Complimentary Copy Not For Sale RNI NO. MAHBIL06369/13/1/2011-TC :: WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM VOL. 1 - ISSUE 26 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2011 Parsi Times shares with you an enlightened week gone by and bright future prospects. Inside >>> All the way from Iran Pg. 9 P.T. Relevance Pg. 10 Master Chef Bawa Pg. 12 Diwali safety Pg. 13 ZĞŐĚ͘KĸĐĞ͗s͘d͘DĂŶƐŝŽŶ͕ϭϰϰ͕WĞƌŝŶEĂƌŝŵĂŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕&Žƌƚ͕DƵŵďĂŝϰϬϬϬϬϭ͘ dĞů͗͘ϮϮϲϵϵϯϵϵ͕ϮϮϲϱϳϱϵϵͻ&Ădž͗ϮϮϲϵϭϰϵϮ ͲŵĂŝů͗njŵďŚŝůůĂΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵͻtĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ǁǁǁ͘ŚŝůůĂďƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͘ĐŽŵ ƌĂŶĐŚKĸĐĞ͗,ŝůůĂdŽǁĞƌƐ͕D͘:͘tĂĚŝĂ&ŝƌĞdĞŵƉůĞŽŵƉůĞdž͕ƌ͘^͘^͘ZĂŽZŽĂĚ͕>ĂůďĂƵŐ͕ WĂƌĞů͕DƵŵďĂŝϰϬϬϬϭϮ͘dĞů͘EŽ͘Ϯϰϳϭϱϰϴϭ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2011 02 Editorial FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Dear Readers, Diwali is coming! For all you enthusiastic fatakra busting youngsters… Parsi Times has a list of places where you can get some good quality crackers and lessen the damage to the environment. If you are going to burst crackers, it might be worth your while to go knocking on your colony doors and give the older aunties and uncles some bribe worthy mithai and cotton balls! If you are not, you can always enjoy the season SDLQWLQJGL\DVPDNLQJVZHHWVDQGVKDULQJVWRULHVLQWKHOLJKWRIWKHÁDPH%HWWHU\HWVSHQGWKHGD\UHÁHFWLQJRQKRZ*RRGRYHUFRPHV(YLO in the larger scheme of things, the essence of the festival and the belief within our religion. 7KHSDVWZHHNKDVEURXJKWLQVRPHORYHO\JXHVWVDWWKH3DUVL7LPHVRIÀFH2QHRIWKHPZDVD'DVWXUMLIURP,UDQ+LVVZHHWZRUGVDUHVKDUHG in our pages. I must thank a lovely lady Mrs. Meher Sutaria, for taking the time out to write to us. She writes about her 11 year old granddaughter reading the Parsi Times. Knowing that we at Parsi Times can engage the hearts and the keen interest of young promising community members like Mrs. Sutaria’s granddaughter, is the best gift this Diwali could bring. The thought truly lights us up from within! $QRWKHU'LZDOL*LIWDGYHUWLVLQJEXUVWVRQWRRXUSDJHV&RPPXQLW\PHPEHUVZHSURPLVH\RXLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWKHEHVWSODFHVWRJHWZKDW\RXZDQWWKURXJK our ads. 7KHUDJHDQGKXUWVHQWLPHQWVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\RYHUWKHXVHRIWKH'RRQJHUZDGLSURSHUW\SRXURXWLQ/HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRU6RPDQ\WKDWZHFDQ·WHYHQ print them all. Actions speak louder than words and we hope that our pages celebrate improvements on the part of the management from here on instead of complaint after complaint about them. +DSS\5HDGLQJ Freyan [email protected] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 62'$:$7(5:$//$5(9,9$/ congratulate you for bringing out such 3$56,7,0(69$5,(7< giving on at our sacred place, viz. Madam, a wonderful weekly like the “Parsi Dear Editor & Parsi Times Team, “DOONGERWADI” as also at I regularly get a complimentary Times”. Its contents are informative, Good reading. “KHAREGHAT COLONY” for the copy of Parsi Times. interesting and trendy. I truly appreciate the range of issues night shoots. It is very shameful when The articles published therein I am a grandmother and while dealt in your Parsi Times but would Vada Dasturji of UDVADA tried to especially articles on Parsi Religion I simply love going through the suggest maximum variety of articles contact Mr. Khojestee Mistree, Trustee culture, heritage and ‘Parsi-ness’ contents of your newspaper, it gives to satisfy to different tasks for young & in charge of Doongerwadi, on phone makes interesting reading. me immense pleasure to see my 11 and Sr. people (old) generations. Also & the reply that he received from his As recently as 8th Oct. 2011 you year old grand-daughter reading it there should be Question and Answer wife & daughter “He is sleeping & not published a write-up “Revival Story and taking keen interest in matters space on savings. All avenues of to be disturbed”. of Sodawaterwalla Dharamshala– pertaining to our community. Keep up Investments and of Hobbies, etc. After repeated phone calls by Udvada”. the good work. Much thanks for your article on Dasturji & personal visit of Mr. It is heartening to note that the Recently, while going through my Religion and about Parsi History Gustad Irani to his residence, he nearly 80 yrs. old structure which had collection of interesting articles and Series (Shahnama). replied negatively that he does not fallen to dismal state was revived by poem, cut out from various magazines Hoshang T. Sethna know anything and inquire with Mr. a Parsi heritage architect and a Parsi and newspapers, I came across this Dinshaw Mehta (So called “Chairman” philanthropist, so that the institution poem (source unknown) titled, “If you of B.P.P.). could be of service to our Community like me tell me”. I would like to share 72:(562)12,6( Even when Dasturji summoned, member who frequently visit Udvada it with your readers, more so, because Dear Freyan, Er. Cyrus Dastoor – the Brain & Idea to pay homage to Shree Paak Iranshah. in this hectic fast paced world, no one By the grace of DADAAR behind such incidents – given to Mr. Please keep-up with good work. has the time to utter a few words of $+85$0$='$ WKLV ZLOO ÀQG \RXU D. Mehta, for the sake of Lakhs of May the blessings of Ahura Mazda and praise and appreciation to friends and goodself & your dear family members Rupees; just washed of his hands, our prophet Zarathushtra be upon you. loved ones. By the time one realises in the best of health. as it is not a burning issue of Parsee the true worth of a person, it is just too Kindly accept my heartiest Community. Regards, late. This poem might help to strike congratulations, for very boldly & It is very shameful on the parts of Jamshed Shroff a chord in the hearts of your readers courageously reporting & printing Mr. K. Mistree & his family, as well as and help them to avoid a “too little too with photos on Article, viz. “TOWERS for Er. Cyrus Dastoor. late” kind of a situation. OF NOISE” of another erupting Freyan, you may believe it or not, ,)<28/,.(0(7(//0( With Warm regards, scandle created by the Team of New but DADAAR AHURAMAZDA. Dear Freyan, Meher P. Sutaria Trustees of B.P.P. for the sake of To begin with, I would like to (Poem contribution on Pg. 16) some Lakhs of Rupees for cacophony Contd. on Pg. 3 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2011 Letters to the Editor 03 Contd. from Pg. No. 2 so good but how did he wake gas / exhaust? Just to refresh efforts of Parsi Times to be century, have to live, like in the Form of a up to attend to Meheli Colah’s the memory it was High impartial in its reporting the Jews, of Europe had to, “FARISHTA/MASIHA” phone as well as Jimmy Priests Dr. Firoze Kotwal views of both sides. under Hitler regime, in the must have sent Dasturji who Mistry’s phone call later on? & others objected to solar With regards, last century? summouned you & your team That is quite intriguing. concentrators stating that Homi Dalal (9920705713) Has the Parsi Taliban for Report & Photos. Mistree has made a even a nail cannot be nailed arrived? Secondly, your articles on grievance about the Parsee in Dokhma since they are As for the shooting I feel various Baugs/Colonies are press ‘ganging up’ against religiously consecrated. No HAS THE PARSI TALIBAN there should be no objection very interesting & thought him. The same if true is doubt he took summersault ARRIVED? as long as some bodyguard provoking. Your Review UHÁHFWLYH RI KLV SRSXODULW\ within no time under your his Madam, doesn’t starts shooting & Photos on celebration of index. Mistree cannot expect pressure. I would like to add Apropos Letters to the Parsis and sending them to URAN AGIARY’s Salgreh, every Parsee to forget his that I too am a traditionalist Editor PT 15 Oct., wherein Doongerwadi for their last is interesting. Atashpadsa poll promise to declare assets and “bhunnar gunnar’ but you have published an journey. Shooting should Saheb will certainly Bless you. upon being elected, which that does mean that I should anonymous letter “Shooting take place in every baug so Freyan, may the choicest he has not adhered to after cover my vision with mask at Cusrow Baug.” that Parsis can shake hands Blessings of Almighty God passage of three years. and bid good bye to common Following thoughts raced with their favorite Bachchans, be showered upon your Mistree has also added sense and reasoning. The through my mind: Kapoors, Khans, and their goodself and may you always that ‘Those who want the mischievous distortion that all What is the reason for this favourite actresses, like have PEACE, PROSPERITY, collapse the Dokhmashini those who believe in practicing guy to request you not to Smriti, Kajol and so on. After HAPPINESS & ZEAL to system are already busy with the collapsed system alone are publish the name? all Parsis are fond of Hindi work for the Community (in their nonsense’. traditionalists and those who 1. Could it be that he/she movies/songs. General)) and for your “Parsi In this context my disagree are lesser Parsees is afraid that a Fatwa As for parking problem, Times” (in Particular) in the questions are: is laughable considering may be invoked, and he/ Parsis can resort to double or years to come. 1) The entire community the double standards of she may be treated like a triple parking or drive out to With kindest Thoughts and knows that the system as it those wearing the label of renegade, and prevented Taj, Oberoi, during those few Best Regards. existed say thirty years ago Traditionalists. from parking his cars/two hours and while their time has already collapsed and Instead of admitting wheelers at his favorite at the Cigar Lounge or some Sincerely Yours there is nothing anybody his limitation, Mistree has place, or denied entry in Cabaret. PT Reader wishes to remain can do further to add to its FKRVHQ WR GHÁHFW WKH EODPH the club? Also for peace and Anonymous collapse. The reason why for defunct funerary system. 2. Could it be that he/she is tranquility this is a good Parsees opt for this defunct He was vocal for Aviary afraid that Parsi pehlwans excuse/opportunity to get ‘system’ is due to denial of since over a decade and his will bash him/her up as out to Lonavla to some .+$5(*+$76+227287 sacraments by the Priestly scorecard on this front after was done to old Moose, and Dela Bungalows, or Goa, or The Editor, class.
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