108 AUG. 10, 1963 ASSOCIATION NOTICES BRITISHSUPPLEMENTMEDICAL JOURNALTO TUE group clinical trial because they would cover the whole country for that disease, and the Her Majesty's Forces record envelopes would not be burnt. With the full facts plotted the campaign of attack Major-General W. J. Officer, C.B., C.B.E., ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.2.5353.108 on 10 August 1963. Downloaded from could be mounted on a broad front. Q.H.S., late R.A.M.C., has relinquished his Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Sanders has How could this be done ? Simply, I appointment as Director of Medical Services, retired on retired pay. venture to suggest, by abolishing free choice Far East Land Forces. Majors S. C. Blake, D. F. Conway, P. B. of doctor, allotting each doctor a section of Major-General W. A. Robinson, O.B.E., Lees, D. Russell, and T. S. Hart to be the population, providing the area covered Q.H.S., late R.A.M.C., has been appointed Lieutenant-Colonels. Director of Medical Services, Far East Land Major D. J. Grimsdell has relinquished by five doctors with a team of clerical and Forces. his commission. nursing auxiliaries, and by drawing up special Major-General F. McLean Richardson, Captain D. I. Macnair to be Major. records relating to the disease under survey. C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., has been appointed R. J. Wawman to be Major. Data could be kept to a pattern and the work Honorary Colonel, 51(H) Div./Dist., Short Service Commissions.-Captains encouraged by fortnightly conferences with R.A.M.C., T.A., in an existing vacancy. K. A. Boulton, M. J. Allan, W. R. Hesson, a doctor responsible for four such areas of Brigadier W. B. F. Brennan, Q.H.P., late P. F. Brasher, J. 1. King, W. A. Dalgleish, five doctors and the facts elicited would be R.A.M.C., has been appointed Deputy W. Wagstaff, and B. R. Lewis to be Majors. useful and statistically comparable. It is Director of Medical Services, Southern necessary only to realize and to admit that Command, and has been granted the tem- REGULAR ARMY RESERVE OF the doctor in the home is the most reliable porary rank of Major-General. OFFICERS source of information on disease and the Surgeon Captain T. B. Snell, V.R.D., ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS one who sees the greatest number of any R.N.R., has been appointed an Honorary Physician to the Queen, in succession to Major-Generals A. E. Campbell, C.B., kind of illness, at any stage, in any year, in Surgeon Captain R. W. Carslaw, V.R.D., and J. Huston, C.B., having attained the his area, even if the hospital sees a larger R.N.R. age limit, cease to belong to the Reserve of number of severe cases from a wider area. A to the London Gazette has Officers. A salaried service it might be, but the Supplement Major D. Phillips-Miles has relinquished announced the following awards: his commission. doctor would keep his independence, and, Army Emergency Reserve Decoration.- Short Service Commissions.-Majors J. I. realizing his share in the common aim, Major K. W. N. Palmer. T.D. King and R., F. Knight, from Active List, to would have a frame inside which to paint Second Clasp to the Territorial Efficiency be Majors. his portion of the community picture, feeling Decoration.-Major (Honorary Lieutenant- Class 111.-Major P. J. R. Walters, from assured that within a set time the entire Colonel) W. S. C. Copeman, O.B.E., Active List, to be Major. canvas would be covered and a creditable R.A.M.C., retired. result achieved. It could put new lite and First Clasp to the Territorial Efficiency ARMY EMERGENCY RESERVE OF interest into family medicine. XAhat is really Decoration.-Major (Honorary Lieutenant- OFFICERS killing the general practitioner's interest in Colonel) W. S. C. Copeman, O.B.E., R.A. M .C.. retired. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS the N.H.S. is the realization that his work Major) R. S. Kocen to be is a dead end, that nobody wants the end- Territorial Efficiency Decoration.-Lieuten- Captain (Acting ant-Colonel R. B. McConnell and Major Major. product of his skills for any useful purpose. (Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel) W. S. C. If the nation means seriously to encourage Copeman, O.B.E., R.A.M.C., retired. health standards the whole medical profes- sion and its counterparts in Government HER MAJESTY'S OVERSEAS CIVIL would have to move together with a series SERVICE of clear and specific objectives aimed at The following appointments have been making the N.H.S. really effective and less announced: J. T. Anderson. M.B., Ch.B., ROYAL NAVY Assistant Health Adviser, Aden; J. A. P. ,expensive.-I am, etc., M.B., Ch. B., M.Ch.Orth., Dumfrics. LEILA SUTHERLAND. Surgeon Commanders R. T. May, R. P. Cameron, Crocketford, Phillips, O.B.E., P. W. Edmondson, and F.R.C.S.Ed., Surgeon, Antigua; P. B. Cars- Weston to be Surgeon Captains. lake, M.B., B.Chir., Medical Officer, Kenya; F. B. B. Miss I. E. Dobie, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., SIR,-May 1, as one who has consistently Surgeon Lieutenant-Commanders R. S. A. advocated a salaried service since the early Forrester, J. D. Stewart, J. G. H. Sheppard, D.C.H., Medical Officer, Aden: R. W. G.M., K. P. O'Byrne. H. J. A. Hahn, and Harris, M.B., Ch.B., Medical Officer, in of oceans of be http://www.bmj.com/ thirties, spite abuse, Commanders. Uganda; J. J. G. Kneafsey, M.B., B.Ch., allowed to sing my hallelujah ? A resolu- J. F. Ryan to be Surgeon B.A.O., D.P.H., Medical Officer, Tangan- tion advocating its sober consideration has yika; K. C. Li, M D., and Miss J. at last appeared in the agenda of the A.R.M. ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE MacDonald, M.D., D.Obst.R.C.O.G., Medi- The case for a salaried service, which is Surgeon Lieutenant-Commanders F. S. cal Officers, Hong Kong; D. S Nowlan, luring thousands of new adherents trom Preston, W. A. Copland. and A. J. R. M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O., A. Pau, M.B., and Hudson to be Surgeon Commanders. Mrs. J. Pau, M.B., Medical Officers, year to year, is bound to triumph in the end. Jamaica: J. P. O'Connor, L.R.C.P.&S.I. & it seems rather a pity that it should have L.M., Medical Officer, Swaziland: G. I. taken 20 years of misery, frustration. and ARMY Shaw, M.B.. Ch.B., DPP.I., D.T.M.&H., degradation before its realization should have Lieutenant-Colonels J. B. Plews, R. M. Locum Tenens, Medical Superintendent, been accepted.-I am, etc., Henderson, and A. M. Buchanan, from Antigua; Chin Yun Yii, M.B., Medical Middleton, Lancs. B. HIRSH. R.A.M.C., to be Colonels. Officer, St. Lucia. on 27 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Association Notices Branch and Division Officers Elected CrTY OF ABERDEEN DivisIoN.-Chairman, Dr. F. D. Beddard. Vice-chairman, Dr. F. Rae. Honorary Secretary, Dr. C. Murray. ADJUSTMENT OF AREAS OF EAST SOMERSET CLEVELAND AND MIDDLESBROUGH DlVISloN.-Chairman. Dr. J. N. Stirling. Vice-chairman, Mr. G. Fordyce. Chairman-elect, Mr G. AND WEST SOMERSET DIVISIONS Parker. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Di. H Kay. Assistant Notice is hereby given by the Council to all concerned of a proposal Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. Dr B. V. Bowles. to transfer the municipal borough of Glastonbury and the civil GLOUCESTERSHIRE BRANCH.-President, Dr. R. G. Anderson. parishes of Sharpham and Walton in the rural district of Shepton President-elect, Dr. H. G Scott-Kerr. Vice-president. Mr. W J. the area of Wilkin Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Dr R. S. B. Rogers. Mallet from the area of the East Somerset Division to Assistant Honorary Secretary. Dr J. E. Underwood. the West Somerset Division. HARROGArE DivstoN.-Chairman. Dr N V Hepple. Vice- Any member affected by this proposal and objecting thereto is chairman. Dr. J. V. Wilson. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. requested to write to the Secretary of the Association by September T. [S. Oglesby. 7, 1963. D. P. STEVENSON, KENT BRANCH-President, Dr. D. Kennedy. President-lect. Dr. Secretary T. S. Coch-ane. Vice-president. Dr. G L. Brocklehurst. Honorary Secretary, Dr. A. Elliott. Honorary Treasurer, Mr. W. E. Heath. Diary of Central Meetings SEPTEMBER Correction.-Dr. R. H. Davison (West Sussex) should have been 11 Wed. Investigating Subcommittee (G.M.S. Committee), reported as saying in the A.R.M. debate on " Prescription Charges " 10.30 a.m. (Supplement. July 27. p. 71) that he had received a letter from the 12 Thurs. Planning Subcommittee (G.M.S. Committee), " talked to the Minister of 10.30 a.m. Ministry of Health and not that he had 19 Thurs. G.M.S. Committee, 10.30 a.m. Health " on the subject..
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