Figures Aparri Babuyan Channel Legend River Course Diversion Weir Lal-Lo Dam Road Magapit Br

Figures Aparri Babuyan Channel Legend River Course Diversion Weir Lal-Lo Dam Road Magapit Br

The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Final Report Supporting Report Annex VI: Flood Control Figures Aparri Babuyan Channel Legend River course Diversion weir Lal-lo Dam Road Magapit Br. Magapit Basin boundary Sub-basin boundary Dummon River Nassiping Tupang Alcala Pared River Amulung Iguig N Tug ueg Tuao arao Ri Cordillera Solana ver Chico River Buntun Br. Mountains Tuguegarao Enrile Pinacanauan River Cabagan r e iv Mallig Tumauini R ig ll Tumauini River a M Ilagan Siffu River Magat R r iver e Cauyan v i Ilagan River R Magat Dam n a y a g a C Santiago Echague r Bayombon e iv Jones R t a g Sta Cruz River a M Sierra Madre Addalam River Cagayan River Mountains Caraballo Mountains Scale 0 10 20 30 40 50 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.1 in the Republic of the Philippines JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY General Basin Map VI-F1 Babuyan Channel Aparri Zinundungan River Magapit Dummon River Chico River Nassiping Faire Alcala Pared River Cagayan River Tuguegarao City Tuguegarao River Cabagan Pinacanauan River Mallig Mallig River Tumauini River Siffu River Roxas Santa Cruz River Ilagan Ilagan River Magat River San Mateo Naguilian Cauayan Santiago City Note Ganano River Total Catchment Area : 27,300 Jones River Length : 520 km Legend Addalam River : City/municipality : Rivers San Agustin Source : Topographic Maps The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.2 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Schematic River System of the Cagayan River JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F2 VI-F4 Elevation (EL m) 1,000 1,500 2,000 500 0 0 100 200 300Aparri 400 500 600 Lal-lo Magapit Br. Gattaran Nassiping Alcala Amulung Zinundungan R.(L) Iguig Dummon R.(R) Buntun Br. Tuguegarao Pared R.(R) Cabagan Tumauini Distance from RiverMouth (km) Pinacanauan R.(R) Ilagan Tuguegarao R.(R) Gamu Br. Naguilian Br. Tumauini R.(R) Cauayan Chico R.(L) Dalibubon Br. Jones Siffu R.(L) Ganano R.(L) Ilagan R.(R) Addalam R.(L) Magat R.(L) 1/10 1/100 Source:Topographic Map Cagayan R. 1/200 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 Long itudinal Profile of the Cag ayan Ri ver 50 40 Alcala Aparri Cabagan Nassiping Left Bank Br. Buntun Pared R.(R) Pared Chico R.(L) 30 Magapit Br. Sta. Maria Br. Sta. Maria Dummon R.(R) Dummon m Right Bank Tuguegarao R.(R) Tuguegarao Pinacanauan R.(R) Pinacanauan 20 R.(L) Zinundungan 10 0 Mean River Bed Elevation (El (El Elevation De epes t R iv er Be d Mean River Bed slope -10 -20 Riverbed Slope=1/21,000Riverbed Slope=1/10,000 Riverbed Slope=1/9,000 Riverbed Slope=1/7,000 -30 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 VI-F5 5000 River Width of the Cagayan River 4000 3000 Width (m) 2000 River width including flood plain Low Water Channel 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Distance from River Mouth (km) VI-F6 Carrying Capacity (m3/s) 10000 15000 20000 25000 5000 Depth (m) -10 -20 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Aparri Magapit Br Zinundungan R.(L Dummon R.(R Chico R.(L Nassiping Distance from River Mouth (km) Mouth River from Distance Pared R.(R Alcala Average RiverBed Channel Depth below Riverbank Elevation Riverbank below Depth Channel Buntun Br Deepest River Bed River Deepest Bankful Carrying Capacity Carrying Bankful T uguegarao R.(R Pinacanauan R.(R Sta. Maria Br Cabagan 40 Longitudinal Profile of the Chico River 30 Right Bank Left Bank 20 10 Elevation (El m) (El Elevation 0 Deepest River Bed Average River Bed -10 Riverbed Slope=1/2,800 -20 1000 River Width of the Chico River 800 600 Law Water Channel 400 200 0 0 2 Channel Depth below Riverbank Elevation 4 Average River Bed 6 8 10 12 14 Deepest River Bed 16 18 20 12000 10000 8000 6000 Width (m) Width 4000 2000 Bankful Carrying Capacity 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Distance from River Mouth (km) The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.6 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Characteristics of Existinng River Channel JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY ( Chico River) VI-F7 80 Longitudinal Profile of the Tuguegarao River 70 60 Left Bank 50 Right Bank 40 30 Elevation (El m) 20 Average River Bed 10 Deepest River Bed 0 Riverbed Slope=1/800 -10 1200 River Width of the Tuguegarao River 1000 800 Law Water Channel 600 400 200 0 0 Channel Depth below Riverbank Elevation 2 Average River Bed 4 6 8 10 Deepest River Bed 12 14 16 16000 14000 Bankful Carrying Capacity 12000 10000 8000 Width (m) Width 6000 4000 2000 0 02468101214 Distance from River Mouth (km) The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.7 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Characteristics of Existinng River Channel JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (Tuguegarao River) VI-F8 N .')'0& /QWPVCKP*KNN6GTTCEG *KIJGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP 0CVWTCNNGXGG 8CNNG[RNCKP $CEMUYCOR (QTOGTTKXGTEQWTUG .QYGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP #NNWXKCNRNCKPHQTOGFD[OCKPUVTGCO 8CNNG[RNCKPCNQPIVTKDWVCT[ $QWPFCT[QH6QRQITCRJ[ 5VGGRUNQRG%NKHH 9CVGTUWTHCEG MO The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.8 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Geomorphological Survey Map JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY of the Cagayan River (1/3) VI-F9 N .')'0& /QWPVCKP*KNN6GTTCEG *KIJGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP 0CVWTCNNGXGG 8CNNG[RNCKP $CEMUYCOR (QTOGTTKXGTEQWTUG .QYGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP #NNWXKCNRNCKPHQTOGFD[OCKPUVTGCO 8CNNG[RNCKPCNQPIVTKDWVCT[ $QWPFCT[QH6QRQITCRJ[ 5VGGRUNQRG%NKHH 9CVGTUWTHCEG MO The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.8 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Geomorphological Survey Map JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY of the Cagayan River (2/3) VI-F10 N .')'0& /QWPVCKP*KNN6GTTCEG *KIJGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP 0CVWTCNNGXGG 8CNNG[RNCKP $CEMUYCOR (QTOGTTKXGTEQWTUG .QYGTCNNWXKCNRNCKP #NNWXKCNRNCKPHQTOGFD[OCKPUVTGCO 8CNNG[RNCKPCNQPIVTKDWVCT[ $QWPFCT[QH6QRQITCRJ[ 5VGGRUNQRG%NKHH 9CVGTUWTHCEG MO The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project Figure 1.1.8 for the Lower Cagayan River in the Republic of the Philippines Geomorphological Survey Map JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY of the Cagayan River (3/3) VI-F11 T J A h P e A F N e a I N s i n i T b f t i E o h l r R i e t y N t R h A S e e t T p u L I u d O o b y w N l i o e A c f r L o t C h f C e a t O h g F e a O l y o P P a o E h n d R i l R i A C p i T o p v I n e i O n t r r e N o s l A P G Mountain, Hill, Terrace Alluvial Plain Water Surface Alluvial Plain r E o N j e C c Y t Lower Higher Lower Lower Higher Alluvial plain Alluvial Plain Alluvial Plain Alluvial Plain Alluvial Plain F i g u r e T 1 . y 1 p . 9 i c a l c r o s s - s e c Point t i Cliff Natural Levee Bar o Natural Levee n o f Former a Back Swamp l River Course Existing River Valley Plain l u v i a l p l a i n Babuyan Channel Aparri A A N B B Legend C C Topographic map (1947 - 1953) Aerial photographs (1979) Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) Road D D Lal-lo Magapit Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.10 in the Republic of the Philippines River Course Shifting (1/5) JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F13 Legend Gattaran E Topographic map (1947 - 1953) Aerial photographs (1979) Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) E Road N Nassiping Alcala Amulung Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.10 in the Republic of the Philippines River Course Shifting (2/5) JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F14 Legend Topographic map (1947 - 1953) Aerial photographs (1979) Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) Road Iguig N Solana Tuguegarao F G G F Enrile H Namabbalan Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 km H The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.10 in the Republic of the Philippines River Course Shifting (3/5) JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F15 Legend Topographic map (1947 - 1953) Aerial photographs (1979) Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) Road D D Cabagan N Tumauini Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.10 in the Republic of the Philippines River Course Shifting (4/5) JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F16 N Ilagan Legend Topographic map (1947 - 1953) Aerial photographs (1979) Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) Road Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.10 in the Republic of the Philippines River Course Shifting (5/5) JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY VI-F17 40 30 20 10 Mean River Bed ('00) Mean River Bed ('86) 0 -10 Deepest River Bed ('86) Deepest River Bed ('00) -20 Variation of River Bed Elevation (Mean/Deepest) -30 VI-F18 20 15 13.0m ('00) 13.0m ('86) 10 6.8m ('00) 5 6.6m ('86) 0 -2.4m ('00) -1.7m ('00) -2.1m ('86) - -2.6m ('86) 5 Variation of Average River Bed Elevation (Mean) for the Past 14 years - 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Distance from River Mouth (km) The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for the Lower Cagayan River Figure 1.1.12 in the Republic of the Philippines JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY Cross-Sectional Variation (4/4) VI-F22 Linao Babuyan Channel Aparri Macanaya Tallungan Bisagu Zanja Legend Topographic Map (1979) Paruddun Sur Aerial photographs (1996) Aerial photographs (2000) Mbangug Scale 0 0.5 1 2 km The Feasibility Study of the Flood Control Project for

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