THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES Nafonal tletdquarbra Phone6 : 91-11-2337072, 2337867, 2337A702, Fax | +91 -11-23370128 Gram: FLEUROELIS, New Delhi-l'10 002 E+ait [email protected], Web6lto : www.bsglndia.org : SSRI ASHOK GEHLqI, FORMER CHIEF I{INIIITER OI R,d'ASTHAN STATE Chief National Cornnksiorr'r : SHRI B,I. NACARALE, IAS (R.ad,) lT- R€f.ro.B.s.cJN.H.Qr l- 3- 1'\ \Lrts"l:-tb' Dat d: 0a/7L/2076 To Allthe Members ofthe NationalCouncil the t'narat scours & GUtoes SU8.r Agenda Paper- Action Taken Report. REF.r This Offi.e Letter No. D-3-1/4160/2016, dated 26/09/2016 and letter No. o-3-rl 4s6o | 2016, dated 26 | 70 I 2076. Dear 5ir/Madam, In continuation to the above cited letters, I am enclosing herewith the following for your kind perusal and necessary action. 1, Agenda ltem No. 2- Action Taken Report. You are requested to bring this to the National Council Meeting for discussron. Kindly acknowledge the receipt atleast by email. Thanking you, *nara) Diredor aum Returni Encl.i As above. Copy submitted to the Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts & cuides for his kind information. DIR/AS-l/08 Nov. 2016 \lr-ea Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatrna Gandhi Matg, l.P- Estate, POST BOX NO- 7X:], Ndi, Delhi-110 0O2 (tndia) THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIOES. NATIONAL HEADOUARTERS, I"AKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN. 16, M, G. MARG, I. P, ESTATE, NEW DELHI _ 110 OO2. Action Taken Report of the Minutes of the last Meeting of Sixty Fifth Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the National Council of the Bharat Scouts & Guides held at National Headquarters, New Delhi on 29,h November, 2015 at X1,00 A. M. Agende lteh No.1:-Confirmation of the Minutes of the last meeting of National Council held at the,Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi on 30th November,2014, The Minutes of the last National Council meeting held on 30th November,2014 were confirmed by the house as proposed by Smt. Sudesh Sharma, National Headquarter No action is required. Commissioher (Bulbuls), Bharat Scouts & Guides and seconded by Shri B. p. Gupta, SOC(S), Arunachal Pradesh State Bharai Scouts and Guides. Agenda ltem No. 2: Business Arising (Aation Taken Report). The Action Taken Report was discussed at length. Shri Brajesh Kumar Ram, SOC(S), S. E. Railway State Bharat Scouts & cuides informed the house that the Railway States have not rece;ved the copy of the MOu signed No action is required. by the Railway Board and the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters. He suggested that a copy of the MOU signed by rne Chairman, Railway Scouts & cuides Board and Director, Bharat scouts & Guides be circulated by the National Headquarters to all the States for knowing rhe conrent( ol rhe MOIJ rn respect of the 16 Railway State Associations of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. Hon'ble Chief National Comm;ssioner informed the house that the draft MOU was signed by the Railway Scouts & Guides Board and the same was circulated by the Railway Scouts & Gujdes Board to the 16 Railway State Associations. The Action Taken Report was confirmed by the House as proposed by Shri Brajesh Kumar Ram, SOC(S), S. E. Railway State Bharat Scours and Guides and seconded by Shri Laxmi Kant Shukla, National Headquarters Comm;ssioner iNorthern Region), Bharat Scouts & Guides. Agenda ltem No.3: Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report for the year 2014-2015. The Director informed the house about the distribution of Annual Report to the members at National Headquarters yesterday. He also informed that the Annual Report was already sent to the National Council members by Speed Post atso. The Annual Report tor 2014 2015 was taken up for discussion. Shri S. S. Kaushal, Hony. State Secretary of Haryana State Bharat Scouts & Guides expressed the concern over the decrease in census and concern over the funds beinS required for registering members wjth the National Association. He also expressed that the facilities at grassroot level are to be jncreased ior attracting more members and motivate them as self-reliant and globally visible. He also appealed to all the members to flnd out A Circular in this regard has been sent to al the solution increase to the census. States for the follow up. Miss Rooma sapra, sOC(G), Haryana State Bharat Scouts & Guides wanted to inform that the figures of Rajya puraskat Rashtrapati lGrd numbers of the State are not projected/printed properly which was noted for future implement€tion. Shri Brajesh Kumar Ram, SOC(S), S. E. Railway state Bhamt Scouts & Guides suggested that Action is taken. the Annual Report can be covered wjth Sldre wise reports along with photographs. With the above cited suggestions and takint a note thereof by the National Headquarters, the Annual Report for the year 2014-2015 was adopted by the house as proposed by Shri Ashok Kumar Shrivastava, ASC(S), N. E. Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides and seconded by Smt. Janaki Venugopal, LT(c), Former SOC(G), Karnataka State Bharat Scouts & Guides. Agenda ttem No. 4: considiraiiii-and acloption of the Audited statement of Accounts and Salance Sheet for the year 20L4-2075. The Audited Statement of Accounts and Ealance Sheet for the year 2Of4_20I5 ds recommended by the National Execurue Committee held on O6rh September,2OlS nao already been circulated to all the members of the NationalCouncil. Audited Statement of Accounts was adopted unanimously duly taking note of the suggeslions of the Auditors for slrengthening No action is required. the accounting procedures. The life membership mentioned in the notes of accounts were clarified as Life Mernbership subscription for Monthly Magazine of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. The Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year 2014 15 was adopted by the house unanimously as proposed bV Smt. Janaki Venugopal, LT(C), Former SOC(G), Karnataka State Bharat Scouts & Guides and seconded by Shri B. p. Gupta, SOC(S), Arunachal Pradesh State Bharat Scours & Guides. Agenda ltem No.s: Consideration and approval of the revised Budget for the year 2015-2016 and Budget Estimates for the yeaf 2076-2017. The Revised Budget for the year 2015-2016 and Budget Estimates for the yeat 2016_2017 as recommended by the National Execut;ve Committee held on 06'" September, 2015 were circ{rlated to all the members of National Council. Shri S. S. Kaushal, Hony. State Treasuaer of Haryana State Bharat Scouts & Guides expressed concern of some states not sending the full census or not projecting the correct figures due to financial implication as a reason for shortfall in m".b"rship. fh"-Oire.tor informed the members that there is no ew proposaj to enhance IRF of youth memuers. The IRF of Adutt leaders @ Rs.sol per year and Affiliation fee for State @RS.1O0O/ per Circular has been sent to alt the States. year was approved by the Naijonal Executive Committee in its meeting held on 29!h August, 2014. The fee will become payable on the basis of Census for the year 2015,16 and witl become payable froni the year 2O]:6-U. rhis was agreed to by the members ofthe house. The Chief National Commissioner informed that the Natjonat Headquarters submitted the detailed budget estimates to the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India. The Revised Budget for the year 2015-2015 and Budget Estimates for the yeat 2016-2017 were discussed and adopted by the house unanimousty. Agenda ttem No. S: ConsideEiion ii resolutions and subjects of which requisite Notice has been given and which are admitted by the president (See Rule lo(lxc ) of the Rules). Rule 10, Subrute(lXc ): Notice of Resotutions duly proposed and seconded and subiects for the consideration of the National Counail shall reach the Director 30 days befofe the meeting, Director informed that no such resolltions have been received for discussion under this No action is required. Agenda. Agenda ttem No.7: consideratiii ii ici matters not included in the Agenda but whiah are brought before the National Council with permission th€ of the president (See Rule 10(1Xd ) of the Rutes). Rule 10(ixd): Such resolutions and subjects as are aalmitted by the president In consultation with the Chief National Commissionef shall 6e communicated to the members of the National Corlncil founeen days before the date ofthe meeting. There were no such resolutions received lor No action is requi.ed. being discussed under this Agenda. Agenda ltem t!o.e: nm-;dment in Rules. APRO Part-t, lt, lll and Scheme of Trainrng (scout Wing & cuide Wine) of the Bharat Scouts & Guides as recommended by the Rules Committee held on 04/09/2015 ano National Executive Committee held on 06/09/z0ts. The Dkector with the help of Shri Arup Sarkar, Assistant Director, Northern Region presenteci the salient features of the proposeo Amendments part-|, to Rules, APRO ll, lll anO Scheme of Training (Scout Wing and Gutoe Wing) before the house through power pojnt presentation, smt. Sandhya Chakrabo.ty, Srare Commissioner(G), West Bengal State Bharar Scouts & Guides pointed out thal elected members of Finance Committee will contirrue after the election of the State Council eGn if they are not nominated on the National Council by their State. Following issues were discussed and accepted unanimously. .1. District Badge Committee 2. Joint Director (Sco!ts/Guides) to be redesignated as loint Director (Field Operations). 3. SOC(5/G ) - Stipe nda rylNon,Stipenda ry 4. Three representatives to the Trarnrng Counsellor Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner informed the house regarding the proposal for a Workshop/Conference for Commissioners of Guide Commissioners, Conference held at the all ranks of Guide Wing and further said that Bharat Scouts & cuides, National the same will be organised in which lady Headquarters, New Delhi from 15rh to 17th 1une,2016.
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