24936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 26, 2000 Jackson-Lee Meehan Sanchez REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER sistance, $5 million to help move chil- (TX) Meek (FL) Sanders AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2335 dren from foster care to adoptive fami- Jefferson Meeks (NY) Sandlin John Menendez Sawyer Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask lies, $1 million for pediatric health Johnson, E.B. Millender- Schakowsky unanimous consent to remove my clinics, and provides for the largest Jones (OH) McDonald Scott ever drug testing and treatment pro- Kanjorski Miller, George name as a cosponsor of H.R. 2335. Serrano gram. These appropriations go directly Kaptur Minge Sherman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Kennedy Mink Shows objection to the request of the gen- to improving the lives of the District’s Kildee Moakley Sisisky tleman from Washington? residents. Kilpatrick Mollohan Skelton The bill provides a $384 million in- Kind (WI) Moore Slaughter There was no objection. King (NY) Moran (VA) crease for the DEA, the FBI, and the Smith (NJ) f Kleczka Murtha Smith (WA) U.S. Attorneys to ensure that our Fed- Kucinich Nadler Snyder eral law enforcers have the tools that LaFalce Napolitano WAIVING POINTS OF ORDER Stabenow Lampson Oberstar they need in the 21st century. The bill Stark AGAINST CONFERENCE REPORT Lantos Obey provides an additional $548 million for Stenholm ON H.R. 4942, DISTRICT OF CO- Larson Olver Strickland the Immigration and Naturalization Lee Ortiz LUMBIA APPROPRIATIONS ACT, Tanner Service to ensure the safety of our bor- Levin Pallone 2001 Lewis (GA) Pascrell Tauscher ders and the efficiency of our immigra- Taylor (MS) Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, by direc- Lipinski Pastor tion process. Thompson (CA) Lofgren Payne tion of the Committee on Rules, I call For local and State law enforcement, Lowey Pelosi Thurman up House Resolution 653 and ask for its Tierney the bill appropriates $4.7 billion, a Lucas (KY) Peterson (MN) immediate consideration. Luther Phelps Towns total that includes dollars for law en- Maloney (CT) Pickett Turner The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- forcement block grants and funding for Udall (CO) Maloney (NY) Pomeroy lows: Violence Against Women Act pro- Markey Price (NC) Udall (NM) H. RES. 653 Mascara Rahall Vela´ zquez grams. Matsui Rangel Visclosky Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- Equally important for the safety of McCarthy (MO) Reyes Waters lution it shall be in order to consider the our people, the bill provides the State McCarthy (NY) Rivers Watt (NC) conference report to accompany the bill McDermott Rodriguez Weiner Department with $6.9 billion. This (H.R. 4942) making appropriations for the total, more than the President re- McGovern Roemer Wexler government of the District of Columbia and McHugh Rothman Weygand other activities chargeable in whole or in quested, will ensure worldwide security McIntyre Roybal-Allard Woolsey improvements at our embassies to en- McKinney Rush Wu part against the revenues of said District for McNulty Sabo Wynn the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and sure the safety of U.S. personnel. The for other purposes. All points of order bill also provides full funding for our NOT VOTING—26 against the conference report and against its current year United Nations assess- Blagojevich Klink Packard consideration are waived. The conference re- ments. Brady (PA) LaTourette Peterson (PA) port shall be considered as read. Campbell Lazio Spratt I might add, it is the gentleman from Chenoweth-Hage Lewis (CA) Stupak The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Kentucky (Mr. ROGERS), chairman for Crowley McCollum Talent tleman from Georgia (Mr. LINDER) is the subcommittee, whose own interest Danner McIntosh Thompson (MS) Engel Metcalf recognized for 1 hour. in worldwide safety of our embassies Waxman Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, for the has held sway in all of these debates Franks (NJ) Neal Weldon (PA) Hoekstra Owens purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- and provided the funding for these em- b 1309 tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman bassies. from Texas (Mr. FROST), pending which Mr. Speaker, I am sad to say that I Mr. HORN changed his vote from I yield myself such time as I might have heard that the President intends ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ consume. During consideration of this So the resolution was agreed to. to veto this bill, he intends to stop this The result of the vote was announced resolution, all time yielded is for the money for local law enforcement, as above recorded. purpose of debate only. money for Federal law enforcement, A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 653 is a typical money for the residents of the District the table. rule providing for consideration of H.R. of Columbia, money for the safety of 4942, the conference report for the Dis- our embassies, and money for the f trict of Columbia Appropriations Act United Nations. FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE for fiscal year 2001. The rule waives all Mr. Speaker, do my colleagues know SENATE points of order against the conference why he has threatened to veto this A further message from the Senate report and its consideration, and pro- bill? Because it does not contain lan- by Mr. Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- vides that the conference report shall guage to provide mass amnesty for nounced that the Senate has passed be considered as read. those who have flouted U.S. law and without amendment a bill of the House The House rules provide 1 hour of come to this country illegally. Such of the following title: general debate, divided equally be- language was not included in the H.R. 5178. An act to require changes in the tween the chairman and ranking mi- House-passed bill. Such language was bloodborne pathogens standard in effect nority member of the Committee on not included in any Senate version. under the Occupational Safety and Health Appropriations, and one motion to re- Yet, the President today seems to be Act of 1970. commit, with or without instructions, insisting that it is his way or the high- The message also announced that the as is the right of the minority members way. Senate has passed with amendment in of the House. He seems to be saying today that he which the concurrence of the House is I want to briefly discuss the con- wants to provide amnesty to law requested, a bill of the House of the fol- ference report that this rule makes in breakers rather than provide funding lowing title: order. The conference report appro- to law enforcers. Rather than provide H.R. 2498. An act to amend the Public priates $445 million for the District of the funding to those who protect our Health Service Act to provide for rec- Columbia, and it appropriates $37.5 bil- borders, he wants to provide amnesty ommendations of the Secretary of Health lion for the Departments of Commerce, to those who have illegally crossed and Human Services regarding the place- Justice and State, the Federal Judici- them. ment of automatic external defibrillators in See, Mr. Speaker, the President is in- Federal buildings in order to improve sur- ary, and 18 related agencies. sisting on a rider on the appropriations vival rates of individuals who experience car- b 1315 diac arrest in such buildings, and to estab- bill, precisely the same kind of legisla- lish protections from civil liability arising For the District of Columbia, the bill tive rider that caused him to veto, 5 from the emergency use of the devices. provides $17 million for the college as- years ago, a continuing resolution and VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:39 Jan 17, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H26OC0.001 H26OC0 October 26, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 24937 shut the government down. But if it is thousands of Latino families, but the passed up an easy chance to right a his rider, it is a good rider. If it is our Republicans have fumbled the ball. wrong. The President will be exactly rider, it is a bad rider. Mr. Speaker, the immigration lan- right to veto this conference agree- Mr. Speaker, I hope that I have mis- guage in this bill is a pieced together ment. I can only hope whenever we see understood the President’s intentions. proposal which sounds good, but will do the next version of this conference re- For all we have heard from the White little to help families. It perpetuates port, the Republican majority will in- House about finishing appropriations the current patchwork of contradictory clude the language of the Latino and bills in a timely fashion, I simply can- and discriminatory immigration poli- Immigrant Fairness Act which will not believe that he would delay funding cies enacted by the Republican Con- keep families together and bring about increases for the District of Columbia, gress and leaves countless immigrants real reform of the misguided legisla- the Justice Department, the State De- in legal limbo. tion passed by earlier Republican Con- partment, the Commerce Department This conference report does nothing gresses. and more. to resolve injustices that affect the Mr. Speaker, there are a number of I oppose the amnesty that the Presi- vast majority of Latino immigrants other problems with this conference, dent seeks. But even if I supported it, now in this country. Mr. Speaker, this and I will not take a lot of time to go I would know that it does not now nor conference report ignores the need to into them. But there is another par- has it ever belonged in an appropria- stabilize the immigrant status of peo- ticularly troubling provision in the tions bill.
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