Cambridge University Press 0521803357 - Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia Thomas T. Allsen Index More information Index A-hu-ch’a, 205 Amu Darya, 48 Abaqa, 41, 73 An Shih-kao, 13 Chinese seal of, 26 An-ts’ung, 146, 151 sends envoys to Grand Qan, 26, 41, 47 ancestor worship, of Mongols, 65 receives patent from Qubilai, 25 animal slaughter, techniques of, 128–29, 207 titles on coinage, 26 animals, as tribute goods, 34, 43, 44 Abbasids, 9, 10, 13, 194 anti-Islamic attitudes, in Yuan China, 195 Abd al-Rahman, 49 Arghun, 31, 111 Abu’l Fazl, 101 conflict with Ahmad, 27 Abu’l Ghazı,85 sends envoys to Grand Qan, 27, 29 Abu Saıd, 47, 75 titles on coinage, 28–29 conflict with Chuban, 39–40 Arghun Aqa, 19, 48 sends envoys to Grand Qan, 43–44, 153–54, Ariq Böke, 23, 56 155 Armenia, 53 titles on coinage, 38 Armenia, Lesser, 88 Academy of Calendrical Studies, 184 see also Cilicia acculturation, theories of, 189–90 Armenians, 11, 12, 184 Achaemenids, 191, 194, 201–2 Arsacids, 8 Adshead, S., 113 astronomers Afrasiyab, 73–74 as prognosticators, 205–6 Africa, in Muslim cartography, 114 Chinese, in Iran, 161–62, 165 agricultural manuals collaboration between Chinese and Chinese, 118–19 Muslim, 163–64 Muslim, 116–17 Eastern Christian, in China, 166, 168 Ahmad, il-qan, titles on coinage, 26 Muslim, in China, 166–72 see also Tegüder Muslim, in Tibet, 171–72 Ahmad, Yuan minister, 70–71, 195 Muslim, influence in China, 172–74 Ai-hsieh, 27, 149 status among Mongols, 161 see also Isa kelemechi astronomical instruments, Muslim, in China, Ajiqi, 105 169 Akbar, 101 astronomical literature, Muslim, in China, Alaq Buqa, 205 170, 173 Alexander the Great, 199 astronomy Alexandria, 41 Chinese, influence in Muslim world, 174–75 allotted territories, 43–45 Muslim, in Ming period, 172–73 dispensed by Möngke, 45, 47–49, 52 Aubin, Jean, 20 dispensed by Ögödei, 45, 49 a’urugh,76 of Batu, 48, 52, 53 of Hülegü, 46–48 Bacon, Roger, 175, 207 see also qubi, nasıb, bakhsh, fen-ti Baghdad, 20, 43, 124, 132, 176 almond, 132 Baidu, titles on coinage, 31 Altan Debter, 88, 89, 90, 97 Baiju, Yuan envoy, 34, 77 238 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521803357 - Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia Thomas T. Allsen Index More information Index 239 Baiju noyan, military commander, 19 trains recruits in guard, 64, 74, 79 bakhsh,45 wealth of, 77 see also qubi Boniface VIII, pope, 32 bakhshi/bakhshiyan, 29, 33, 101 Börte Üjin, 63 balish, 177, 178 Braudel, F., 191 Balkh, 46, 99 Buell, P., 131, 138 Banakatı,93 büke’ül,45 Banu Sasan, 181 Bulad, 73, 77 Bar Hebraeus, 41, 84, 201 see also Bolad Baraq, 49 Bulghai, 148 Bartol’d, V., 103 Bulliet, R., 181 Batu, 20 Buqa, 27, 74 ba’urchi, 63, 66 Bureau of Household Provisions, 69, 71, 73, office, of, 127–28 121, 130–31 Bayan, 23, 49, 69 Bureau of Military Affairs, 69, 71, 76, 78 bean flour, 135 Buyantu, sends envoys to Il-qans, 38 beans, 124–25 beets, 132 cakravartinraja,55 Berke, support for Ariq Böke, 56 calendar Besh Baliq, 105 in political culture, 175 biographical writing, in China, 94 Muslim, in China, 173 al-Bırunı, 170 of Mongols, 161 blood, circulation of, 207 of Yeh-lü Ch’u-ts’ai, 165–66 bö’e, 203–4, 205 calendrical tables, 164 Bolad Canton, 13, 124 as cook, 63, 66, 69, 71, 127 carrot, Persian, in China, 124 as cultural broker, 79–80, 192 Carter, T., 177 as expert on Mongol history, 84–85, 86–87, cartography 88–89 Chinese, 109–10 as informant on Yuan China, 90 Korean, 109, 110, 111 as informant to Rashıd al-Dın, 77–79 Muslim, 111–12 attitude toward Chinese culture, 71 Muslim, in China, 110–11, 113 career compared with Marco Polo, 61–62 censorate, 70 collaboration with Chinese officials, 65, 67 mentioned by Rashıd al-Dın, 78 collaboration with Persian officials, 79 reinstituted by Qubilai, 66 confusion over name, 59–61, 72–73 census taking, 54 consulted on paper money, 74, 177–78 Cha-ma-lu-ting, 107 death of, 76 see also Jamal al-Dın demotion under Ghazan 74–75 Chabar, 35 early career in China, 63–65 Chaghadai Qanate, 29 early career in Iran, 73–74 Chaghadaids, territories of, 24 honored, 76–77 Chaghan, 99 interrogates political prisoners, 70, 91 Ch’ang-an, 13 investigates Ahmad, 70–71 Chang Ch’ien, 8, 10, 12, 134 knowledge of Chinese agriculture, 67–68, Ch’ang Ch’un, 99, 161 115, 119 Chang-te, 46 knowledge of Chinese geography, 106 Chang Te-hui, 64 knowledge of Chinese historiography, Chang Tso-ch’eng, 180 95–96 Chang Wen-ch’ien, 67 knowledge of Chinese language, 64 ch’ao, 79, 177, 180, 183, 185 knowledge of printing, 179–80 see also paper money mediator between Ghazan and Baidu, 74 Chao Ping-wen, 65 military career of, 64, 69–70, 76 Chao Shih-lang, 180 partnership with Rashıd al-Dın, 75–76 Charignon, A., 60 posting to Iran, 27, 28, 71, 72–73 chaw, 177, 180, 185 sources for biography of, 62 see also ch’ao, paper money ties to Imperial Library Directorate, 68, 95, Chenastan, 8 97 Ch’eng Chü-fu, 201 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521803357 - Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia Thomas T. Allsen Index More information 240 Index ch’eng-hsiang, 28, 60, 73 “Diaries of Activities and Repose,” 99 Chenık, 8 divination, 204–6 ch’i, 207 Doquz Qatun, 30, 148 Chia Ssu-tao, 91 Dörben, 63 Chin shih,96 Du’a, 29, 55, 72, 105 Chinggis Qan, 5 defeat of, 35 dispensation of territory, 18, 22, 51–52 titles on coinage, 18 Edessa, 149 Chinqai, 148 egechi,73 chopsticks, in Arabic, 136 eggplant, 133 Chormaqan, 19 Egypt, 42, 110, 112, 117, 120, 189 Chou, 11 Ennin, 13 Chu Ssu-pen, 109 erke’ün, 151 Ch’üan-chou, 13, 41, 124 Euclid, in China, 169 see also Zaiton Chuban, 38, 76 Fakhr al-Dın Ahmad, Malik, 34, 49–50 dominance at court, 39 fen-ti, 45, 77 Cilicia, 149 see also qubi see also Armenia, Lesser feng-shui, 209 cinnabar poisoning, 143 filtering, cultural, 203 cinnamon, 120, 153 see also screening Clavijo, Ruy González de, 202 fingerprinting, 77 Clement IV, pope, 25 “five households silk,” 46 coconuts, 120 “five households silk households,” 46, 52 Collected Chronicles food Chinese sources used in, 91–92, 94–95 Muslim, 130–31 chronological systems in, 164–65 Muslim, in China, 131–33 coverage of, 83–84 of Mongols, 128–29 coverage extended by Öljeitü, 91 “Four Great Schools of Medicine,” 157 geographical data in, 103 Fragner, B., 136–38 Ghazan’s titles in, 32 Franke, H., 92 foreign sources used in, 84 fruit trees, diffusion of, 121, 122–24 initiated by Ghazan, 85 Fu-chou, 120 method of compilation, 98 Fu-lin, 10, 149, 150 on Mongol and Turkic tribes, 85 Fulad, 60 oral tradition in, 86 see also Bolad “contact specialists,” 190 cooks, Chinese, in Iran, 135 Geikhatu, 75 cotton, 125–26 introduces paper money, 177–79 Court of Imperial Sacrifices, 65–66 titles on coinage, 29 cubebs, 152–53 genealogy, 92–93 cuisine General Secretariat, 64, 71 imperial, developed by Mongols, 130, 196 geomancy, 208–9 Jürchen, 139 Georgia, 18, 20, 32, 53 Muslim, in China, 138–40 claims on, of Golden Horde, 33, 54 cultural attitudes of Mongols, openness of, Ghazan, 29, 30, 49, 137–38 197–98 conflict with Baidu, 31 cultural diffusion knowledge of Mongol traditions, 33, 85, mechanisms of, 59, 125–26, 139–40 88 Mongols as intermediaries of, 5–7, 193–94, legitimation of, 55 210–11 reforms of, 75, 79, 116 nomads as intermediaries of, 4–5 sends envoys to Grand Qan, 34, 49–50 theories of, 189–91 titles on coinage, 31–33 cumin seed, 132 Ghaznavids, 9 Gılan, 76 Daghestan, 54 Golden Horde, 20, 27, 35 Damascus, 132 grapes, 134 darughachi, 45, 47, 49, 70 grid maps, in China, 112 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521803357 - Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia Thomas T. Allsen Index More information Index 241 Güyüg, 17 Imperial Library Directorate, 78, 209 titles on coinage, 19 as astronomical observatory, 169 gumashtagan, 48, 49 as repository of historical records, 97, 101 as repository of maps, 107 Hafiz-i Abru, 113, 185 founding of, 68 Hamd-Allah Mustawfı Qazvını, 112, 121 printing at, 180 Han-lin Academy, 96, 100 Indian Ocean, 41, 114 Hantum, 65, 67, 91 Innocent IV, pope, 19 Helms, M., 192, 201 Institute of Muslim Astronomy, 168 Hephthalites, 9 Irinjin Dorje, 29 Herodotus, 87 see also Geikhatu Herskovits, M., 192 Irtysh River, 35 Het’um, 88, 149 Isa kelemechi, 60, 97, 107 Hillah, 124 as astrologer, 166 historiography medical career in China, 149–50 Chinese, influence on Muslim, 99–102 posting to Iran, 27, 28, 72 Chinese, West Asia in, 93–94 sons of, 150, 168 Mongol support for, 196–97 see also Ai-hsieh relationship between Chinese, Persian and Mongol, 89–90, 97–98 Jackson, P., 52, 56 History of China, of Rashıd al-Dın, 85, Jahan-namah, 113 91–92, 179 Jahn, K., 104 History of India, of Rashıd al-Dın, 84, 153 Jalayir, 87 Hostel for Foreign Envoys, 96, 106 Jamal al-Dın, 171 Hsi-yü, 9 arrival in China, 166–67 see also Western Regions cartographical work of, 107–8 Hsiang-wei,70 geographical work of, 108–9 hsien-sheng, 162 Jami al-tavarıkh,83 Hsiung-nu, 8 see also Collected Chronicles Hsü Heng, 65 Japan, 105 Hsu Shih-lung, 65, 96, 101 jaw, 184 Hsü T’ing, 166 see also ch’ao, paper money Hsü Yu-jen, 108 Jesus the Interpretor, 27 Hsüan Tsang, 21 see also Isa kelemechi, Ai-hsieh Hu Ssu-hui, 131 Jimjim, 70 Hülegü, 17–18 Jochids, territories of, 24 builds observatory at Maraghah, 163 Judaism, 11 conflict with Berke, 54 jujubes, 120 conflict with Jochids, 20 Jundi Shapur, 147 conquests in West Asia, 19–20 junk, 42 sends envoys to Grand Qan, 23 Jürchens, 10 territories of, 24 Jürki, 63 titles on coinage, 21 Juvaynı, 18, 48, 84, 205–6 Hung-chou, 140 on territorial division of empire, 51–52
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