-, \ *;;^-"-:•?-^"!^*v/f/i -^ V^<"/.'^', <^v p\" rVf* • 1 i~ '••%*:1 ^v-o r l/ f # • >*; ^fT v, *v* #"*•*>>/; v-^- <?- vs, ->.*>f *,>-.** ^ &* "*><?: $ **" \ e * -i*- & ^ ^ * i i ^ ^ v I **• v f * * ' ^ * a v ^ ^ , r s r r < 1 1 '-o--r'" ' * * "•"" ^ ^W'"' ^ •. >-v> H' 4 - n.- ~<-*•* a ; • ',?*>/ , a^, *- .j <" ,.<;•••, *- , »• r ?* • - *-•• ; - - - -„ ^ ^ — ^ ;,,,-* » -*•>< v* v--^ -;t - > -' *> ^ -|% -- i ^ •% ' - " t ^ " " r~ e C 1 * •* „ -*** ** - ~ i* - * » - ,. 1tr" *J1 ' A ' f i> \& 1** \*$ •V FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1938. THE FORUM I £ «grggi>i PAGE SEVEN m ALL STARS MUST STOP THEM FRIDAY NIGHT V ALPHA KAPPA LINDEN CENTER \.-i Ifi Hi. Hllilillii!!llillj|lillllllllllll|||||||illllll[(llllj||lilllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiinii.iiiiiiiiiiiinn t- r~'f ^T"' ALPHA Registration for fall activities at £ , * ,}' T Linden Center is now in progress and ' " i; f* f i<' Mr«. Lucie Taylor of South Euclid th*e enollment is already greater than C. 4 ** r Avenue was hostess on Saturday this same time for last fall. Girls II .«• tJ i. 1*0 | \. are registering for classes and clubs S1- afternoon to Beta Eta Omega Chap­ JBISfflHIIilittHllllllUlillUilflfiiBIIBlllllllllllllJinilHIIIIIill'lli lP.'i «; i ter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in addition to athletic teams. Field : ( f' : ••M% in their initial meeting of the Fall. hockey and field ball teams are be­ West Fifth Street, Dry ton, Ob o BP; ing formed for fall outdoor activities ^ ' : The meeting was social in nature, Built by Race People — Owred and Operated r £ . and classes are being arranged t ** * the 9orors exchanging experiences of 0 by Race People the summer spent in study and teach the girls these games. A touch When in Columbus, Visit the Empress r:;» travel. One realizes that Alpha Kap­ football league of four teams under 0 pa Alpha women certainly will be the direction of Bill Bailey, former much better prepared for the year's Roosevelt star and all city back for tfrork as it was found that they had two years, is playing a regular PROGRAM—WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25 / studied at Columbia university, Uni­ schedule and will represent Linden versity of Pennsylvania, Wittenberg, in the Playground league. Regular IS Miami University, Western Reserve schedule of classes in the gymnasium Sunday and Monday, Sept. 25 and 26 and Cincinnati University. will be announced at a later date. Four games of bridge were enjoy­ Tentative schedule for the balance Ivudy Vallee in ft ed with Evelyn Lee Crawford, Viola of the month of September has the GOLD DIGGERS IN PARIS , Lewis Waiters and Sara Swan Ellis gym available for men on Monday, With Rosemary Lane, Hugh Herbert, Allen Jenkins and holding high scores for prizes. Dainty Wednesday and Friday nights and refreshments were served and much ladies on Tuesday and Thursday Schnickelfritz Band Also Short Subjects V* ,4 * " 1*t ^ of Ye Ole Alpha Kappa Alpha spirit nights. Boxing classes are being *<£& V .#" T was revived as Sorors joined in held on Monday, Wednesday and aesday and Wednesday, Sept. 27 and 28 group singing with Annabelle Carter Friday nights under the direction of w->',vx Bobby Stewart and boys are begin­ Harold Lloyd in "PROFESSOR BEWARE" at the piano. ^ *\r-- Basileus Zella Richardson presided ning preparation for the Golden With Phyllis Welch, Raymond Walburn—Selected Shorts ^ 5' in a short meeting and Sofors pledg­ Gloves. Children and adults are urg­ J\ v*V ed themselves to a bigger and better ed to register for clubs or classes and 1 Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29 and 30 year for Alpha Kappa Alpha. to suggest new classes that may be LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY & formed. The members of Miami View are With Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland—Shorts YWCA NEWS scheduled t0 entertain the Toledo golf club on this Sunday. Toledo Saturday, October 1 was scheduled to appear earlier this The Membership Campaign got "W° S year but had to cancel at the last »9 —DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM— under way Monday night with a good Reading from left to right: Madi­ start. Miss Wynema Coleman the minute. They (Toledo) held an ex­ Workman, stellar tackle whose diag­ broken field runs to annoy the —Feature No. 1 — ji. son "Tony" Doram, backfield ace nostic sixth sense made the out ­ general chairman and Mrs. Gussie cellent tournament on last Sunday, Bears, as they prrp for £he "game of whose ability to pass with either standing tackle in the annals of Goodnight the assistant outlined in but none of the local boys were able I he century" when the Collegiate MR. CHUMP hand and kick with either foot will Southern football; and Andrew detail the final plans for the cam­ t0 win any of the numerous prizes. All Stars meet, the nationally fa­ Johnnie Davis, Penny Singleton, Lola Lane, Donald Diggs make him a marked man for the paign and the workers were given The Lincoln Lunch softbail team "Cherry" Miles, sterling quarterback mous Chicago Bears Friday night* Chicago Bears; Hiram "Blind Tom" their mateials, after which light re­ met at Linden Center on Wednesday with a hip-twisting ten second Thoy come from Xuvier university, —Feature No. 2— #,1 freshments were served. night to receive the trophy for win­ •.' New Orleans. (ANP photo) John Wayne in THE TRAIL BEYOND The workers for each team will be ning the championship of the Linden announced next week. The teams Center league. The sponsor, Mr. Sunday and Monday, Oct. 2 and 3 represent several of trite churches. Make, Manager of the Lincoln Lunch Leaders are Mrs. Thelma Richardson, Room received the trophy and ad­ i ALCATRAZ ISLAND Mrs. Dovie Barr, Mrs. Flora B. journed to the lunch room where a America's Angry Answer to (Ianj>la;iTs Ruthless Chal­ Green, Miss Exine Prear, Mrs. Lovie lovely dinner was served the team. lenge! — Ann Sheridan, John Litel,—Selected Shorts. Gay, Mrs. Heard, Mrs. Robinson, e Mrs. Z. Roberts, Mrs. Georgia Hub­ Progressive Club In bard, Miss Elgertha Jones, Mrs. Ruth Campbell, Mrs. Cora Gardner, Membership Drive others will be added. The report meetings will be Mon­ 1 day, September 26, Wednesday, CINCINNATI — The Progressive FOR GOOD CALIFORNIA WINE *f'Tte- September 28, Friday, September 30. Political Club met Monday night, The meetings will start promptly at September 12, at the home of Mrs. In half Pints, Pints, Quarts, Fifths, Half Gallons 6:30 P- M. with a supper followed Marion Hubbard. Because of the and Gallons Stop in at by a short program and the reports. membership campaign which is in progress the club is meeting once Popular Matron every week. The regular meetings THE W!NE STORE were held twice a month but now all The Chicago Bears, consistently sional wrestling,*,will be seen in ac­ member are requested to be present j Bell, Del Bjork, George & Musso. Imported and Domestic Wines at Reasonable Price* s one of the strongest teams in the tion against the greatest group Returns To at every meeting because of impor­ ot i Frank Bausch, Milt Trost, Ed National Professional league and Negro gridsters ever assembled. j Manske, Henry Hammond, Sam tant plans that are discussed every winners of the Western Division Joseph Campanello & Co. Dr. Hough's Office week. The membership is still on i Top uow: Red Grange, Dick I'lae- Francis, John Dochritig and Luke championship last fall, who the Col­ man, George Wilson, Rus Thomp­ , Johnsoa, the up—swing showing that Mr. ored All Stars are called on to stop Brown is putting forth every effort son, Frank Sullivan, Les McDonald. j Front Row: Joe Stydahar, Gene Friends of Mrs. Dorothy Jefferson Friday night at Soldier Field, Chi­ 414 Central Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio to make this drive a success. A cen Red Conkright, Bill Xarr, Pug Rent- , Ronzani, Ray Nolting, Bernie Mt«- will be pleased to learn that after an cago. Virtually all of the Bears are ner, Andy Lotshaw and Gir>igt tral committee ig being planned com­ 'oi's'ui, Dim Foi tniann, ' Beattie extended rest, she is now able to pictured, except Bronko„ Nagurski Corbett. posed of two members from each of j Feathers, Jack Mander*;, Bronko resume her work as office assistant who is devoting hia time to profes­ the allied clubs in the county. The Middle Row: George Halas, Kay Nnirurski, Keith Molesworth, Joe t Dr. C. Stanley Hough of 729 W. 0 goal of having the largest club in I Zeller and Ray Buivid. (ANP) Fifth St. Dr. Hough's? many patients Ohio is expected to be reached by the have been made happy by her return. middle of October. All prospective Dr. Hough is now one of the most Membership Drive members will be governed by an prominent physicians of the city and oath, pledging loyalty to the club a citizen Dayton i proud to possess. —JOIN NOW— WM. EWING ICE SERVICE s and also to adhere to the club policy Since being in our midst he has taken The Beautiful quite an active part in the civic af­ and program. wmjra m Mts. Marion Hubbard, Pres. CALL FVlton S633 SB ot/ A/ C G9 fairs of the city. He is a member of the N. A. A. C. P, and the Dayton UNITED CLUE For Prompt and Courteous Service Youth Movement. It has also been his pleasure to address groups from 862 Beocher St. WO 8172 ^ 1127 Germantown Street Dayton, Ohio FIWE Fllll CIASSIS time to time concerning subjects S2 Packard 1>. vita] to health. wheel sedan finish; good Stores Easily Mrs. Hough's presence has also rubber; only meant much. * She has diligently $195. worked in her capacity as a register­ Weighs less t'* ed nurse and is willing and prepared THE PARAMOUNT AMUSEMENT CLUB at a moment's notice to efficiently Costs less attend those in need of her services, PRESENTS or address any group upon subjects RODGER'S LQ1 of interest to them.
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