PAOE TORRANCB HERALD, Torranee. California THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 I Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Hoi Files Petition for Oil Boom Moves "PORT OF SEVEN SEAS" AT PLAZA Sr. nnd sons Johnny and Billy BOYS STAR with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hog- Probate of Will South and East fURITAS , firs Jr. spent the week-end and IMSTN.I.riPDRlMilMi , Imbor Day at Camp Baldy. Attorney C. T. Rlppy of thl» With Big Rush IN SEA FILM city recently filed a petition for (Continued from Page 1TA> Hollywood, which has search* ill«» Knthcrinr Enjclf, of-Los Grace' Ackley of 2005 Arlington "Lord Jeff," dramatlp story ot Angoles, was .a week-end guest south of 236th for an unestlmat the training pf boys for Britain's the world over for novel nnd In avenue for the probate of will of Mrs. Florence W«lch, 1510 Sn ed yield from 4,901 feet. Free­ future Merchant Marine, Intro­ tcresting backgrounds, brings a of the late Josle Gordon. Hear­ man Holding company Is riggln( DRINK WITH A REASON gracla avenue. duces Freddie Bartholomew and new setting to the screen in "Port ing has been set for Sept. 15. a pump to finish Baxter No. : Mickey Rooney, companions In of Seven Seas," opening tonight torrance Herald Listed among the heirs are the on the southeast corner of 235t|i "Captains Courageous" and "The The I.omlta News and Pennsylvania. McDonald am Devil Is a Sissy," in entertain­ at thn Torranee theatre, forthl And petitioner,. Will R. Gordon and | Burns navp addc(j Mooro No I0 picture has the colorful and un Published Every Thursday ingly new characterizations al USE WITH A REASON Loulse Gordon of Llndsay. Th flowing 265 barrels of 26.8 grav- the Plaza theatre In Hawthorne usual French seaport of Mar­ Grover C. Whytc estate Includes real propert ity cutting 2.6 percent from 5, seilles us Its locale. Editor-Publisher starting Sunday. having an annual Income of $42' 804 feet. repre­ Wallace Beery, ln( a role nr- 1330 El Prado. Phone 414 it is reported. Freddie portrays a boy, I^EEAD AND Torrance, Calif. While activity continues around sented as a scion of nobility by reatlngly different from his more the Blue Bell Oil's wildcat 01 crooks, who finds regeneration recent "bad man" portrayals, REMEMBER Entered as second class mat- Mr. und Mrs. Charles Wood 241st street, no one around the and a new destiny when sent to stars in the new drama as the tor January 30, 1914, at potit- lock and daughter Barbara, 121 site would hazard the English training school, part rough but tender-hearted owner office, Torrance, Calif., und>'r Amapola avenue, visited over th recent findings or what the of the Barnardo Homes Institu­ of a waterfront cafe and the dis­ WHAT THIS Act of March 3, 1807. cck-cnd and holiday at Lak firm's intentions are. The last tion in England. Mickey Is a tinguished supporting cast fea­ Elslnore. report was that the operators student petty officer, first Fred­ tures the inimitable Frank Mor­ NOTED DOCTOR Official Newspaper of were plugging back after drill­ gan and Maureen O'Sulllvan. City of Torranee Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Murpli die's Nemesis, later his friend. and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smlt ing to 5,240 feet and encounter­ Sam Wood, who directed "Navy "Port of Seven Seas" revolves SAYS ABOUT Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper were week-end guests of Mr ing only barren gray sand. Blue and Gold," directed the new about the love of Madelon (Mau­ By Superior Court, Los nnd Mrs. William Saumlcrs Andrews and Mltchell are pre­ picture with rare skill. Frank Morgan, Wallace Beery and Maureen O'Bulliva reen O'Sulllvan) for Marlus (John DRINKING WATER Angeles County. their ranch in Wilson Valley. paring to deepen W. A. Kirk The desperate fight between are featured In "Port of Seven Seas," romantic drama no Bcal), who leaves the gir! behind No. 10 wefet of Eshclman and the two boys, the groat boat showing at the Plaza theatre In Hawthorne." him when he no longer Is able north of 236th street. Alford race, the mast-climbing contests to restrain his longing to sail imMAYOURGES ON TORRANCE BLVD. and Thompson are rigging to and other nautical school thrills away to the faraway places he For Your Parties: Pineapple- deepen the old Julian well north mingle with human and dramatic THEY GO TO SEA TO LEARN has always dreamed of. During Alcorn's _• Nectarine_Nut Roll__• west of 236th and Eshelmanand touches. Settings arc authentic his absence Madelon becomes 'LOTS OF WATER Madlll Oil is schedu betrothed to the wealthy Panlssc SUPPLY YOUR CHILDREN'S~SCH6O"t~NEE~DS~AT and elaborate. start deepening the old Shell aside from, several (Frank Morgan), and It Is this YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORE— Frenger No. 4 on the northeast Players, complication which Marlus faces lundi-cd boys playing students, the sea. of Hawthorne and Re- nclude Charles Coburn, Herbert when he returns from dondo-Torrance boulevard. L. M. Mundln, Gale Sondcrgaard, Terry Cesar (Wallace Beery), owner of S. Oil is rigging to drill its No. Kilburn. Peter Lawford, Waltei the marine bar and father of at the southeast corner of Tctlcy, and others. Uaclus, unearths a rough but 235th and Eshelman, Pacific practical philosophy which guides Western Oil has staked location the various protagonists of the ADULTS 25o for Marble No. 7 and Pennsyl­ drama to their respective des­ vania Oil has completed No. 1 on Evening School tinies. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 8, 9, 10 ... the southwest corner of 237th and Pennsylvania, yielding most­ Starts Sept. 12 Mrs. J. O. Bishop, 2021 Cnr- WALLACE BEERY in ly water from 4,920 feet. son street, who recently under­ G. P. Completing Well (Continued from Pago 1-A) went a major operation at Clara Rolling Hills Petroleum is re­ "PORT QF THE SEVEN SEAS" self more efficient at his work, Barton hospital in Hollywood, Is ported to -have struck oil sand "olng nicely. ALSO and shale at 5,105 feet In its vhethcr he socks recreational SO DRINK WITH A 'ildcat, Weston No. 1, near Wal- outlets, he will find the adult Mr- and Mrs. Casper Clcmnirr.f | REASON-DRINK PENRQD'9 DOUBLE TROUBLE" tcrla, and is preparing to set evening school presenting many 3318 Torranee boulevard, . made PURITAS, California t with'BOBBY and BILLY MAUCH casing nt 5,050 feet at which worthwhile opportunities," Fitz­ i trip to Owns Valley over the ftiml drinking u-attr $$$^-.pLAY--N1TE FRIDAY—$$$—————— depth first showings- wore no-* gerald said. woek-pnd and Labor Pay holi­ Keep your family on ticed. choice of courses i.s avail­ day. able in such widely varying sub­ the water way to bet­ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 12, 13 ... General Petroleum obtained a Mrs. V. Tetrlck and son ter health by ordering ater shutoff early this week jects as arts and crafts, physical MICKEY ROONEY education, dressmaking and scw- lave returned from a visit with a J-gallon bottle of i its Poggi No. 9 in the Har- Wends in Whlttier. Puricai Water today. ___ and FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW in >r City extension and is get­ ng, shorthand and typing, book- ting ready to undertake its com­ <eeping, orchestra and general Mickey Rooney and Freddie Bartholomew in "Lor The Puritis Hydro-Cooler 9* will con- * «aled, all.gliu water coo "LORD JEFF pletion. This well is located shop work. Registration Jeff" are opening Sunday at the Torranee theatre. This j north of the D and B. ThC'Poggi :lnue thru the week of Sept. 12- will be held a gripping story of the training of British boys fpr th Also PRESTON FOSTER — MADGE EVANS in No. 9 was drilled to 5,426 feet, .6. School sessions Merchant Marine. "ARMY GIRL" Found -minor showings, plugged Monday and Wednesday eve­ back to 5,280 one mile deep nings from 7 to 9 o'clock, Sched- PURITAS J? Wednesday Only . Come Early . Sept. 14 $$ and made the shutoff at 5,120 ready fpr distribution information may be ob- PISTILIED DRINKING WATIR feet. Production will be attempt­ Gertrude Lawrence Stars in "GANGS OF NEW YORK" ed between the two latter depths. incd during the day or at night by calling at the high school of- AND icc. "Susan and God" at Biltmore Soon "EASY LIVING*1 Sears Return from For Service Phone Rail-Motor Trip Four Babies Born The distinguished intornation- "Susan and God" has writtci Now Playing Samuel Pinkerton Every Wednesday GIANT KENO! i al stage star, Gertrude Law­ the most outstanding success o "GOLD DIGGERS" Torrance 213 ' $$$ — ALWAYS CASH WINNERS — $$$ Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sears Here During Week rence, will begin a limited o,n her career. It is a comedy tha aljio urncd early this week from gagcment In Rachel Crothcr's Four babies were born at Tor frequently arises to dramatl "GO CHASE VOURSEUr combined rail and motor trip brilliant cpmedy "Susan and heights. -, hat'took them as far cast as ranee Memorial hospital during Gp,d" at the Biltmore theatre, Lanslng, Mlch., where they took the past week. Two of them, .a The story in brief concern Lo$ Angeles, Monday evening, Susan Trexel, whi delivery on a new car. The re- boy and a girl, arc named Alien Sept. 12, for three weeks only the flighty urn trip, 3,475 miles was by but they arc not twins noi returns from England imbue( are they related. John Golden, the producer of with a new religious fervor which ay of Kansas, and then north "Susan und God," is making the Oean Buildings, Oean Cities, Oean Fuel! o the tip of Minnesota and west A son was born to Mr.
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