A TAXONOMIC REVISION OF THE GENUS HELICONIJ IN MIDDLE AMERICA By ROBERT ROY SMITH A DISSERTATION PBESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE DIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1968 Copyright by Robert Roy Smith 1968 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express deep appreciation to Dr. Daniel B. Ward for his encouragement, advice and helpful criticisms while directing this work. Acknowledgments are also ex- tended to the curators and staffs of the herbaria listed In the Introduction, for the loans and photographs of many of the pertinent types. Special thanks are extended to Mr. John Beckner for suggesting this problem, and for his continual Interest throughout the study. I am grateful to Dr. Ward, Dr. Klmbrough, Dr. Ford, Dr. Laessle, and Mr. Beckner for reading and evaluating the manuscript. Appreciation Is extended to Mr. Steve Johnson for technical assistance concerning the plates used In the systematic treatment. A special thanks must be extended to my wife, Julia, for the devotion and understanding shown during the two years It took to complete this study. Ill TABLE OP CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IH LIST OF TABLES •, . vll LIST OF FIGURES vlli LIST OF MAPS Ix LIST OF PLATES xl INTRODUCTION 1 HISTORY 3 ECONOMIC VALUE 6 SURVEY OF THE ORDER SCITAMINEAE 8 MORPHOLOGY 23 POLLINATION 30 CYTOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HELICONIA 32 PHYLOGENY 3^ SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT 40 HELICONIA ' i^Q Key to Sections 43 I. Section TAENIOSTROBUS 44 Key to the Series 4^ Key to the Species In Series Imbrlcatae 46 !• Hellconla marlae i^-p 2. Hellconfa reticulata 53 3» Hellconla Imbrlcata 58 Series Eplscopales 61 xx Page II. Section HELICONIA 64 Key to the Species In Section HELICONIA 65 4. Helicon la carlbaea 66 5« Hellconla bourgaeana . », , , 73 6. Hellconla wagnerlana » « « « « « » 83 7. Hellconla blhal ....T 91 III. Section PENDUIAE 98 Key to Species In Section PENDUIAE 99 8. Hellconla marglnata IO3 9. Hellconla colgantea IO7 10. Hellconla nutans 112 11. Hellconla allenll II7 12. Hellconla vellerlgera 122 13« Hellconla magnlf lea . 127 l4. Hellconla curtlspatha I3I 15« Hellconla xanthotrlcha I36 16. Hellconla paulll ...T7T Ikl 17. Hellconla longa . Ik6 18. Hellconla coll Ins lana I54 19» Hellconla catheta . I65 IV. Section STENOCHIAMYS 172 Key to the Series STENOCHIAMYS I72 Key to the Species of Series Cannoldeae I73 20. Hellconla pslttacorum I75 21. Hellconla aurantlaca 181 22. Hellconla leucoflora 188 23« Hellconla hlrsuta 24. Hellconla vaginalis 202 25. Hellconla trlnldatTs 213 26. Hellconla swart z lana 218 Series Dlstantes 223 Key to the Species of Series Dlstantes , 224 27. Hellconla llbrata 227 28. Hellconla lankesterl 234 29» HellconTa mollnaeana 239 30. Hellconla adflexa777 244 31 • HellconTa metalll'ca 249 32. Hellconla osaensls . 255 33« Hellconla llnnaeana 26O 34. Hellconla schledeana 265 35 • HellconTa yeracruzll 274 36. Hellconla latlspatha . , 278 37« Hellconla tortuosa 291 38. HellconTa Irrasa .T 299 Page HYBRIDIZATION 305 1 . Heliconla X dresslerlana 306 2. Heliconla X glllyana . 309 3 • Heliconla X mooreana . .•«.•..••.• 311 h, Heliconla X procera 313 5. Heliconla X woodsonlana 316 6. Heliconla X zacapaea . 318 APPENDIX I. New Names and Combinations 321 II. Doubtful and Rejected Names 322 III. Lists of Species by Country 325 IV. A Tentative List of South American Species That Do Not Occur in Central America 328 V. Presentation of Form for Field Study 331 LIST OF REFERENCES 338 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 3Vf 1 LIST OF TABLES Table Page I. Summary of Suborder Categories In Scitamlneae. 1? II. Chromosome Counts for Hellconla 33 vll LIST OP FIGURES Figure Page 1. Key to the Families In the Order Scltamlneae, . 10 2. Floral Diagrams of Families In the Order Scltamlneae 21 3. General Phylogenetlc Tree for the Species of Hellconla 39 I vlll LIST OP MPS Map Page 1. of Distribution Helicon la mariae , ^ 52 2. Distribution of Helicon la reticulata 57 3. Distribution of Heliconia Imbricata 63 Distribution of Heliconia caribaea 75 5. Distribution of Heliconia bourgaeana 82 6. Distribution of Heliconia wagnerlana 90 7. Distribution of Heliconia blhai 97 8. Distribution of Heliconia marglnata 106 9. Distribution of Heliconia colgantea Ill 10. Distribution of Heliconia nutans 116 11. Distribution of Heliconia all en 11 121 12. Distribution of Heliconia vellerigera 126 13. Distribution of Heliconia magnif lea I30 14. Distribution of Heliconia curtlspatha I35 15. Distribution of Heliconia xanthotricha 1^*0 16. Distribution of Heliconia paulil 11*5 17. Distribution of Heliconia longa I53 18. Distribution of Heliconia coll ins iana 164 19. Distribution of Heliconia catheta I7I 20. Distribution of Heliconia pslttacorum 180 21. Distribution of Heliconia aurantlaca I87 . it Map Page 22. Distribution of Heliconla leucoflora I93 23. Distribution of Heliconla hlrsuta 201 2^*. Distribution of Heliconla vaginalis 212 25. Distribution of Heliconla trlnldatls 21? 26. Distribution of Heliconla swart zlana 222 27. Distribution of Heliconla libra ta 233 28. Distribution of Heliconla lankesteri 238 29 • Distribution of Heliconla mollnaeana 2'*^3 30. Distribution of Heliconla adflexa 2kQ 31. Distribution of Heliconla metallica 254 32. Distribution of Heliconla osaensis 259 33 • Distribution of Heliconla llnnaeana 26k 3t*. Distribution of Heliconla schiedeana 273 35« Distribution of Heliconla Veracruz 11 277 36. Distribution of Heliconla latispatha . « 290 37. Distribution of Heliconla tortuosa 298 38. Distribution of Heliconla Irrasa JOk LIST OP PLA.TES PLATE Page 1. HELICONIA MRIAE Hook, f 49 2. HELICONIA RETICULATA (Griggs) Wlnkl 55 3. HELICONIA IMBRICATA (0. Ktze.) Baker 60 4. HELICONIA CARIBAEA Lam 69 5. HELICONIA BOURGAEANA 0. G. Peters 78 6. HELICONIA WAGNERIANA 0. G. Peters 85 7. HELICONIA BIHAI (L.) L 93 8. HELICONIA I4ARGINATA (Griggs) Plttler 10^+ 9. HELICONIA COLGANTEA R. R. Smith, sp. nov 109 10. HELICONIA NUTANS Woodson 11^4- 11. HELICONIA ALLENII Standi. & L. 0. Wms 119 12. HELICONIA VELLERIGERA Poepp 12^1 13. HELICONIA MAGNIFICA Morton ex R. R. Smith, sp. nov 128 li^. HELICONIA CURTISPATHA 0. G. Peters 133 15. HELICONIA XANTHOTRICHA R. R. Smith, sp. nov I38 16. HELICONIA PAULII Lane ex R. R. Smith, sp. nov , IU3 17. HELICONIA LONGA (Griggs) Winkl. var. LONGA I5O 18. HELICONIA COLLINSIANA Griggs var. COLLINSIANA 157 19. HELICONIA CATHETA R. R. Smith, sp. nov. var. CATHETA 168 XI PLATE Page 20. HELICONIA PSITTACORUM L. f 177 21. HELICONIA AURANTIACA Ghiesbr 183 22. HELICONIA LEUCOFLORA R. R. Smith, sp. nov 190 23. HELICONIA HIRSUTA L. f. var. HIRSUTA 197 24. HELICONIA VAGINALIS Benth 20*^ 25. HELICONIA TRINIDATIS Lane ex R. R. Smith. sp. nov... 21^ 26. HELICONIA SWARTZIANA Roem. & Schult 220 27. HELICONIA LIBRATA Griggs 229 28. HELICONIA lANKESTERI Standi 236 29. HELICONIA MOLINAEANA R. R. Smith, sp. nov 2*^1 30. HELICONIA ADFLEXA (Griggs) Standi 246 31. HELICONIA METALLICA PI. et Lind. ex Hook 251 32. HELICONIA OSAENSIS Cuf 257 33. HELICONIA LINNAEANA Lane ex R. R. Smith, sp. nov «. 262 , 34. HELICONIA SCHIEDEANA Kl. var. SCHIEDEANA '^t. 267 '35. HELICONIA VERACRUZII R. R. Smith, sp. nov. , .T. '275 36. HELICONIA lATISPATHA Benth 281 37. HELICONIA TORTUOSA Griggs 293 38. HELICONIA IRRASA Lane ex R. R. Smith, sp. nov 300 Hybrids 39. HELICONIA X DRESSLERIANA R. R. Smith, hybr. nov 308 40. HELICONIA X GILLYANA R. R. Smith, hybr. nov. 310 xli PLATE Page ^H. HELICONIA X MOOREANA R. R. Smith, hybr. nov 312 ^2. HELICONIA X PROCERA R. R. Smith, hybr. nov. 3I5 U3. HELICONIA X WOODSONIANA R. R. Smith. hybr. nov 317 HELICONIA X ZACAPAEA R. R. Smith, hybr. nov 319 I xlll INTRODUCTION Hellconla Is a tropical American genus consisting of approximately 100 species, and Is In the order Scltamlneae (Zinglberales ) . This group of monocots has long attracted the attention of botanists primarily because of Its unusual and strikingly handsome Inflorescences. The plants are often cultivated In greenhouses and tropical gardens throughout the world. The genus Hellconla Is easily recognized, but the species within the genus need a careful study which is long overdue. Identifications by published keys are difficult and often erroneous. The present work treats species of Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies, the region collectively known as Middle America. It entails a revision of slightly less than half of the number of species in the genus. About ten taxa have distributions extending from Central America to South America. A few species of Hellconla occur in eastern Malaysia (van Steenis, 195^). The study of these South Pacific species is not within the scope of this work. Material has been studied from the following herbaria whose listing is alphabetical by abbreviation, with corre- sponding names indicated in Index Herbnrlorum (1959). 1 2 DUKE Duke University P Chicago Natural History Museum FIAS Agricultural Experiment Station University of Florida FSU Florida State University GH Gray Herbarium, Harvard University MICH University of Michigan MO Missouri Botanical Garden NY New York Botanical Garden UC University of California, Berkeley US National Museum, Smithsonian Institute WIS University of Wisconsin Photographs of pertinent type specimens have been sent from: B Berlin: Botanlsches Museum, Germany r K Kew: Royal Botanical Gardens, Great Britain M Munich: Botanlsche Staatssammlung, Germany P Paris: Museum National d'Hlstolre Maturelle, Laboratoire de Phanerogamle, France W Wlen: Botanlsches Institut und Botanlscher Garden der Unlversltat, Austria Representative specimens have been cited at the end of each discussion of species. These include cultivated, as well as native specimens. However, In the m«?pplng of the species, the cultivated specimens were omitted. HISTORY In 1703 Plumler described three taxa of Hellconia in pre-Llnnaean polynomial form as follows: Blhal ampllsslmls follls, florum vasculls cocclneis. Blhal ampllsslmls follls, florum vasculls subnlgrls. Blhal ampllsslmls follls, florum vasculls varlegatls. The nomenclature history of the genus, however, actually begins with a description by Linnaeus in his "Species Plantarum" (1753)t in which he named the plant Nusa Blhal , and assigned three varieties to the species.
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