8850 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 5, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ROHM & HAAS CO., EMPLOYEES public and private sectors working in part­ cal business, and the shop steward of Local WIN PRESIDENT'S VOLUNTEER nership to meet human needs. I salute 61, recruited other union members to sup­ ACTION AWARD Action and Volunteer: The National Center port this cause. Thirty-five other union for Citizens Involvement for their joint members agreed to apply their carpentry leadership on this vital program. The ongo­ skills and to provide the manpower neces­ ing work accomplished by this year's award sary to build the needed equipment. HON.CHARLESF.DOUGHERTY winners is a reflection of the contribution so Mr. Taylor enlisted the support of the OF PENNSYLVANIA many Americans make every day. In honor Rohm & Haas Company to provide the use IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of these award winners, and of all those who of the plant's facilities in building the items labor with unheralded perseverance, I am Wednesday, May 5, 1982 and to allocate the funds necessary to buy proud to invite all Americans to join in ap­ all materials. It was his intention that no e Mr. DOUGHERTY. Mr. Speaker, I preciation and celebration. costs be incurred by the Easter Seal Society. am very pleased and quite proud to RONALD REAGAN. All equipment was built on the union mem­ bers' own free time. inform the House of Representatives THE PRESIDENT'S VOLUNTEER ACTION AWARDS that employees of the Rohm & Hass Fifty-eight pieces of equipment-profes­ Co., have won the President's Volun­ The President's Volunteer Action Awards sionally built for strength and safety with a Program has been created to call public at­ total value of approximately $3,000-have teer Action Award. This honor was be­ tention to the contributions of our nation's resulted from the project. More important stowed on local 61 of the International volunteers and to demonstrate what can be than the financial savings to the Easter Seal Union of Operating Engineers, Phila­ accomplished through voluntary action. Society, however, is the impact of the equip­ delphia, and its shop steward Richard The 1982 President's Awards are co-spon­ ment on the children at the Rehabilitation Taylor, who recruited members to sored by Volunteer: The National Center for Center. The rehabilitative equipment en­ build physical therapy equipment for Citizen Involvement, a private, nonprofit or­ ables these handicapped children, aged 2 ganization, and Action, the federal agency through 8, to become more independent and the city's Easter Seal Rehabilitation for volunteer service, with program manage­ Center. to better reach their own full potential. ment responsibility resting with Volunteer. Norma Portnoy, director of the Rehabilita­ I recently visited the Rohm & Haas In keeping with the President's call for tion Center, estimates that more than 2,000 chemical plant in my cUstrict where greater private sector initiatives, funding children will benefit from the efforts of Richie Taylor works. Both the compa­ for the program has come from private these volunteers.• ny and Richie, along with all the mem­ foundations and corporations. Awards are made in the following catego­ bers of local 61, ought to be very ries: jobs, health, material resources, educa­ proud of this achievement. Because of tion, recreation and the environment, public PHIL FRATTI their efforts, more .than 2,000 Phila­ safety, arts and humanities, with additional delphia-area handicapped children will awards for special corporate volunteer ef­ benefit from the use of the rehabilita­ forts. The awards, sterling silver medallions HON. ALLEN E. ERTEL tive equipment. These dedicated especially created by Tiffany and Co. and OF PENNSYLVANIA contributed by Avon Products, are present­ people deserve our thanks and con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulations. ed to the recipients by the President at a special White House ceremony. Wednesday, May 5, 1982 Mr. Speaker, at this point in the Over 2,300 nominations were received RECORD I include the following: from local, regional and national voluntary •Mr. ERTEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to THE WHITE HOUSE, organizations, corporations and labor introduce my colleagues to Phil Fratti Washington, D.C., April 2, 1982. unions, civic and neighborhood groups, fra­ of Hershey, Pa. DEAR FRIENDS: Today in America we have ternal organizations and from Action's re­ I do so because as practitioners of an unprecedented opportunity to renew the gional and state offices and its · programs the art of politics, I think we can bene­ tradition of neighbor helping neighbor and grantees. Additional requests for nomi­ which made this nation great. Through acts nations were generated by announcement of fit from Phil Fratti's methods. Specifi­ of concern and compassion, we can rekindle the program in news stories, by syndicated cally, I am reminded of an incident at the spirit of generous giving in our people columnists and public service announce­ College Park, Pa., in the not too dis­ and bring a personal message to the lonely, ments on major radio networks. Nomina­ tant past. the needy and the forgotten that help and tions came from all 50 states, the District of Penn State's Nittany Lions were care are never far away. In so doing, we can Columbia and Puerto Rico. scheduled to meet Nebraska's Corn demonstrate to the world that the social Members of the National Voluntary Serv­ Huskers on the gridiron. As is the system which is most humane and most ef­ ice Advisory Council private citizens ap­ fective in meeting its members' needs is one pointed by the President to advise Action on custom, a delegation from Hershey, in­ which fosters both freedom and responsibil­ policy and program, served as the final cluding Phil Fratti, attended the ity. judges for the 1982 President's Volunteer game. During the game's tailgating Throughout our nation's history, Ameri­ Action Awards. preliminaries, Phil Fratti was discov­ cans have selflessly extended a helping The President's Volunteer Action Awards ered in the Corn Husker camp enjoy­ hand to their neighbors in times of trouble is not a one-year program. Rather, it is a ing warm beverage and good conversa­ and crisis. The energy expended by our citi­ continuing annual effort ·to celebrate the tion. zens in these direct problem-solving activi­ American spirit of volunteering and citizen In Nittany Lion country, less traitor­ ties is indispensable to the goal of maintain­ involvement. ing and improving the quality of life avail­ ous actions have ruined many a politi­ able to all Americans. LoCAL 61 OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF cian's career. Not so Phil Fratti's; My Administration is seeking ways, both OPERATING ENGINEERS, EMPLOYEES OF when confronted about his transgres­ new and old, to encourage voluntary action ROHM & HAAS Co. sion, Phil intrepidly explained, and private initiative and to ensure that Motivated by the good health of his own "They're Corn Huskers now, but next these efforts receive the recognition they children and concerned about helping those year they might be Hershey voters." deserve. We must make the cause of volun­ children less fortunate, Richard Taylor re­ In today's vernacular, Phil Fratti is a tary service to our fellow citizens and our sponded to a news release requesting assist­ communities part of our daily lives, engag­ ance in developing and building physical politician willing to go the extra mile; ing the unique talents and resources of each therapy equipment for the Philadelphia clearly, in a team of politicians, Phil individual at a new level of cooperation. Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center. Fratti is the lead horse. During his 50 The President's Volunteer Action Awards Mr. Taylor, an employee of Rohm & Haas years as a Hershey resident, Phil has Program is an excellent example of the Company, an international specialty chemi- served as: President of the Milton Her- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. May 5, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8851 shey School Alumni Association, presi­ been terminated as the absurdity of the purchased each month. Similarly, the Gold dent of the Lower Dauphin County commitment became evident. Commission could have made a sensible rec­ Baseball League (5 years), president of The Commission . I tell this tale be­ ommendation-albeit one that I would not cause it is directly relevant to a recommen­ favor-by specifying limits on the amount to the Hershey American Legion Social dation adopted by the Gold Commission and be coined. Club, president of the Hershey VFW contained in its recently released report: Even before the commission reported, sev­ Memorial Home Association, president "We favor Treasury issue of gold bullion eral measures had already been introduced of the Dauphin County Tax Collectors coins of specified weights ... to be manu­ into Congress embodying the same fallacy: Association, president of the Hershey factured from its existing stock of gold and Senators Steve Symms and Jesse Helm's Italian Lodge, director and steward of to be sold at a small markup over the Free Market Gold Coinage Act and Rep. the Hershey Marching Club, com­ market value of the gold content ... Fur­ Larry Craig's Free Market Silver Dollar Act. mander of the Hershey Veterans of thermore, we recommend that the coins They will not be enacted, but at least they Foreign Wars, Derry Township Asses­ shall be exempt from capital gains taxes will provide future teachers of economics and that the coins shall be exempt from with some good exam questions.• sor, and Derry Township Tax Collec­ sales taxes." <Incidentally, this is the only tor. one of the commission's eleven recommen­ This impressive listing does not ex­ dations that calls for any change in the BUY-AMERICAN DEPRECIATION haust Phil Fratti's career of public status quo.> TAX ACT and community service.
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