1 North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 18th August 1999 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 18TH AUGUST 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/ Locus Recommendation 7 N/99/007 12/FUL Taywood Homes Ltd Residential Development (1 20 Dwellings) Grant (Construction Rate of 60 Dwellings Per Year) Former Colliery Site, Cardowan Road Stepps 17 Nl99/007 14/FUL Mercury One 2 One Erection of a 15m Telecommunications Grant Monopole, Antenna And Compound, Whitehill Farm, Whitehill Farm Road Stepps G33 6BT 42 N/99/00765lADV Shell UK Ltd Erection of Replacement 5.9m Sign to Refuse Rear of Garage, McCashins Garage, 38 Main Road, Condorrat, Cumbernauld G67 4DZ 47 Nl99/00770/FUL Persimmon Homes Substitution Of House Types On Plots Grant 93,96-100,119, 126, 127 & 122-125 Area 6C, Craigmarloch, Cumbernauld 52 Nl99/00825/FUL Mr G McIntyre Erection Of Office Building Refuse 5-7 Station Road, Stepps G33 6HB 58 NI9 9/00 829a Mercury One 2 One The Erection Of A 15m Telecommunications Grant Monopole, Antenna And Compound - Drumglass Farm, Croy, G65 9TP 68 N/99/00974/FUL Orange PLC Limited Proposed Rooftop Installation Of One Grant 1200mm Microwave Dish - 1 Tay Walk, Town Centre, Cumbernauld 72 C199/00261 LBC Gilchrist & Lynn Conversion and Extension to School Grant to form 11 Flats with Associated Car Parking, 24 Academy Street, Coatbridge 77 C199/00263/FUL Gilchrist & LYM Conversion and Extension to School Grant to form 11 Flats with Associated Car Parking, 24 Academy Street, Coatbridge 82 C/99/00316/FUL Mohammed Hussain Change of Use From Builders Yard to Grant (P) Car Sales and Repairs, 52 Waverley Street, Coatbridge 86 C/99/00345/FUL Tilbury Douglas Homes Erection of 32 Dwellinghouses, 8 Flats, Access Grant Ltd Road and Associated Landscaping, Phase Ib, Brandon Street, Coatbridge 91 c/99/00397/FuL Mr J Tsang Change of Use from Solicitors Office Grant to Restaurant including Rear Extension and External Alterations, 171 Bank Street, Coatbridge 94 CI99/00457/FUL E G Ireland Extension to Dwellinghouse and Part Grant Change of Bed & Breakfast Accommodation to Residential - Blairmains Farm, Harthill, Shotts 97 CI99/0046O/FUL Mr & Mrs Miller Erection of Conservatory (In Retrospect) - Grant 36 Burnside Walk, Coatbridge 100 c/99/00497/0uT Mr W A Pettigrew Erection of Dwellinghouse for Grant (P) Agricultural Worker, Faskine Farm, Airdrie 104 C/99/00578/0uT Mrs Mary McCaffer Erection of Dwellinghouse (In Outline) - Refuse Land to the rear of South Lodge, Glenmavis, Airdrie I:\DATA\COMMAWORDPLAI 8-AUG.DOC 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 18TH AUGUST 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant DeveloprnentlLocus Recommendation 109 C/99/006 1O/FUL Mr J McNaim Demolition of Existing and Erection of Refuse Commercial Garage with Dwellinghouse - Upper Floor, 4 Woodneuk Street, Chapelhall, Airdrie 114 C/99/006 18/FUL Mary Walker Erection of Extension to Dwellinghouse - Grant 4 Shawhead Cottages, Coatbridge 119 C/99/00673/FUL Mr G McCarron Erection of Double Garage at ‘Belair’, Grant Drumbathie Road, Airdrie 123 C199/00689/FUL Mrs Dunlop Erection of Conservatory to Rear of Dwellinghouse Grant 14 Maybole Place, Coatbridge Erection of Garage to Rear of Dwellinghouse Grant ~ 126 C/99/00690/FUL George Milne/Sylvia Porter - 19 Centenary Avenue, .4irdrie 130 C/99/00733/FUL Douglas Myles Alteration to Garage to increase Roof Grant Pitch - 10 Dewshill Cottages, Salsburgh, Shotts 133 C/99/0075 lFUL Elim Family Church Erection of Extension to Church, Grant Elim Church, 21 King Street, Coatbridge 136 C199/00816/AMD S Mahoney Amendment to Planning Permission Grant for Erection of 2 Semi-Detached Houses - 6-12 Donaldson Place, Airdrie 141 C/99/008 18/FUL Kish Kebab Change of Use to Hot Food Takeaway - Refuse 72 Stirling Street, Airdrie 146 C/99/00819/FUL CA Estate Agency Change of Use of Class 1 Shop to Grant Amusement Centre and Installation of New Shop Front and Roller Shutter, 74 Main Street, Coatbridge 152 S/96/00173/0UT Mr Hilton Proposed Dwellinghouse - Refuse (P) Site Adjacent to Heathfield, Gillhead, Waterloo Grant L 59 S/96100598/FUL Mr & Mrs Graham Construction of Dwellinghouse 178 Main Street Stane, Shotts 166 S198/01556/0UT W Wightman Construction of Dwellinghouse Grant Kirklee Cottage Kirklee Road Mossend 172 SI98101557/OUT W Wightman Construction of Dwellinghouse Grant Kirklee Cottage Kirklee Road Mossend Grant (P) 178 S/98/01558/FUL C Luchini Construction of Two Dwellinghouses South of Braefoot Cottage Carlisle Road (A73) Bellside, Cleland 185 Allied London and Scottish Erection of 10 Pin Bowling Alley and Grant Properties PLC BarRestaurant - Land south of Macdonalds Restaurant, Glasgow Road, Wishaw 4 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 18TH AUGUST 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Developrnent!Locus Recommendation 189 S/99/00 127/FUL S Crawford Construction of Dwellinghouse - Summerhill, land Refuse (P) adjacent to Lodge Hill, Davisdyke Road, Allanton 194 S/99/0019 1RUL Mohammed Boota Alterations to Existing Shop Front Grant 21 Range Road Motherwell 198 Lanarkshire Development Agency Change of Use of Offices to Grant Marketing/Educational Centre - Ravenscraig Works, Motherwell 202 Lanarkshire Development Agency Erection of Marketing Centre to Include Grant Associated Car Parking and Landscaping - Ravenscraig Works Motherwell 206 S/99/00425/FUL Scot Trout & Salmon Ltd Mounded Landscaping of site - Grant Pit Road, Motherwell Food Park, Bellshill 21 1 S/99/00447FUL M & R White Alterations to Filling Station - Grant Circular Filling Station, Edinburgh Road, Newhouse 215 S/99/00466/FUL Mr Fisher Construction of single storey side extension, Grant 1.5 storey rear extension to dwellinghouse and detached garage - 4-6 Charlotte Street, Shotts 219 S/99/005 14/FUL Summit Healthcare (LAW) Ltd Residential Accommodation For Hospital Grant Staff - New Hospital Site, Netherton Street, Wishaw 224 S/99/00603/FUL The Church Of Jesus Christ Erection of New ChurchMeeting House - Grant of Latter Day Saints Land West of 484 Orbiston Street, Motherwell 230 S/99/00621/0UT New Brannock Ltd Residential Development (in outline) Refuse (P) Torrance Park, Legbrannock Road Motherwell 240 S/99/0063lRUL Fullwood Holdings Construction of 9 Dwellinghouses and 2 Flats - Grant Land west of 162-172 Coronation Road, New Stevenson, Motherwell 247 S/99/00633/FUL Taywood Homes Ltd Construction of 64 Dwellinghouses with ancilliary Grant roads and landscaping- Greyhound Track, Byresknowe Lane, Carfin 255 S/99/00635/FUL VAMW Erection of Two Storey Training Complex/Offices Grant Land North of 88-90 Glencairn Street, Motherwell 261 S/99/00655/FUL Lanarkshire Development Agency Change of Use from Former Domestic Tip Grant and Opencast Site to Nature Park Greenhead Moss Nature Park Overtown Road, Waterloo Wishaw 5 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 18TH AUGUST 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentJLocus Recommendation 268 S/99/00662/FUL Lanarkshire Development Agency General EngineeringLandscape Advance Grant Works to Create Gateway to Ravenscraig Northern Entrance, Merry Street Motherwell 272 S/99/00672/FUL Mr G Gilmour Extension to Dwellinghouse - Grant 6 Lashley Grove, Overtown, Wishaw 276 S/99/0068 1FUL Tilbury Douglas Homes Ltd Erection of 102 Dwellinghouses - Grant Horatius Street and Comelia Street Motherwell 283 S/99/00683/FuL J Walker Refurbishment and Extension to Public Bar - Grant Georgio Browns - 344 Main Street, Wishaw 286 S/99/00688/FUL Braidhurst Development Ltd Construction of 12 Flats amnd associated car Grant parking - 77-79 Motherwell Road Bellshill S/99/00698/FUL P Bird Erection of Detached Garage Grant 25 The Loaning, Motherwell 296 S/99/00747/FUL Club Taxis Ltd Change of Use of Shop to Taxi Radio Base and Grant Erection of Aerial - 5 Carfin Street, New Stevenson 299 S/99/00749/AMD Hydrachrome Ltd Extension to Area of Excavation Within Grant Opencast Site - land west of Momingside Road, Newmains 307 S/99/00776/FUL J & L Harrison Extension to Existing Garage Grant 6 The Cuillins Tannochside 312 S/99/00779/FUL Mossend Surgery Extension to Surgery Grant 494 Main Street Mossend 317 S/99/00780/FUL Mr & Mrs MacGillivray Construction of Dwellinghouse and Stables - Refuse (P) Fortissat House, Newmill and Canthill Road, Shotts 323 S/99/00 784lOUT F Smith Erection of Dwellinghouse - Grant Land adjacent to 198 Bonkle Road, Newmains, Wishaw 327 S/99/00803/FUL Atlantic Telecom Ltd Erection of Telecommunications Mast and Grant Ancillary Equipment - land at Mossend Sidings, Main Street, Mossend 332 S/99/00843/FUL Miss E A Jamieson Change of Use of Detached Conservatory Grant to Hairdressing Salon 4 Coltness Road, Wishaw 337 S/99/00845/FUL National Transcommunications Ltd Erection of 75 Metre Television Transmitter Tower Grant Lanarkshire Media Centre, Hartwood Hospital Hartwood Road, Hartwood 6 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 18TH AUGUST 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 342 S/99/00870/NID North Lanarkshire Council Demolition of Building and Erection of 2 Grant (P) Storey Homeless Persons Unit Incorporating Area CCTV Monitoring Scheme 28 West Hamilton Street Motherwell 349 S/99/00888/FUL Gordon Millar Erection of Fence Grant 34 Annan Grove Motherwel I 352 S/99/00903/NID North Lanarkshire Council Environmental Improvements
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