__ lilli' __ a$__ ..p.,_-"... ._- ........~---.----.-- ...... ;.•--- • rosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 24 Grosse POinte, MichIgan, Thursday, June 12, 1986 35 Cents 46 Pages for your information All-State pair make prep sports history WillS" By Peggy O'Connor "Dad" IS Umverslty LIggett "Athletically, the only mput that down indiVidual accomplishments School athletic director and tenms Sharon and I have had IS to expose and focus on the team aspect of They try to see as many of each Folks who say that mce, fnend- them to lots of sports, because we theIr sport, he added Both their other's game~ as po!>slble, but WIth ly, pohte teenagers who are top coach Robert Wood He's been around the pair smce, well, the be- feel that sports teach some of hfe's coaches, hockey's TIm ZImmer- KIm playmg ~occer and volleyball athletes and good students - not gIOnmg and he doesn't mmd talk- greatest lessons Mamly that you man and soccer's John Case, while Hob IS busy at baseball and fyi to mentIOn always on hme for dIO- have to learn to depend on other praIsed the pair dunng the season hockey, It'S not always easy Ing about their sports successes ner - sound too good to be true, for theIr team spmt "Sharon (Wood) and I are pret- people "Somebody I from the famIly) have probably never met Rob and , I'm abo proud of the complete Rob and Kim have played to- Kim Wood ty proud of both of them I guess a~ always manages to get to our A heavellly proposal parents we're proude~t of the fact emotIOnal control they both have," gether slllce they were small, theIr Rob, 19, and KIm, 17, are all of game!>," Rob said "Dad ~ays that It was a Saturday at the ball- that they are Just grea t kids both Wood added "Robby has never father says Rob would play goalIe that and more. last week, they be- when we play Liggett, he has to game, the Tigers were playmg on and off the athletic fIeld," Wood spent more than 8 01' 10 mmutes m so that hIS sister could practice came part of MichIgan high school Side With Liggett But he tells us to the WhIte Sox, It was the fifth m- ~ald the penalty box III a season, yet he klckmg soccer balls and Kim, even do our best, no matter what," Kim mng and Lance Parrish was up athletic hIstory when they were has excelled And Kim has never today, gIves Rob tips on hIS game dl<;eovered to be the flr<;t brothel- Kim and Rob are typIcal brother added al bal Palll::.h I::' Alii) Frake::.' Ue"'l1l ",J-\..dl JeJ III :>Ul.l.el , uul ::.he Slle ::.hau tu Uld.:>ter thi:: fIller pomts sister combination named to All- and 1l1~ler, l1e added 1hey lla ve favorite player and her eyes theIr dl~agreements, but they also IS able to play aggressively That of boys' sports SInce she's out- It's obvlOu~ they've done just State teams 10 the same year (a~ were flveted on the play She sav~ a lot" numbered III the Wood home by that and With great results far as high school athlehc record- confide ll1 each other a lot and help heard boyfnend Tom Shimmel each other athletically kJm and Rob were taught to play Rob and younger brothers Doug And lest anyone thlllk that Michi- snap his camera toward the sky keepers can determme) and JImmy gan's All-State teams have seen and as she looked up, he said, Rob was named to the Class A "We help each other out, tell one the last of the Woods, they should "Don't scream, don't make a All-State team m hockey thiS past another when we've had a bad know that Kim IS Just a Jumor. wIOter, the 5-foot-9 South High bIg deal." game," KIm said. "And we get Oh, yes Brother Doug, 15, let- semor forward was the Michigan And up there m all Its glory pumped up when the other one tered In th ree sports thiS year at Metro League's leadmg scorer m was an aIrplane pulling a ban- plays well and when their team ULS ner that read Amy, will you 1985-86, earning a spot on the marry me? Love, Tom league's fIrst team, East DIVISIOn and fmishmg up as the east's Most "I looked at It and I first Valuable Player Gandelot re-elected wondered if It was for me and I Last week, Kim was chosen for looked at him and said, 'Are you By Mike Andrzyczyk Park, CIty and Farms put the elec- the Class A All-State team m soc- askmg me?' and he saId, 'Yes' tIOn out of reach for Pangborn cer after leading South's varSIty In an election that ended as People were pointing and look- squad in scoring with 18 goals and qUIetly as it had been run, Jon ing and the man next to us said, several assists At one pomt, the Gandelot retamed hIS poSitIOn on 'I don't know any Amy and suntanned, sturdl1y-built forward the Grosse Pomte Board of Educa- Tom.' " had scored 15 goals m Just four tion Monday, June 9. The two-term The plane circled the stadIUm games, Incumbent outpolled CynthIa about eight times "I got to look "We've never had anythmg hap- Pangborn 1,660 to 1,106 at it quite a bit and I felt that pen like that at South before," said With only about 8 percent of the was my tIme of fame," Amy South High athletic director Chuck registered voters headmg to the said. "It was so neat I was real- Hollosy. "We're pretty proud of polls, Gandelot was able to take ly excIted" both of these kids" four of SIX precmcts and handIly The couple met and gradu- Neither KIm nor Rob are much wm the absentee ballotmg. ated from AlbIOn College Tom for blowing their own horn Each Gandelot saId he "felt very IS currently attending Wayne is quiet and self-assured, but they good" about hiS re-election, addmg State University law school and Just can't seem to reCIte their own he was "really pleased the com- Amy is a teacher at St David's. pomt totals, or any or theIr athle- munity supported me agam " The Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. tICachievements, for that matter results show "support for what John C. Frakt's of Blalrmoor And they tend to get a lIttle embar- I've been domg and what the Court and Dr. and Mrs. Robert rassed when asked to try board's been doing as well," he A. Shimmel of Grosse lIe. "I've never really thought much added Their weddmg wIll be In about It (being the first brother- Pangborn, a Farms reSIdent and August 1987 Sister All-Staters in the same mother of three, said she was very And what was the score? Amy Rob and Kim Wood Photo by Pete, A Salinas positIve about taking 41 percent of year) until my dad mentIOned It," Jon Gandelot said she knows the TIgers lost, Rob Wood said. the votes but "to tell you the truth, I didn't "That shows support and Gandelot outpolled Pangborn in I think about the score" gIves credence to some of the the three commumhes by 512 I Bush, KelUp supporters file early thmgs I've been talkmg about," votes Results 10 the Park were \ Welcome back she said Gandelot 395, Pangborn 234, m the i When she called to congratulate City, Gandelot 225, Pangborn 91, \ In other nuptial news, a well- By Wilbur Elston gate candidates in the city of De- known form~r local newscaster are c1almmg more than 4,500 dele- him on IDSvictory, Eangborn said and 10 the F.arms, Gande.lot 472, g(i1es- fijOO Qn hi!, beha If . hOlt have been fIled by RIchard will be 10 town next'*l!lek for the Grosse Pointe Republicans wHl she told Gandelot that ifmlght be Pangborn 255 be faced with unusual competition . In tfti!P.oirites, tlfe Kemp forc-es Durant of Grosse Pointe veteran weddmg of his son. tIme for the two sides they repre- Pangborn did carry the Woods, " fIled candIdates 10 all 32 precincts RepublIcan congressIOnal leader , Vie Caputo has been deliver- for GOP precinct delegate posts sent to begm workmg together for 431 to 350 for Gandelot She also while the Bush people reported 29 who IS the father of Clark Durant. ing the news in Tucson, Ariz , when they go to the polls m the the system won In Harper Woods, 49 to 30. candIdates after the failure of two El~ctlon offiCIals said a number of '1I lately, but WIll be hostmg a dif- Aug. 5 primary, which opens the Gandelot took the absentee of theIr candidates to fIle their pe- other challenges also ha ve been fll- The suspense was over about 15 ferent kind of program, a re- 1988presidential race m Michigan ballotmg 113 to 44 He also won m titions ed and that about 50 delegates mmutes after the polls closed, as Slates of delegates unoffICially the Shores, 75 to 60 hearsal dmner, on June 19, be- have been disqualified as a result a small group of board members, supporting Vice President George A number of challenges to Pangborn saId she was disap- fore the June 20 weddmg of his preclllct delegate candIdates have Apparently none of those disquali- theIr famIlIes and admllllstrators Bush and Rep.
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