He is a cartographer and a Civil War public speaking and has been on the lec- with Ihe public for ihe first time in an ad buff. ture circuit for years before bar associa- in the Herald after the 1982 primary. He Here's the GOP nominee for mayor As an artist, he works in pastel, char- tions, real estate groups and mortgage continued through October only to slop coal, pen and ink and pencil plus carving bankers. to give officialdom an opportunity to in wood and doing relief work. He has He considers management his major read. "His advertised messages broughi played the guitar and piano. skill, and as such has 300 staff members in him many phone calls and support but no He balanced his Harley-Davidson tradi- his firm, Lawyers Title Insurance Cor- response from Council or any official lion with his needlepoint carefully stit- poration. He is the owner of 18-22 Bank Robert Hartlaub ching his own original drawings. Street and with Ace Drummond, owns the When the petitions with 3,500 names As a Harley-Davidson easy rider, he building which houses Summil Hills testifying to lack of support for the Col- rode from Summit to Newfoundland Florist, 11-15 Beechwood Rd. He is a co- lins Plan was not given much attention by "I believe in freedom of the press-no dairy business in Irvingion. He worked owner with Ray Fitlerer of the Beacon Council, Mr. and Mrs. Hartlaub, over his way through college driving a tractor through Canada, Nova Scotia and has matter what you write. That's your right visited every stale this side of the Hill Restaurant which has a liquor license, soft shell crabs on Chesapeake Bay, and I'm all for it." trailer, delivering milk, going to school hence he has not commented on the liquor decided he should run for the office of nights. Mississippi River. This was the comment from Robert He built two vehicles-a roadster and a service hours extention proposal. He is mayor. , Harllaub with which I as publisher of the HVF. MAYORS IN FAMILY not involved in any business housed in his During his advertising campaign, he "My father could do anything...five of quarter ton pick-up truck. He held a Summit Herald was greeted as I ate license to operate private and commercial Bank St. building which includes Fact amassed 1800 names and addresses of per- "crow" meeting the victorious Mr. his ancestors were mayors in Germany. Finders, a licensed detective agency. He sons from every political background who He was very proud of his coal of arms, instrument air craft, effective 1949-1980. Hartlaub and Judy McLendon at Judy's lor eight years, he flew teenagers as suggested that those who wish to ascertain agreed with him on broad issues, and ihis victory parly on election night. The Sum- granted to one of his ancestors in 1640 the owners of Fact Finders may call Tren- mailing list was used as a base for his cam- because he was a notary public," com- Cadeltes in Ihe Civil Air Patrol, teaching mit Herald endorsed Dr. Donald Nelson them navigation, search and rescue mis- ton, since a detective agency in order to paign for mayor. He also utilized ihe for mayor, Richard Poole and Tom Mar- mented Mr. Hartlaub with an amused become incorporated, has to be licensed. telephone, with the public as the ag- shall for Council members. None won. chuckle. sions. Prior to that, he did aerobatics, smoke writing and towed banners. He has lived in Summit the last five gressor, and conferences. On typical And as a Summit Police Dept. staff He believes education is a lifelong pur- week, he spent 20 hours in private con- member said, "Helen, do you waul sail or suit. "The mind is a wonderful Besides his aerial pursuits, he and his years, has conducted a business here for family enjoy sailing together. 29 years and has been a taxpayer for 19 ferences with the public. He did no door- pepper on your 'crow'?" thing...keep using il...keep learning." He to-door campaigning, relying on his majored in psychology at Rutgers Univer- Mr. Hartlaub and his son built the ad- years. Mr. Hartlaub said that anyone with any questions about his background or newsletters, press releases dealing with WHO IS HARTLAUB? sity and enjoys attending courses with em- dition to his home. He played football pertinent issues, phone and one-on-one phasis on history. He has done con- and was a wrestler in high school and in opinions or just wishes to chat, may reach Mr. Hartlatib's great grandfather and him at 273-3663. conferences. sister arrived in Philadelphia in 1851 and siderable research on his family roots, the Navy. "If elected in the general election in the family moved to Newark in 1881. His particularly his father's ancestors. He is a He served in the US Navy submarine Mr. Harllaub said he has always been November, 1 am sincerely hopeful that great grandfather was a member of the member of the New Jersey Historical service as an underwater demolition and involved in the Republican Party, usually there will be a smoolh transition. If New Jersey Hussars, a calvary unit of Society, the Genealogical Sociely of New deep sea diver on Spinax 489 in the North on a state or national level. During Ihe elected, I look rorward to working with German immigrants. His mother's Jersey and the National Genealogical Atlantic. He was injured two days before past gubernatorial campaign, he was a members of the Council and other ap- ancestors hailed form England. Society. A speed reader, he reads three to World War Mended. member of Lawyers for Governor Kean. pointed officials," was Mr. Hartlaub's When 12 years of age he worked on the four books a month on every imaginable Mr. Harllaub has been involved in A firm believer in the printed word and concluding comment on his victory Tues- milk trucks with his father who was in the subiect, again with emphasis on history. Riparian law for 25 years, has taught advertising, Mr. Hartlaub communicated day. HVL, Publisher Robert Hartlaub Summit f Herald Saturday, June 11,1983 ...exclusively Summit's onf« real newspaper Vol.94 No. 54 Summit Results of Mayor and Common Council Republican Primary Councilman Common Council Summit -it-lirg. Wirdl Wild I Ward II Wardll Mayor Numbar Numbtr Thomai Diehard Judith Marlorli Tom Donald Robirt Hartlaub, McLendon, Brown wki Ward Olilrlct Riglitarad Voting Wlrd Diltrlcl Kant McUndsn Brown Manhall Nalton Hartlsub Poola citizen ingenuity. 1 1 371 66 1 1 50 27 41 34 34 Robert Harlaub, a Summit Both Mr. Hartlaub and Mrs. McLen- 1 2 221 48 1 2 23 26 2 6 21 businessman, won the Republican Party don hit hard at Council's lack of respon- Two GOP nominees will siveness to the anti-Collins petition and to 77 119 nomination for mayor by 186 voles Tues- 1 3 476 208 1 3 136 47 144 day night. Judy McLendon, who also was the Blue Ribbon Committee report. 1 4 312 100 1 4 44 35 40 22 53 not on Ihe Republican Party line, won Ihe make three women on Council Mr. Hartlaub supports leasing the RR Ward I nomination for Common Council station from NJ Transit and locating the 1 5 533 228 1 5 154 65 149 102 112 by 213 votes. Police Department in the Union Place 1 6 391 121 1 6 73 47 58 50 56 The only candidate on the Republican building after adding a second floor to parly line to win was Marjorie Brown in this structure. He believes that all ideas 1 7 483 213 1 7 146 73 124 87 104 Ward 11, who garnered 250 votes over her for the RR station should be "placed on the table together to come up with a solu- 1 8 471 151 1 8 107 72 74 81 64 opponent, Tom Marshall. She attracted the highest vole counl of the three win- tion acceptable to the people of Summit. 1 9 471 152 1 9 99 73 55 74 59 ners. Open planning to sustain the quality of residential life in the city" is how he 1 10 310 74 1 10 35 24 41 17 48 A total of 3,628 citizens went to the polls Tuesday, a sunny day. Board of phrases it. 1 11 378 84 1 11 49 43 26 38 32 Elections statistics as of May 13, the While Mr. Hartlaub, Mrs. McLendon and Mrs. Brown based their campaigns on 1 79 66 80 64 registration cutoff date, showed 11,461 1 12 440 153 12 117 regislered, of which 5,214 were the future of Summil, Mr. Nelson as a 1 13 406 125 1 13 76 58 56 47 70 Republican. Independents number 4,360 Common Council member was carrying and Democrats, 1,887, a lotal of 6,247 as the past as extra baggage. Any complaint 1 14 346 100 1 14 64 41 47 32 56 opposed lo 5,214 registered Republicans. involving any department or any Coun- Councilman Donald Nelson who was cilperson over the past several years 2 1 332 54 2 1 18 10 19 10 22 became his problem to explain and on the party line and endorsed by Ihe answer. 2 2 315 62 2 2 20 11 31 9 41 Summil Herald and the Independent Press and had Ihe support of Ihe entire Mr. Marshall covered every district, 2 3 363 98 2 3 50 29 49 22 61 Common Council excepl for Coun- walked every street, sent out four mail- ings, weekly press releases and advertised 2 4 397 111 2 4 66 64 36 45 56 cilwoman Helen Huber, came in with 1,532 voles.
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