Shipping News from All Parts of the World

Shipping News from All Parts of the World

SHIPPING NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD -trs BTKAMsmrs. EXCURSIONS and TOUK*. Northwestern Bridge 25 E Key West 27th. BAR1M Feb 26.Sallied, str Aden Maru GALIESTON. Tex. Feb 28-Arrlved, HTKAMMIirs. EXCURSIONS and TOURS. 1 STEAMSHIPS, EXOKMONS and TOl'RS. Nuuauu 'J 10 s Balboa -7th. (Japi. Hampton Road*. Mlnnewaua. Bremen; West Imbod. n. Jl.>tt. r- Olil North .State 1,472 12 Ambrose 27th. .-aili ¦) 2btli, r City* of Colombo (Brit, dam. *c: i.ake Utrdner, Calbarie ,; It-la* Orient 50 SSE Capo Henry 28th. New York (cable steam«r), NOTICE TO MARINERS OiaquBlbli k 720 from St Thonia! 27th. BOMBAY. F<1' 24.Arrived, atr Malacqa Arrived Ufth, *trs Caledonier (Belg), Now Oaawatomlo 218 E Boston 27th. Mam la®). N»>' ^ork. Rlbe (Pan), Dakar; Gu.f Trade. Tain Just a i Oxonian 180 E Boston s AM 28th. BORDEAUX. V'eb J4->Sar»ed, atr Monad- plco.\ork; Panhandle State (>2n W Bishop Rock 87th. nock Bri. New Orleans. Sailed -81 h, str* Shaw mut. Philadelphia; THE NEW )'ORK HERALD'S Ship News Office is in Pearl Don ltV3 \V Sand Key 27th. BREMEN", fob 21 Arrived. atr» Halvon Maru (Jap>. Kobe; Taxand rier Step Philip Publicker 18 8 Fowey Rock* 27th. ISr>N York; ^iai Gantabrico (Sp), Sa¬ Antwerp: Hauler iHr), Antwerp. from the Barge Office. Ship news information given by U. S. Pomona l»' .17 40, Ion 40 22 27th. vannah. 22d, Cutty^unkv Galveston; \V»«t«>rii (.iri^JvRT, Miss, Feb 20-Arrhed, .-I: Portola Plumas Ml* SW Sand Key 27th. Chief. New Orb-ati* Norfolk. Uaiton Frontera: sehr* W if Eastwood Bulletin. ii'uabbln 43 ESE Charleston 27th. RI'ENOS AHia«. V"<?> 25.Arrived, stua LewLs 11 Goward. do. WINTER ! Navy Department Daily Shipping Telephone a »i Some ",r ''akH Flatonia. SlideH. Richconeftl 169 E Jamaica 27th. Borghlld (Nor). Nov wrk; Oronoke. Nor¬ r.» iSl -ljth> Green 9960. Rochester K7 NW Tortmw 27th. folk. GLOUCESTER, Mas". Feb 27.Arrived, tug Day to \ Bowling foi COOKS Romulus 123 W Hand Key 27th. Sailed '-'5th, atr Rotajimn, Sail Franclaci* Jertli Aniboy-to« tng bargo 7"l, Boston S B Hun! KM N Jupiter 27th. CADIZ. Feb 25.Arrlw<% atr Infanta Inajtx-l Searsport. you intend to travel.make a real tour. SUMMER Sagaporack 191 SSE Peneacola 071:>. (Sp), Galveston. Arrived 27th. tug Liberty, ton lug barge St Mlhlel sr.i 8 Ambrose 27th. CHERBOURG, Feb 27. :50 PM.Sailed, atr Alleghany, Norfolk for Newburyport. Will you ever be better able to go than Salaam tat 34 31. Ion 40 0*5 27th. Imp. rator (Br). from Southampton for New JACKSONVILLE. Fla. Feb 28- Arrived, Take a CLOSING OF MAILS. San Joe-' OK W Jamaica York wins Gene Crawley, Tampleo; Gulfroast. I 27th. Newriort now? We are offering at the present time to .At (ho foreign Station >r>.- <>f M.-r- :tim \\ .... i»l forn^:i ma:! r oases half Santa Ana l""1 S t ap-' Mala 8 PM U7tli. COt<OMBO. Feb 2fr.ArrhflBiJ, atr Clan M«'.-. Port Arthur; Leu Is lv Thurlow, trip 5G» hour la'er 'liar, at tin¦ I'cniral Off! <1 "> Hal! jtatlon Supplementary mall, Sapelo 135 from Sand Key '.'7th. fad.wn Br). New Yxirk. »Neufi, most attractive programs for escorted and individual travel Muble poet ace required A! >(i.- I*-' >i ki. ¦- uton supplementary mall ringes half an hour Saplnero 45o W8W Bermuda '17th. COMOX BC, Feb 28.SAileJ. atr Gaelic Sailed 28th, strs Jacksonville, Liverpool; Saramacca 240 N 27t!i. Prince Hong Kong. Grecian, Philadelphia. Rio de liter than the Mipplrmentar; »K pt tha' supplementary mall for English Cay Mr). Fob str to CALIFORNIA.rail or steamer route, duration 40 Janeiro European countries and tor Centra! «. via ii-'obul, closes one hour tatei. Scantic lat 23 44, Ion 74 52 27th. CRISTOBAL. Feb 27- Arrived, atr Meta KEY WEST. 11a, 2S-ArHved, days Solitaire 308 ESE Sabltv bar 27th. pan. N'w Orleans. Schuylkill bridge, Southampton (and failed or Montevideo V Halifax; Banta for Galvastort). more; FLORIDA, from 9 days up; BERMUDA, 8 days Slxaola 1 202 S Scotland I. 27th. Sailed 27th, s'ra Mlscnla. cable), MARCH Steel Rtuigur 238 NW Balboa 27tli Barbara, N¦ w York; Vj-tlgas. Philadelphia. Sailed 28th, atr Stephaji (Br, Buenos Aires Transatlantic Mail*. WEDNESDAY. 2. Standard Arrow 3,880 from San Francisco 8 DEMEKAILV. Feb 25.Sailed, atr Cawdlan Havana. and longer; EUROPE by all routes, frequent departures; '. nn i. in Hamilton, str Fort Hamil- PM 2«lh. Halifax. MANILA, Feb 25.Arrived, str Kandahar' zm TUESDAY. MARCH 1. 7 .1C AM Gunner (Br). WEST 23 , ton. S'jnoil 140 S Overfall* 28th. I'ERROI., Feb :k -Arrived. echr Argo (Hi), New York. INDIES, days; AROUND THE WORLD, etc. Europe, Africa and Weft Asia. vis Plym¬ N" Bt.ixil, Iquiiivs, Pernamburo, rnra- Sunshine 218 W Band Key 27t'i. (I>an), Jacksonville. ,str West »l*ton, Loa Angeles. ! outh. Boulogne an«l Rotterdam (Lithuania, "'.< Natal. Cabedello and Macelo (other Themlsto lat ;i7 47, Ion 70 20 28th. FOWKY. Feb 25- Called, atr >e*tiobee. MOBILE.3£th\Ala, Feb 28.Arrived, strs Tm- Latvia and Esthonta .); also pair, po.- "f Hi a<l *>. via Barrios; Ham Booklets and full information on for Nether !;.<: Para. Maranham, Thomas H wheeler 1 .'IK BW Ha'.teras 28th. Boston. Perat0IL tXor), Saccarappa. request. MUNSON Great Britain, Ireland, Ce.i ,i Natal? Ma- Neshoboa, Brat land (Nor), New Orleans; barge ^nallalands and other str 8 Cabedello, Pernambuco, Toloa 372 off Port Antonio 2Tth. Sailer! 25Ui. atr Boston. burg; countries, Rotterdam, t« ml Itio Janeiro, str llvron, 8:30 Uljmaee 209 S Cape Henry 28th. GENOA. Feb 21.Arrived, stra Dentrnark Iberia. Key West STEAMSHIP LINES I AM (aup 0:.'JO AM). AM Vacuum 2P1 from Tamptco 27th. Maru (Jap). Oharleeton; 23d, Cepho lonla Sailed 27th. «:r Valdez. Galveston. France and other countries <.>, via Havre; At jr. .it .Ha, Uruguay and Paraguay lspe- Veata 230 E Sabine bai 27th. (!.;-. ok). italtlmore. hat,ed 18th. «trs Tocantlns (Braa). Burn.)* THOS. COOK & SON \( also parcel post mails for Fran'" and other uildi,-d via and S ier dltalla (ItaJ). New Orleans. str 8:;!" AM 9 .10 only), Montevideo W H Llbby 112 Jupiter 27th. Sail'il 20th. Reglna haoearanpa. Hall Regular .» Passenger and ountrlcs, Leopoidlna, isup Air, -, str Cameons. 8:30 AM Watertown 1.031 B Port Lobon 27tli. New \ork. La, Feb 27.Arrived, strs 15 l(roa<lwny. Opposite City >61 Fifth Ave., Cornrr 4?"»tli Street FAtprr AM). a « CJLLANS, .'¦"."o 11 ii (except Mavagucx), via San Wawalotia 100 from Pearl Harbor 8 PM Sail 22d. atr Savona (Ttal). Hampton A A Dougherty, Tampleo; Atenas, Boras del Telephone Parclaxt 7100 Telephone Murray ffill 6171 Freight Service WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. tin .Itin s o AM isup tt-30 AM). 26th. Toro; Brlarleaf (fir), Tuxpam; Cody, new I'orto Rico, Curasao and Venezuela, via West Hlka from San Pedro 8 PM Feb 27.Parsed, strs Charleston; Copan (Hond). Port Cortez S. S. Aeolus made record Spain (.). via fadi,- and Barcelona also 1.1B8 2tlth. 'oil UK ALTAR. Clffar- Ha parcel post malls (or Spain, Canary Mainl¬ Mh\:i:"i Laguayrft. Curacao and Mara- West llolbruok 882 from Honolulu * PM w hi <r 'Bri. Colnniho, &<... for New York; CoppMiiame. Port Barrios; Exeelalor, WW. smr sy srsrw1 New York to Rio.13 days 18 .> Iflbueras and Ceuta, Melilla ami Tangi< r in Morocco, ' ZiiUa. V:30 AM (sup 10:30 AM). 20th. Santa Cecilia, Baltimore tor Italian porta. n*'»tow. Baltimore; ggig West from San Francisco 8 PM l-a:ita Clara. Port Said ;,7'ai>K.9(Hond), Bluefields; Impratoj- (Nor), Port hours 46 minutes. tr Eacolano. 8:.'l0 AM. Islip 2,5+1 i'at'.ia Seen Greece (t), via Piraeus. str Tliorolatocloj, Transpacific Mails. 26th. for N w V >t. Yesoklng. Bombay for Bal- Barrios (diverted to Mobile) Joseph S.S.MARTHA WASHINGTON(b) Mar.5 » AM. West IvU 082 from Cape Flattery 8 PM 27th. Philadelphia. Managua (Nic), Kingston;! (13.000 Tons) Gibraltar (Spain and Greece .>. v a Vi-.-o, '»><. a1 New York at 0 PM as follows: West Jessup 81* 1 from Cape Flattery 8 PM Ai'rlvtd, li'.r Brenta (Hal), Port¬ (Br), Liverpool; Orltanl (Hri, Napluerjaniela, w. Warkworth (Br) S.S. HURON 17.000 Tons (a) Mar. 23 Gibraltar and Patras: also parcel post malKs ti Un a atnl China (specially a.d- 27th. land. Me. Panoil, Iamplco;j tor Gibraltar, str Calabria. I'AM drc only), via Seattle, str Tokusliinta West Kebar 1.936 NB Colon 8 PM 26th. Arrived u."tii. »tr Joannis Vatls ((JreclO, Baltimore. S.S. AF.OLUS 21.000 Tons (a) April 6 3. West 307 S 7 PM Sailed from Port Eads 28th, stM Farn Italy it), via Naples and Genoa, str Gugli- Maru, March Mingo Cape Henry 2Ttli Portland, Me. , ., (a) 1st, 2nc! and 3rd Clan. AM. Ha :«I i. via Sail Francis, o, sir Maui, AN <! NUua 1,177 from Capo Flattery 8 PM Sailed 20th. ftr Twickenham vBr), from Hamburg; Jabontao (Bran, elmo Piircc, !>;30 .Mareelllcs:»°...(Br)VLake Ha\ane: Kaweali to (b) 1st and 2nd Class. 26th. Said for Baltimore. Kyttle, Route 4. port Texas March Ocean THURSDAY, MARCH 3. W.v .Vivaria 826 W Columbia River 8 PM Feb 17.Arrived, atr Vin- Halboa; Melanla (Br). Shanghai; Neptune' Steamers of the U. S. Shipping Board 'r»i .ii.. Corca. Clii! a. Siberia, French GOTHENBITRG. via °moa Spain and Germany, via Vigo and Ham¬ I: (io-i :: .i Netherlands East Indies (except 26th. cennes Brldg«.

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