92 STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY NO. 1 This paper is, indeed, the result of many hours of cooperative effort by many people. LITERATURE CITED ADAMS, E. 1878. Notes on the birds of Michalaski, Norton Sound. Ibis 1878:420-442. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1957. Check-list of North American birds. Fifth ed. A.O.U., Baltimore. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1973. Thirty-second supplement to the American Omitholo- gists’ Union check-list of North American birds. Auk 90:41l-419. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1976. Thirty-third supplementto the American Ornithologists’ Union check-list of North American birds. Auk 93:875-879. ANDERSON,R. M. 1913. Report on the natural history collections. Birds. Pp. 456-494 in V. Ste- fansson, My life with the Eskimo, Macmillan Co., New York. ANDERSON,R. M. 1915. Preliminary list of specimens collected during Canadian arctic expedition, 1913-1914. Birds. Summary Rept., Geol. Survey Dept. Mines 1914:163-166. ANDERSSON,M. 1973. 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Condor 49:78-82. CAMPBELL,J. M. 1967. The Upland Plover in arctic Alaska. Murrelet 48:28_33. CAMPBELL,.I. M. 1968. Birds of Chandler Lake, Brooks Range, Alaska, Mm-relet 49:15-24. CANTWELL,G. G. 1897. Wheatear in Alaska. Osprey 1:66. CHAPMAN,F. M. 1902. List of birds collected in Alaska by the Andrew J. Stone Expedition of 1901. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 16:231-247. CHILD, K. N. 1972. A new distributional record for the Gadwall. Canad. Field-Nat. 86:291-292. CHILDS, H. E. 1969. Birds and mammals of the Pitmegea River region, Cape Sabine, northwestern Alaska. Biol. Papers Univ. Alaska No. 10. CHILDS, H. E., AND W. J. MAHER. 1960. Nesting attempt by a pair of Barn Swallows in northern Alaska. Condor 62:141-142. CLARK,A. H. 1910. The birds collected and observed duringthe cruise of the United States Fisheries Steamer “Albatross” in the North Pacific Ocean and in the Bering, Okhotsk, Japan, and Eastern Seas from April to December 1906. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 38:25-74. COTTAM,C. 1948. The Mourning Dove in Alaska. Wilson Bull. 60:188-189. DALL, W. H. 1873. Notes on the avifauna of the Aleutian Islands, from Unalaska eastward. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 5:25-35. DALL, W. H., AND H. M. BANNISTER. 1869. List of the birds of Alaska, with biographical notes. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci. 1, part 2:267-310. DAU, C. P., AND D. D. GIBSON. 1974. Common Rose Finch, a first record for North America. Auk 91:185-186. DAU, C. P., AND J. PANIYAK. 1977. Hoopoe, a first record for North America. Auk 94:601. DAY, R. H., E P. KNUDTSON,D. W. WOOLINGTON,AND R. P. SCHULMEISTER.In press. Capri- mulgus indicus, Eurynorhynchus pygmeus, Otus stops, and Limicola falcinellus in the Aleutian islands, Alaska. Auk. DEAN, F. C., AND D. L. CHESEMORE.1974. Studies of birds and mammalsin the Baird and Schwatka mountains, Alaska. Biol. Papers Univ. Alaska No. 15. DEMENT’EV, G. P., AND N. A. GLADKOV,EDS. 1951. The birds of the Soviet Union, Vol. III. Transl. 1969by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Clearinghousefor Federal Sci- entific and Tech. Inf., Springfield, Va. DEMENT’EV, G. P., AND N. A. GLADKOV,EDS. 1954. The birds of the Soviet Union, Vol. VI. Transl. 1%8 by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Clearinghousefor Federal Sci- entific and Tech. Inf., Springfield, Va. DIVOKY, G. J. 1976. The pelagic feeding habits of Ivory and Ross’ gulls. Condor 78:85-90. DIVOKY, G. J., G. E. WATSON,AND J. C. BARTONEK. 1974. Breeding of the Black Guillemot in northern Alaska. Condor 76:339-343. DIXON, J. S. 1918. The nestinggrounds and nesting habits of the SpoonbilledSandpiper. Auk 35:387- 404. DIXON, J. S. 1927. The Surf-bird’s secret. Condor 29:3-16. DIXON, J. S. 1938. Birds and mammalsof Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska. Nat. Parks Fauna Ser. 3. DIXON, J. S. 1943. Birds observed between Point Barrow and Herschel Island on the arctic coast of Alaska. Condor 45149-57. EVERMANN,B. W. 1913. Eighteen species of birds new to the Pribilof Islands, including four new to North America. Auk 30:15-18. FAY, F. H., AND T. J. CADE. 1959. An ecological analysis of the avifauna of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 63:73-150. FIGGINS,J. D. 1904. Field notes on the birds and mammals of the Cook’s Inlet region of Alaska. Abstr. Proc. Linnaean Sot. New York Nos. 15-16:15-39. FRIEDMANN,H. 1931. The Mourning Dove in Alaska. Auk 48:265. FRIEDMANN,H. 1932. Additions to the avifauna of St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea. Condor 34:257. FRIEDMANN,H. 1933a. Notes on some birds of Goodnews Bay, Alaska. Condor 35:239-240. FRIEDMANN,H. 1933b. The Polynesian Tattler on St. Lawrence Island. Condor 35:78. FRIEDMANN,H. 1934. The Mongolian Plover and other birds at GoodnewsBay, Alaska. Condor 36:89. FRIEDMANN,H. 1935. The birds of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci. 5: 13-54. 94 STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY NO. 1 FRIEDMANN,H. 1936. Notes on Alaskan birds. Condor 38:173. FRIEDMANN, H. 1937. Further additions to the known avifauna of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Condor 39:91. FRIEDMANN,H. 1938. Further records from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Condor 40:88. FRIEDMANN,H. 1939. The Amur Barn Swallow, a new bird for North America. Condor 41:37. GABRIELSON,I. N. 1941. Baikal Teal on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Auk 58:400. GABRIELSON,I. N., AND F. C. LINCOLN. 1959. The birds of Alaska. Stackpole Co. and Wildl. Mgmt. Inst. GAVIN, A. 1975. Wildlife of the North Slope-a five year study, 1969-1973. Atlantic Richfield Co. GIANINI, C. A. 1917. Some Alaska Peninsulabird notes. Auk 34:394402. GIBSON,D. D. 1970. Recent observationsat the base of the Alaska Peninsula. Condor 72:242-243. GIBSON,D. D. 1972. Sight records of two birds new to interior Alaska. Murrelet 53:31-32. GIBSON,D. D. 1977. First North American nest and eggs of the Ruff. Western Birds 8:25-26. GIBSON, D. D., AND G. E. HALL. 1978. Emberiza variubilis and Ficedula parva new to North America and the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Auk 95:428-429. GODFREY,W. E. 1966. The birds of Canada. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull. No. 203. GRINNELL,J. 1900. Birds of the Kotzebue Sound region, Alaska. Pacific Coast Avifauna 1:l-80. GRINNELL,J. 1909. Birds and mammals of the 1907Alexander Expedition to southeasternAlaska. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 5:171-264. GRINNELL, J.
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