- DIRECTORY.] CHESHIRE. t>ODDINGTON. 265 DODCOTT-CUM-WILKSLEY (or Wilkesley), on Oombermere, is situated in this parish; it is an elegant the Salop border, is a parish, formed in 18 , extending and spacious mansion, standing in a well-timbered park from Audlem to Wrenbury, and about 7 miles south from of nearly r,ooo acres, containing a fine stretch of water Nantwich, in the Eddisbury division of the county, hun­ of about 140 acres, known as Combermere Mere, which dred, peotty sessional division, union a'nd county court adjoins the house, and is well stocked with fish; the district of Nantwich, rural deanery of Nantwich and arch­ entrance haU of the mansion is ornamented with trophie5 deaconry and diocese of Chester. By Local Government of arms and armour, chiefly taken by Field Mal'shal the Board Order, 22,407, part of Dodcott-cum-Wilksley parish rst Viscount Combermere in his Indian campaigns. was in 188-8 added to Acton. In the Smeatonwood divi­ Viscount Combermere is lord of the manor and principal sion of this parish the following sums are distributed to landowner. The area is 5,614 acres of land and 142 of the poor in Wrenbury church yearly On St. Mark's Day, water; rateable value, £9,455 ; the population in 18911 £I 178. IOd.; on St. Thomas' Day, j,r r2s. 3d. The fol­ was s6g. lowing doles are distributed to the poor of Dodcott-cum­ ·wilkesley, a hamlet, consis.ts of two farms and some Wilksley in the National schools, Burleydam, yearly on cottages. A sale for cattle is held on alternate Mondays in St. Thomas' Day-Walmsley's charity, j,2 12s. 4d.; Rey­ Smithfield, adjoining Wrenbury station. nolds' charity, £r4 r7s. 2d. ; part of the offertory money in Audlem church on administration of sacramPnt, Letters through Whitchurch (Salop}; Audlem is the­ £4 ss. 2d. Combermere Abbey, the seat of Viscount nearest money order & telegraph office (Those marked thus * receive their Gleave Simon, farmer, Manor farm, Powell John, blacksmith, Wilkesley letters through Audlem, Nantwich.) Wilkesley Purgold Adolph D. farmer & breeder (Marked thus t receive their letters Goldbourn Edward, farmer, Wilkesley of pedigree short horns & hunter!", through Wrenbury, Nantwich.) tGoodall Thos. drainage engineer & Park view Combermere Viscount J.P. Camber­ contractor, The Grange tSadler Wm. farmer, Yew Tree house. mere abbey; & Carlton club, Lon­ tHale Thus. farmer, Smeaton wood tSalamanca Family & Commercial don SW *Hall Richard, jun. farmer & miller Hotel & Posting house ; spacious. Foden E. A. Combermere abbey (water), Brooks mill stabling,loose boxes & coach houses,. tHeginbotham J. W. The S.alamanca pleasure parties &c. catered for, COMMERCIAL. hotel & posting ho. "\Vrenbury statn wedding & funeral equipages fur- *Bebbington Jas.farmr.Lightwood grn *Hocknell Alfred, farmer, Newtown & nished (J.W. Heginbotham, proprie- Boffey Robert, farmer, The Rookery Lightwood Green farms tor), Wrenbury station *Charlesworth Thos.farmer, Hayfields *Hocknell Henry, farmer, Haywood Simcock George Hy. farmer, Dodcott. *Cliff Jsph. blacksmth. Lightwood gn Hocknell William, farmer, Withy mr Stant William, cowkpr. Royals green Derricutt Francis, farmer & wool tHodson Harriet (Miss), frmr. Smea- Stonier Frank, miller (water) buyer, Royals green ton wood tStevenson Thos. frmr. Pinsley grn. *Dimelow Thos. farmer, Ferney Heys Kendrick James, shopkeeper *Tapley Ralph, farmer, Northwood Foden E. A. land agent to Viscount Lievsley George, farmer, Royals green Vernon George, farmer, Walk mill Combermere Palin & Wilkinson, farmers,Blackhurst *Yarwood J onn. farmr .Butterley · heys DODDINGTON is a small township, 3 miles from manor, and Lord Tollemache are the clrief landowners. Betley Road station on the main line of the London and Bridgemere Hall has been restored by Lord Tollemache, North Western railway from Crewe to Stafford and 5 and is now the residence of Mr. Thomas Noden. The south-east from Nantwich, and in 1840 was formed into a area is I, 130 acres; rateable value, £ r,678 ; the popula­ parish from the civil parish of Wybunbury ; it com­ tion in 1891 was 157. prises Checkley, Hunsterson and Bridgemere, in the Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.30 p.m.-Letters through Orewe division of the county, hundred, union, county Nantwich. Wybunbury is the nearest money order &. court district and petty sesslional division of N antwich and telegraph office rural deanery of N antwich and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester. The church of St. John, erected in 1837 by Na,tional School (mixed), erected in 1875 by Sir Henry Sir John Delves Broughton bart. who died in 1847, is a Delves Broughton bart. for 108 children; average at• tendance, 64; Miss Annie Stormont, mistress : the­ building of stone in the Gothic style, occupying a pleasant school is supported by Government grants & volunta:ry site on the west side of Doddington Park, and consists of subscriptions chancel, nave, porch and a turret containing one bell, and contains an organ : the inrterior wa,s redecorated and CHECKLEY - CUM - WRINEHILL (formerly callecf furnished about r8gr, at a cost of over £IOo, and now Checkleigh) is a township and vil1age on the Shropshire affords sittings for 170 persons. The register dates from border of the county, 7 miles south-east from Nantwich~ the year 1838. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly r mile from Betley Road station and 6 miles from Audlem value £202, net £2oo, in the gift of Sir H. Delves Brough­ station on the section of the Great Western railway from ton hart. and held since 188o by the Rev. John Francis Nantwioh to Market Drayton and Wellington. There is­ Barnes M.A. of University College, l_)urham. Doddington a Primitive Methodist chapel here, built in 1824, and Hall, the property of Sir Henry Delves Broughton bart. seat.ing roo persons. Sir Henry Delves Broughton bart. and now the residence of Delves Louis Broughton esq. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Checkley J.P. is a mansion of stone delightfully situated in the Hall is now occupied as a farmhouse. The area is 1,42g midst of a well-wooded park containing a lake of 57 a.cres; rateable value, £4,418; the population in 1891 acres: the house, begun in 1777, from a design of Samuel wa.s r82. Wrinehill is a hamlet partly in Cheshire and Wya.tt esq. was finished in the ye•ar 1796, and is massively pai1tly in Staffordshire. built, the walls being in some place.s 6ft. thick. Sir Henry Wall Letter Box, Wrinehill, cleared at 6.30 p.m.; son­ Delves Broughton bart. is lord of the manor and sole land­ days, 9.40 a.m owner. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sand. The chief Lettens for Checkley, through Nantwich; for Wrinehill~ crops are barley, rye, oats and potatoes, but mostly used through Crewe. Betley is the nearest money order as pasture. The area of the township is 541 acres of land office & Wybunbury the ne·arest telegroph office and 56 of water; the population in 1891 was, of the town­ HUNSTERSO~ (fom1erly called Huntsterton) is a ship, 6o and of tl_le parish, 571. vil'lage and township, s! miles south-east from Nantwich Letters through Nantwich. Wybunbury is the nearest and 4 north-east from .Audlem railway station. Sir Henry money order & telegraph office Delves Broughton bart. is lord of the manor and sol~ BRIDGE:MERE (anciently called Bridesmere) is a landowner. The area is r,570 acres; rateable value,. small township and village, 6! miles south-east from [2,III ;. the population in r8g1 was 172. Nantwich and 3 miles from Betley Road station. There Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel he•re, erected in 1831. Letters through Nantwich. Audlem is the nearest mone' Sir Henry Delves Broughton bart. who is lord of the order office DODDINGTON. BRIDGEi\IERE. Lockett William, cowkeeper Barnes Rev. John Francis M.A.(vicar) Basford Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Noden Thos. farmer, Bridgemere hail Broughton Delves Louis J.P. Dod- Brereton Daniel, blacksmith Platt Ann (Mrs.), farmer dington hall Brereton Frank, builder Salmon Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Loring John, The Cottage Cope Samuel, wheelwright CHECKLEY. Cheshire Rt.blcksmth. ;&atHunsterson Dutton Jn. farmer, Bridgemere farm Edwards Joseph (exors. of), farmer & Evans Betsy & Helen (Misses),farmrs (Letters for Wrinehill received througlr miller, Doddington mill Evans Charles, farmer Crewe.) Emberton Wm. farmer,Demesne farm Hall John, cowkeeper • Large 1\Iiss, Wrinehill villa, Wrinehill Loring John, land agent to Sir H . .Tinks George, farmer 1Ioss Thomas, The Laurels, WrinehiiT. D. Broughton bart. The Cottage Lea Edward, farmer, '\Thee! green Muckley Wm. The Laurels, Wrinehill .
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