DEL MORAL, M.E. y GUZMÁN, A. Social network game CUADERNOS.INFO Nº 38 ISSN 0719-3661 Versión electrónica: ISSN 0719-367x http://www.cuadernos.info doi: 10.7764/cdi.38.810 Received: 08-05-2015 / Accepted: 05-09-2016 Social network game: Digital addiction versus communication and interaction in CityVille? Jugar en red social: ¿adicción digital versus comunicación e interacción en CityVille? Jogar na rede social: Vício digital versus comunicação e interação no CityVille? Mª ESTHER DEL MORAL PÉREZ, Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, España [[email protected]] ALBA PATRICIA GUZMÁN DUQUE, Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia [[email protected]] ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO Network playing carries the risks of Jugar en red implica riesgos de adicciones, Jogar em rede implica em riscos de vício, addiction related to excessive time and por invertirse excesivo tiempo y dinero y ao investir dinheiro e tempo excessivo money investment and the virtualization virtualizarse las relaciones, aunque puede e virtualizar as relações, embora isso of relationships, although it may facilitate favorecer la comunicación ligada al entret- pode facilitar a comunicação ligada ao communication linked to online enimiento online. Tras consultar a jugadores entretenimento online. Após consulta entertainment. Interviews with CityVille de CityVille (N=105), se constata la relación com os jogadores de CityVille (N = 105) players (N=105) show the relationship entre tiempo y gasto invertido, y niveles y é constatada a relação entre o tempo between time and money invested with logros alcanzados. Los hombres dedican más e o dinheiro investido com níveis e levels achieved and accomplishments. Men dinero y tiempo a jugar que las mujeres y pri- realizações. Os homens gastam mais spend more money and time in games than orizan la competición; ellas, la colaboración. dinheiro e tempo para jogar que as women spend and prioritize competition, Todos perciben desarrollar habilidades in- mulheres e priorizam a competição; elas, while the latter stress collaboration. Both terpersonales, pero las mujeres subrayan las a colaboração. Todos têm a percepção de genders perceive having developed comunicativas. Los sujetos adictos dedican desenvolver habilidades interpessoais, interpersonal skills, but women emphasize más de 5 horas diarias y gastan 23 dólares mas as mulheres enfatizam as the communicative ones. Addicted mensuales en este juego, y juegan entre 5-7 comunicativas. Os indivíduos viciados subjects spend more than 5 hours a day juegos online más. passam mais de 5 horas por dia e gastam and invest 23 USD per month in this game, USD 23 por mês neste jogo e jogam entre and play 5 to 7 other online games. 5-7 jogos online ou mais. Keywords: Online games, social Palabras clave: Juegos online, redes socia- Palavras-chave: Jogos Online, redes networks, interaction, communication, les, interacción, comunicación, adicción, sociais, interação, comunicação, vício, addiction, spending, communication gasto, habilidades comunicativas, habili- gastos, habilidades de comunicação, skills, interpersonal skills. dades interpersonales. relacionamento interpessoal. •How to cite: Del Moral, CUADERNOS.INFOM.E. y Guzmán, A. Nº (2016).38 / JUNE Jugar 2016 en / ISSNred social:0719-3661 ¿adicción / E-VERSION: digital WWW.CUADERNOS.INFOversus comunicación e/ ISSNinteracción 0719-367X en CityVille? Cuadernos.info, (38), 217-231. doi: 10.7764/cdi.38.810 217 DEL MORAL, M.E. y GUZMÁN, A. Social network game INTRODUCTION or generating the so-called techno-addiction Online games have proliferated exponentially (Echeburúa, Salaberría & Cross-Sáez, 2014; James after inserting into social networks like Facebook, & Ronald, 2005). Others consider them to be mere Google+, among others, taking advantage of their “time-stealers” (Careaga, 2011; Van Meurs, 2011) or advertising platforms to attract users and using their architects of the migration of all recreational activities own contacts as engaging elements. Periodically, to virtual spaces. Some consider them responsible for they inform users about whose friends participate fewer in-person contexts, that foster interpersonal in a particular game, thus enhancing the virtual relationships (Carbonell, Talarn, Beranuy, Oberst & links that bond them by sharing online hobbies Graner, 2009), and even accuse them of increasing (Chuang, Lin & Shu, 2011). This is contributing obsession with online game, typifying them of occasionally to nest within the generic social network, addictive (Sheth, Bell & Kaiser, 2011), not only by a community of specific endogenous players (Del the excessive number of hours that users engage Moral & Fernández, 2013), enriching the gaming in this activity, but also, sometimes, because it is experience and consolidating their social connections associated with an excessive spending, as shown by around a particular game. Thus, it becomes a more studies of the lucrative business Zinga (Forró et al, social activity (Lautman & Curran, 2012), by 2012;. Park & Lee, 2011). reuniting users with common interests. On the contrary, there is another sector more On the other hand, and unlike other games, inclined to weigh the contributions of this type of this ludic network practice is characterized by online games, linking it with the opportunities to not requiring an excessively long and prolonged develop skills of various kinds (Santamaría, 2008), as commitment to the game. The users can dispense well as encouraging communication and interaction their sessions without resting score, and incorporate between the players –from a constructive perspective– again whenever they want, which is setting up a through the missions or ludic activities of collaborative so-called casual gamer profile. Interestingly, in nature they contemplate (Ross & Collister, 2014); most cases these are subjects who were not video- or by their socializing potential, encouraging the players before, but they have begun to play because creation of specific online communities to share of their membership to a social network, through and discuss issues of common interest related to a invitations from their own contacts (Consalvo, particular game (Hughes, 2015; Hussain & Griffiths, 2011). In addition, most of these games are free, 2014; Ross & Collister, 2014). or at least they do not require investing money Thus, after finding that more and more casual to play, although there is a quicker game mode players adhere to this ludic practice and share with that allows move faster in it, and involves micro- their peer group, connected from the social network payments ranging from 60 cents minimum to tens where the games are integrated (Castañeda & of Euros and/or dollars (Forró, Cauwels & Sornette, Gutiérrez, 2010; Coelho, Espinosa & Medina, 2013; 2011). A payment strategy a priori, minimizes the Hussain & Griffiths, 2014), with this research we psychological impact for users of being aware of the have tried to raise a reflection on the uncertainties actual investment made in the game, causing them generated about addiction risks arising from the to lose control of their spending. excessive number of hours that some people devote All these features make online gaming very to this activity (Cruzado, Matos & Kendall, 2006). controversial applications, well worth a reflection Such dedication is holding lucrative businesses, from from an educational perspective. Some consider them the micro-payments that millions of players make a risk for encouraging social isolation, especially in in their quest to reach the upper levels of the game groups such as adolescents or especially vulnerable (Kossecki, 2011; Silva, 2012), after the promise of people, looking for acceptance and recognition enjoying a greater social prestige and reputation in that they do not find in their daily lives; or by the game, be the first to reach the goal, solve missions activating disproportionate consumption behaviors successfully, etc. (Del Moral & Guzmán, 2014). CUADERNOS.INFO Nº 38 / JUNE 2016 / ISSN 0719-3661 / E-VERSION: WWW.CUADERNOS.INFO / ISSN 0719-367X 218 DEL MORAL, M.E. y GUZMÁN, A. Social network game THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION IN ONLINE NETWORK GAMING: THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES GAMES Games hosted on social networks allow people from Online games have become a platform for social different parts of the world to interact with each other, interaction among Internet users (Hussain & Griffiths, using a ludic scenario as meeting point (Moral-Toranzo, 2014), fostering relationships around certain ludic 2009). In this regard, in the present study we have practices, encouraging communication from the tried to visibilize the opposing positions regarding the interaction between members of the social network implications of such activity. Some authors state that where these games are played. So while, in general, these ludic practices are addictive, confining players Moral-Toranzo (2009) found that Internet users were to spend much of their leisure time concentrated somewhat reluctant to interact with others on the behind a screen (Justicia & Villadangos, 2010), and network spontaneously, as only 8.1% did so with users warn about the increase in online spending this could considered reliable or loyal, the interaction within bring (Trenta, 2014), censoring that their only goal is to a game had no limits, and was produced naturally achieve greater virtual presence and social recognition and fluently around the missions or ludic activities (Esteve, Esteve, Gisbert & Cela, 2012;
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