LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1884. 5229 Maidstone, commencing in the parish of East ments, water, and property for the purposes of the Farleigh, in and out of a spring situate in the Hill, and also in addition thereto, so to acquire the field numbered 53 on the said map, belonging following lands (that is to "say) : certain lands in or reputed to belong to, and in the occupation the said parish of Boxley, belonging or reputed to of, the said James Johnson Ellis, at a point belong to the said Trustees of the Right Honour- about 270 yards west of the fence between able the Earl of Ayle>foid, and in the occupation the said fields, numbered respectively 57 and of the said James William Bensted, bounded on 58 en the said ordnance map, thence cross- the north-west partly by the said road leading ing under the River Medwtiy and terminating from "The Pilgrim's-road " to Sandling and partly in the parish of Maidstone by a junction by Boarley Cottages, on the south-east by an with Work No. 11, at a point about 443 yards imaginary line drawn parallel with and at a distance west of its commencement. of 760 yards south-east of the said road, on the No. 16. An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes north-east by the said Pilgrim's*road, and on the wholly in the parishes of East Farleigh and south-west by an imaginary line drawn parallel Maidstone, commencing in and out, of a spring with and at a distance of about 820 yards south- situate in the said field numbered 53, at a west of the said road, and certain lands in the point about 530 feet east of the southern end parish of East Barming, belonging or reputed to of East Farleigh Bridge, thence crossing belong to and in the occupation of Friend William under the River Mod way, and terminating Samson, bounded on the north by the line of the in the parish °of Maidstone by a junction South-Eastern Railway Company, on the east and with Work No. II, at a point about 520 feet south by land of the said Maidstone Waterworks east of the northern end of the said bridge. Company, and on the west by an occupation road No. 17. An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, leading from the River Medway to Scraces Farm. wholly in the parishes of East Farleigh and 6. To enable the Company to apply their exist- East Barming, commencing in the parish of ing funds and any moneys which they have still East Farlei»h. in and out of a spring in the power to raise to the purposes or any of the pur- field numbered 50 on the said imp, at a point poses of the Bill, and lor the like purposes, and about 130 feet south-east from the southern for the general purposes of their authorised under- corner of the said bridge, 1 hence crossing taking, to raise additional capital by the creation under the River Medway, and terminating in and i>sue of nc\v ordinary and preference Shares the- parish of East Barming by a junction with and Stock, and by borrowing, or partly by one Work No. 11, at a point therein about -55 feet mode, and partly by another. eastward of the north end of the-; said bridge. 7. The Bill will vary and extinguish all exist- No. 18. A covered service reservoir (Reservoir ing rights and privileges which would interfere No. 2) wholly in the suid parish of East with any of the objects of the Bill, and will Barming, situate in the north-west corner of confer upon the Company all such other rights a field belonging or reputed to belong to the and privileges as may be necessary for any pur- Company, and in the occupation of Stephen poses of the Bill, and will amend, enlarge, and Coppard,aud abutting on the west side oi: the repeal the necessary powers' and provisions of road leading from East Farlcigh to Ayles- "The Maidstone Waterworks Act, I860,"'4The . ford, and near to the County Lunatic Asylum. Maidstouc Waterworks Act, 1863," " The Maid- No. 19. An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, stone Water Order, .1873," "The Maidstone wholly in the parishes of East Banning and Water Order, 1874," "The Maidstone Water Maidstone, commencing in the parish of Order, 1879," and the Maidstone Waterworks East Barming, in and out of the south- Act, 1882," and any other Act or Order relating east side of the Reservoir No. 2, and termi- directly or indirectly to the Company. nating in the parish of Maidstone by a junc- 8. The Bill will incorporate with itself, with or tion with the existing main pipe of the Com- without variation, the necessary provisions of pany near to the Fountain Inn. " The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act. No. 20. All cuts, adits, culverts, drains, sluices, 1845," "The Companies Clauses Act, 1863," engines, pumps, tanks, pools, cisterns, ap- "The Companies Clauses Act, 1869," "The proaches, works, and appliances subsidiary Lands Clauses Acts, 1845, 1860, and 1869," to the said proposed works or necessary or and " The Waterworks Clauses Acts, 1847 and convenient for, or in relation to the. collecting, 1863," and also such parts of "The Railways conveying, appropriating and using the Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," as relate to waters of the said springs. roads and the temporary occupation of lands. 2. To enable the Company to collect, divert, Plans and sections in duplicate describing the take, use, and appropriate for the purposes of the lines, situation, and levels of the proposed woi'ks, said new works, and of their uud'crtaking, all such and the lands, houses, and other property, in or springs and waters as will or may be interrupted through which they will be made, and duplicate by the proposed works, or as may be found under plans showing the lands, houses, and other any lands for the time being, belonging to the property which may be taken under the powers Company, or in or over or in respect of which of the Bill for other purposes, together with a they have any easement, and particularly the book of reference to such plans, containing several springs hereinbefore mentioned, all which the names of the owners and lessees or reputed now flow into the River Mc.hvjiy. owners and lessees, and of the occupiers of such 3. To enable the Company to deviate from the lands, houses, and other property, and a copy of lines and levels shown on the deposited plans and this notice, will, on or before the 29th day of sections to any extent defined in the Bill. November instant, be deposited for public inspec- 4. To authorise the Company to lay down and tion with the Clerk of the Peace for the County maintain pipes and apparatus in, over and across, of Kent, at his office at Maidstone, and on or and for that purpose to break up, alter, divert, before the same day, a copy of. so much of the stop up, and interfere with streets, roads, lanes, said plans and sections and book of reference as rivers, watercourses, streams, railways, tramways, relates to. each parish, in or through which the sewers, drains, pipes, and telegraph apparatus. intended works will be made, or in which any 5. To enable the Company to acquire compul- lands, houses, and other property are intended to fcorily and by agreement, and to hold lands, ease- be taken, and a copy of this notice will be.
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