15. APPENDIX C – PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 15.1. APPENDIX C-1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION DOCUMENT (BID) 15.2. APPENDIX C-2: NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT Proof of publication in Bloem News to be included in the final Scoping Report. 15.3. APPENDIX C-3: SITE NOTICE AND PROOFS Plate 15-1: Site notice posted for proposed mining development Plate 15-2: Site notice 1 (BP39.6) erected at the Kleinfontein 859 Farm access gate near the R703 Plate 15-3: Site notice 2 (BP42.2 and BP42.7) erected at the Die Pan 1034 Farm near N1 Plate 15-4: Site notice 3 (BP44.5 and BP44.6) erected at the Graspan 553 Farm near N1 Plate 15-5: Site notice 4 (BP51.0) erected at the Tweefontein 66 Farm turnoff from the T1078 service road, near the N1 Plate 15-6: Site notice 5 (BP52.8) erected at the De Buys 2258 Farm turnoff from the T1078 service road, near the N1 Plate 15-7: Site notice 6 (BP56.3) erected at the Welgevonden 64 Farm near the N1 Plate 15-8: Site notice 7 (BP57.9) erected at the Kraal 62 Farm turnoff from the S105 road, near the N1 Plate 15-9: Site notice 8 (BP64.2) erected at the Pleasant View 1356 Farm turnoff from the T1084 service road, near the N1 Plate 15-10: Site notice 9 (BP72.4 and 72.7) erected at the Kruidbaden 1245 Farm turnoff from the R703, near the N1 Plate 15-11: Site notice 10 (BP73.8) erected at the Harmonia 1245 Farm turnoff from the R703, near the N1 Plate 15-12: Site notice 11 (BP77.7) erected at the De Hartsplaats 17 Farm turnoff from the R703, near the N1 Plate 15-13: Site notice 12 (Q50.6) erected at the Brandkop 1594 Farm, near the N1 Plate 15-14: Site notice 13 (Q77.5) erected at the Rietfontein 18 Farm, near the N1 15.4. APPENDIX E-4: INCEPTION LETTERS OF NOTIFICATION 15.4.1. Letter of Notification sent to Landowner and Neighbours 15.4.2. Letter of Notification sent to Organs of State 15.4.3. Proofs To be included in the final Scoping Report. 15.5. APPENDIX C-3: INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES (I&APS) REGISTERS Table 15-1: Contact detailed of landowners relevant to the proposed project Postal / Physical Land Owners Farm Name Properties Email Tel No. Cell No. Address PO Box 150 Burandi (Pty) Ltd. Harmonia 867 RE/867 083 264 2199 Winburg 9420 1 Candy J. Ackerman Grisella 1595 1595 [email protected] 051 407 0000 083 417 9948 Winburg 9420 [email protected] J. Calitz De Hartplaats 17 RE/17 082 881 7639 om PO Box 1 J.C de Klerk Pleasant View 1356 RE/1356 [email protected] 076 855 8488 Winburg 9420 PO BOX 3, J.E Barnard (owner); Tweefontein 66 RE/66 [email protected] 051 433 3110 083 312 7079 Verkeerdevlei D.P Mering (contact) 9401 PO Box 455 Graspan 553 RE/553 J.J Linde [email protected] 083 305 2437 Brandfort Die Pan 1034 RE/1034 9400 Kleinfontein 859 RE/859 [email protected] PO Box 35527 N.L Mokoena Rietfontein 18 1/859 m / 082 422 4910 Bloemfontein (National Government) Dorpsgronden RE/18 [email protected] 9325 Winburg 681 PO Box 305 P.J Dougles Kruidbaden 1245 1/1245 [email protected] 083 378 8390 Winburg 9420 PO Box 151 R. van der Burg Kraal 62 62 [email protected] 083 255 2055 Winburg 9420 Graspan 553 2/553 58 van Eck Place Die Pan 1034 1/1034 Mkondeni Thobile Duma (SANRAL) Rietfontein 18 4/18 [email protected] 033 392 8167 Pietermaritzburg Welgevonden 64 1/64 KwaZulu-Natal Pleasant View 1356 1/1356 3200 Helpman 1438 5/1438 Brandkop 1594 1/1594 De Buys 2258 1/2258 PO Box 142 [email protected] Jannie Scott Welgevonden 64 RE/64 083 235 2366 Winburg m 9420 Helpman 1438 3/1438 PO BOX 25303 melanievanrooyen79@ya Joggie Ackerman Randfontein 1730 RE/1730 083 417 9948 Langenhovenpark hoo.com De Buys 2258 RE/2258 9330 Robert Donald Mitchell PO Box 21 (owner); Welkom 55 1/55 [email protected] 011 475 5073 082 571 6871 Winburg Garth Mitchell (contact) 9420 Table 15-2: Contact detailed of neighbouring land owners relevant to the proposed project Postal / Physical Neighbours Farm Name Properties Email Tel No. Cell No. Address 11 Swartberg Rd Ward No 22 Alexander Henry Thorpe Zeekoegat 15 8/15 011 894 4642 083 273 8490 Ravenswood Ext 8 1459 1 1 Andries Benjamin Pienaar Retief 2371 2371 057 215 1241 082 822 2087 Secunda 2302 Po Box 487 Barend Christoffel David`S Rust 716 716 058 852 2452 Heilbron Steenkamp 9650 P O Box 130895 Bryanston Burandi Pty Ltd Harmonia 867 RE/867 Johannesburg Gauteng 2074 12 Bloemfontein Chatarina Huibrech Elizabeth Scottland 1085 RE/1085 051 881 1384 082 927 7714 Bloemfontein Du Plessis Randfontein 1730 1/1730 9301 Po Box 29563 Danhof Cherangani Trade & Invest Valley 314 1/314 Bloemfontein 78 Pty Ltd Free State 9310 0 Caritas Lifestyle Villa Cornelius Johannes Pienaar Ralitsibane 2265 2265 051 446 4252 Langenhoven Park Bloemfontein 9301 12 Badenhorst Str Universitas Daniel Christiaan Cronje Zeekoegat 15 RE/15 051 522 2905 083 271 9909 Bloemfontein 9301 Po Box 89 De Villiers Lombard Spionkop 159 159 [email protected] 051 841 1108 Winburg Winburg 9420 60 Riviera Rd [email protected] Killarney Donald Robert Mitchell Welkom 55 RE/55 011 648 5741 082 491 1465 o.Za Johannesburg 2193 4 Olien Str Gertruida Maria Susanna Anna’s Gift 681 681 027 216 1043 083 273 7929 Klawer Meiring 8145 67 Morrison Ave Hendrik Gerhardus Coenraad Rietondale Immigratie 678 678 [email protected] 012 329 3142 082 688 4049 Human Moot 0084 Farm Wildebeestfontein 67 Wildebeestefontein Hendrik Jacobus Victor RE/67 051 841 1099 083 406 6361 Verkeerdevlei 67 Verkeerdevlei Free State 1000 [email protected] Joachim Jacobus Ackerman Tabaksberg 2255 2255 051 407 0000 083 417 9948 a Blydskap Verkeerdevlei Johanna Smith Sandspruit 855 RE/855 051 841 1043 073 052 8035 Verkeerdevlei 9401 Tafelkop 52 RE/52 Po Box 1 De Hoogte 368 RE368 Winburg Johannes Christoffel De Klerk [email protected] 051 430 4231 082 571 6871 De Vlakte 897 897 Winburg Vacant 2087 2087 9420 DE HARTPLAATS 17 RE/17 J.Calitz@Aurecongroup. J. Calitz HARTPLAATS 896 896 C 082 881 7639 DAUPHINE 1271 1271 Om Po Box 3, J.E Barnard Tweefontein 66 1/66 [email protected] 051 433 3110 083 312 7079 Verkeerdevlei D.P Mering 9401 VAALKRANS 63 1/63 PO Box 151 R. Van Der Burg CORNELIA 444 RE/444 [email protected] 083 255 2055 Winburg UITVAL 1087 1/1087 9420 Graspan 553 Hooger Op 679 Sandspruit 855 3/553 Kleinfontein 859 1/679 Grootfontein 861 2/855 Driefontein 1035 2/859 De Hartplaats 17 1/861 Klipplaatsfontein 37 1/1035 Tafelkop 52 2/17 Tafelkop 52 18/37 Tweefontein 66 1/52 De Hoogte 368 2/52 Cornelia 444 3/66 Sanral Soc Ltd Dorpsgronden 1/368 38 Ida Street Thobile Duma Winburg 681 3/444 [email protected] 033 392 8167 Menlo Park Dorpsgronden 70/681 Pretoria Winburg 681 85/681 0081 Dorpsgronden 91/681 Winburg 681 97/681 Dorpsgronden 1/863 Winburg 681 1/867 Bosch-Rand 863 1/1085 Harmonia 867 4/1438 Scottland 1085 2/1594 Helpman 1438 2/1730 Brandkop 1594 1/2019 Randfontein 1730 2/2019 Mooi Uitkijk 2019 Mooi Uitkijk 2019 Po Box 142 [email protected] Jannie Scott Welgevonden 64 RE/64 083 235 2366 Winburg m 9420 Hooger Op 679 RE/679 Po Box 25303 Vaalkrans 63 RE/63 Melanievanrooyen79@Ya Joggie Ackerman 083 417 9948 Langenhovenpark Tweefontein 66 2/66 hoo.Com 9330 La Rochelle 129 129 Candy 1498 RE/1498 Brandkop 1594 RE/1594 Randfontein 1730 RE/1730 Waterkloof 2256 2256 97 Aliwal Str Petrus Johannes George Weltevreden 463 2/463 Arboretum 051 447 2654 082 490 9338 Dippenaar Mount Barnard 68 RE/68 Bloemfontein 9301 Farm Julia 827 Rd Verkeerdevlei Philippus Snyman Juliana 827 RE/827 051 841 1092 073 205 0267 Verkeerdevlei Free State 1000 Farm Mooifontein 2229 Pieter Barend Scott Sauls Pos 2259 2259 082 741 0298 District Winburg 9420 Sonop Winburg Pieter Hendrik George Smit Klipplaatsfontein 37 1/37 058 924 0044 078 776 8356 Free State 9420 Posbus 653 Pioen 1031 Beleggings Pty Nelsrust 1020 1020 Douglas Ltd Annadale 1021 1021 8730 Po Box 31402 Helderfontein 1035 1035 Bloemfontein Wessel Johannes Scott 051 44 22025 082 448 3769 Vlaswiek 1593 1593 Za 9300 Hartebeesfontein 117 Wilna Victor Papkuilfontein 73 RE/73 051 821 1879 0828377643 Brandfort 9400 Table 15-3: Contact details for government departments relevant to the proposed project Government Organisation Designation Email Tel No. Fax Postal Address Bodies Environment House; 473 Steve Biko Road Department of [email protected] Mpho Monyai 012 399 9413 Arcadia Environmental Affairs (DEA) a Pretoria 0001. Environment House; 473 Steve Biko Road Dakalo Department of [email protected] 012 399 8877 Arcadia Netshiombo Environmental Affairs (DEA) ov.za Pretoria 0001. Department of Acting Chief 473 Steve Biko Rd Rose Masela Environmental Affairs (DEA) Director: informati [email protected] 012 399 9511 Environmental House - Biodiversity on management Pretoria. DEA: Integrated Private Bag X447 Environmental 012 320 Danie Smit [email protected] 012 310 3659 Pretoria Authorisations (Protected 7539 0001 Areas) Toinette Van Department of tvandermerwe@environment. 012 395 1782 der Merwe Environmental Affairs (DEA) gov.za P/Bag x 447 Mmatlala Department of [email protected] 012 399 9174 Pretoria Rabothata Environmental Affairs (DEA) v.za 0001 Environment House; Department of 473 Steve Biko Road Ernest [email protected] Environmental Affairs (DEA) 012 399 9522 Arcadia Mokganedi v.za - Protected Areas Section Pretoria 0001.
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