October 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6639 offense, first downs, and fewest inter- TRIBUTE TO TODD DUNLAP ting your time and talent to enable the ∑ ceptions. In 2009, he coached Mis- ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, today I success of others. sissippi College to the American wish to recognize Todd Dunlap from f Southwest Conference cochampions East Helena, MT. Todd served in the EXECUTIVE AND OTHER and was named the 2009 American U.S. Navy for 24 years as an electronic COMMUNICATIONS Football Coaches Association Regional warfare and cryptology specialist, ulti- Coach of the Year and the 2009 Amer- The following communications were mately attaining the rank of master laid before the Senate, together with ican Southwest Conference Coach of chief petty officer, the highest enlisted the Year. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- rank in the Navy. Todd’s service in- uments, and were referred as indicated: Coach Joseph began his coaching ca- cluded seven deployments overseas in EC–3135. A communication from the Gen- reer at the University of Louisiana at support of Operation Iraqi Freedom eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Monroe as a position coach working for and other efforts. His work supported Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, John David Crow, who was Bear Bry- Special Operations Forces on the the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Remedial Ac- ant’s only Heisman Trophy winner. He ground. tion Schemes Reliability Standard’’ ((18 CFR later returned to Louisiana Monroe as Todd’s service did not end when he Part 40) (Docket No. RM16–20–000)) received offensive coordinator and quarterbacks left Active Duty. He now works for the in the Office of the President of the Senate coach, delivering record offense, four on October 16, 2017; to the Committee on En- Montana Department of Veterans Af- ergy and Natural Resources. consecutive winning seasons, and three fairs and continues to support those EC–3136. A communication from the Gen- NCAA Division 1AA championship who have also served our country. His eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory berths ranked at number four or high- peers view him as a highly skilled pro- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, er. fessional and subject matter expert, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Balancing Au- and he has earned a reputation for self- thority Control, Inadvertent Interchange, He took over the Louisiana College and Facility Interconnection Reliability football program 3 years after that pro- less outreach across the State to assist Standards’’ ((RIN1902–AF30) (Docket No. gram was reinstated and compiled the veterans and their family members RM16–13–000)) received in the Office of the school’s best record in more than 40 navigate the VA. President of the Senate on October 16, 2017; years. As someone who continues to serve to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- sources. He has also assisted programs at the members of the Armed Forces commu- nity, Todd is receiving a gift from a EC–3137. A communication from the Direc- University of Southern Mississippi, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, San Jose State University, Vanderbilt Montana organization that donates a Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- University, Louisiana Tech University, fully outfitted trip to military service- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Northwestern State University, and members who have provided extraor- titled ‘‘Significant New Use Rule on Certain Midwestern State University. dinary service to our country and to Chemical Substances’’ ((RIN2070–AB27) (FRL those facing life-threatening illness. I No. 9966–84–OCSPP)) received in the Office of Coach Joseph has set offensive sincerely thank Todd for his continued the President of the Senate on October 16, records at every school he has coached, service to our great Nation. He is well- 2017; to the Committee on Environment and including an NCAA Division I record Public Works. deserving of this recognition. As an for combined total yards in a game, a EC–3138. A communication from the Direc- avid outdoorsman myself, I hope he record set in 2001 that remained intact tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tags a wonderful elk during his time until last year. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- away with family.∑ ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Coach Joseph’s career has been fo- TRIBUTE TO CHRIS HINDOIEN titled ‘‘Promulgation of State Implementa- cused on more than gridiron wins and ∑ tion Plan Revisions; Infrastructure Require- records. As a coach, his attention to Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this ments for the 2010 SO2 and 2010 PM2.5 Na- the development of players as individ- week, I have the distinct honor of rec- tional Ambient Air Quality Standards; North uals has resulted in academic and pro- ognizing an exceptional volunteer Dakota’’ (FRL No. 9966–00–Region 2) received named Chris Hindoien. Chris has helped in the Office of the President of the Senate fessional success for many young men. on October 16, 2017; to the Committee on En- Under his guidance, scores of players inform and educate Montanans serving in the National Guard or Reserve com- vironment and Public Works. have earned Academic All-Conference, EC–3139. A communication from the Direc- ponent, as well as their employers, All-American, All-Conference, and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, MVP honors. He has the distinction of about the rights and responsibilities Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- coaching three quarterbacks with associated with a military mobiliza- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Super Bowl rings, and one of his former tion. titled ‘‘Oklahoma: Final Approval of State In August, Chris was recognized by Underground Storage Tank Program Revi- players is currently the head football sion’’ (FRL No. 9968–29–Region 6) received in coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. the Office of the Secretary of Defense for nearly 4 years of service as the the Office of the President of the Senate on Coach Joseph has been active in the State chairman of the Montana Em- October 16, 2017; to the Committee on Envi- ronment and Public Works. Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In ployer Support of the Guard and Re- 2016, he was appointed by Mississippi EC–3140. A communication from the Direc- serve, ESGR. For his efforts, Chris re- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Governor Phil Bryant to the Gov- ceived the Exceptional Public Service Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ernor’s Commission on Physical Fit- Award. During his stretch as chairman, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ness and Sports. he worked tirelessly to make sure that titled ‘‘Interim Final Determination to I am proud to recognize Norman Jo- the relationship between military serv- Defer Sanctions; California; Los Angeles- South Coast Air Basin’’ (FRL No. 9969–03–Re- seph as an outstanding Mississippian. icemembers and their employers re- He and his wife, the former Jane Bird gion 9) received in the Office of the President mained strong across Big Sky Country. of the Senate on October 16, 2017; to the Com- of Vicksburg, have three daughters, Chris is the son of the late Brig. Gen. mittee on Environment and Public Works. Elizabeth, Grace Anne, and Sara Cath- Gary Hindoien, a former commander of EC–3141. A communication from the Direc- erine. Elizabeth serves on my staff. the Montana Air National Guard, so his tor of the Regulatory Management Division, This family is active at First Baptist demonstrated commitment to our Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Church in Jackson where Coach Joseph State and our Nation comes as no sur- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- serves as a deacon. titled ‘‘Approval of Nebraska Air Quality Im- prise. plementation Plans; Adoption of a New Belhaven University’s long tradition Montana has a longstanding tradi- Chapter under the Nebraska Administrative of producing successful student-ath- tion of public service. Whether it be Code’’ (FRL No. 9968–76–Region 7) received in letes could not be accomplished with- working on an agriculture project as a the Office of the President of the Senate on out outstanding leadership from coach- Peace Corps volunteer or as an Army October 16, 2017; to the Committee on Envi- es and staff. I know Norman Joseph Ranger at the tip of the military spear, ronment and Public Works. EC–3142. A communication from the Direc- provided that leadership and character, the Montana attitude towards service tor of the Regulatory Management Division, and I am pleased he will be honored as to others continues to endure and Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- a member of the Belhaven University Chris’s work has enabled others to ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Sports Hall of Fame.∑ serve. Thank you, Chris, for commit- titled ‘‘Approval of Nebraska’s Air Quality VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:11 Oct 20, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19OC6.064 S19OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE.
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