by MoUy Woulfe Laverty also praised the efforts of Mary Ann age students to pay the 15 cent fare. Security, Fuchs, SMC Co-Exchange Commissioner, and · "We had a wonderful response," stated The administrations of St. Mary's and Notre the ND Ombudsman who campaigned to enoour- Fuchs. "And we have gotten a lot of comments Dame have decided to retain the services of the from bus drivers that students are more Transpo shuttle bus, due to security reasons and courteous now, and this makes a world of student an increase in student cooperation. difference. They're more willing to pick up a Earlier this month, Notre Dame had consider- student who's walking along side of the road. • ed discontinuing the annual payment of $25,000 Hopefully students will continue to support the coopers IOn to the bus company due to rising Transpo rates shuttle financially and courteously." t and because a large number of students were not New shuttle schedules will be placed in student paying the 15 cent fare on evenings and mailboxes today or tomorrow, according to Jason weekends. The recent rape of two students on Lindower, SMC Controller. The shuttle will leave the ND campus prompted the administration the SMC parking lot every half hour and on the help retain withdraw the proposal. hour, and from ND at a quarter to and after the hour. Break hours for the bus drivers will be Mary Laverty, SMC director of included on the list. Activities, commented, "it was initially Notre "We're trying to make a schedule the students Dame who wanted to stop the shuttle, and we can rely on," explained Lindower. "I hope this SMC wouldn't have been able to maintain it by will work, but if it doesn't, we'll keep working ourselves. They changed their minds because with the bus company until we develop one that they think highly of St. Mary's students and their will." safety. Lindower added that the shuttle is still not shuttle "We are maintaining it as is because of the pulling in enough money for the administrations concern with security. It's a service to the to break even, but "at the moment we see fit to students. I hope they will take advantage of it provide security for the students who go back and and not walk back and forth," she added. forth." an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XII, No. 56 Wednesday, November 30, 1977 Egyptians prepare for summit CAIRO, Egypt [AP] - Egyptian States - which formally accepted The Iraqi announcement over · officials yesterday readied a site the invitation yesterday - may send government Radio Baghdad omitt­ and discussed the makeup of their an undersecretary or assistant sec­ ed mention of Syria. With Egypt delegation to President Anwar retary of state and the United working hard for a peaceful settle­ Sadat's upcoming Middle East Nations will delegate Gen. Ensio ment with Israel, Syria is the only summit. Arab nations who oppose Siilasvuo, the Finnish coordinator one of the three main Israeli his conciliation with Israel appear­ of U.N. peacekeeping operations in adversaries blocking resumption of ed to be splitting over two proposed the Middle East. full-scale peace talks. The other, anti-Sadat meetings. Egypt also invited the Soviet Jordan, has praised Sadat's visit to Also yesterday, the United Na­ Union, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Jerusalem Nov. 19-21. tions accepted Sadat's invitation to the Palestinians, to prepare for a Iraq artd Syria are bitter rivals, be represented at Cairo, and full-scale peace conference at Gene­ and the Baghdad anti-Sadat meet­ Secretary-General Kurt W aldheim va. Waldheim said, 'all those ing threatens to open another called for still another Mideast invited to the Cairo meeting'' rivalry - between Iraq and Libya, meeting, to be held in about two would be asked to the U.N. talks, both of whom see themselves as weeks either at U.N. headquarters also designed to make progress leaders of the Arab nations reject­ in New York or another neutral towards Geneva. ing a peaceful settlement with site. Lebanon said it wanted to stay Israel. Egypt is trying to decide the neutral. Syria and the Palestine Some observers believe this dis­ number and rank of its representa­ Liberation Organization denounced unity could force Syrian President tives to its own summit, which the talks and declared they would Hafez Assad into the Egyptian Sadat said could begin as early as not attend, but have yet to commu­ president's peace camp. Assad has Saturday. The meeting will be held nicate this refusal officially to the neither ruled out nor insisted upon in the historic Mena House hotel, Egyptians. a peaceful settlement but has held in the shadow of the pyramids. Meanwhile, Iraq said it had sent to a harder rhetorical line that Officials were seen checking the emissaries yesterday to the radical Sadat. building for security hazards yes­ Arab regimes in Libya, Algeria and Despite earlier Syrian protesta­ terday. South Yemen, inviting them to a tions that Egypt had broken Arab As finals grow nearer, more students begin to liW in the So far, Egypt, Israel, the United summit sometime next week in unity, Assad told reporters Monday Libra -and that includes sleepin . [Photo by Kevin ahlh . States, and a U.N. representative Baghdad. Libya has called a similar there can be "no divorce between will take part in the meeting. conference to begin tomorrow in brother Arab countries." He 1 Israel plans to send sub cabinet Tripoli, and Iraq has not said recognized Sadat as still the "pres- ND-SMC Right to :Life officials to Cairo. The United whether it will attend. [condnued on p~~ge 7] sponsors St. Nick party The Notre Dame-St. Mary's is arranging the party, has invited Right to Life chapter is helping the Band, ·the Glee Oub, the sponsor the St. Nicholas Day party ND-SMC children's theater, Jules to be held after the lighting of the Thompson, campus pianist and University Christmas Tree on Dec­ impressionist, and even a magician, ember 6 at 7 p.m. in front of to entertain the children. The LaFortune. The party, to which all cookies and the candy canes alone the campus children from Notre will make a small mountain of Dame and St. Mary's are invited, goodies. In addition, Sapta Oaus. will be held in LaFortune Ballroom will be there with surprises in his immediately after the tr_ee-Iighting. Christmas sack. "Right to Life joins with Father "We· are helping to underwrite Griffin in inviting the urchins and the costs of this event, along with moppets of Notre Dame and St. the Student Government," stated Mary's to attend this wonderful Rick LaSalvia, president of Right to evening with St. Nick," LaSalvia Life, ''because Christmas and St. said, "but it would help if you Nicholas affirm the values that could tell us if you are coming, so Right to Life believes in. Saint there will be enough of everything Nicholas -- Santa Claus -- is the to go around, including popcorn patron saint of all children. His and apples, doughnuts and hot legends say that he loved children chocolate." very much, and a love for children "We may be broke when this is one of the premises on which party is over," LaSalvia said, "but Right to Life is founded.'' we want the campus to see -- we "The party will be fairly expen­ want to see for ourselves -- 'bow sive," LaSalvia said. "Father Grif- [ beautiful children, in their hDliday fm, The University Chaplain, who happiness, can be." 2 the Obsftnrar -~- Wednesday, November 30, 1977 News Briefs--------~ ~==============~============World Soviets not participating W ASBINGTON (AP]- participate. while stressing the need for a Korean spy plans exposed The Soviet Union has informed the The administration had urged comprehensive settlement invol­ WASHINGTON-- The South Korean Intelligence Agency (KCIA) United States that it will not send a Moscow to take "a constructive ving all the parties. planned to install a spy network in the White House and to pay off delegation to a preliminary Middle role" in trying to find a path to a Administration officials said a aides to top U.S. leaders last year in hopes of winning United States East conference in Cairo, U.S. solution ofthe Arab-Israeli conflict. delegation headed by a still uniden­ support for South Korea, documP.nt released yesterday alleged. The officials said late yesterday. But it has moderated its own tified expert would be present plan apparently was dropped when previous activities by the KClA Earlier, the Carter administration support for Sad at's initiative, when the talks open, probably this in this country were exposed. National ~Ltmounced formally its acceptance calling the Cairo talks "useful" weekend. of President Anwar Sadat's invit- r-------------------------, ation to attend informal talks in ederal mediators negotiate Cairo to pave the way for a Middle WASHINGTON--Federal mediators took charge of the coal industry's stalemated contract talks yesterday and won swift East settlement. Meet Fr. Ambassador agreement for "concentrated and continuous negotiations" to try to The Russian rejection means the avert a nation-wide strike threatened for next week. talks will proceed with only one of Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, the two co-chairmen of the Geneva University president, was sworn in presided at swearing-in ceremonies conference present. Of the so yesterday as U.S. ambassac;lor to a at the Department of State in Weat r 1979 United Nations conference on Washington. Mo~tly clo.udy with a 30 to 40 percent chance of light rain through called confrontation states., so far Science and Technology fot Devel­ Hesburgh is believed to be the tomg~t.
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