THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1902. running over AMl'SEMEXTS. OCEAN STEAMERS. JOt R MAL BISINESS DIRECTORY. mous train by the same name VITAL STATISTICS NOV. 21. MORE ADVANCES IN PAY the Atlantic Coast-lin- e from New York to EVIDENCE OF PROSPERITY Florida points. The new train will be This Afternoon WWKRA L D I RE( rtattM placed in service by the Eastern Illinois ENGLISH'S To-- iaht Births. FRANK BLANCH ARD. soon the first of the year, and will LAUGHTER! AMAZEMENT! DIABLERIE! N 411. Lady attendant. after Treniont. boy. Delaware ft Tel make the trip from Chicago to Jackson- Th Famous Master of Magic. For November and December W. M. and 8 Co. iS e. W. P. and J. "urrens. 41 BUke. roy. FLORISTS WAt.ES OF BELT ROAD AND MICHI- ville in thirty hours, instead of thirty-on- II THE MAM AND LARUE VOLUN- A. 1 nd K. Rankin. 4M Blake. gvri BEBTCBMANN BROS.. as heretofore. All the equipment to be H. M Knrith. slrl. New No. 211 av., B8 N. Del. at. Tel. MO. of TARY INCREASES OF WAGES. H and Bndwell. Ma, GAN CENTRAL MEN INCREASED. used is to be new and is now in course 1. 50c, iCe. now ready O. and M. Morgan. Hi Gelsendorff, boy. by company. Prices: 75c. 50c. Sic; mt SeaU 115 Oreeley. rl PATENT LAWYERS construction the Pullman To UVtVl O. L. and C. Ward. Twenty-on- e sleepers, four baggage cars and sHUNM V. Senate, boy. engineer and S- -l An Ideal voyage to s paradise of floi K. T. and Johnston THOMPSON R. BELL, consulting four diners will be needed, and the cost 8. J. and L. Buckner. Helm. W. patent attorney. 55 Ingalls block, Indianapolis. Monday, Nov. Ftemer sail tortnlshtly from New York. 'J5 2313 Hillside, boy. will be between $700.000 and $1.000.000. pamphlets, passages, write to H. H. and C Walter. Trade in Winter Goods Cheeked by KLAW ft EKL A Ni EK'S stupendous Pro- illustrated etc. SALE AND LIVERY STABLES Attitude of President Ramsey, of the Lew A B. OUTER BR I DOB at CO., Buck- - duction, General Wallace's HORACE WOOD. (Carriage. Trap. Hearst's Charges Denied. Mild Weather Bradstreet on Trade Agts. Quebec S. Co., Ltd.. $S Broadway. New Marrinae UNUti board, etc ) 25 Circle Tel. 1007. Wabash Hearst's Char area Denied a Oacratary. & Hudson, York. ARTHUR A HERN, Qassaa Elmer Ooodrich and Sallle Gordon. by Anthracite Roads. m The answers of the Delaware The Week's Rank Clearing. Canada. M NDAY CHI Rt H SERVICES. New York. Susquehanna & Western, the Deaths. Erie and Lehigh Valley railroads to the BEN-HU-R EDUCATIONAL. T-b- Ellen Fltapstrlck. sixty-on- e, 1824 ott. car- Baptist. complaint of William R. Hearst, of New . coal-carryi- 21.- -R. & Co.'s cinoma. en- - ng NSW YORK. Nov. G. Dun Marshall Hinson. thirty-al- x. 501 Agnes, FIRST BAPTIST CHl'RCH-Northe- ast corner of The board of managers of the T'nion Rail York, against the anthracite MECHANICAL DRAWING New York and Pennsylvania streets. Bev. were with Interstate-- Weekly Review will say: Fre Hand. IllMtrmtltur. nrty-fou- r. 11 m. way Company yesterday roads filed yesterday the Matinees Wed. Sat, and Thanksgiving tJtnnts St. Vincent Hos Thomas J. V'lllers. paftor. preaches at a. and Belt road commerce and NMMr Curran. " All an- wages by some Shorthand. TlermDhT. Penmanship. Bookkeeping. Topic: I Believe God," B. Y. P. V., 6:30 p m. was Commission. the Voluntary increases in Day. rseats now selling. pital, railroad accident. held a special meeting at which It interstate-commerc- e Modern office Methods, sta Dty er Night. Ost r. ring swers deny the sixty-fou- 3305 East New Evening service. 7:30 p. m. The choir will that largest railway systems in the Prices-50- c. $2.00. Frederick Ossert. Prodigal voted to pay of night engi- They deny any of the 7jc, $1, $l."i0snd particular of 50 offer - Part S of Sullivan's oratorio. ''The advance the law has been violated. that Ycrk. asthma. r. plonuent testimony to the C Fea;an. seven. 3111 North Illlnol. Son." Short sermon by pawt-- Topic: "His on 30 per unjust or discriminative rates have been rmmtrv hear Henry neers the Belt road to cents hour. bi- itreet-ca-r sccident. Return Home." Baptism. The public Invited. exacted on anthracite as compared to amount of business handled in the past, Indianapolis 223 New Jersey, of day engineers to. 29 cents per hour, night Ada Holbrook, thirty, North tuminous or other carload freight traffic, and emphasize the confidence of officials UNIVERSITY . 29 day any USINESS f . pneu- - Christian-- conductors to cents per hour, and and deny that the petitioner, or other B twenty-fix- 213 South. heavy Moreover, by John Klh. East persons or independent purchasers, in continued traffic. Prestd-o- ner conductors to 27 cents per hour; night other When Building J. HE IB, k rrvr.in CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHLRCH-Cor- Del- have sustained any injury by reason of the this addition of large sums to the pur- aware and Walnut streets. The Rev. Allan B. brakemen to 27 cents per hour, day brake-me- n 10:45 anthracite transportation tariff. power railway employes, there VAUDEVILLE. Dl ED. Philputt. pastor. Services at to 26 cents per hour and firemen to chasing of EXCLCSIVE FASH ION AHLE VORI a. m. , conducted by the pastor. At 7:45 p. m. is assurance of a larger demand for all ex- Trl-Xatlo- A? continuation of the Sunday school Rally day 19 cents per hour, effective Nov. 21. A nal System. KEXO RICHAWD. USINESS C0LLEG Mo Tem- Mon- KIRNESWlllle Ktrne. Nov. 20. Funeral at ercises by members of the school. Sunday school staple lines of merchantable goods. Great Comedy Acrobats. Mseart's Dog and 1254. L'Hommedleu Post-Dispat- 22, 2 p. m. 'J. 30 a. m. Society :30 General Superintendent ch says: key Circus. Smith Fuller. Winona & Banks B E Dorman street Nov. at Christian Endeavor at The St. Louis "It porarily of lines of wear- school U Laboratory atemoOn. p. m. Junior Society at 3 a. m. Every one wel- yesterday announced an in the pay sys- sales seasonable Winter. Press Eldrldge, Pllvem A Emerlte. uui) Ur uing PETTY Thelma Fay. infant daughter of Jarnos increase was rumored Friday that the Frisco A & Only school here teaching touch (or plana) type- Sept. 5. WW; died comed to all theae services. ing apparel are retarded by mild weather, tall Claire, Man lev Rose, Bioscope. W. and Emma Petty. Born of switchmen on the Michigan Central Matlnee Dally. 25c. 15c. 25c. 50c writing and English. These methods enable ths 2 p. m. Saturday. Nov. tem, which recently absorbed the Chicago up Evenings. go Nov. 21. IK. Funeral in big yard? Detroit but this loss will be fully made when learner to from the school Into the ofBca 22. Private. Frlenda may view the remains CoBgregatlonal. Railroad the between & Eastern Illinois, is about to gain an Prep- without Intermediate experience. Positions se- from M a. m. to 12 m. Saturday. Nov. 22. 1W2. Chicago points In low temperature becomes general. ay cured Call on. phone or write H. D. VORIBS. Del- and and at junction forming a close PARK-To-D- PLYMOUTH CHURCH The Temple, corner Eastern line by alliance holiday are on an un- ex-Sta- te Superintendent Public Instruction. aware and Tenth streets. H. C. Meserve. pas- Michigan from Dec. L Foremen, who now with the Grand Trunk. The Frisco is now arations for trade The Sensational Melodrama. BfON'L'MENTS. tor. 1411 avenue. Sunday school. 9:30. Morn- building Tex., where precedented scale, especially at Interior i'ark receive 28 cents an hour for night work and a line to Spofford. I ing service, with preaching by the pastor. 10:45. Eagle con- HER MARRIAGE VOW K A LR O AD TIME CARD. WaaMnrton! 26 cents day be advanced to connection will be obtained with the points. There is no relief as to the HON UM ENTS A. DIEN ErTTT No evening service. Seats free. All welcome. for duty, will Pass line, penetrating Mexico. The con- Prices 10c. 20c. 30c. Everybody goes to ths Park. Hill. 32 26 gestion of railway traffic, nor any imme- Tel. 2S25. Branch works E. entrance Crown and 30 cents. Helpers, now earning summation of this plan and of the alliance Monday "Lost In the Desert." P.M. time is in BLACK flnrw k, day-wor- diate prospect of movements at the P-P- arlor O- Episcopalian. cents for night work and 24 cents for with the Grand Trunk will make the Frisco free and tbns: --Dally; Sleeper; Can -C TORS. ST. 29 27 cents. a trinational system." points of most serious blockade. Coal Wabash hair Car; D Dining Car: t Except Saadayi FINERAL DIHEt PAUL'S CHURCH Corner New York snd will be boosted to and EMPIRE THEATER Delaware St. Sunday only. tDally except Monday. Illinois street. Rev. Lewis Brown. Ph. D.. 500 and freight is steadily gaining and railway m . The new scale affects about men A BON, rector. 7:30 a. m.. holy communion; 9:30 a. Local, Personal and General Notes. TUTEWILER parish Sunday school; a. m.. matins and means an company's pay earnings thus far reported for November Nov. 17 Undertakers. 1 W Market st. Tel. 21. 1:4 increase to the One Week Only, Corn. Monday Mat, BiQ FOUR ROUTB. rermon. "The Game of Human Life." 4:30 p. roll uf about $6,000 a month. The increase President M.
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