20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, March 6,1991 SCOREBOARD THURSDAY fouls— Phoanix 22 Naw >brk 27. lecnni- cal-Ewing. A-16,420. Kings 3, Capitals 3 Basketball LoeAngelea 2 1 0 0— 3 Bulls 104, Bucks 86 WbshIngton 0 2 1 0 -3 LOCAL NEWS INSIDE MILWAUKEE (86) First Period— 1. Los Angeles, Buskos 3 Roberts 3-10 03 2 Grayer 218 24 19. (Gretzky, Taylor). 238.2 Los Angelee. Granato NBA standings Scheyes 211 3 3 9, Robertson 23 03 4r 25 (Grstzlv, Sandstrom), 13:11 (pp). Penal­ EASTERN CONFERENCE Humphries 211 21 12 Ellis 7-14 2-2 19, Con­ ty— Lalor, Was (Interference), 1131. Allantlc (MvMon ner 22 03 0, Sikma 2 2 1-2 1, Lohaus 2 7 44 Second Psriod-3, WssNngton, Ridtoy 21 ■ Weak economy spurs aid demand. W L Pet QB 10, Stephans‘2-2 22 6, Komat 21 03 0. Totala (Hatcher, JohanssOn). 266 (|»). 4, Loe An­ Boeton 43 16 .729 ___ 34-84 1221 86. cles, Sandstrom 37 (Gretzky. Robitaille), 7:41. Philadelphia 32 26 .552 10<« CHICAGO (104) 5, Washington, Phronka 16 (Leech, Johanssbn), ■ Labor leader decries layoff plan. NewYbrit 27 32 .458 16 King 2-6 2-2 6, Pippen 8-11 0-0 17, 939. Penalties— May, Was (roughing), 535; Wuhington 22 36 .379 20<« Cartwright 29 34 13, nuison 3-8 03 6, Jordan Wbtters, LA (roughing). 1032; CIccarellL Was Support Miami 19 39 .328 23>« 9-23 1213 30, Armstrong 4-7 03 9, Levingslon (rougHng), 1032 MeSorley, LA (aibowlng). NewJeraey 19 40 .322 24 24 34 7, Perdue 4-7 23 10, HodgM 2 5 20 4. 1224. ■ Official says agency is incompetent. our m m m Central Division Hopson 1-1 03 2 Wdliama 21 0 3 O.Totais Chicago 42 15 .737 — 4282 2226 104. troops! Detroit 38 22 .633 S'/2 Mllwaukse 25 19 21 21— 86 \iniuniny;i i.n^e two^swe Mihwiulwa 36 24 .600 710 Chicago 20 30 25 29— 104 1136; Ciccarelli, Was, misconducL 2030. ■ Residents enjoy Special Olympics. Overtime— None. Penalties— Nonoi Atianla 34 25 .576 9 3-Fk>int goals— Milwaukee 3-10 (Ellis 33, bxfiana 28 31 .475 15 Schayes 21, Ftobertson 21, Humphries 21, Shots on goal— Los Angelss 9-6-6-4— 25. Cloxaland 21 37 .362 2110 Lohaus 0-1), Chicago 2-3 (Pippen 1-1, Washington 8 1 8 8 5 -3 8 . Choriotto 17 42 .288 26 Annatrong 1-1, Hodges 21). Fouled out— Nona. Power-play Opportunitlos— Los Angelss 1 of Local/Regional Section, Page 7. WESTERN CONFERENCE Rebounds— Milwaukee 49 (Schayes 12), 3; Washington 2 of 3. MMwest Division Chicago 53 (Pippen 10). Assista— Milwaukae GoaTies^os Angeles, Berthlaume, 20-82 What's W L PCL QB 20 (Robertson, ElUs 5), Chicago 28 (Armstrong (38 shots-35 saves). Washington, LiuL 12-182 Utoh 39 18 .684 — 7). Total kMla— Mnwaukea 26, Chicago 21. WJ (2822). San Aiffonto 37 19 .661 110 A -1 7,583. Tschnicals—Chicago coach Jackson, Psxson, Referee— Terry Gregson. Linesmen— Ron Manchester’s Award-Winning Newspaper News Houston 34 24 .586 510 ENis. Flaoiantfoul--Robartsoa A— 18,335. Delae 22 35 .386 17 Asselstina, Jay Shorrers. Mlnneeota 19 38 .333 20 Rockets 112, Nets 100 Orierxlo 18 39 .328 aolo NHL statistics March 7,1991 Denver 16 41 .281 23 NEW JERSEY (100) Coleman 213 2-2 14, Morris 210 2-5 12 NEW YORK (AP) — NHL scoring and goal- Pacillc Division tending leaders through gomes of Sunday, A Dudley 43 2-2 10, Blaylock 11-17 0 3 22 Ftortland 45 14 .763 — Theus 7-16 03 14, Biowie 8-14 2-2 18, March 3; LALeksri 42 17 .712 3 SCORING Phoanix 38 19 .672 510 Buechler 0-2 03 0, Haley 21 03 0, Palrovic Woman charged 3-7 4-5 10. Garvin 22 03 0, Mills 03 03 0. T GM G A Pts Pkn Golden Stole 30 28 .517 1410 2 tats 44-88 12-16 100. Gretzky, LA 65 37 86 133 14 Seattle 29 29 .500 1510 38 106 16 HOUSTON (112) Hul, StL 64 70 U.S. troops head for home in agency theft LAClippsra 20 38 .345 2410 65 88 38 Johnson 912 2-5 18, Wbod 14 22 4. Thorpe Recchl,Ptt 65 34 Sacramento 16 41 .281 28 Yzermon, Del 68 47 48 85 34 HARTFORD (AP) — A TUMday's Gw i m 9-12 43 22, Maxwell 211 44 15. ICSmith 23 dozen foreign journalists who 44 8. Olajuwon 213 2-2 18, Floyd 12-22 34 Oates, S L 47 20 71 91 25 By LAURA KING former employee of the Food- Atianla 139, Oenvsr 127 67 36 52 88 44 vanished while trying to cover the Indiana 11% Chorlotta 101 27, Caldwell 21 200. Totals 4283 21-27 112 Larmer.Chi The Associated Press share Commission was charged NewJersay 36 24 25 15— 100 NAIA District 10 Sakic, Qua 66 36 48 85 20 anti-Saddam rebellion that flared in Miami lie, LA aippara 113 Championship Oilers 5, Jets 4 66 38 45 84 108 with stealing money intended to Minnaaola 94, LA Lakart 85 Houston 25 32 25 30— 112 Fleu7 , Cgy southern Iraq after the allies routed Emporia SL 109, Fort Hays SL 88 Edmonton 1 2 2— 6 Macinnis, Cgy 66 23 61 84 68 Phoanix 107, Naw Vbrk 102 3-(\iint goals— New Jersey 03 (Morris 21, Hockey U.S. soldiers, some still caked serve 200,000 meals to the poor. Blaylock 21, Bowie 21, Pstrovic 21, Theus NAIA District 27 Winnipeg 2 0 2— 4 Coffey, Pit 66 21 58 78 114 Iraq’s troops last week, ending the CNcago 104, MihMukaa 86 Championship First Period— 1, Edmonton, Murphy 23 66 34 44 78 64 with desert sand, began leaving CTieryl Jackson worked as of­ Houston 112, NawJarsay 100 22), Houston 1-10 (Maxwell 14. Wx>d 21, RoenldtChl war. K.Smith 21, Caldwell 21. Floyd 23). Fouled Athens SL 99, Faulkner 92 (Groves, Gellnas), ;17. 2 Winnipeg, Mantha 8 Neely, Bos 58 43 33 78 80 Saudi Arabia today in the first fice manager at the non-profit San Antonio 104, Philadelphia 99 NAIA District 3 NHL standings (Ashton, Elynuik), 27. 3, Winnipeg, Steen 14 Janney, Bos 65 23 53 76 8 Cable News Network quoted a Clavaiand 113, SaaUa 111, OT out— None. Rebounds— New Jersey 45 large-scale troop departures from organization, which provides (Coleman 14), Houston 50 (Olajuwon 12). As­ Championship WALES CONFERENCE (Montho, Olausson), 1830. f>enaltiea— Mec- GOALTENOINQ Red Cross official today as saying Sacramento 100, Golden State 92 Westmont 68, Blola 59 Tavish, Edm (tripping), 121; Tikkanen, Edm the Persian Gulf. They left behind food to more than 100 soup Wadnaaday'a Gamae sists— New Jarsay 28 (Coleman, Morris 6). RUrick Division pareniheaea) more than 20 of the journalists Houston 25 (Maxwelt, K.Smith 6). Total NAIA District 30 W L TPla OF OA (holding), 4:26; Taboracci, Win, served by MP GA SO Arg. an Iraq where Saddam Hussein’s kitchens and shelters in the Miami at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Championship Eagles (slashing), 426; Graves, Edm (board- would be turned over to the Red New Ybrk at DatrolL liiO p.m. fouls— New Jersey 23, Houston 17. Techni­ NYRongara 34 22 12 80 258 212 Hasek 65 1 0 0.x troops were said to be executing dis­ Hartford area. She was arrested cals— Thorpe, Morris. A— 15,051. SL Rose 96, SL Thomas Aquinas 89 PNIadelphia 31 28 9 71 225 215 ing), 63 2 Kumpel, Win (hooking), 939; Ander­ White X 2 0 2 X Cross, possibly on Friday. CNN also LA Clippers at Oriondo, 7:30 p.m. NAIA District 31 son. Edm (slashing), 1522; Ashtop Win (hokl- Wednesday by Hartford police Utah at Washington, 730 p.m. Pittsburgh 33 30 4 70 265 258 Bellour 3467 IX 4 242 sidents and scattering the corpses in Spurs 104,76ers 99 Championship NewJeraey 26 29 11 67 237 225 ing), 1739; MacTavi^, Edm (holding), 17:43. Cloutier 403 24 0 3.67 quoted the official as saying said the Philadelphia at O a ll^ 830 p.m. Second Period— 4, Edironton, Gefiniu 15 the streets as a warning. and charged with 32 counts of Thuraday'a Gamaa PHILADELPHIA (99) Rk) Grande 108, Malone 100 Wxshington 29 32 6 64 214 231 Millen X 4 0 4.14 Iraqis would be releasing about larceny. North Atlantic Coniersnee NYlsIandera 22 37 9 53 184 250 (Arxferson, Beukeboom), ;55. 5, Edmonton, Chicago (2) 40M 178 4 8 .K Jubilant American soldiers made Phoenix at Atlanta, 7.'30 p.m Barkley 9-24 33 22 Gilliam 213 1-1 17. Galinas 16 (Grevae, Mur|^), 735 (pp). Penal­ 2,000 Kuwaitis who had b ^ n held Danvarot k)diana,-730 p.m. Mahorn 210 26 16, R.Graen 13 20 2 Haw­ First Round Adanra DIvlalon Roy 2237 87 1 2 X Jackson, 22, of Hartford, was x-Boston 84 253 229 ties— Anderson, Edm (high-sticking), :55; V-for-victory signs as they boarded SeaWa at Minnesota, 8 p.m kins 0-15 29 29, Tumor 14 03 2 RAnderson Boston U. 86, New Hampshira 57 38 22 8 Radcot 775 41 1 3.17 hostage. accused of writing checks to buy Hartford 85, Vermont 65 x-Montreel 34 26 8 76 233 210 Anderson, Edm (mughing), 639; MarchmenL Chobot 1M 6 0 3.x military transport planes in the Dallas at Houston, 8:30 p.m.
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