The 1947 PINETUM f Journal of of the School N. C. STATE COLLEGE Raleigh, North Carolina Page Frontispiece ......................................... 2 Dedication ........................................... 4 Foreword ............................................ 6 Graduate Students .................................... 7 Seniors .............................................. 11 Seniors at A Glance ................................... 17 The Forestry School .................................. 19 The Pinetum Staff .................................... 21 Faculty ............................................. 22 Xi Sigma Pi ......................................... 25 The Forestry Club .................................... 27 Rolleo ............................................... 31 School Activities ..................................... 34 Do You Know? ...................................... 36 Big Timber from Beaufort ............................ 37 Campus Scenes .................................. 38 & 72 Diesel Building ....................................... 40 Report on Hofmann Forest ............................ 42 Summer Camp ....................................... 49 Quiz on American Forestry ............................ 53 Foresters in Athletics ................................. 54 Ecology Trip ......................................... 58 Bald Pate, Bow Tie, and Conservation ................... 60 The Hofmann Forest Cruise ........................... 63 Wood and Preservation ............................... 66 Gum Farming in The Old North State .................... 70 Forestry Graduates ................................... 78 Alumni Nursery ..................................... 79 Alumni News ........................................ 81 Alumni Directory ................................... 103 115625 Mim- JIHIH'I ('onlw/ Dedication To that indispensable personification of feminine charm. Miss Mabel Conley, who has worked faithfully and well on both the manuscript and proof of this publication, and who has proved to be a faithful friend to every student in the Division for Forestry, we humbly dedi- cate this— PI-NE-TUM OF 1947. In the years to come many of us will look over this 1947 PI-NE-TUM and recall with pleasure the four years spent in attaining the goal set by the high standards of our Alma Mater. Today we are just one big happy family. As time marches on the gap be- tween us will become larger and larger. Some of us will use our talents for research and invention and become the creators in a future civilization. Others will become teachers and help preserve that civiliza- tion by passing along what we have learned from man to man, and from age to age. Still others will attain heights of leadership, and as executives will aid in the development of that same civilization. But regardless of what life has in store for each of us, or how far in this commercial world we may drift apart, we will always have this little book to bring us back together into the one happy family that originated here at State. raduate Students 1946-47 WILLIAM A. BLAND AI‘P Cary. N. C. M.S. in Forestry “Archie" Graduate of N. C. State College. B.S. in Forestry; Xi Sigma Pi. JULIAN G. HOFMANN AI‘P Raleigh, N. C. MS. in Forestry “Bunny" Graduate of N. C. State College, B.S. in Forestry; Xi Sigma Pi; Homecoming Dance Committee. [8] JOSEPH F. HARDEE Siler City. N. (7. M.S. in Forestry “.100" Graduate of N. C. State College. 8.8. in Forestry; Chairman of Ag: Fair. FRANK A. SANTUPOLO AI‘I’ Roanoke. Va. M.S. in Forestry ”I’nln" Graduate of N. (f. State College, 8.8. in Forestry. AUSTIN A. PRUITi Carteret, N. J. M.S. in Forestry “AP" Graduate of N. C. State College, BS. in Forestry; Xi Sigma Pi. Secy. D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College '/I ,v’v'a'lfll, ”*7”!!ng ARMCHAIR LOGGER tois a loggertrade whothatis referson ductionbig talk and short on pro- YOU DON’T FIND Armchair Loggers among THE TIMBERMAN’S readers. What you do find is the top production, management and directing personnel in the plywood,box,woodworking, sawmilling and logging fields. Hundreds of logging engineers, sawmill engineers, operat- in},v heads and managers in the forest products industry formed the habit—while still in their university and college days—to depend, month after month, upon every issue of THE TIMBERMAN to bring them information and ideas on new methods, new practices and new proced— ures developed in all major departments of the industry. THE TIMBERMAN’S editorial staff travels thousands of miles each month to bring you the latest in pictures and text directly from on-the-job observations and reports. You will benefit greatly in your career by making every number of THE TIMBERMAN a ”must” in your reading and study. 722 TEMIERMEAN AN H 519 S.W. PARK AVENUE PORTLAND 5, OREGON Publishersaim ofWESTERN BUILDING IbeIig/J! construclianjournalaflbe West WILLIAM J, MR'rox, JR. “'11.an S. CAMPBELL ROBERT DORSEN Canton. N. C. Staunlon. Va. Miami. Fla. 11. S. in Forestry 1}. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry “Buzz" “IV/ll" ”Scoop" ii Sig-ma l’i. Assoc. Forest— Xi Sigma Pi. :1. 4. Prvsidont. Forestry Club. 1. 2, 31. Pro— 1'; Alpha Zeta; Blue Key; 4: Forestry Club. 1. ‘3. 3. 4,: gram Chm. 4, President 4; “orestl'y (71111), 1, 2, 3. 4; Boot (,‘lnli. Editm' Slabs 1(an Edgings 4; ltudont Council; ’l'oclmiciuu, I’incinm 4; R. O. T. C. lports Editor; I‘I'm‘fum. Edi- 1 2. ()l'l'dl Staff; Dept. Honor ‘ouncil, 4: R. O. T. (,7. 1.2.11. WILLIAM J. ELLIS. JR. JAY HALE HARDEE NORMAN HoDIIL Philadelphia, Pa. High Point, N. C. New York. N. Y. B. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry “Bill" “Jay" “Big Norm" i Sigma Pi. Forestry Club, Xi Sigma Pi. Alpha Zeta; I, 2, 3. 4; Sgt-at-Arms, Pro- Forestry Club. 1, 2, Vice- Forestry Club, 1. 2, 3. 4 fram Chm.; Student Logis- Pres. 3, Pros. 4; Wrestling 1, Treasurer, 4; l'inctum 3, As ature, 1942; Dept. Honor 2, Dormitory Asst; Jr.-Sr. soc. Bus. Mm: 4; Dormitory ouncil, 3; T¢’('II')II'ci(I)I, Edi- Dance Committee; R. O. T. C. Asst. 3, 4; Intramural Foot orial Staff; Boot Club; I’I'nr- 1, 2; I’inm‘um Staff. hall, Championship Team. um, 2. 3, Editor 4; Publica— ions Board; R. 0. T. C. 1, 2. 74:”-U«u..nttu VALTER W. HOOK. JR. IIKA DOUGLAS T. HoUSE. AI‘P THOMAS F. ICARD, AI‘P Charlotte, N. C. Beaufort. N. Bradenton, Fla. B. S. in Forestry B. S. in F011 B. S. in Forestry “Bugger" “Doug" “1‘0”!” orestry Club 1, 2. 3. 4; Sect. Blue Key, 3, Pres, 4; Golden Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4 f IIKA. R. O. T. C. 1, 2, 3. Chain, Alpha Zeta; Xi Sigma l’inetum Staff 3; Busines. Pi; Bus. Mgr. Pinetum 3; Manager 4; Publication. Publications Board 3; Stud- Board; Social Function. ent Council 2’); Secretary. Y. Committee; Veterans Club M. C. A. 3; Sports Editor Secy. of Al‘P. Agrmnack 4; Chief Dormi- tory Asst. 4; Forestry Club. 1. 2, 3. Chm. Rolleo 4; TI’C’I- niciml Staff 2. 3; N. C. Stu- dent Legislature :1, Speaker Pro Tem. 4. JAMES BAXTER JOHNSON J. CARLTON JONES, AI‘P WALTER M. KELLER Raleigh, N. C. Pittsboro, N. C. Washington. D. C. B. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry “Baxter" ”J. ('." “Rm!" Forestry (‘luh 1. 2. I}, 4. R. 0. Transfer from Mars Hill; Xi Sigma Pi. Forestry (‘lu T. C. 1. 2. Forestry Club. 3. 4; Track, 1. 2, 3, 4; [’invfum Editori: 3. 4; Monogram Clul); Pres. Staff, 4; Freshman Footbal AI‘P; InterfratL-rnity Coun- cil; Homecoming Dance Com- mittee; Mid-Winter Dance (.‘ommittoo; Dormitory As- sistant. RICHARD D. MAI-{ONE CHARLES E. SCHREYER, JR. WILLIAM L. VVHARTON. JR. Williamsburg, Va. AI‘P AXA B. S. in Forestry Mamaroneck, N. Y. Winston—Salem, N. C. B. S. in Forestry B. S. in Forestry “Dick” “Bill” orestry Club 1, 2, 3, Vice- “Charley" res. 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Xi Sigma Pi, Ranger 4; A1— Xi Sigma Pi, Forestry Club, onog'ram Club; All Campus pha Zeta. Chancellor 4; 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas. 3; Sec. & oftball; All Campus Foot— Golden Chain, Treas. 3; Blue House Manager of AKA; Stu- 111; R. O. T. C. 1, 2. Key, Treas. 3; Pine Burr; dent Ligislature; R. O. T. C. Forestry Club, Secy. 2, Vice- 1, 2, 3. Pres. 3; Public Lectures Committee; R. 0. T. C. l. 2, 3. Seniors At A Glance By Buzz Barton “47’" [HI] Barton . Nicknamed Buzzy cause he’s fuzzy . converted hillbilly from Canton. Sports Editor of our college newspaper. A man of high honor and good principles. His disposition never fluctuates. He will be a great asset to forestry. Formerly an Eagle Scout. Married to a beautiful Southern belle. No additions as yet. “Will" Campbell . Xi Sigma Pi boss from Raleigh, originally from Virginia. Married Poppa of a little girl. Drives a brand new Ford. Has wealth of common sense. Air Corps Vet. Honor Stud- ent. Was “Reamed” by Prof. Slocum during 1942 Summer Camp on a Dendrology specimen. Packed and left next day for the Army. “Bob" Dorscn . Rolly-poly from New Joisey and Miami. Won’t claim either one. Don’t blame him. Knows more about the Dutch Elm Disease than any other living man. Pulled five year bitch in the Marine Corps. Great job with SLABS AND EDGINGS, and as programme chairman. What’s the Scoop??? Eh??? What’s the control on this, Doc. ??? “Bill" Ellis . Kid from Philly. Comparative newcomer to State College. Does a tremendous amount of work for the good of all, but gets very little credit personally. Always the first to leave a quizz. Dance committee chairman for the most successful Logger’s Bawl ever pitched. A swell fellow. Editor of the Pinetum. Jay “Handsome" Hm'dee . Converted zoot suiter from High Pernt. Makes his share of A’s and then some. Always the last to leave a quizz. Good Forester. Excellent leader. Combat Infantryman with the 84th Infantry Division. Once tangled with a Tiger Tank. Tank came out second best. Purple Heart. Newest of Old married men. Norm. Hod/Ill . Honor student. Hopes to enter the field of research, should go far.
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