2ND SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A Legacies: when making your Will have you Dear friends, following last week’s story thought of leaving a legacy to the Parish or of the temptations of Jesus in the desert, ST MARY’S PARISH PAISLEY we are now invited to witness and pon- diocese? der this awe-filled event in which the 163 George Street, PA12UN glory of God quite literally shines forth Gift Aid: If you pay tax as for a Gift Aid form Tel: 0141-889-2602 Fax 0141-889-6756 in the transfigured person of His only and your one-off signature we get an extra 25% Son, who is the Word of God made Church Hall: 01505810370 (Answer Machine) fleshed in our human condition. The readings this Email: [email protected] Sunday point at the change expected of every Chris- Government Consultation on Changing Legal Gen- Website: stmaryrcpailsey.com tian, which is the goal of this holy season of lent. der: The Scottish Government is consulting on new Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Jude Okorie The first and second readings present salvation history as a legislation around the ability to legally change gen- response to God’s call, a call going out to a series of key persons der. Consultation closes on17th March. The Catholic beginning with Abraham and culminating with Jesus Christ and Parliamentary Office has prepared a four page briefing 8th March 2020 2nd Sunday of Lent Year A His Apostles. Faith is presented here as the obedient response to to help people engage with the consultation process. The the call of God which opens up channels for the redemptive briefing can be accessed viahttps://rcpolitics.org/ action of God in history, thus transforming the world. In answer- briefing -gen der-recognition -reform-s cot lan d- Parish Mass & Prayer Times ing this call, both Abram and Saul broke with the experiences of bill/ Please consider responding to the consultation. their past lives and moved (change in location) into an un- Anyone can access and respond to the consultation mapped future to become new “people of the promise,” for a Rosary & Morning Prayer: 9:10 before 9:30am Mass new life. The first reading presents the change or transformation athttps://consult.gov.scot/family-law/gender- of the patriarch Abram from a childless pagan tribesman into a recognition-reform-scotland-bill/. man of Faith in the One God. This, years later, leads to God’s Weekday Mass: 9:30am daily (except Wednesday) transforming his name from Abram to Abraham, and making him, as promised, the father of God’s chosen people, Israel. The Diocesan Priesthood: Thinking about Diocesan Wednesday Evening Mass: 7pm second reading, taken from St. Paul’s second letter to Timothy, Priesthood in 2020? The Catholic Church in Scotland explains the type of Lenten life-transformation expected of us. In is now inviting enquiries from those considering Exposition: Tuesday & Thursday 9am today’s Gospel we see this change not in location but in the applying for seminary. For more information please person of the second person in the blessed trinity. The gospel Saturday 9:00am after 9:30am Mass reading describes Jesus’ Transfiguration during prayer on a contact Fr. John Morrison email: vocations@rc mountain. The Transfiguration was the moment when the disci- dop.org.uk ples were shown the divinity of Jesus on the Holy Mountain. The Divine Mercy Devotion: Friday after Mass scene is reminiscent of Moses’ encounter with God on Sinai (Ex 34:29-35), when his face, too, shone like the sun. Elijah had simi- Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Pilgrimage takes Sunday Masses: 4:30pm (Saturday Vigil) lar theophany experience (2 Kgs 2:11-15). Thus, in same simili- place from 26 June -2 July 2020. For more information 10:30am Mass & Children’s Liturgy tude Moses and Elijah are present because they are the two Old please contact Fr Gerry McNellis [email protected] Testament figures who experienced the presence of God on the Holy Mountain but this time as representatives of the Law and Confessions: Saturday 10:00am - 10:30am & 4 - 4:30pm Prophets. With his usual impetuous generosity Peter attempts to Adult Formation: All are invited to the remaining two ‘freeze’ the moment. The public declaration of Jesus as God’s Son Scripture talks (of a series of three) in St. Conval's, Lin- Baptism: Arrange with the priest which was attested by the Father at his Baptism is repeated, but wood, starting with tea/coffee at 6.30pm, talk from 7.00- with the addition that Jesus is the authorized divine teacher 8.30pm. Marriage: Give at least six months notice (see Fr Jude) whom we should listen to. (Matt 17:5) So dear friends, let us listen to Jesus the divine teacher who Singers wanted: if you are interested in joining the Dioc- has come to lead us into true life (Jn 10:10) through his death esan Choir as we prepare for the Chrism Mass, please and resurrection. His transfiguration is a source of hope as it join us as we rehearse in St Charles (Paisley) at 2.30pm gives us a glimpse of what we shall be in the future. He has on Sunday 15thMarch. All welcome! come to transform us and this we experience daily in the SUNDAY HOLY MASS holy mass and through the sacraments (CCC #568). Through Taize Lenten Reflections: On the Sundays of Lent Year th which we are encouraged in our moments of tribulations A: St Aidan’s Tuesday 24 March at 7pm. Exposition of FIRST READING: Genesis 12:1-4 and doubts to always trust and never doubt the saving pow- the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions available during the er of Christ. Let the thought of the Transfiguration encour- hour. St Mirin’s Cathedral Choir will lead the singing. Psalm Response: “May your love be upon o Lord, As we place all our hope in age each one of us today, to do the little God demands of us, Teas afterwards in Hall. All welcome so that when we pass out of this life we may be assured of you” seeing Christ in his glory, ready to welcome us into his everlasting, glorious kingdom. SECOND READING: 2Tim 1:8-10 GOSPEL READING: Matthew 17:1-9 St Vincent De Paul St Mary’s Conference Please let us know if you know anyone in need of food or families in need. Food parcels Mass Book: YEAR A Part:1 Page: 75 are given out only on Sundays after Mass. Please be there if you need one. PARISH NOTICE DIOCESAN NEWS & EVENTS ParishLegion Councilof Mary: Meeting:the New presidium on Tuesday “Our 26th Lady Febru- Help 2020 October Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: Parish Council Meeting: on Tuesday 26th Febru- of Christians” appeals for members. Week’s Collections For the Attention of All Church Volunteers with ary @7pm. Parish CouncilThis Meeting: is a fully escortedon Tuesday pilgrimage 26th Febru-and great plac- ary @7pm. PVG Certificates Or Pending PVG Certificates: Thanks for last week’s Offertory collections: Gift ary @7pm. es to visit. If you are interested in joining the Parish Youth & Children Choir (Band): we appeal to volunteers doing or planning to do regulated work Aid: £ 391.55 Non Gift Aid £ 307.08= £ 698.63 group from St Mary’s Parish Paisley to Medjugor- parents to encourage the kids to join. Speak to Silvana with children and vulnerable adults or both, should St Patrick Night: Our next Parish social event “St Building fund: Gift Aid: £49 Non Gift Aid: complete the Safeguarding Training, Induction Part je in October 2020 please speak to Fr Jude. Puddinu and Adele Redhead St Patrick Night: Our next Parish social 1event. These “St sessions will be held in the Diocesan offices, Patrick Night” will take place on Saturday 23rd £149.14= £ 198.14 Grand Total £896.77 St Patrick Night: Our next Parish social event “St Patrick Night” will take place on SaturdayIncle 23rdStreet, Paisley on: Monday 9th March at March. Tickets will be available from next Sunday. 7pm, Tuesday 5th May at 10.30am, TuesdayPatrick 25th Night” will take place on Saturday 23rd Important Notice March. Tickets will be available from next Sunday. Safeguarding Training, Induction Part 2: The new £5 for adults and £3 for kids. BYOB 200 Club: Congratulations to our January draws winners August at 7pm. Please contact Sarah Jane at theMarch. Dioce- Tickets will be available from next Sunday. The Coronavirus (Covid 19): This poses a danger partic- £5 for adults and £3 for kids. BYOB san Safeguarding office [email protected] Safeguarding Part 2 Training session, is for volunteers Rosemary Docherty £50 £5 for adultswho and have £3 forpreviously kids. BYOB attended Safeguarding Training ularly to vulnerable members of our community. It is or 0141 847 6138 to register. Part One, or Safeguarding Training Level one, more spread by physical contact. We have a duty to protect Joan Crawford £25 eachRally other of by Craiglockhart good general Formerhygiene, Studentsespecially:You washing are than 18 months ago. If you attended Safeguarding Rally of Craiglockhart Former Students:You are Training Level One in 2017 or early 2018, you should handswelcome frequently to a andReunion thoroughly. Rally toIf wecelebrate have coronavirus the Cen- Jean McDowell £25 Maranatha Prayer Group: Please, join us Rallyfor of Craiglockhart Former Students:You are -or cold/ flu like symptoms we should stay away from welcome to a Reunion Rally to celebrate the anCen- evening of prayer and praise in St Mirin’s put your name forward for Safeguarding Training Part tenary of the founding of Craiglockhart College of Payment for the coming period can be made from now.
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