THE. BAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUKSPAV. JUNE 17, 191?>. 9 DILLON CLINGS TO LEAD IN HITTING IN COAST LEAGUE Members arid manager of All-Filipinobase bail team, .who arrived in San Francisco on the steamer J y FOUR SLUGGERS BIG LEAGUE RESULTS j'/ -\u25a0 Manchuria, yesterday. FILIPINO TEAM ABE CONTENDING National League | American League ON THE GROUND ST. LOUI3, June 10.?After St. Louis secured I".4 NEW YORK, June 16.?Detroit"? evened the a fire run lead in the fourth inning, '.-' Brooklyn series here with the New- York Americana today won the opening game of- the series. 10 to 5. !by tiklHg the fourth game. sto 3. The visitors , Score:- % -*'*''. '? « - "-"\u25a0 J ! won out in the ninth. Score: _ ;'_ yy; READY FOR PLAY \u25a0FOR NEXT St.Louis AB R IIP A. Brooklyn AB.R HP A i Detroit AB IIH P A! N. Y. AB R. IIP A HONORS \u25a0". ft Huggtus.2b 4 0 1 2 41 Moran,rf.. 1-2 .3 iBush. sv... 4 0 2 4 3 Daniels,rf.. 4 0 1 4 2 f .''. 1 Cutsbaw,2b' 5 2*3 (» 110 0 2 3; 0 :Sheckard.lf 0 »?J0 ;Vitt.2b 2 0 3 2 : Welter.cf.. Hakes. \u25a0-..."! l 0"1 o,Stengel.cf. S % 4 0 Cratvfrd.rf. 4'o \u25a0' 1 2 0 Pknpaugb.s 4 0 0*" 14 Little Brown Brothers. Are Three . Leading Pitchers Mowrey,3b 4 112 ."Wheat .If.. 'B- 1;3 3 0 :Cobb.cf ... 3 0 14 0 Bortoh.lb;. 4 0 014 0 - 0 | Konetey.lb 11212 1 D*nb?rt,lb 4' 2 212 |V*Beh.lf... 3 0 1 2 0 4 1 1.10 Said to Put High' Evans. ..311 2 0 Smltb.3b ..50 lfJS| Hieh.lf... 0 10 0 Hartzell.lf. 2 10 0 5 Up . Have Performed But 4 3 Fisher,as.. 3 1112: o Derrick.3b. in O'Leary.ss 1 1 1 ? 2 I(.'amor. lb.. 4 I 1 ft 1' M'Kcl)nle,2 10 0 3 4 McLean,c ..4 0 1 2 10 Mliter,e. 4 1 8 4 [ Moriarty.G. 47 1 10 0 S*veeney;c;; 3 113 2 Class Quality of y Sallec.p.." 10 3Rucker,p.. 3 0,1. 0. 3 0 One Game, Be- 0 0 IStanage.c. 4 113 2 Bchnlz.p... 3 0 0 2 Each ? . Bnrfc.p... 0 0000 r-y~rr^Tl |liafi.p..... 0 p.: 1 Keating, 0 0 0:0"0 30 10 20-< 10 0 0 2 ??;_.-_*._- y Ball .?? ' narmon.p 1 0 i 21. Total.. | Public 0 1 0 0 01 ing a Winner Whitted. I- 0 0 0 0 ILftke.p-.,-.. 0 3 10 ?? " 0 0 0 0 'Total.. 427 ? *.:; * ? ? V \u2666 Hnuser. .. 1 0 9 .ft 0 * ;.. _; ,;\u25a0;_;-,, louden.-.-.. 10 0 0 0: .. ? - Z;tmlocb,p. 10 0 0 Total. 33 5 727 16: 01 \u25a0-.-'\u25a0 * The All Filipino baseball team .ar- ? I.op Aperies clings.to ' ??'.'"Dillon".of the : It'll tied. batted for Harmon in. ninth. Total. .31 5 827 id) rived yesterday from Manila on the. lead in hitting league \u25a0 Hauser batted for Sheckard in ninth. -ViDoouc' batted for Hail in the sixth. in the Coast with \u25a0- ' ' liner Manchuria,' and within the next BY INNINGS Louden batted for Take In the eighth. I 'a percentage. of - SCORE .43B. "Baiini Venice. 5 1-2 I?lo . BY INNINGS * * .few months the little brown brothers Brooklyn ...*.... 0 0 0 6 l * / SCORE y.y " ,Bafeer.'of Sap Francisco, "Higginhotham 'St. Louis 0 .0 0 .-. 0000 0 -? 0; 0 0 2 0 0 3?5 expect Detroit 0 0 to demonstrate that lhe brand .... York...............0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 o?3 of .Portland and Klawltter of Sacra- SL'MSIARY: V New of baseball played -in the Philippines '-*~ hit-*Moran. ' "L, .333, Errors?Fisher. ?2. Two base ' ' SUMMARY*- ' rnc-nto each have! a.percentage of Mowrey. "** I pretty high .- Three base bits? Daubert. Stengel. : ? Errors> ?Moriarty, Derrick. VMcKechnie.? :t. First ]is class stuff.. ? "plays? gbeekard Charles.e'f' San Francisco coming next Stolen base Hugglns." Double base ou errors -New jYork 1. g Detroit 2. :. Two Ernest manager to Har- F. Willets is of the '.323.' Lindsay "Portland, to Konetchv; Sniitb. futsliaw Duubert; base bit*- Bush t2), Cobb. Three base hits? - '.'with of ? Pe'r- mon to Mowrer; Mowrey, Konetehv to O'Leary. Crawford. Daniels. Home run?Gainor. Stolen team, and A. Albert, president, of t°ho"° - Brooklyn ? of Oaks," .Slagle. Maggart Left on bases?St.' Louis 0. I 5. Wat bases?Sweeney Moriarty (2). Left' on' bases club, hoJT ..the.' and by j is traveling with the players. The \u25a0of base or" called balls? Off Uneker 2. git New V.irk :2. Detroit 4. ; Double play Daniels Los* Angeles, of Sa-n" Fran- pitched ball? S'neckard and (takes, by Rm-kcr. - Bush; foam is its all ? Mundor'ff and Borton; Vltt. Gainor. and Peckln- what name implies.' an* r 3,1 by Harmon 1. Time .'cl-scoy Lewis, .and. Struck oat? By Rucker pangh. jVltt. McKechnie and 1Borton. First base ' Filipino Shlnn' of- Sacramento Umpires? " organization, lof game? l hour and: 45" minutes. on called balls?Off Scbola 4, off Hall 9. Struck i and out in the. and \u25a0\u25a0' oT.ye.nic.'e all 'hitting Kigier and Byron.';"" out?By. Time< . of game? orient it is highly respected Elliott are' ? j ln_"base- i - Hall 2, by ZamlOch I. #-* ahove-'the :300 mafk.-.' Percentages fol- NEW YORK 4. CINCINNATI 2 1 hour and 47 minutes. UmpiresConnolly and ; ball circles. " * ."* ! . ; . low: \u25a0?'??.'". ...*,".* ..." ? CINCINNATI,June 16.?Errors by Cincinnati McGreevy. t ?.'.--'.-*-\u25a0*-\u25a0 ,'»- As an indication of the team's, stand- . the first game of the 4, 1 ing may F.lllpint»*. "?- enabled New York to win CHICAGO WASHINGTON It be stated that the ' .*?: « t. ? > pi*a series today. 4t02. Score: .??,,,., \u25a0 ?.\u25a0' ? \u25a0 t: -*i:s--*«o53-*= S? si - RH PA WASHINGTON. '. June 16.?McBrlde's error in j this season, have .played both the. '-' "' .-> N. Y. AB RMP A .Ciacin.. AB ?. ' ?'*.. " 1B-W *| -1 - 3 = 1 T i1 Bescber.. 4 0 0 2 1 the third inning after two were out today paved .-WaS'eda and KeiO university pines With . |. -I Bri jj \u25a03 Burns .40040' If. the way for score two runs win ?. - ? Jl * 5'5 4 1* 2 i 0 4 0 I*2 0 Chicago to and disastrous results for the Japanese. ° Shafer.3b. ' Bates.cf... Washington * the final game from- and secure an = * 1 ?. ' 0- 120 players. r * I « lis n ? Fletcher 2 o*ol r.'Marsans.rf. 4. y ?-.'.-'. .? \u25a0 . \u25a0 " 5 -J ft 3 1 0 even break or. the scries. The score was 4 to ? - - D0y1e.2h... 4 .1 .8 3 Hoblltzll.lb 0 11 1. v The are . -y Filipinos g?»od 4 116 0' 4 0 12 2 "?> Score: , /- wit'h-'tTie bat**"-." Merkle.lb: --? \u25a0\u25a0 Almelda3b. they some **. \ .'\u25a0?:' ?"?..';\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 jr. ig Murrav.lf. 4 111 0 Gi-oh.2b. .. 3 0. 1 0 I \u25a0"""\u25a0" Mb. AB RHP A Chicago AB ft It P A have fail pitchers* and arc ' ! ?" Meyers.c 4 12 5 1 Brghamr.ss 4 I 1. ?' 4 Mrtnlar. rt * 3 0 9 o*o Rath,2b... 41 013 famous for their airtight fielding. ',' ' 0 Sn.i'grss.cf. 4 1 0 Clark.e..... 3 2 4 2 I-aporte.Sb 1 0 0 0 ft'- 01 1 ?Ptiion,:i;.-a.:,..:. 14 321211410 0 011 11433 0.3 . Lord.Sb.. 4 2 Mar.urd,p..4 0 0 0 0 Suggs. -21101 Foster, 3D 3 0 0-0 0 Chaie.lb. .40 16 0 Bnura. V..?:.':..... 17 -45 *4 IS 1 2 0 3 2i333 Devotei 0 0 0 0 0 Milan, cf. 4 0 12 o'Collins.rt. 4 0 0 10 01333 : Baker.'S. F...*. ; V. 12 41 41-01 °1 12 10 . 4 Htgi-inbotham; 4 > Total.. .34 410 27 9- Kllng.c ...200 C.'aiidll, lb 4 0 10 lßodle.lf.. 113 0 White Reduces the Odds P... 15 38 413 10 2 133.1 ' Johnson.p.. Morgan.2b . 0 0 0 0 2 2iMattlck,cf 4 ?I.lawltter/S..-.....-T3..6 2 2 0 0 0 6 0 i3\'}3333 : 4. 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 <:.', D0dge...... 10 0 0 0 Shanks.lf. 4 0 13 0 . 4 0 17 2 .Charleses. IS .#.21 0 323 | Wearer.BS. Unjhiay.c F..'..'.. 8 0 715323 MCBrlde.ss 3 0 0 3 4jSehalk,c. 4 0 0 5 1 by His Showing P.-.,....:.. 40 145 10i46 4 115 1317317 ; IS Henry,c.. Ternoll. (»...-...-.,. 17 -.j 6jl8 2 0-01 1317317 1 T0ta1....34 2027 3 12 9 1IRuSaell.p.. 4 2 2 0 0 Devore ran for Clark in the seventh. Groom. p.. 2 0 10 2 \u25a0\u25a0 ? Slagle, .L.......... 10 2S» 5 in 2 0 0 I 0 317 ninth. - '-- Maggart. P.. A: 74 80 4 8 6 314 Dodge batted for Johnson in the F.ngel.p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Total ...36 4 627 7 255130 7 37 . 0 0 LOS ANGELES, 1 * Mundorff.' S." 09 14 1 . INNINGS Willims.rf 10 0 ..Tune. F 259135 81 5 7 18 313 SCORE BY* . *..-.',. Jolinson.'. 10-10 0] Dundee; the Italian feather weight, and I.ottIs. 58 1922460 8 2 7 11 16i313'313 New Y0rk'........:.0 2 0 0 10 0 o?4 * Ainsmith. 0 Chicago Sbinn.
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