paign riae Your want ad is~easy \o pl c, for Spri Published Evary^Thursdoy by Trumor Putillihlng CCorpo . 606 9 MorrlM . oy«., Sp.4ng(lold(ld , N.JNJ : 070811 - 654-7706547700 Mailing Addr«n: IS Cent* Per Copy P.O. Bow'.W, Sprlng(l*p7N.>. 07081 ' ^SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY/SEPTEMBER 28, 1067 /tBaber named ••<'• ••'• .''"A • ' •* • s ~'3BK »•' •'••.," •'• By ABNER 51K0 -, -=•-?• |r ." \Tflie Township Committee *otedunanimously V. .V''V JV—^Tuesday night to grant,a .special use permit' r:::-fi% a $1.5 million four-story Holiday Inn t werpass. The action, 'which, followed- statements by neighbors opposed to the ,._, and an houryuid-a-half recess; en- S dorsed a recommendation by the Board of "Ad- justment. , . ",. In other business, the governing body name twoneWpolicelieutenants.TheywereDetecdv. Robert Taaffe and-Patrolman John Babfer_ Another special exception permit was approved - fpr; the American Petroleum Corp. to con- struct a service statlon'on the center island of Rt. 22^near the Union line. > mis ner Robert G. Planer discussed addl- al yp ir fanfofyy mpflgiir^qq fllnngfl Mmmfflin ave.; where two major accidents occurred last week.'They stressed the need to mark school JcMSslng_arjBasLmore clearly and to empha- size proper procedures -at .all crossings. %, Falkin noted that the Board of Education andidates for the.Towashipr -4eftrJ.-ScottDonington, campaign chairman; David Zurav, GOP muni- had, requested a new analysis ofjhe entire d Henry BUltman, discuss cipal chairman; Frecl'Beneker. president of the Springfield Republic traffic safety program'for children. theliy plan for ldwer local taxes With party officials; Shown are, from can UIUD; f ajKin and-tsuuman. ~ " . .~~ Planer disclosed plans to adda new crossing _guard at the" corner-of Wabeno and Linden avenues, as soon as a qualified applicant can taed-hope-that-the traffic~: g at : •- Mountain and Hlilili avenues, which would *J /'. down Mountain avenue traffic, .; •—. • • •—"•—57 : ,' ~~ nominees _IHE MOTEL_EERMIT._w ppy «^lthelDemocrati'cr^anclldaiies Falkin, Planer and Committeemen Alvln R, Leonard-<center)-and former Mayor -Vincent J. Bonadles, set out on their per-""! it Jonathan Dayton Re*—the Key Club.-is-a-member-ot-the-Americ; T w irjonatnanwyroa^^ pieldiervlce, the staff of the Dayton News, gp; sonal, door-to-dooV , campaign, de^ign^~tc^pr^jd^'fdr nsili^exchange*'ipf-"y^ews".wiQr&iiT* •'« National the band, the National.Forensic League and .Cqmmlttteman Jay B. Bloom was absent be- Mayor Arthur M. Falldn antffiehry Bultman, cause of illness'. ~— - - Republican candidates for-the Township Com- Merit" Scholarship program, according to the debate team. His parents are Mr.; and Mrs. Leon Katz of 15 S. Derby rd. Several residents b~rSTDerb;y~road spoke— mittee, this week Issued a "reportto the people—Robert F.-La-Vanture, principal at the high in opposition to the motel, which they claimed Of Springfield on our concern for the ever- school. ' ~ , Miss billen is literary .editor of the year- book, concertmaster of the school orchestra would Impair the residential character of thelr- ' increasing property tax burden."- . _ . They are Michael Chin, Stanley Katz, Janice neighborhbodr They lncluded-Seymour Margu- • •-> They-declared, The greatest "problem we Lllien, Myron MulseirBarbara Miller.. John and a member of the Spanish Club and Spanish i National Hbnor Society. She-works as an as- —Hes- «nd"~jBeir~Rosenbaum, both attorneys, have been confronted with In our door-to-door Napier and Sari Welsmnn. Marthi Sherman and Mrs. Margery Welnberg. catnpalgn over the flast few weekends is the, Chin is a member of the Klwanls Key Club sistant atfhfe .school health office an.d is~pres- : = m r iderit tf'-vw* local United SynagAgue Youth Arthur Dienst took part in the,hearing as Intense concern of our local citizen^regarding • _at. Dayton, <uvTof.... the Bicplor-er—^ r " ^"~ '-. ... ,, —. „ „ - statisti 1 : • attqrhey .for 'Mykbla Bojczuk, owner of Ae-'•-' the inability Of the Individual municipalities ttr_ at St. James CJhurch. He works after school—-chapter"; at Temple^Beth~Xhm^-She-:isz.the 'properQr^anfl applicant for the permit. Follow- cqpe with the ever-increasing tax burden the .at a, Summit gas station. He Is the son of daughter of Mr. and MrsMrs. .Edward Lllien of Before a group of oampaign workers' arid pate'concern over rifling taxesbypublisKingiin'- — •ing the vote of approval, Bojczuk said that he article of excuses and explanations as they aw-- homo-owner-bears. Mr. and' Mrs.-Jack Chin of 17 Crescent rd. 7 Warwick circle. : - (Continued on pag* 2) friends at Springfield Democratic headquar- Falldn and Bultman continued, "The entire Katz, president of the Student Council and of in last"week's Leaden"; -Melsel-ls-presldent of the Debate Club and tBfs, 2?S MorrlFave:; former Mayor Vincent -xost" In llin iipftrnrinn nf the m'unlclpalltltin na "Vtce=prraldenC3of-the-Student-6our ARLdJChi The candidates continued, "It seems almost " Sthe-school-and-county-governmentfaUs— former .... -Committee-candidates, js tn us that jn a year-fit rising - directly upon the individual property owner hi cil. He is a member of tttBtJimDnHl:Ftirensic—| -nation-over what theyTJonsldered "the statis- taxes, the Republican-dominated Tlpwnshi] the form of real estate taxes. A local govern- Legue'-^Key Club, Jonathan's Journal staff, tical mumbo-Jumbo-being giverf the people of Committee voiles themselves an almost ment has no other source of, revenue. the chess-team and the American Field Ser- .Springfield on the question of the.contlnualrise- increase in salary. This situation , "Apart from educational purposes, ajn.ijor discussion vice. • He ls vice-president of United Synagogue -in taxes^1'. "1~- , . ' -— -comical in view of the fact that most su: portion of the tax dollar goes towards the oper- in Youth. His-parents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip i of comparable or larger ation of county government. In the county gov- -MeiseLof 45 Janet -lane. They stated""The present RfepubHcanrulers- ,.^___ , - , at ToWn Hall persist in giving bur citizens ex- ulation (inciudirig Westfield-and Suntmit)! . -animerit. two.oLthti.largerappropriations jrnr. Meisel la also school sports correspondent -for-weUare-costfl-and-"snpport-of-thec5untytand- cuse after-excuse'for the continual tax rise. , town governments that serve with nominal qr — iSrTh«y"^=no-renunieradon«at=all,j=- Btate judicial, systems,"'_said Falkin and Local ProtestantandCathblicclergymenwill in this post, Donald Lewis, is now attending blame the sales tax; they blamS-me county "The question we ask Is why "must the Rer4 Bultman. take part In a panel discussion on Sunday, V«i« University as a Merit Schoter. ^ and the school system. t publican clique-maKe excuses and explana- They, continued, "It Is our proposal to work ^iOct,. «*,29, «•at, ..«»Holy, uCross»s,. Luthera~u-.~.~..———n Church,, _ Miss Miller" is editor in chief of the Dayton" "They seem-to blamo everyone but them- tions? What positive-Issues are they talking diligendv-wiartiie members-oLtfae_state_legls- Saringfleld. as part of the church's observance NewWBs !and-presldent r t of the French Clubland selves. Perhaps If a few years' ago they had about? Is there somethlhg thatjsurrounds the .* - • ••• ' —" •••-••• IaOiZi!4Knth_anrii<>erBiirv of ffie^ ' ^ - - - ^~ - "~n^? HonorsaetBtyrOotr Ml f,!ll LIB1 I III In1 II n in Hi • i I'I » iiriP f 1 \l \'i Wl III I I HI J [? moved from the. county t iimluOuii g imil field Oeiw"1 —-info the state's budget. -will-be—Reform — Our Common Concern." (Continued on page 2). tract situatiopT^my would not have Jo antici- should ho made aware? __ "The state, with its many Waysrffleans and Speaker. s will be the Rev.. Bruce Evans, First. -aJriUty-to-ralBe-addjtional-f^af^er-manr^Presbytertan^ehurchiMonsignor- Francis X.- Bunadles, -a- former mayor.-rlcontinued^ ,ij:Jhroiigh local real e8iate"taxes, is in a better-i-Cgy1g7"St.-JanifeB Cathollc'Church, and the Rev. this administrationtookgreatpalns and grr position to assume^these, necessaCT-exPfindl-_-. Kenneth Stiimpf. holy cross mmrcn.- - - • • a code^ot-eflflcB-to-seFS"." urafl4L"i~"~' • •-" • _. - '.•""-••• ~>=^ Thereritire^month -will featuwuspjecial' TalWITand Bultmatt-added, "This wtfrgfford JaaciiijceB~and proizrams recalllnathe event of ^^ilnuft-"To_place poUtlcal leaders In Jtoect^r^iei^ccthecloeal=pE«iP8Ety^n»ner_by .Qfit, :,31,_1517, when Martin^LuSeripuhUshed- l jBJSbllcaa reduclng-the-cost of coTEtfcanfl"local governr ^ahlf:=9S^-ThegeB. deallng-WiJh. reform " •7Chrisdp_^fiui?ehi-tA-8pokesman'for the'local The^two-caridldates went on to say, Also, 'cHurch"declared,— Historians have aluee con- we have found many people who ore not aware sldered that date the commencement of the ,___-s chairman of the Republfcari that the major 'portion of the fines levied in historical movement known, as the Reforma- political organization, WHlle-*BeTVlng-a3-suehi- municipal court goes directly tn the state, al- tion." , ' • was an appointed "member of the Board ot Sunday morning services at 8:15 and 10:45 though the total operating cost of the local court <i ' (Corittnuad on pog»2) ls borne by the municipality." I throughout October will emphasize "Gifts to Falkin and Bultrrrmr pledged "to petition our the,Whole Church from the Reformation." The Oct. 8 service will deal with liturgical reform , ,.' ~ - . ~ (Continued on-pager2)_ —thr.ough__a narrative communion service. A Democrats set up • lay mombeFonhe~»Mgregation-wlll-read-an I -explanatiori-6f-the-llturgyTas.it is enacted-by I tibqnon " Pastor Stumpf and the eorjgregation. Services cdmpdign office at{ 'Octk. 15'will fdaturb music "and particularly • hymns by the congregation, a development as assistant pastor . emphasized in the Reformation. • 295 Morris Another Reformation concept, that all men The opening of Springfield Democratic head- ore priests before God, wllL provide die theme quarters rft 295 Morris ave. was announced this •'• for Presbyterian for the services Oct. 22. Along with the pastor,— week by Donald L, Mantel, local party chair-, a man, womwi and teenager frqm the congrega- man.
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