1; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 . PAGE K)URTEEN • w . iianrh^Bti^r lEtipttttts Iffralb Manchester Stores Open Tonight for Christmas Shopping Memb«m o t John Mather a member of Me financing com­ Chapter, Orter o f DeMolay, will mittee and olMinman o f the In- About Town have a coffee and doc^hnut Knight Head J u st ssy: utand tomonrowr at Keith's vestment oammiAtM. He ia ohe A memorial Mara lor the late of the original membeta of the Avwrngt Dafly Net PrsM R rii The Weather ParWng area from 9 am . imtil JProaMant, John f . KennedjH .CktiBens Advisory Oouncfl of "Charts It, PUass* For the Week B aM Fcreceet of U. 8. Weather B m e u after the road race. AS pro­ Of Kiwani& win be celebrated at noon Fri­ the Manoheeter Coeniminlty Neveraber 16, IMS day at the Cathedral of St. ceeds will be donated to the at Wlfidy tonight. Rein teperlng muscular dyatrophy reaearch N. WiUlem Knight o f 66 OoUege. He le currently eendng Joeeph, Hartford, at the requeet as ita oorreepoodlng secretary, off to .bower*. Low In SO* by haid. White St. was eleoM preailent of Mm Connecticut Federation of treaeurer and chairman of the 13,891 morning. 8etarday rionSy, windy Democratic Women’* Olube. of the KtwanU Club of Man­ itanrlfffitTr lEuTtititg MrraUi flnanoe committee. end eolder with eeettered enow Mynttc Review, Women’s chester yesterday. He le a vice ^ Mepiber ef the AnSIt Knight ie ateo a treasurer of B un ea eC OtrealettMi Annie*. Opm houM, In honor of the BaneAt Aenodaition, will have president of the Connecticut MdneheUer" A City of Village Charm Wth wedding annlverrary of Mr. a Chrietmae Party Tu*eday at Bank and Truat Oo. the Manchester Meeaiah Choiua and Mrs. Louie A. Barber, will 6:30 pm . at Miller’s Restau­ Named first vice president la and the truartee-treeaurer o f the Warren E. Howland. William E. JOH (Inatructom of Handi­ be held Sunday from S to 7 p.m. rant. Reeervatlons close Friday HOUSE HALE (dueifled Advertfelng on Fege M) at Its Maple .'St. The family hae and may be made with Mrs. Belftore waa elected second capped Pool Fund Project. He VOL.J.XXXni, NO. 51 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1963 PRICE SEVEN CENTS is a moderator of the Ftret announced that relatives and Harriet Oliver , 107 Oam- MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER Mend* are welcome to attend. bridge St., who has a menu and Church of Christ, Scientiat. price Ust. « Knihgt is married to the for­ A memorial Mara for the de- mer Elinor Cochrane of Mel- I ' baited members of "the ' St. The Senior Young P ete’s poee, Mara. Their son, Nioholae. Session Set James’ Holy Name Society will FXlo>’vrtU|> of St. Mery’s ^>ia- is a graduate student at the University o f Indiana. be offered tomorrow at 8 :80 a.m. oopal Church will sponaor a la St. James’ CHurch. Johnson Asks Economy "HUlbUly Bash" Friday from presents the By Council 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the church. ITMTe will be dancing, games, and fWk music by the “Coach­ ESTOW PHARMACY N ext Fall FREE DELIVERY men" and the "Moonalhlnera.’' w N The etveni is open to the public. 459 Hartford Rd.—649-9946 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ThDM aittending are reminded OPEN ALL DAY VATICAN CITY (AP)— to come dressed as hillbilliee. In Defense Purchases THANKSOIVINO GOOD The Vatican Ecumenical ARTHUR DRUG Rliss Kathleen Agnes Smith, # PreecTiptlona— Of Coarse Council will hold its third daughter of Mrs. Isabelle Smith session next fall to con­ Of 27 Madison St., has been WOOL M6ASSAD0R tinue its work of modern­ named to the dean’s list for the Talks Fill FOR THANK80TVIN0 first quarter marking period at izing the Roman Catholic Becker Junior College, Worces­ Church and seeking Chris- F R E SH M A D E ter, Mass. tiarr unity, officials an­ LEASE nounced t()day. First Full SWEET CIDER Advertisement- A ‘BASIC-EZE’ DRESS THE Drafting commissions to work Open ’nuuiAsgivlng Day Tranaaot all your banking -N. WilUam Knight on the council documents during bueineM. The aU purpose' win­ 1964 the interim were enlarged, giv­ W ork Day dows at Connecticut Bank and vice prosidenit and Leonard D. ing progressive prelates a BOLTON ’lYuat Cbmpany are a time-sav­ Rdveud, eecretary-treasurer. CAR by , greater voice. ing convenience at 803 Main, 15 Direotora continuing in office Of Tour Choice It appeared certain the coun­ WASHINGTON (AP) — ' CIDER MILL North Main and the Parkade. are M, Mark Bogdan, Dr. EJu- cil wlil recess next Wednesday President .lohn.son told ths Hare ia your one-step banking gene M. Davis, l ^ t e r R. Fer­ • Y early without acting on two docu­ Joint Chiefs of Staff today B«a V.8 . 6 and 44A, Bolton guson and Herman Lassow. oenter, where from one spot you 6 M onthly ments on Jews and religious that he wants “ a dollar’s may cash a check, make a de­ Knight is a former treasurer B. S. SILVXIU3TEIN, Prop. • W eekly tolerance despite an eloquent value for every dollar 648-6S8» posit, write a money order, com­ of the Manchester chapter of plea for a vote now by Bishop plete a loan payment. the American Red Cross snd CSiarles Helmsing of Kansas spent” on national defense. 9 the Manchester Heart Assocla- Clty-St. Joseph, Mo. In his first meeting with ths (JoreuerMounj military high command as com­ Uon. He has also served as the Council officials announced chairman o f the BXhication the approximate dates for. the mander in chief, Johnson em­ tS phasized the insistence on econ­ Committee of the> Manchester next session—Sept. 14 to Nov. Chamber of Comctwrce. 20 next year—and disclosed the omy which he mentioned In his At present he is a member of names of 43 bishops elected to address to a joint session of the board of governors of the seats on the 12 commissions. Congress on Wednesday, the Autonjoblle CltA> of Hartford, White House said Pope Paul VI ordered the The conference headed a long size of the 12 commissions ex list of appointments on Jphn- panded to 30 members each so son’s first full day of uninter- K»<C BINGO that they might more efficient­ FeFfifusoft T rophy to Race Winner Zwolak rupted work in his White Hou.s* ly ' work during the recess office, aimed at his newly de­ Every Friday Nighf Af 8 F.Af. New name to be inscribed on the Ferguson Memorial Trophy is that of Vic period. The commissions will re­ clared goal of "a new American Zwolak of Villanova University. The national college cross country champion vise council documents and in­ greatne.ss.” corporate amendments suggest­ VMterday set a new record in winning the Five Mile Road Race in Manchester, The President set that target KNIDHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME ed during council debate the for his administration in his zwolak is flanked by Acting Mayor Frank Stamler, left, and William Steven- past two months. Thanksgiving address to the na­ 138 M AIH STREET— MANCHESTER 800, grand tall of the sponsoring Nutmeg Forest No. 116, Tall Cedars of Leba­ Of the 43 prelates elected to tion. The brief speech coupled non. The Ferguson Trophy is offered by The Herald in m ^ory of Thomas the new commission seats, only annotmeement of new honors and Ronald Ferguson. Complete race details on the sports p ^ e. (Herald Photo one came from the generally for the slain President John F. conservative Italian hierarchy. Kennedy with an appeal to put by Ofiara.) The Italians, with almost 300 “ this midnight of tragedy’’ into bishops, have the biggest epis­ the pa.st and look forward to the YOU'LL ENJOY OUR copate in the world. work that must be done. Record Peak Ute u s. episcopate, second Today’s schedule underscored Family Style in the world with about 180 Johnson’s concern with getting Widow Suggested bishops, was given the largest prompt action from Congress, if number of seats on the new possible, on the key legislative Seasonal fo r commissions—six. proposals inherited from Kenne­ ROAST TURKEY The six are Bishops Gerald dy, including taxes and elvil Space Base Name McDevltt, auxiliary of Philadel- rlght.s. Living G>st hla, rsliglous commission; His final visitor this morning N Thanksgiving Dinner Sohn Comber, superior general was Roy Wilkins, executive sec­ WASHINGTON (AF) — The of the Maryknoll, N.Y., mis­ retary of the National Associa­ KVRRYTHINO FROM SO€P TO NUTS AU pure wool by Ameratron is at its best ad­ WASHINGTON (AP)-Jacqueline Kennedy asked coet of living edged up In an all sionaries, missions; Loras tion for the Advancement of time high In October, the Bu- Colored People and a leader In ADULTS 9Z.B5 —CHILDREN UNDER It flAO vantage in the shape of a sheath from Puritan Preaident Johnson to rename Cape Canaveral and its the Negro drive for Integratioa oentw in memory of slain Pmident John F. Ken» wport M rs. Jacqueline Kennedy managed a faint smile yesterday as she stood in 'Ar­ and equal 'Opjiortimity. Forever Young. The natural dropped raglan shoul­ FOR RESERVATIONS edy. It was learned today, f -------------------------------- But ^ spokesman said the rise Mich., Laity, press and enter­ lington National Cemetery near the grave of her husbanti. (AP Photofax.) Press aide Andrew Hatcher der, the halter-cut neck, the molded bodice, are Johnson aimoonood the change vtsitod Johnson primarily to «x- o f one-tenth of one per cent was tainment; (jharles Helmsing, told reporters that Wilkins was CALL 649-S544 Thii wonderful luuid-aafted table b Cape Kennedy and the John prsss thanks for the Johnson’s strictly seasonal and ga'^e no Kansas CXty - St.
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