I [DAI LY MOKNINix, iNOVLMBhjK, 12, I860. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. Tlie Portland Paiiy a rcss 1 ESTATE, REMOVALS. KFAXt WANTED miscellaneous. miscellaneous. Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by THE DAILY PRESS 'h0 REMOVAL. R E MOV Wanted—A Horse daily press. Portland Publishing Co., aT L. A Successful Law Book l tPO «8o lot the keeping this winter. Enquire of A O. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. iPOBTLAJVJG Exchange TTJl. IT. JERRIS, HAILEY, At 109 Street, Portlaud. STEPHEN BE HE novSd1 No. 18 Exchange Street. this ABBOTT S’ DIGEST Y, ~ Opened Dollars a Day Terms:—Eight Year in advance. Heal Estate OF THE Agent, and BOOK AND JOB AT Wo invite the attention of heth City frith? Moving, Fey mbir 12,1869. PRINTER, Ha3 removed from Horse Railroad Station to Tlie WAiWEIS. State Press has removed to tlie new l lock LAW OF CORPORATIONS. Country readers to the following list of Port- CAItOON BLOCK S5S Hrce«t P«bi.cnl,„u,. Is Next east ■ FIRST-CLASS bus! ne* or buihl- Middle 63P“The publishers respectfully announce that land I5USINESS published every Thursday Morning at No. .‘57 T?lnin Street, of City Hall, xvbere he ^ill be pleased to B-nnn,( carpenter SL, HOUSES, which are among -1» Entire New Edition a if e -*» e>*, one can coinman 1 from now „j thc S-’.-M) year; paid in at a Wis^ to purchase Hire or i referred) that §500 they have ready a NEW EDITION ot this ex- Complete advance, S2.00 all.wh0 Houses, Lots, to One more Loan on or §10 0 cash, or good securi y, to engage ,-n tlr* sale ta-.e of these celebrated the most reliable Works Of Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. year. (next below the St. Julian,) Monej Mortgage, lo let or hire house?. double-warp tremely valuable work. A large edition was sold in establishments in the City. Those who __ nov2d2w* ot amanufamred article, in this and "other cities. a lew fiction of a high Business will pay a sa esinan trom §10 to § 0 months; and the book baa met with the admire prose order, will re- Bates of where, with the advantag3 of Steam Power, and an good high- Advertising.—One iitcli of per and no more than to make est Advertising the apace, office on the ground Jfoor t rtlic convenience of <fut- $3000 for a New Two Mouse (lav, require energy Westminster I commendation from the Legal profession and Agency. ceive w'th satisfaction announcement that fetory *=3 at tb«ir regular business. For Alpaccas lit IDof1*!, Co*uain, constitutes a square.” ; t imers, he is prepared to execute all kinds of particulars ydease from officers ot AT WELL & CO., Middle Street. $l.o0 cal' on G. S. af the Falmouth Port- with a moneyed corporations, Public T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Philadelphia, are per square daily first week. 75 cents near the foot ct WUinot street, con- LACEY, Hotel, Together large assortment of other makes of week J tains land, from 8 o’clock A. M. to 8 o’clock P. M. Officers, &c. per after; three or less, $1.00; IOCATEDParlor, Dining Room, Kitchen, ami rtt A now publishing a cow and complete edition of insertions, TINE BOOK AND j:B PBINTING7 November 6, If69. dlw* Tuis Work the Agricultural Implements Needs. continuing every other after first week, 50 Sleeping Rooms, with an abundance ot C osets; pi- gives WHOLE LAW OF PUB- all the of the late day lor SAWYER & WOODTOED, No. 119 Exchange St. novels and writings Mrs. cents. CET* Cards of all ami nil jmls ol pe! Ga*, large brick Cistern and good Furnace, black LIC AND PRIVATE Cardboard, sizes, will 1 alpaccas, CORPORATIONS of every this Half Printing Paper. liovlleudlw besuld w—'heowner suing west very soon. kind. Caroline Lrn Hentz. Unfortunately, la- square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; [ to It presents the American of Apply WM. If. JERRI-*, Real Estate Agent, From 2.7c to Adjudications one week, 50 cents week after. $1#50 per yard. Auctioneer. dy, whose natural intelligence and talents bad $1.00; per Gaboon Block, next East ot t ity Hall, general interest, and give3 a lull so'ection ot English Special one third additional. been Notices, nov3dlw* Cases. There no C. W. No. 327 Street. improved by the culture, and REMOVAL. SITUATION by a young man of IS, not pyr- Also a gieat variety of is other work which is so \ aluable HOLMES, Congress highest Under head ot “Amusements,’* $2.00 per who moved in 1111. A tirnlar what. to all in connected with the first circles of first or less Portland Walcr Co. have removed Undr ary way Corpora ions. Is- society, square per week; three insertions $1.50. l| The a nov6dlw* R. Pres?. I oflicoto tlie room over tin- Good Will and Furniture ot Address, H, Daily sued in one for Machines. iu her native Massac usetts Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Eastern Express extra large royal octavo volume, over Agencies Sewing and finally iu tbe olllrc on Plntn Street near Middle State has a circulation Street Boarding Bouse. SMSES® ®®®I>® 1,000 pages. Bouud in the beat Law CHAPIN 83 South, died in the Press” (which large L. D. sheep. Price Sc EATON. Exchange Street, (Weed.) maturity of her powers— iu ot the for $1.00 square SELPLEY, Sec'y. Mouse Wanted. $ 10. her t every part State) per sa’e—centrally located, and now doing a good AND by mail or express, prepaid, upon receipt W. S. DYER, 153, Middle St, over H. H. Hay’s. her writings remaining as a memorial ol her for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for ITKjRbusiness. The proprietor about TipHE subscriber wishfs to rent a house. plea?ant- ot present being price. worth. Into some ol her novels sbo introduc- each insertion. to remove to another State, will tell at a low J ly located near the business part of the city, subsequent price, «AKER, VOOISHX3* Co..Law Bakers. Address all communications to REMOVAL, apply lor one week to with about 7 rooms and modern conveniences. SHAWLS I Publishers, ed incidents of her own childhood and woman- WM H. JERRIS, Real Estate E. LEACH, GO Nassau New PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. And Agent, *trccl, York. W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. hood. The whole of her works will bo issued Ware-House to Lett nov3-lw* Gaboon Block, next East ot Hall. At Registry of Deeds. novG-2t City Wo have a full Nov 3, 1809-tl line of JOHN B MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street. in twelve large duodecimo volumes. subscribers have removed their place of complete THEbusiness to ihe store formerly occupied bv E, E. For Sale ( heap. Flannels, City of PortSand' Two volumes will be issued each month until BUSINESS CARDS uplnitt & Non. Commercial street, bead of Richard- Boots, Shoes, and H libbers. excellent lot of located on Grove Wanted! the series is one volume on the son? where be found a land, Street, Agents to an complete, first, Wharf, may complete a*?ort- 120 PURSUANT order ol the City the J. W. BOUCHER & CO No. 338 Street. ment of the best AN test front and 1G0 toot deep. Will sell hall Ex.cls'or Life Insurance of New York, Woolens, Council, Congress brands of Family Fluui, at prices rpUE Co., I undersigned Committee on ne v wid and another ou the fifteenth of the month.— or ihe whole tor 'leu Ceuta per loot. 1 will make tavorable terms with active solicitors streets, WILLIAM W. DEANE, which cannot tail to attract custorutrs. Neighbor- Blankets, meet at the junction oi Portland and Brattle LE1V hood very desirable. Apply to and at the Adams House. sirrets, Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom They will be on the finest aud i the Warehouse and Eleva for on Central agents. Apply Poriiatnl, on WEDND3DAY, theteuih ot 18o9. Work. printed paper jD W. H. JERRIS, Me. to CHARLES and day November, Wliart, occupied by them as a grain store. WHITE, Domestics, at2j o’clock, P. M., to hear all and bound in the most beautiful in fine Mo- AT Real Estate Agent, Cahoon next ea-t of for K. State parties Interested, WALTER DERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. style, ATTORNEY LAW I UPHAM & ADAMS. Block, City nov4dlw* Manager N. then UeUrnmie and whether Hall. nov3dlw* Jf filch we can Sell adjudge public conven- rocco with a ic^eadtf_ Cheap ? ience Bra-tie street cloth, new, full gilt back, and Solicitor of Ola’.ms and Patent-, requim should be extended to Somerset street, and if shall so Booksellers and stationers. sold at the low of iu morocco Wanted. All are invited to call at ihey adjudge, will price $1.75 each, Office No. 4*0 *<*‘vcn»li Brick House and Store for Sale. Boarders then ami ther out the and Klrret. Opposite lay simo, lix the dim- or in at ihe Pom Office desirable with board can be obtain- ages as provided law. HOYT, FOGG & BREED, 92 Middle Street. cloth; paper cover, §1.50 each. Tbe Orpuriiueut, in the western part oi Hie city; con- \TERY rooms, by V ed at 44 State St. no3d#lw to an tains IS tioishel besides a number €)- A. Also, pursuant order ot the first volume is now issued, entitled, “Linda, or D. C. LOCATED rooms, large VSCECIKBY’S, said City Council, WASHINGTON, J.F. ot brick committee will meet at the ot Middle LAND&CO closets; cistern and gas. Plenty well water. junction Book-Binders. the of and Franklin on Young Pilot tbe Belle Creole," and ft The first floor is used lor a and Is in a streets, said 10th day ot November Grocery, good lo3 Middle Street.
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