The Clinton 3P* VOL XXXI.—NO. 17. ST. JOHNS, MICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH WHOLE NO Brevities. GEN. SPAULDING'S APPOINTMENT Changed Business Quarters. A fine 16x20 portrait, gloss or pla- VOTERS ATTENTION! Is Conceded by HU Friend* to be a Fore ­ Woodruff & Tromp, the young and THE VILLAGE ELECTION tino finish, for only $1.00, with orders, OVID VILLAGE ELECTION progressive dealers in boots and shoes, gone 4*oucI union. at Stage's East Side Studio. Few Word* From the Chairmen of the on Monday last moved from their late —Read on our back page the attract­ A Washington special to the Associ­ Union Silver Partie*. quarters to the store so long occupied by ated Press, dated March 8, says : Three Men on the Silver Ticket ive offers of low prices at Heller’s ba ­ Spirited “Wet” and “ Dry” To the Silver Voters of Clinton Thomas Dudley’s harness business, first zaar, head of Clinton avenue, west side. “The Michigan senators are preparing Elected. Contest. to confer with each other regarding the County : north of O. P. DeWitt’s grocery. The The common council of the city of room has been thoroughly overhauled Lansing has adopted the Abbott voting applications of a large number of Mich ­ We desire to address a few words to igan men who are seeking federal offices you. aud fitted up especially to their liking machine to be used first at the election outside the state. They are united in REPUBLICAN MAJORITIES GREATLY TWO TICKETS IN THE FIELD-PKO- The cause of bimetallism is gaining and for their line of trade. A new front April 5. the indorsement of Gen. O. L. Spauld ­ show window has been added and is REDUCED. —Mrs. Samuel Talmadge, of this vil­ PLE’N AND REPUBLICAN. ing. of St. Johns, as assistant secretary every day. Less than one year ago the of the treasury. Gen. Spaulding has contest between the forces of gold supplied with electric lights. lage, is slowly recovering from a severe developed great strength in his race for This firm is composed of young men illness of seven weeks’ duration, occas­ his old place, aud among his moat en ­ monometallism and bimetallism was Evidence that the Silver Sentiment la Kap- The Former Favored ami the Latter Op ­ precipitated. The friends of free silver, well-known to a considerable degree ioned by pneumonia. thusiastic indorsers are prominent pub ­ among our people and to those m the l(lly Gaining Urouiid. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Tinker, tioned the Licensing of Saloon*. lic men like Senator Gear, of Iowa, ex- an unorganized army, attacked the hosts Director of the Mint E. O. Leech, who of the gold forces, and without money surrounding country who come here to of Mancelona, Mich., March 4, a 10- served with him iu the treasury depart ­ trade. They are both capable and wor­ pouud son. Mrs. Tinker was formerly ment and who has advised Secretary and with few leaders, nearly captured Gage that with Gen. Spaulding on deck the Republican National Convention, thy. Just go in and see them. They The result of the village election on Miss Neva Besley, of this village. The election in the village of Ovid last will make your visit pleasant and profi ­ Monday last, was to many something of —If you want a new spring wash or the department might safely be left and by a two thirds majority, drove the Monday, was a shary contest over the without its head even under the most forces of the gold standard cohorts from table. a surprise, but to a keen observer, or to ool dress, it will pay you to see the critical circumstances. ” question of licensing or not licensing the Democratic National Convention at one who has been a close student of the exclusive novelties Davies, Adams & saloons. As may be seen by the follow­ Late dispatches from Washington BU8INE88 LOCAL8 Chicago, and under the leadership of situation, something of this sort was Co. will show you about March 18. ing statement the People ’s ticket, favor- state that Gen. Spaulding will doubt ­ clearly foreseen. —J. A. Harley, a well-schooled up ­ Bryan, and against the combined power Cement Walks. iug high license, was victorious through ­ less receive the appointment as assist­ of the money syndicates and gigantic We will lay for you a Cement Walk There are many local causes and cir­ holsterer, of Battle Creek, has opened out : ant secretary of the treasury before the monopolies, carried twenty two states which will please you, and which we cumstances which tended to weaken the business in the Jerry Stevens store, For President — end of the week. The salary is $4,500 a will warant to stand. Prices right. Frank A. Marshall, p ................................ 194—71 aud six millions aud a half of the popu­ Republican and to strengthen the Sil­ here he is doing some very fine work. year. tf Pulfuey & Pouch . Herbert F. Harris, r.............................123 lar votes; being one million more votes ver ticket. To all these due credit should —Milton, third son of II. L. Pruden, For Recorder— Mr. Spaulding's application is in the At the Little White Store. be given, but, all local influences aside, died at his home in this village, Suuday Colvin G. Kilborn, p ...... ...........................176 —31 hands of the executive, who smiles very than were ever cast before for a presi ­ Addison S. Rose, r......................................142 dential candidate. Our line of Ladies Fine Shoes has ar­ it is plainly evident that the silver sen ­ morning, March 7, 1897, of diphtheria, For Assessor — favorably. rived and we are sure we can please timent in this village has not only held in his 20th year. He had been complain ­ John Link, p ................................................ 196—74 We were not beaten but only repulsed, you in style, quaity and price. Lester D. Cooley, r..................................... 122 She Ih Dead to Till* World. and today we call again to those who Woodruff & Tromp . its ground, but has made very percepti ­ ing about two weeks. Was buried early For Treasurer— ble advances. The strenuous and un ­ Monday morning. Charles H. Mistier, p ..................................188 —56 Mrs. Thomas 11. Salsbury died of ty­ held high the banner of free silver in The Shoe Dealers. William K.Shaw, r......................................129 Michigan in the campaign of last au usual efforts of the Republican leaders A Michigan state base ball league For Trustees- phoid pneumonia, at her home in the McKinley ’s Bicycle Repair Shop. in obtaining campaign funds, and in be ­ Hiram MHigh, p ....................................... 197 —75 east part of this township, Wednesday tumn, to fall in and make another We notice by the New York Tribune as orgauized last week, with Walter Abram M. Eaton, r...................................... 1*42 ginning the campaign so early, indicat ­ H. Mumby as president, secretary and John H. Kobson. p ..................................... 198 —67 morning, March 3,1897, aged 68 years charge upon the ranks of the gold stand ­ that President McKinley has gone into Edward M. Plunkett, r..............................126 Lucy A. Wilcox, which was the maid­ ard forces. The united friends of silver the “bicycle repair ” business, with ed that they were fearful of what has treasurer. The circuit is: Saginaw, William W. Dennis, p ................................. 191—65 headquarters at Geo. D. Cooper ’s, St. proven a reality. Bay City. Port Huron, Ovvosso, Jack- Emory B. Voorhees, r.................................126 en name of the deceased, was born in have nominated for the office of the su Johns, Mich. Work guaranteed to be George Bane, p. ......................................... 193—70 prerue court, the scholar, the statesman, It is now apparent that more diligent son and Kalamazoo. F. F. Bumpo, of Dexter B. Proper, r...................................1*43 Madison county. N. Y., January 1,1825, first-class in every respect. lw At an early age she, with her parents, the upright judge and courageous de­ effort on the part of the Silver men in Owosso, has the franchise for that city, Our line of Gents fine Shoes is com­ getting their vote out, would have elect­ and Fred Popkay will manage the team. JKIIRKMIAH McNAL’GHTON, moved to Ontario county, where she re­ fender of the rights of the common peo­ plete, all natty styles and extra good ed their whole ticket, and silverites are —We invite your attention for a few mained until 1869. In 1843 she was united ple, and for Regents of the University, values. We will be pleased to show now wondering why they didn ’t think minutes to Chick & DuBois ’ ad. on our An Old Citizen of St. John*, I* Now Nmu in marriage to T. II. Salsbury, of South eminently qualified for such office. them tuyou. Woodruff & Tromp , bored With the Dead. Bristol, and they made this place their It cannot be claimed by the Republi about that before. They should have a last page, aud it will pay you to heed _____ The Sh oe Dealers. home until their departure for Garden can party that their nominee for Jus­ care that it does not occur again. well what they say. They buy often Jerremiali McNaughton, a shoemaker, For Sule. The vote was, however, a heavy one aud for cash, and they sell fresh goods and very well known to the people ’of City, Blue Earth county, Minn., in 1869, tice of the Supreme Court should be from whence they removed after the elected because he is at present upon 1,000 Sap Pans at 9c each compared to that of last spring, there for cash or its equivalent ; do their own this village and section, died at his home At The Penn y Store .
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