loO GLOUCESTERSHIRE. the south transept, placed within an ornamented arch, a. fine specimen of the architecture of that period. .Ai is an altar tomb, with recumbent effigies of a knight the west end of tbe village is a canopied stone cross, in armour, representing Sir Nicholas de Villiers and a restored in I878 by Mrs. Paul Butler, late of Down lady: in the north transept is a marble monument, .Ampney House, in memory of her husband. The Eari richly gilt, with effigies in armonr kneeling, to Sir of St. Germans is lol'd of the manor and chief land­ .Anthony Hungerford, kt. ob. I653, and Sir John Hunger­ owner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay and graveL ford kt. ob. 1637: in I897 a carve-d reredos, rood· and The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is other screens, choir stalls and pulpit were erected: the 2,777 acres; rateable value, £I,86z; the population in transept was rebuilt· by the 3rd Earl of St. Germans 1911 was 347. · G.C.B. who also largely contributed to the restoration In I894, by Local Government Board: Order No. of the church in I863: the lych-gate was erected at the 32,o64, part of .Ampney Crucis civil parish was adde<\ cost of Mrs. Paul Butler, late of Down .Ampney House, to Down .Ampney. in I877: the church was resented in I897 by H. Martin Sexton, Alfred Martin. Gibbs esq. of Down Ampney House, and now affords 250 • sittings. The register dates from the year I6o3. The Post & T. Office.-Miss Mary Hannah Booker, sub-post­ living is a l"icarage, net yearly value £ I8o, including mistress. Letters arrive from Swindon, Wilts, at 7.30 I5 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Christ a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 7·35 Church, Oxford, and held since I9o6 by the Rev. Robert p.m. ; sundays, 8.55 a.m. The nearest money order Lingard Simkin L.Th. of Durham University. .A charity office is at Cricklade, 3 miles distant of £I I8s. yearly, left in 1854 by Mr. Cook, is applied Elementary School (mixed), built in I8S4• for go to ecclesiastical purposes. Down .Ampney House, now children; avera~e attendance, 6o; there is a house for occupied by Henry Martin Gibbs esq. J.P. was built by the master; John H. Renshaw., master . the Hungerford family in the reign of Henry VII. and is Carrier .-Fred Martin, to Cirencester, every m on. & fri FRIV~TE RESIDENTS. Brook• Charles, gamekeeper to H. M. i Ricketts Richard, wheelwright Gibbs Henry Martin J.P. Down Gibbs esq ISt. Germans (Earl of) Estate OfficE> Arnpney house Herbert Thomas, blacksmith (Charles Israel Loraine .Allix D.L., Simldn Rev. Robert Lingard L. Th. Hiscock Broome Sargent, farmer,: J.P. agent) · Vicarage Home farm i Wain James, estate carpenter COMMERCIAL. Hiscock David, farmer,Rook Tree frm Waine Percy Smith,farmer,Laynes fm Bennett Frederick . Edwin, land ste· Horton Chas. Jas. frmr. Broadway fm White Thomas, farmer, Castlehill frm ward to the Earl of St. Germans Martin Fred, carrier J . DOWN HATHERLEY, anciently called .Athelai, is acres of glebe (allotted in lieu of tithe), with residence. a parish and Tillage, being a short distance east from in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1913 the road leading from Gloucester to Tewkesbury, 2 by the Rev: Lewis Evans M ..A. of Jesus College, Cam­ miles north from Chnrchdown station on the Gloucester bridge. The charities amount to £2o a year, arising and Cheltenham section of the Great Western rail way, from two cottages and four acres of land left in I7II by 5 west from Cheltenham and 4 north-north-east from Henry Brett esq. and a share of Cox's charity, left in Glouce-ster, in the Nort-hern division of the county, I654, all of which is distributed yearly. Hatherley hundred of Dudstone and King's Barton, Gloucester Court, a fioe old moated residence, beautifully situated union, petty sessional division and county court district, and finely timbered, is the property and seat of Ernest and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of Hayward de Winton esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor. Gloucester. The Hatherley :Brook, receiving at Sand­ Mrs. Maddy, Miss de Winton, Mr. Leonard Roberts and hurst another rivulet which rises in Badgeworth, passes the rector are the chief landowners. The soil is a through the parish and falls into the Severn at Sand­ mixture of clay and sand; subsoil, clay and sand. The hurst. This place gave the title of baron to Sir W illiam larger portion of the land consists of pasture and Page Wood kt. Lord Chancellor (I8M-72), wha was so orchard; the remainder is arable, ~nd is applied to the created in I8o8, but t.his peerage became extinct on his growth of wheat and beans. The area is 855 acres; death, 10th July, I88I. The church of St. Mary and rateable value, £I,6g6. Under an .Act of ParJjament. Corpus Christi, restored in 185g, is an edifice of stone over roo acres havs been taken from this parish and in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave the greater portion added to the pari..>h of Wotton St. of four bays, north aisle, north porch, and an embattlet! Mary Without, and the remainder to Churchdown western tower containing one bell: there is a mural tablet parish; the population in I9II was 2I3. to William Gihbs esq. d. 1785, and two hatchments with ths arms of .Sir •Matthew. Wood hart . .Alderman and Letters delivered through Gloucester at 8 a.m. "'all Let- twice Lord Mayor of London, d. zsth September, I84g, ter Box c!e~red ~t 7·3°'. a.m. & 5-35 p.m. Church. and Maria (Page) his wife. d. znd July : there are down, 2~ miles distant, 1s the nearest money order & . ' ' ' 1848 tele!'Taph office r8o sittmgs. In I909 a lych-gate was erected at the o east end of the chur<ihvard as a memorial to the late 1 Sir Matthew Wood's Endowed School (mixed), built in Canon R w. Maddy, rector here I856-I907. The regis- I846 & rebuilt & enlarged in 1907, for so children; ter dates from the year I563. The living is a rectory, average attendance, 26; there is a residence for the net yearly 'l"alue j,'I4o, chiefly derived from about 16q mistress attached; Miss Stanford, mistress Evans Rev. Lewis M . .ol. ( rectOl'), COMMERCIAL. PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Rectory •Hancocks .Arthur, market gardener de Winton Ernest Hayward J.P. Maddy Mrs. Woodfold i Betnmings Henry, farmer Hatherley court Perry Rev. William Vincent B., B.A. Oakley Joshua, farmer, The Poplars de Winton Miss, The Parks The Leasowe Roherts Leonard, frmr. Hatherley fm DOWNEND, including Staple Hill and Upper Sound- I dist, Independent Methodist and United Methodist well, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed May IS, I874, chapelg, a Salvation .Army Hall and a Men's InstitutE> out of the parish of Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire; it in connection with 'Christ Church. .A cemeter)·, con­ is on the road from Bristol to Malmesbury, 1l; miles taining 3 acres, with a mortuary chapel, was opened in north-west from Mangotsfield station. and half-a-mile IB79, for the use of Mangotsfield and Downend parishes, from Staple Hill station, both on the Midland railway, and but only part of it is consecrated. The cemetery i~ 4 miles north-east from Bristol, in the Southern division under the control of the Parish Council acting as a of the county, civil parish and township of Mangots- burial board. Here are two public weighbridges. Built field, Barton Regis hundred, Keynsham union, Warmley int.o the school wall is a drinking fountain, erected in Out-Relief unian, Lawford's Gate petty sessional div!sion, I887. Sir Charles Daniel Cave hart. of Stoneleigh House. Bristol county court district, rural deanery of S ~apleton Olifton Park, is the chief landowner. Cl eve Hall, now and archdeaconry and diocese of Bristol. Christ Church, (I9I3) unoccupied, is a mansion of stone in the Italian erected in the year r83r, and formerly a chapel of ease style, with a turret and cl,ock, and is surrounded by a to St. James', Mangot<Ofield, is a plain building of stone, well-wooded park, from wh1Ch the churches of Frenchay, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, west Winterbourne, Stapleton, Fishponds and Mangotsfield porch and DJ1 eastern turret containing I hell: there are well seen. The soil is sartdy brash; subsoil. Pennant are r,roo sittings. The register dates from the year stone. The chief crops are oats and barley. The popu­ t83•· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £326, lation in tgn was 8,7oo; the acreage and rateable value including I3 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift are included in Mangotsfield. of the Peache trustees, and held sine& I878 by the Rev. Parish Clerk, Wi!liam John Warren. John Waiter Dann M . .A. of Trinity College, . Dublin. There are Baptis~, Wesleyan Methodist, Primitive Metho. Sexton, Waiter Cordy. .
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