Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 3-20-1989 Columbia Chronicle (03/20/1989) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (03/20/1989)" (March 20, 1989). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/267 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. columbia chronicle Spri.ng break wre Obscene havoc i.n Southern caller outrages touri.st towns (CPS) - Spring break has not ------------------ Tucson been what is used to be during "Palm Springs is way the last three years. There have o.ut. It's too strict; women been te rrible riots in Palm there are no crowds Springs and South Padre Island, and· way too many (CPS) - Someone is passing a .string of deaths in Daytona police officers;• a himself off as a University of Ar­ Beach and ·a rigid crackdown on izona sociology "udent conduct­ public drinking in Fort Lauder­ representative of College Tours said. ing a sexuali ty survey by phone. dale. and then asking the femaie UA Yet, though the s ize o f the Bring a book students and al~m ni he contacts welcome mat varies, most of the Only about 20.000 students obscene questions, traditional spring break getaway are expected in Fort Lauderdale this spring. city recreation super­ Students demonstrate why they must allow pre-class time lor the "There have been nu me rous spots say they want ·students elevators in the Michigan building. phone call s to us relaying this back. Sort of. intendent Steve Person said. In 1985, about 350.000 students at behaving c ivilly,'' Carter problem. asking if we have a stu­ Fort Lauderdale The beach town. which last dent conducting a survey.·· Sher­ Fort Lauderdale. Fla., for ex-· descended on the resort, snarling maintained. spring endured a violent riot. has ry Enderle. a sociology depart­ ample , which once reigned as traffic. lettering beaches a nd " Many citi zens are curious to "been real careful and we have ment administrator said. "The the national magnet for those outraging local residents. see what goes on." she added. been able to learn from Iot her re­ sociology department would not Palm Springs "Others just avoid it." looking for sun, sex and fun dur­ sorts'] mistakes." Carlyle said. condone such questions." ing break, in 1987 passed a se­ Palm Springs. Calif. -still At South Padre Island off the Traffic jams remain the is­ Enderle estimates the depart­ ries of strict new laws .to. punish smarting from a 1986 riot in Gulf coast of Texas. the hosts are land's biggest spring break prob: ment fiel ded at least 10 calls students who sleep on the beach. which hundreds of revelers ran s imilarly tolerant. "Most of us Iem . though Carl)'le said ·the from women complaining about look drunk in public and are wild , vandalized property. threw enjoy I the student invasion]." inconvenience is minor in li ght the fraudulent survey in recent crammed too many to a hotel rocks. ripped clothes off women Breeze Carlyle of the island's of the boom 300.000 student vis­ months. "It seems to reall y take room. and briefly took over the center tourist bureau said. "Although itors are to the local economy. To off at the beginning of the se­ of town - me t stude nts last we do look forward to our survi­ Person added the city is mak­ keep the students happy. five mester. .. she said . spting with a show of force, em­ vors' party in April. " she added , ing no special attempt to invite new nightclubs have opened. One student said a man called powering police to ticket and ar­ ' Some 230 miles up the Atlan­ students this year. either. Mexico her in October asking for help rest vacatio ne rs for publi c ti c coast from Lauderda le. Something like 10,000-15.000 Mexico is al so openly inviting with his sociology research prn· drunkenness and rowtly behavior Daytona Beach gladly has tried revelers are expected. in Palm students. ject. She said he asked a series of on the spot instead of letting of­ to fi ll the void. spending about Springs, city promotions direc­ Sch n eer estim a t es innocent questions that quickl y ficers use their discretion to is­ $40,000 on marketing gimmicks tor Pan LiCalsi said . · 40.000-50.000 students wi ll vis­ turned intrusive and obscene. In sue warnings. to draw students. " Palm Springs is way out, " it Mazatlan, about 1.000 will go January. he called again. offering About 300.000-400,000 will Chris Schneer compla ined. A The crackdowns have helped to Puerio Yallarta and that Can­ $20 an ho ur for her participa­ national sales representative for drive students elsewhere. show up, predicted Georgia Car­ cun, the normall y expensive East . ter of the city's tourist bureau. tion . College Tours, the largest spring Daytona Beach Coast resort that is trying to re­ " He ' II ask you a reasondble each spending a n average of break operator for M exico , Although Daytona Beach has cover from a 1988 hurricane by question. then trick you" into $325 each week they stay. Schneer said, " It's too strict, had its share of petty crime and promoting itself as a s pri~ g answering more lascivious ques­ Civic paydays like that nor­ there are no crowds and way too major tragedy ~si nc e 1984 , break town for the fi rst time. wdl tions. she said. mally help city officials tolerate many police office..S." seven people have died and 34 draw about 3.000 collegians. After police told the woman a lot of the insulting public be­ The Florida resorts have be­ others have been injured in falls Other vacation spot promoters they couldn't trace calls to her haviors. vandali sm. violence and come so rigid that "it 's really from hotel and motel balconies are staging events to keep vis­ horne until she receive <.! 30 to 40 even deaths that seem to arise slowed down. and you can't even - city offic ials are resolutely itors lawfully entertained. prank calls. she changed her whenever huge hordes of stu­ do what you want." upbeat. telephone number. Some U.S. resorts still want "Everybody's getting better" dents descend on a town. students to come. Continue_d on page 3 Speakers boost TV club By Elizabeth Roller majority of its recognition be­ like this started. but she hopes to cause of the speakers it has get enough good stude nts in- · The Television Arts Society is brought to the school. Television volved to make the club one of . showing promise as a successful names like Bill Kurtis and most the best in its class. new club on Columbia's cam­ recently. Rick Rosenthal. have "Students are se lling them­ pus. been intriguing students to at­ selves short if they don' t partici­ "Students are showing enthu­ tend. pate in th is organization." Scott siasm about the club and they are Rosenthal told students inter­ said who finds the club an excel­ showing up for the meetings.·· ested in becoming anchors to lent form of networking. Lamarr Scott, television studio focus on writing skills and issu­ At this point. the organizers of coordinator and sponsor and ad­ es. rather than being just a pretty the Society see a strong fut ure vi'sor for the club said . face . for the club. ".More people are showing up The Society is planning to " I hope to see us as a well ­ than we expected." Michelle Ur­ bring speakers like Gary Deeb known organization. like a mini banovich said. technical/produc­ and Karla Box to their upcoming National Academy of Televi sion tion pool chairperson. " They're meetings. as well as. respected Arts & Sciences. "Urbanovich asking questions and proposing producers and directors in the said . new ideas.'' field. Scott foresees "a strong. via­ The Society. which was initi­ Lora ,Whisenant. president of ble o rganization respected ated last semester by the Televi­ the Society. admitted that it's around town. especiall y in th e sion Depar1J11ent. has received a difficult to get an organization Guess what is l aking over the Dan Ryan Expressway again. See page area of broadca•t." 11 1or Steve Lundy's photo essay. Page 2 March 20, 1989 Columbia Events Monday, March 20 .vednesday, March 22 Physics/computer grad turned Whittle Communicatious ·will hont Page Lec ture Ser ies be in room 605, Wabash bu i !d­ presents Chicago Tribune car­ ing at 2 p.m. to discuss possible toonist and Pulitzer Pri ze winner film student produces ''Obsession' openings. Junior and Senio rs Dick Locher to speak to students majoring in journalism. pub I ic in room 819, Wabash building at By Carla Jones The filming was shot on loca­ have no patience-IHedge­ relations and photography only. 10:30 a.m. All invited. tion in about four nights over the wald I has no patience and yet he From the essence of establish­ four th o f Jul y holiday. has a lot of talent." He added ment to the essence of risk is the Hedgewald said.
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