Cambridge University Press 0521800196 - Beyond Pluto: Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System John Davies Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures. 55 Cancri, dust disc 177 1996 TO66 200 inch telescope, see Hale Telescope physical observations 129, 133, 135 1977 UB see Chiron size 145 1992 AD see Pholus 1996 TP66, physical observations 135 1992 QB1 1996 TQ66, physical observations 135 colour of 117 1996 TR66, orbit of 98 discovery of 65, 66, 67 1997 CU26 see 10199 Chariklo naming of 202–3 1997 GA45, discovery of 82 orbit of 68, 69,85 1997 RL13, discovery of 81 1993 FW 1997 RT5, discovery of 80 colour of 117 1999 DG8, discovery of 82, 83 discovery of 70 2000 AC255, discovery of 82 naming of 202–3 2000 AF255, discovery of 82 1993 HA2, see 7066 Nessus 7066 Nessus 35 1993 RO 8504 Asbolus 35, 119 discovery of 71 944 Hidalgo 28 orbit of 95, 96, 97 10199 Chariklo 35 1993 RP albedo 143 discovery of 71 orbit of 95, 97, 141 A’Hearn, Mike 202, 204, 207, 211 1993 SB albedo 141 discovery of 72–3 of asteroids, etc. 142, 143, 145 naming of 203 angular momentum, conservation of 12, orbit of 95, 97, 98, 100 108 1993 SC aperture correction 124 discovery of 73 aphelion 16 naming of 203 apparent motion vector 61, 80, 83 orbit of 95, 97 Asbolus 35, 119 physical observations of 127, 130, 131, ascending node 105 132, 144 asteroid belt 4, 118, 181–2 1995 GO see Asbolus asteroid naming 25, 27 1995 SM55, discovery of 92 astrometry 39 1996 RR20, discovery of 80 astronomical Unit (AU) 16 1996 TL66 discovery of 85 Bailey,Mark 38, 192, 201, 209, 211 orbit of 86, 87, 88, 111 Barucci, Antonietta 117, 128, 212 physical observations 132–3, 136, 144 Bernstein, Gary 61, 82, 164 229 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521800196 - Beyond Pluto: Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System John Davies Index More information Beta Pictoris disc 168–9, 170 comets Big Throughput Camera, see BTC orbits of 16, 17,19 Index bimodality of Kuiper Belt object colours physical properties 16, 17 120, 121, 135–6, 157 commensurability 94, 95 blink comparator 5, 23,51 computer simulations 40, 44–5, 100–4, 109, blinking CCD images 56, 57, 64, 72, 80 179 blinking photographs 6, 9, 22, 51, 145 computerised searches 59, 61, 86, 89, 91, 92, Brown, Mike 82, 135 183 Brown, Robert (Bob) 131, 177 coronagraph 169, 176, 177 BTC 83 cosmic rays 117, 119 effects on CCDs 146 Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope, see Cruikshank, Dale 36, 131, 195, 196, 213 CFHT Cubewano 85 CCD cumulative luminosity function 145, 149, data processing 55, 61, 80, 123, 146–7 150 operation of 52–4, 89 Centaurs 35–6, 92 Davies, John 136, 143, 214 as inactive comets 37 Davis, Don 151, 152, 153, 154, 161, 213 mythology of 27, 32 definition of a planet 207 orbital lifetimes of 38 Delahodde, Catherine (Cathy) 125, 128 orbits of 37 descending node 105 Central Bureau for Astronomical drift scanning (of CCD) 89 Telegrams 22 Duncan, Martin 43, 44, 100–3, 111, 179, 214 CFHT 58, 79, 82 Kuiper Belt object searches 58, 60, 146 Charge Couple Device, see CCD on names 191, 199, 204 Chariklo, see 10199 Chariklo dust detection experiments 157–9 Charon (moon of Pluto) 10, 161, dust discs around other stars 168–78 206 dust in Kuiper Belt 157–9 Chiron albedo of 143 eccentricity 93 as a comet 28–9, 30, 36–8, 115, 202 ecliptic 8 discovery of 24,25 Edgeworth, Kenneth Essex 1, 2, 10, 15, 42, naming of 27, 202 85, 192, 196–9, 214 orbit of 26, 28 Edgeworth–Kuiper objects, 199 physical observations 28, 30, 34, 35 see also Kuiper Belt objects Classical Kuiper Belt, naming of 85 Epsilon Eridani 173, 174 Cloudcroft observatory 76, 77,86 Everhart, Edgar 20, 39, 40, 42, 45, 214 Cochran, Anita 60, 76, 145, 212 Cochran, Bill 60, 174, 212 Farinella, Paulo 151, 152, 161, 215 collisions Felix 203 between asteroids 151, 153 Fernandez, Julio 41–2, 111, 215 computer models of 155 on names 197, 208 experiments 153–6 Fitzsimmons, Alan 72–4, 80, 127, 215 in Kuiper Belt 119, 151–2, 159, 161 on names 203, 206 colours of Kuiper Belt objects 117–20, 121, flat fielding, see CCD, data processing 130 coma 17 Garfield 203 comet belt, hypothetical 2, 14–15, 41, 42, Gehrels, Tom 25, 30, 87–8, 91, 195, 216 46 Gladman, Brett 76, 79, 164, 216 comet Greaves, Jane 172–3 naming 25 Green, Dan 24, 193, 198, 209, 216 nucleus 17 Green, Simon 117, 136 tails 18 cometary outbursts 115, 119, 126, 129, Hainaut, Olivier 128, 130 136 Hale Telescope 79, 80 230 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521800196 - Beyond Pluto: Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System John Davies Index More information Halley’s comet 25, 28 Kowal, Charles 22, 23, 26–7, 29, 145 Index recovery of 48 Kuiper Belt Helin, Eleanor ‘Glo’ 31, 81, 217 mass of 149, 159 HR4796A 175, 176, 177 naming of 46, 68, 191–9 HST structure of 103–6, 104, 112–13 Kuiper Belt search 146–9 thickness of 151 observations of dust discs 170, 176 Kuiper Belt objects physical observations of Centaurs, 119 colours 117–21, 135–6 physical observations of Kuiper Belt growth of 159 objects 126, 135 lightcurves of 127–9 Hubble Space Telescope, see HST numbers of 149 Hut, Piet 60 sizes of 144–5 variability of 127–30, 133, 136 IAU Kuiper Belt telescope 183 circulars 23, 66, 69, 71, 83 Kuiper,Gerard 3, 10, 15, 17, 57, 85, 192–6, telegrams 23 218 see also International Astronomical Union Lagrangian points 96 ice dwarfs 162 Leonard, F.C.200 inclination 19 Leuschner,Otto Armin 199–200 infrared cameras 143, 175 Levison, Hal 58, 60, 103, 111, 146, 218 infrared emission on names 201, 204 from dust around stars 167, 168, 175 libration 95 from Kuiper Belt objects and centaurs lightcurves 33, 127, 128, 129 142–4, long-period comets, orbits 16 from solar system dust 157 Lowell Observatory 5, 6, 205 infrared spectra 34–5, 36, 131, 132, 135 Lowell, Percival 5 INT 72, 73,97 Luu, Jane integration of orbital elements, 99, 111 physical observations of Kuiper Belt International Astronomical Union 22, objects 117, 130, 133, 136 206 see also Jewitt, Dave 49, 50, 85, 208, 219 invariable plane 8 irradiation mantle 118 magnitude system 33 IRTF telescope 143, 177 Malholtra, Renu 109–10, 219 Isaac Newton Telescope, see INT Marsden, Brian 15, 23, 24, 26, 66, 68, 70, 76, ISO observations 143 96, 141, 200, 219 on Pluto’s status 203–4 James Clerk Maxwell Telescope see JCMT MASCOT camera 54 JCMT 171, 177 Mauna Kea, as an observatory site 57–8, 62, Jewitt, Dave 116 early career 47–9, 57 mean motion resonance 94–6, 98, 106, 109, early searches 50, 51, 54–6 111, 112, 113 on future research 181 Meech, Karen 29, 128, 219 on names 193, 199, 208, 218 Monte-Carlo methods 40 physical observations of KBOs 117, 130, Monthly Notices of the RAS 3, 42, 193 132–3, 136, 143 migration of planets 107–10 searches from Mauna Kea 58, 62, 64–5, 85, millimetre wave observations 171–3 87 Minor Planet Center 24, 201, 225–6 Joss, Paul 20 minor planet 10000 204 Jupiter,gravitational influence of 39, 45, minor planet names 25, 201, 225–6 108 minor planets Jupiter family comets 19, 45, 113 colours see Kuiper Belt objects, colours designations 25, 66fn Karla 202, 203 faintest designated 82 Keck Observatory 97, 130–2, 135–6 most distant 82 231 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521800196 - Beyond Pluto: Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System John Davies Index More information Neptune Poynting–Robertson drag 157, 177 discovery of 4 precession 103 Index gravitational influence of 42, 45, 94–5, precovery (of asteroids) 26 103, 105, 110 orbital migration of 107–8 Rabinowitz, David 31, 32, 81, 91, 220 Nessus 35 recovery (of asteroid) 26 reflex motion 50, 146 observational biases 140–1 resonance, see mean motion resonance observed arc 26 resonance sweeping 110, 118 Offutt, Warren 76, 77, 78, 86, 220 resurfacing of KBOs 119, 129–30 Oort cloud, 17, 18, 41 Romanishin, Bill 120, 125, 127, 136 naming of 17, 199 rotation periods of Kuiper Belt objects Oort, Jan 16 127–9 orbital elements 74, 99, 103 Ryan, Eileen 152–4, 208 pencil-beam survey 79 scattered disc objects 87, 88, 92, 111, 112, perihelion 16 113 Pholus number of 149 albedo 142–3 Scotti, James (‘Jim’) 90, 91, 92, 205, 220 discovery of 31 SCUBA 172–5 naming of 32, 202 searches for Kuiper Belt 50, 51, 58–61, 64–5 observational properties 32, 34–5, 36–7, secular resonance 103, 105, 106 135, 136 seeing 56 orbit of 32 effects of 57, 60, 122, 123 photometry 33 selection effects 139–41 blind test 125 Shoemaker,Carolyn 31, 220 infrared 135–6, 143–4 short-period comets techniques 122–5, 127 capture of 19, 20 Pioneer 10 spacecraft 158 excess of 19, 39, 41 pixel 53 lifetimes of 19 planet formation 2, 13–14 orbits of 17,19 Planet X 5, 6, 8, 10, 205 origin of 19, 20, 44–6, 112 planetesimal size distribution 79, 139 as protocomet 16 Smiley 202–3 formation 13–14 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Plutinos 23 fraction of 140 software aperture 123, 124 naming of 84 solar system, formation of 11–14 number of 149 Spacewatch telescope 30, 35, 87, 88–91, 90 orbital stability of 103–6 spectroscopy 34 Pluto infrared 34–6, 131–3, 134 discovery of 9 visible 133, 134 formation of 161 Stern, Alan 146, 159, 164, 222 gravitational influence on comets 3, on names 191, 201, 205, 207 17 missions 184–8 Taiwan–American Occultation Survey numbering of 203–9 180–1 orbit of 10, 93–5 Tegler,Steve 120–1, 125, 127, 136 planetary status of 203–9 thermal emission, see infrared emission rotation period of 10 Tholen, David 28–9, 32, 76, 97, 122, 136, satellite of, see Charon 222 size of 9, 10, 15, 205 tholins 35 surface properties 132, 142 Tombaugh,
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