1994 JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY Hvdroel~crncPower Gpnerat~onAssessmenr for Russru Acknowledgements Harza and Energoprom wish to acknowledge all those who contnbuted to th~sreport especiallv - the following individuals and organizations Harza Eng~neerlng- Company I Henry H Chen Principal-in-charge Michael P Saunders Project Manager I Michael F Rogers Team Leader Glenn R Meloy Hydro Rehabilitation Spec~alist/ElectncalEng~neer Edward F Carter Hydropower Utilities Operations Speclalist I Edul P Barn Senlor Mechanical Eng~neer Alvln A Cook, Jr International Marketing Specialist (Core Internat~onal,Wash D C ) I Energopromtechnika Group. Ltd Alexel V Semenkov General D~rector Inna M Serd~ch F~nanclalDlrector Anatoily V Ivanov Project Engineer Moscow Hvdro~roiectInstitute Albert B Vasiliev General D~rector Valentin I Platov Chlef Spec~allst Il~aI F~ne Head of Economy and Energy Forecast Yurl N Bar~tchev Chlef Englneer of Zagorskaya Project Vladimir I Magruk Chlef Englneer of Zagorskaya Station II>droele~lncPower Generanon 4q~a~nienlJor HIOJU JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY Hvdroelecrrrc Power Generar~onAssessmtJnr for Rlrssra Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1 Objectives 1 2 Methodology 1 3 Results 1 4 Existing Plants Currently Under Rehabilitation Reconstruction 1 5 Existlng Plants to Start Rehablhtatlon Reconstruction 1 6 New Plants Currently Under Construction 1 7 New Plants to Start Construction 2 INTRODUCTION 2 1 Terms of- Reference 2 2 Hydropower Generation Assessment Objective 2 3 Scope of Current Study 2 4 Implementation 2 4 1 Stage i - Joint Russian-American Study Team 2 4 2 Stage 2 - Hydropower System Assessment 2 4 3 Stage 3 - Preliminary Hydropower Investment Plan 3 INVENTORY OF EXISTING HYDRO SYSTEM 3 1 Objectives 3 2 General Charactenstics of Russian Hydroelectnc Production 3 3 Inventory of Existing Plants 3 MODERNIZATION AND EXPANSION OF EXISTING PLANTS 4 1 Objectives 4 2 Evaluation Crlterla 4 2 1 Age 4 2 2 Unusuall~Large Maintenance Requirements 3 2 3 Tests 4 2 4 Evaluation by Hydro Experts 4 3 Assessment oi Existing Plants Currently Under Rehabilitation Reconstructiod-2 4 4 Assessment of Existing Plants to Start Rehabilitation Reconstruction 4-4 4 4 1 Kamskaya Plant 4 4 2 Volkhovskaya Plant 4 4 3 Pavlovskaya Plant 4 4 4 Uglltchskaya Plant 4 5 Summarv and Conclus~on 4-2 1 lhdtoelr~ln~Poner ( rnururrrm 45 wssmrnl /of Hi~s~la JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY Hvdroelecrnc Power Generar~onA~sessmenr for Russla Table of Contents (cont~nued) 5 COMPLETION OF NEW PLANTS 5 1 Objectives 5 2 Assessment ot New Plants Currently Under Construction 5 2 1 Aushigerskaya Plant 5 2 2 Zelentchukskaya Plant 5 2 3 Zaramagskaya Plant 5 2 4 Zagorskaya Plant 5 2 5 Bogutchanskaya Plant 5 2 6 Bureyskaya Plant 5 7 Assessment of New Plants to Start Construction 5 3 1 Zagorskaya 2 Plant 5 3 2 Ziuratkulskaya Plant 5 3 3 Pravd~nskayaPlant 5 4 Summary and Co~clus~on APPENDICES A Stage 1 Report by Energopromtechnika Group, Ltd Drafl Fml Report September 6 1994 1 JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY I Hvdroelecrr~cPower Generarion A~sessmenrfor Russia I Elst of Tables n Number Description 11 Summary ot investment Requirements Charactenstlcs 1-2 Summary ot Investment Requirements Investment Plan I 1-3 Pnonty Prolects to Contlnue RehablIltat~on/ExpansionReconstmct~on Charactenstlcs 1-4 Pnonty Prolects to Contlnue Rehabll~tat~on/Expans~onReconstmct~on Investment Plan 1-5 Pnontv Prolects to Start Rehab~lltat~on/Expans~on- Charactenst~cs I 1-6 Pnonty Prolects to Start Rehabllltatlon/Expanslon - Investment Plan 1-7 Pnonty New Plants to Fin~shOngoing Construct~on- Charactenstlcs 1-8 Pnontv New Pldnt4 to Finlsh Ongo~ngConstmct~on Investment Pldn 1 1-9 Pnontv Nzw Pldnts to Start Construction Charactenstlcs 1 10 Pnontv New Plant\ to Stdrt Construction - Investment Plan 3-1 Reg~onalDlstnbution ot Hydroelectric Power Plants I 3 2 Inventory dnd Energy Production Aspects ot Ex~st~ngPlants in the Northwest Region 3 3 Inventory dnd Energy Production Aspects ot Exlst~ngPlants tn the Center Region 3 -4 Inventory dnd Energy Product~onAspects ot Exlstlng Plants In the Mlddle Volga Reglon 3-5 Inventory dnd Energy Production Aspects of Exlstlng Plants In the North Caucasus Region I 3-6 Inventory and Energy Product~onAspects ot Exlstlng Plants In the Urals Region 3 7 Inventory dnd Energy Production Aspects of Exlstlng Plants In the Slber~aReglon I 3 8 Inventory and Energy Production Aspects of Exlstlng Plants In the Far East Regon 4- I Pnorlty Project\ to Contlnue Rehab~l~tat~on/ExpanslonReconstruct~on - Charactenst~cs 4-2. Pnonty Protect\ to Conttnue Rehabtlltatlon/Expans~onReconstruct~on - Investment Plan 4-3 Prolect\ to Start Rehabil~tat~on/Expans~onBefore the year 2010 I 4-4 Pnonty Prolects to Start Rehab~l~tatlonlExpanslon- Charactenst~cs 4-5 Pnonty Projects to Start Rehab~l~tat~on/Expans~on- Investment Plan 4-6 Est~matedRehab~lltatlon Costs tor the Kamskaya Plant I 4-7 Estimated Rehabllltatlon Costs tor the Volkhovskaya Plant 4-8 Est~mtedRehabll~tat~on Costs tor the Pavlovskaya Plant 4-9 Est~matedRehabllltat~on Costs tor the Uglltchskava Plant I 4-10 Prlor~tyProjects tor Rehdb~lltdtlon/Expans~onReconstmct~on - Characteristics 4-1 i Pnorlty Prole~tstor Rehahll~tdtlon/ExpanslonReconstmct~on - Investment Plan I i I I I DraB Fvrol Reporr ii\drfwief ln~i'otwr ( enrrui~~~nI r\ n~eni/or >IU Jeplember 8 1994 List of Tables I I Number Descr~ption Pnont) New Plants to Flnlsh Ongolng Constructlon - Charactenstics Pnontv New Plants to Frnlsh Ongorng Constructlon - lnvestmant Plan Estimated Co5ts to Complete Construction of the Aushlgerskava Plant Scope of Work to Complete Constructlon ot the Aushlgerskava Plant Estimated Costs to Complete Constructlon of the Zelentchukskava Plants Alternative Tlme Table ot Maklng the Bogutchanskaya Plant Fullv Operdtlonal Transrms5ion Llnes Requlred for the Bogutchanskava Plant Completron Level of Construct~onof the Bogutchanskava Plant as ot 01-Jan-94 Construction Status ot the Maln Installations ot the Bogutchanskava Plant Bdsl~Energy Data tor the Bureyskaya Plant Tlme Table of Comm~\s~on~ngof the Bureyskava Plant Unlts Requlred Ele~trlcNetwork Structures 4nalysrs of Cornpiet~onot the Bureyskaya Plant Construction as of 01-Jan 1994 Constructron Status ot the Burevskava Plant Marn Structures as ot 01 Jdn 1994 Pnontv New Pldnts to Start Constructlon - Charactenstics Priority New Plants to Start Construct~on- Investment Plan Scope of Work tor the Constructlon of Zagorskaya Pumped-Storage Plant- (Stage 2) Estimdted Construct~onCost tor the Zagorskaya-2 Plant S~opeot Work for Rehdbilitat~ngthe Zluratkulskaya Plant Estrmdted Constructlon Cost tor the Pravdlnskaya Plant Pnonty New Plant Construct~on- Charactenst~cs Priority New Plant Conatruction - Investment Plan JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY H\drt)clectr~c Power Ge~ierarronAssessnie,~r for Russlu JSC Joint Stoch Company hWh lulowatt-hour kW hlowatt 10' MW Megawatt 1 Oh GW Gigawatt 10' US$ Unlted States Dollar Rb Russian Federation Ruble m meter m3 Cubic Meter km lulometer IRR Internal Rate of Return U ESS Unlfied Energy System of Siberia EES European Energy System ODD Open Distribution Devlces (Transmission L~nes) FEUES Far East Unlfied Energy System Draji Fml Repon September 8 1994 JOINT ENERGY ALTERNATIVES STUDY H.~droelecrncPower Generation A~sessmenrfor Russlu Chapter 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the results 01 a hbdroelectnc power generation assessment tor the Russian Federation The jolnt Amencan and Russian Project Team oi Harza Engineering Company (Chicago) and Energopromtechnika Group (Moscow) have prepared this report under contract with Bums & Roe Company (Washington, DC) The objective of the current study IS to Identify financial Investment requirements to malntarn and expand the hydroelectnc aspect ot the Russlan electnc generation system to meet the objective of the Joint (Russian-American) Energy Alternatives Study (JEAS) which IS to economically increase the generation capaclty of the Russian Federation 1 2 Methodology The Project Team has prepared an Inventory of the existing hydroelectnc plants In the Russian Federat~onand we have identified pnonty projects for foreign investment For this studv, the Project Team looked at four different categones to ldentiiy potential plants for Investment to increase the electnc generatlon capacity The tour categories of investigation were a Exlsting Plants, completion of ongolng rehabilitation reconstruction b Ex~stlngPlants new
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