0.37b5 .DAT MAME4ALL-Pi (0.37b5 Romset) File Name Game Title Rpi 1 Status Rpi 2 Status Rpi 3 Status Parent BIOS Sample NOTES Year Manufacturer 005 005 OK OK OK no sound- otherwise works 1981 Sega 1941 1941 - Counter Attack (World) Has Issues Untested OK Rpi1: minor speed issue 1990 Capcom 1941j 1941 - Counter Attack (Japan) OK OK OK 1941 1 1990 Capcom 1942 1942 (set 1) OK OK OK 1984 Capcom 1942a 1942 (set 2) Untested OK OK 1942 1984 Capcom 1942b 1942 (set 3) OK OK OK 1942 1984 Capcom 1943 1943 - The Battle of Midway (US) OK OK OK yo 1987 Capcom 1943j 1943 - The Battle of Midway (Japan) OK OK OK 1943 1987 Capcom 1943kai 1943 Kai OK OK OK 1987 Capcom 2020bb 2020 Super Baseball (set 1) OK OK OK neogeo 1991 SNK / Pallas 2020bbh 2020 Super Baseball (set 2) OK OK OK 2020bb neogeo megaman 1991 SNK / Pallas 280zzzap Datsun 280 Zzzap Has Issues Untested OK 1976 Midway 3countb 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex OK Untested Untested neogeo 1993 SNK 3stooges Three Stooges OK OK OK 1984 Mylstar 3wonders Three Wonders (US) OK OK OK 6 1991 Capcom 4dwarrio 4-D Warriors OK OK OK 1985 Coreland / Sega 600 600 OK OK OK turtles 1981 Konami 64streej 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan) OK OK OK 64street no good dump warning 1991 Jaleco 64street 64th. Street - A Detective Story (World) OK OK OK no good dump warning 1991 Jaleco 720 720 Degrees (set 1) Has Issues Has Issues OK sensitive controls, sprite flicker 1986 Atari Games 720b 720 Degrees (set 2) Has Issues Has Issues Has Issues 720 sensitive controls, sprite flicker 1986 Atari Games 800fath 800 Fathoms OK OK Untested mariner 1981 Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license) 88games '88 Games OK OK OK 1988 Konami 99lstwar '99 The Last War OK OK OK sonofphx 1985 Proma 99lstwra '99 The Last War (alternate) OK OK OK sonofphx 1985 Proma aafb All American Football (rev E) OK OK OK No Good Dump Known 1989 Leland Corp. aafbb All American Football (rev B) OK OK Untested aafb 1989 Leland Corp. aafbd2p All American Football (rev D, 2 Players) OK OK Untested aafb 1989 Leland Corp. abaseb Atari Baseball (set 1) OK OK Untested 1979 Atari abaseb2 Atari Baseball (set 2) OK OK Untested abaseb 1979 Atari actfanc1 Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 1) OK OK OK actfancr 1989 Data East Corporation actfancj Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan revision 1) OK OK Untested actfancr 1989 Data East Corporation actfancr Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2) OK OK OK 1989 Data East Corporation aeroboto Aeroboto Has Issues Has Issues Has Issues formatz no good dump warning, missing sprites 1984 [Jaleco] (Williams license) aerofgt Aero Fighters OK OK OK 1992 Video System Co. aerofgtb Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1) OK OK OK aerofgt 1992 Video System Co. aerofgtc Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2) OK OK OK aerofgt 1992 Video System Co. airbustr Air Buster (Japan) OK OK OK 1990 Kaneko (Namco license) airduel Air Duel (Japan) OK OK OK 1990 Irem airwolf Air Wolf OK OK OK 1987 Kyugo ajax Ajax OK OK Untested 1987 Konami ajaxj Ajax (Japan) OK OK Untested ajax 1987 Konami alcon Alcon Has Issues Doesn't Work Untested use clone slapbtjp or slapbtuk- HW error 1986 <unknown> alexkida Alex Kidd (set 2) OK OK OK alexkidd 1986 Sega alexkidd Alex Kidd (set 1) Doesn't Work Doesn't Work OK 1986 Sega alibaba Ali Baba and 40 Thieves OK Untested no good dump warning 1982 Sega alieninv Alien Invasion Part II Untested OK Untested invaders invaders bootleg (Margamatics) aliens Aliens (World set 1) Untested OK OK 1990 Konami aliens2 Aliens (World set 2) Untested OK OK aliens 1990 Konami 0.37b5 .DAT MAME4ALL-Pi (0.37b5 Romset) File Name Game Title Rpi 1 Status Rpi 2 Status Rpi 3 Status Parent BIOS Sample NOTES Year Manufacturer aliensj Aliens (Japan) Untested OK OK aliens 1990 Konami aliensu Aliens (US) Doesn't Work OK OK aliens 1990 Konami aliensya Alien Syndrome (set 2) Doesn't Work Doesn't Work Untested aliensyn Doesn't load 1987 Sega aliensyb Alien Syndrome (set 3) Doesn't Work Doesn't Work OK aliensyn 3 1987 Sega aliensyj Alien Syndrome (Japan) Untested Doesn't Work OK aliensyn Doesn't load 1987 Sega aliensyn Alien Syndrome (set 1) OK OK OK 1987 Sega alleymas Alley Master Untested OK OK bv cccbv bbbbn 1986 Cinematronics alpham2 Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian OK OK OK neogeo 1991 SNK alpine Alpine Ski (set 1) OK OK Untested 1982 Taito Corporation alpinea Alpine Ski (set 2) OK OK Untested alpine 1982 Taito Corporation altbeas2 Altered Beast (Version 2) Has Issues Untested Untested altbeast no sound, otherwise works 1988 Sega altbeast Altered Beast (Version 1) Has Issues OK OK use mame4all 1988 Sega ambush Ambush OK OK Doesn't Work 1983 Nippon Amuse Co-Ltd amidar Amidar OK OK OK 1981 Konami amidaro Amidar (Olympia) OK Untested OK amidar 1982 Konami (Olympia license) amidars Amidar (Scramble hardware) OK Untested OK amidar 1982 Konami amidaru Amidar (Stern) OK OK OK amidar 1982 Konami (Stern license) amigo Amigo OK OK Has Issues amidar 1982 bootleg androdun Andro Dunos OK OK Has Issues neogeo works in pifba 1992 Visco anteater Anteater OK OK OK 1982 [Stern] (Tago license) aodk Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku Untested OK Untested neogeo 1994 ADK / SNK aof Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken OK OK OK neogeo works with pifba 1992 SNK aof2 Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 OK OK OK neogeo 1994 SNK Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko aof3 no Ken Gaiden OK OK Doesn't Work neogeo works with pifba, Slow on Rpi1 1996 SNK apb APB - All Points Bulletin (set 1) Has Issues Has Issues Has Issues too fast rotation with digital joystick; Throttle Sticks 1987 Atari Games apb2 APB - All Points Bulletin (set 2) Has Issues Has Issues Has Issues apb too fast rotation with digital joystick; Throttle Sticks 1987 Atari Games appoooh Appoooh OK OK Has Issues 1984 Sega arabian Arabian OK OK OK 1983 Sun Electronics arabiana Arabian (Atari) OK OK Untested arabian 1983 [Sun Electronics] (Atari license) arbalest Arbalester OK OK Untested 1989 Seta arcadecl Arcade Classics (prototype) OK OK Untested 1992 Atari Games archriv2 Arch Rivals (rev 2.0) Doesn't Work Doesn't Work Untested archrivl just a blank screen 1989 Bally Midway archrivl Arch Rivals (rev 4.0) Doesn't Work Doesn't Work Untested just a blank screen 1989 Bally Midway area88 Area 88 (Japan) OK OK Untested unsquad 1989 Capcom argus Argus OK OK Untested ark2jp Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan) OK OK Untested arkanoi2 1987 Taito Corporation ark2us Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (US) OK OK Untested arkanoi2 1987 Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) arkangc Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg) OK OK Untested arkanoid 1986 bootleg arkanoi2 Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World) OK OK Untested 1987 Taito Corporation Japan arkanoid Arkanoid (World) OK OK Untested 1986 Taito Corporation Japan arkarea Ark Area OK OK Untested UPL arkatayt Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, Japanese) OK OK arkanoid 1986 bootleg arkatour Tournament Arkanoid (US) Untested OK Untested arkanoid rom needs redump warning 1987 Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) arkbl2 Arkanoid (Japanese bootleg Set 2) Has Issues Doesn't Work Untested arkanoid bad hardware 1986 bootleg arkbloc2 Block (Game Corporation bootleg) Untested OK OK arkanoid 1986 bootleg arknoidj Arkanoid (Japan) OK OK Untested arkanoid no good dump warning 1986 Taito Corporation arknoidu Arkanoid (US) OK OK Untested arkanoid no good dump warning 1986 Taito America Corporation (Romstar license) armedf Armed Formation OK OK OK 1988 Nichibutsu 0.37b5 .DAT MAME4ALL-Pi (0.37b5 Romset) File Name Game Title Rpi 1 Status Rpi 2 Status Rpi 3 Status Parent BIOS Sample NOTES Year Manufacturer armora Armor Attack Doesn't Work Doesn't Work Untested doesn't open 1980 Cinematronics armorca2 Armored Car (set 2) OK OK Untested armorcar starwars 1981 Stern armorcar Armored Car (set 1) OK OK Untested 1981 Stern armwrest Arm Wrestling OK OK OK 1985 Nintendo ashura Ashura Blaster (Japan) OK OK Untested 1990 Taito Corporation ashurau Ashura Blaster (US) OK OK Untested ashura 1990 Taito America Corporation aso ASO - Armored Scrum Object OK OK Untested 1985 SNK assault Assault OK OK OK 1988 Namco assaultj Assault (Japan) OK OK Untested assault 1988 Namco assaultp Assault Plus (Japan) Has Issues OK Untested assault Rpi1: slow 1988 Namco astdelu1 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1) OK OK OK astdelux run the mame2003 with it and it should work. 1980 Atari astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2) OK OK Untested 1980 Atari asteroi1 Asteroids (rev 1) OK OK OK asteroid run the mame2003 with it and it should work. 1979 Atari asteroib Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware) OK OK Untested asteroid run the mame2003 with it and it should work. 1979 bootleg asteroid Asteroids (rev 2) OK OK OK Slow on Pi 0 1979 Atari astinvad Astro Invader OK OK invaders 1980 Stern astorm Alien Storm OK OK OK never loads 1990 Sega astorm2p Alien Storm (2 Player) OK OK OK astorm 1990 Sega astormbl Alien Storm (bootleg) OK OK OK astorm 1990 bootleg astrob Astro Blaster (version 3) OK OK OK Had to download Mame4_all Samples for sound to work 1981 Sega astrob1 Astro Blaster (version 1) OK OK OK astrob astrob Had to download Mame4_all Samples for sound to work 1981 Sega astrob2 Astro Blaster (version 2) OK OK OK astrob astrob Had to download Mame4_all Samples for sound to work 1981 Sega astrof Astro Fighter (set 1) OK OK Untested 1980 Data East astrof2 Astro Fighter (set 2) OK OK Untested astrof astrof 1980 Data East astrof3 Astro Fighter (set 3) OK OK OK astrof astrof 1980 Data East astyanax Astyanax, The Untested OK Untested no good dump known warning 1989 Jaleco atarifb Atari Football (revision 2) OK OK Untested 1978 Atari atarifb1 Atari Football (revision 1) OK OK Untested atarifb 1978 Atari atarifb4 Atari Football (4 players) OK OK Untested atarifb 1979 Atari ataxx Ataxx (set 1) OK OK Untested 1990 Leland Corp.
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