Fr. Griffin to say mass on Feast Day Father Robert Griffin, Uni­ versity chaplain, will celebrate a mass at the Grotto on Thursday, Oct. 7, at 10:30 p.m. Griffin is saying the mass in honor of the Feast of the Holy Rosary. The Glee Club will perform at the evening cele­ an independent student newspaper bration. Vol. XI, No.27 serving notre dame and st. mary's Wednesday, October 6, 1976 Digger Phelps, ND Varsity Basketb;III Coach, talked to stu­ dents in the basement of Fisher Hall last night, discussing topics such as scholastic adjustment and the importance of academics for athletes, the athletic role at J Notre Dame, and recruiting. I [Photo by Leo Hansen] Another crisis ends; pigs to get garbage by Thomas O'Neil Editor-in-Chief Notre Dame administrators and student representatives agreed on the Student Congress compromise yesterday which allows George Brown to resume pick-up of dining hall food waste to feed his farm livestock. council is more organized this year. [Photo by Thomas Mason, vice-president Last night's HPC meeting in which members discussed the council's place in student govern­ Leo Hansen) for business affairs at Notre Dame noted that Brown will be notified by ment. According to Chairman J. P. Russell, tlle Edmund Price, director of Notre Dame· Food Services, as to when he body vice-president and Tom So­ may resume the waste pick-up and ma. chairman of the food advisory as to guidelines agreed upon by council and director of special HPC searches for identity, university and student government projects for student government, officials at yesterday's meeting. attended the meeting and found The guidelines accepted at the the resolution acceptable. meeting were: Gassman, however. noted that watchdog role possible •that Brown will collect only the the Brown incident was ori'lv one of food waste from the evening meals many student concerns i~volving at the dining halls; food service management. He byTomByme or agenda, no hall evaluations nor to their halls to assess support for a •he will have the necessary legal mentioned personnel problems as Senior Staff Reporter established procedures," he said. measure recommending laundry permits and licenses; an example of other student con­ "We're a lot more organized, reform. The proposal will be voted •he will pick up the food wastes cerns. The Hall Presidents council capable of dealing with added on. next week. between 7:00 and 7:30pm from the Mason suggested that these (HPC) met last night and con­ problems," Russell continued. dining hall docks. problems be documented by stu­ ducted a lengthy discussion con­ ''The question of what we are Breen-PhllUps "We will use our best judgement dent representatives and sent to cernil!g the future role the group doesn't come up until we're wins Rockne and out best effort to accomodate Price or himself for scrutiny. should play in student government. organized." Mr. Brown," Mason said. ·'The system here operates on the The action was partly prompted Breen-Phillips Hall President In other business. Breen-Phillips The compromise agreed upon by Happy Family concept," he told by comments made by Dillon Hall Nancy Siegler countered the argu­ was awarded the. Rockne Trophy administrators and student govern­ the student representatives, "at President Tom O'Neill at the recent ments of O'Neill and others by for the month of September, sig­ ment officials was the result of a the same time there's a natural meeting of the Student Body supporting the present status of the nifying the hall with the top conflict between students and food hierarchy in terms of problem-sol­ Congress, in which he called for the HPC. activities program for that month. service management over whether ving. abolition of the HPC. and the "We draw our power from being Russell commented the competi­ Brown should be allowed to dispose '·Some of these problems might creation of a representative body to a separate entity," she stated. "It tion for the prize had been vig­ of left-over food by feeding it to his be solved by food service manage­ oversee student government. makes us equal. I don't think it's orous, and the originality of act­ livestock or whether the food ment," he continued. "If not, we The issue was introduced with our role to be dealing with all kinds ivities sponsored by Breen-Phillips should be disposed of by sanitary would like to see those written the report of the Standing Review of problems. There are com­ had earned them the trophy. disposals. as Price argued. down with student recommenda­ Committee, presented by Walsh missions to do that.'' Finishing second was Keenan, Student Congress drafted a com­ tions for us to study." Hall President Kathy Kane. Kane reported that Student Body followed by Farley and Lewis. promise proposal last week and Price did not attend the meeting. Speaking for the committee, she President Mike Gassman would be The council was also briefed by sent it to Price and Fr. Hesburgh. Commenting on it and the outcome alluded to O'Neill's proposal, "eager to cooperate" with the HPC Executive Coordinator Keefe At yesterday's meeting which in­ he said. ''I'm glad to see that the noting, "It's our job to start an to establish a better working rela­ Montgomery on the procedure for cluded Bro. Just Paczesny, vice­ compromise was acceptable to all investigation about what we're tionship. allocation of HPC money to each president for student affairs and concerned. As far as I'm con­ here for." She urged the council to hall. Requests for funds by each Bro. Kieran Ryan, assistant vice­ cerned. Brown can begin his pick­ determine "what areas we should Representation needed hall will be reviewed by the budget president for business affairs, the up immediately." cover. .. committee, and each hall will send proposal was accepted by univer­ ''I'm in the process of writing a O'Neill remarked that the HPC O'Neill reiterated his stand that a representative to appear before sity administrators with the condi­ letter to him now. I only ask that I had little defined power, and a representative body is needed to the committee and answer in­ tional guidelines. can meet with him soon, before he advocated a role as a represent­ '• discuss policy,'' which he quiries concerning their requests. Mike Gassman, student body resumes the pick-up," Price ad­ ative body for the students, in asserted was now made by a small "We're trying to be mutually president, Mike Casey, student ded. order to supervise policy decision group of individuals within the beneficial to all," Montgomery made by student government. "Do student government office. Citing pledged. Final recommendations you want policy shaped by indi­ ·a "total lack of leadership" from of the budget committee will be viduals or by representatives?" he past student body presidents, he voted on next week. asked. "In terms of direct power, indicated that the handling of the Also present for the meeting was ours is the same as any student laundry situation was an example Student Union Director Ken Ricci government commission." of the problem. and Rick Delaney, who are re­ Sorin Hall President Dave "A really unified body could get sponsible for the Quickie bus Bender endorsed an alteration of the research done in a matter of service. In response to a complaint the student government constitu­ days," stated O'Neill, relating that by Sorin Hall President Bender, tion to allow the council to "review problem would probably not be Delaney explained the failure of the policy of student government.'' He cleared up now until January. Quickie last week. disagreed with past HPC chairman "I think the reason they're not "We tried to schedule it to run Elton Johnson's notion of a getting anything done now is last week," he said. "We had two "watchdog" body, nor formally because there's no heat on them," buses lined up but they were used affiliated with student government. he maintained. "That's why a to go to the Grateful Dead concert. representative body is needed." It will fun this Friday." More Lewis Hall President Anne Charlie Moran of the Student organized Thompson stated, however, the Union also outlined plans for the HPC "could put on pressure" to Free University this year. Offering Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh accepts a tee-shirt from three Sorin Current HPC Chairman J. P. solve the laundry problem. "We no-credit minicourses to "anyone freshmen in his office. The tee-shirt reads "God made Sorin Russell remarked that the council's should work with tom (Soma). I who wants to take them," the Number One," referring to the hall's role in the development of progress thus far this year had think if he's going to get anywhere school is now seeking teachers for the university. The students originally planned to have the shirt read made possible consideration of he needs us," she explained. "Our "anything anyone can think of," "Sorin is Notre Dame," but dropped the idea in favor of this one, what role they should play. "Last role is to put pressure on to get Moran said, adding that a cata­ which was a good idea according to Hesburgh who thought the other year at this time there was no HPC things done, not to do them." logue of the courses to be held will might have been "presumptuous." [Photo by Leo Hansen l constitution, no p1..blished minutes The presidents agreed to return be published later in the year.
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