ALAALAIssue 3 Cognotes CHICAGO Monday, June 27, 2005 Obama Proclaims Libraries Highlights ‘Windows to a Larger World’ By Brad Martin edged them all by name. “But I Monday,,, ABC News did make something out of my- June 27 “ n the beginning was the self, contrary to their expecta- word.” So begins both the tions,” he added, eliciting a roar Book of Genesis and of approval from the audience Live Videoconference I Barak Obama’s Opening General Obama served up a quote with Ray Bradbury Session keynote address Satur- from his speech to the 2004 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. day, wherein the freshman sena- Democratic Convention – one McCormick Place South tor from Illinois emphasized both that proved to be red meat for Grand Ballroom B/C the historical importance of lan- the throngs of librarians in at- guage and reading and presented tendance. “We worship an awe- The western-styled performance of the Thousand Oaks Library his vision of libraries as “windows some God in the Blue States, and PLA President's Precision Drill Team of Newbery Park, CA, rounded up a second to a larger world.” we don’t like federal agents pok- Program featuring place finish (and a silver library cart) at the First Annual Book Cart Obama stressed that instilling ing around our libraries in the David Sedaris Drill Team World Championship on Sunday. First place and a gold the value of reading at an early Red States,” Obama said then – 5:00 p.m.– 6:30 p.m. library cart was awarded to Dewey, et al for my Baby from Madison, age is needed now more than ever, adding, “or the Blue states ei- McCormick Place South WI, while the bronze library cart for a third place finish went to especially “at a time when truth ther” in his keynote speech to Grand Ballroom B/C Readin’ & Rollin’ of Batavia, OH. Bookcarts for the performances and and science are being challenged.” ALA. Obama declared that it awards were donated by DEMCO. He pointed out that, throughout should be possible to for congress history, those who sought to gain to work together to fight terror- ALA–APA Council or retain power have sought to ism “without trampling on our 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. David Sedaris to Keynote control access to information, civil liberties.” McCormick Place South whether this has meant banning Obama then returned to his Grand Ballroom A PLA President’s Program individual books or burning of main theme for the night, de- avid Sedaris, essayist several plays that have been pro- entire libraries, such as the Li- scribing literacy as “the most brary of Alexandria. ALA Membership II and radio contributor, duced at various theatres in New basic currency in the new will keynote York City. His original Obama described his teenage economy of the 21st century.” He 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. D the PLA President’s radio pieces often can behavior in libraries and made a said that the United States is still McCormick Place South th Program (part of the be heard on “This public apology to several librar- using 20 century and some- Grand Ballroom A ALA Auditorium American Life,” dis- ians who often had to discipline times 19th century tools to com- Speaker Series) today tributed nationally by him in Hawaii – librarians who pete in the modern global work- from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Public Radio Interna- obviously made quite an impres- Exhibit Hours Sedaris first came to tional and produced by sion on him, because he acknowl- Continued on page 4 national attention re- WBEZ in Chicago. In Monday, June 27 counting the strange- 2001, Sedaris became 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. but-true experiences of the third recipient of Tuesday, June 28 his job as a Macy’s elf, the Thurber Prize for reading his American Humor. He 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. David Sedaris “SantaLand Diaries” was named by “Time” on National Public Radio’s (NPR) magazine as Humorist of the Morning Edition. A frequent and Year in 2001. ALA Store Hours popular contributor to NPR, he The annual PLA Service Awards also is the author of the will be presented prior to the Monday, June 27 bestsellers Barrel Fever and Sedaris appearance. Following 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Holidays on Ice, as well as the these activities is a gala, music- Tuesday, June 28 essay collections, Naked and Me filled reception. This event is open 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Talk Pretty One Day, which im- to all registered conference attend- mediately became national ees. Sedaris appears by special ar- bestsellers. His most recent book rangement with the Steven Barclay is Dress Your Family in Cordu- Agency, www.barclayagency.com. roy and Denim (June, 2004). His PLA also thanks Thomson Gale for essays also appear regularly in their support of the President’s Pro- Esquire and The New Yorker. gram and Harper Perennial for ALA President Carol A. Brey-Casiano welcomes Dr. Lowell Catlett as Along with his sister, actress their support of the President’s re- keynote for the ALA President’s Program on Sunday. Catlett spoke on Amy Sedaris, he has co-written ception. the history and future of the library as place. Page 2 • Cognotes Monday, June 27, 2005 ALSC Holds Poetry Blast, Joint-Use Library Partnerships President’s Program Today Worth the Work, Panelists Say ALSC will hold its second annual influence to the next level by becom- By Kara Greenberg use partnerships can be a resound- live poetry performance, Second An- ing involved in the political process. Student Westbury Library ing success.” nual Children’s Poetry Blast, this Advocating for library issues starts at A shared vision that information Jane Light, Martin Luther King evening from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the the local level. Program speakers, access and literacy are cornerstones Jr. Library, a partnership of the San Chicago Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Mary Dempsey, commissioner, Chi- of educational advancement and in- Jose State University and the San Sheraton Ballroom 1. cago Public Library, Sandy Schuckett, dividual improvement are driving Jose Public Library, views her part- Hosted by Barbara Genco, Brook- retired library media teacher of 38 forces behind the development of nership as an epicenter for lifelong lyn Public Library, and writer Marilyn years, immediate past vice president joint-use library partnerships. learning. All public library material Singer, the ALSC Poetry Blast brings for legislation at the California School At Saturday’s “Real Life Joint— is open to the University community, together world-class poets to read their Library Association, and author of Use Partnerships” seminar, a distin- while all University materials and work. Political Advocacy for School Li- guished panel of librarians, library events are open to the community at This year’s all-star lineup includes: brarians: YOU HAVE THE POWER directors and college administration large. Kurt Cyrus, Rebecca Kai Dotlich, Dou- (Linworth, 2004), and Emily spoke of the journeys they have taken All panel members concede that glas Florian, Nikki Giovanni, Juan Sheketoff, executive director, ALA to form joint use partnerships and there are many obstacles to forming Felipe Herrera, J. Patrick Lewis, Pat Washington Office, will provide prac- the unexpected hurdles they over- and maintaining joint-use partner- Mora, Marilyn Nelson, Jack tical advice and show attendees how came along the way. ships. Molly Morris and Norice Lee, Prelutsky, Joyce Sidman, Marilyn they can gain control and make a dif- According to Dr. Richard Rhodes, Sunland Park Community Library Singer, and Quincy Troupe. Don’t miss ference. El Paso Community College (Texas), (N.M.), which serves three states and the exciting opportunity to enjoy a which works hand in hand with the two countries, spoke of the financial lively night of live poetry at its best. El Paso Public Library, there are burdens and the ramifications of The ALSC Charlemae Rollins Meeting many motivating factors in the for- such issues on their ability to prop- President’s Program, You’ve Got mation of library-university partner- erly serve their community and stay the Power: Take Control! Today, Cancellations and ships. Included in his list is expanded true to their original mission. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, Chicago access to resources benefiting an Monica Wang, El Paso Community Hilton and Towers, Continental A/B, Changes underserved population, leveraged College, noted that those entering into focuses on supporting library legisla- Additions budgets formed by combined re- partnerships should be prepared for tion and building political backing for sources, and the creation of open av- them to be lifelong efforts. “With flex- children’s services from the ground up. The well-being of children is a non- • Membership Meeting II enues of communication between ibility, open mind, and good commu- McCormick Grand Ballroom A, community members as well as in- nication, joint-use partnerships can partisan issue that garners attention from all arenas. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. today, stitutions. “With passion, persever- open doors for your library and for Disc. topic will be: Information ance, and trust,” Rhodes said, “joint- your community,” concluded Wang. Children’s librarians are in a per- fect position to boost their skills and as a Public Good led by Patricia A. Ward, American University, Washington D.C. Cancellations • The ALA-APA Focus Group scheduled for today 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Sheraton Parlor A has been CANCELLED. Contact Jenifer Grady, [email protected] af- Your Serials Collection ter conference with your ques- tions and suggestions.
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