DEVELOPMENT POLICY COMMITTEE 16 February 2017 AGENDA ITEM 10 Subject OPEN SPACE, SPORTS AND RECREATION STUDY 2016 Report by DIRECTOR OF SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Enquiries contact: Laura Percy, [email protected], (01245) 606486 Purpose The purpose of this report is to present the final elements of the Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study 2016 to the Committee and to seek approval for the study to be published as part of Chelmsford City Council’s Local Plan evidence base. Recommendations 1 That the Committee notes this report. 2 That the Committee approves the Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study 2016 to be published as part of the Chelmsford City Council Local Plan evidence base. Corporate Implications Legal: The study will support the implementation of current adopted policies and underpin the Council’s future Local Plan, by providing a robust and credible evidence base document. Financial: None. Budgetary provision has been made for the study costs. Personnel: None. Risk Management: Risk of evidence base not being endorsed, which could delay the timetable for preparing the new Local Plan. Equalities and Diversity: The study will help inform decisions on future open space and sports facility (indoor and outdoor) related development across the City Council area. This will have an impact upon equality/diversity. The study itself is an evidence base document which is not subject to an equalities impact assessment. Health and Safety: None. IT: None. Other: None. 1 Consultees CCC – Sustainable Communities Directorate, Parks Services, Leisure Services Neighbouring Local Planning Authorities Local interest groups Sport England National Governing Bodies and Sports Clubs and Organisations Policies and Strategies The report takes into account the following policies and strategies of the City Council: Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document, February 2008 Focused Review of Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document, December 2013 Chelmsford Town Centre Area Action Plan, August 2008 North Chelmsford Area Action Plan, July 2011 Site Allocations Development Plan Document, February 2012 Local Development Scheme, 2016-2019 Supplementary Planning Documents Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, February 2014 Duty to Co-operate Strategy, March 2015 Statement of Community Involvement, March 2016 The Chelmsford Local Development Framework takes into account relevant strategies of the City Council. Corporate Plan Priorities The report relates to the following priorities in the Corporate Plan. Attracting investment and delivering infrastructure Facilitating suitable housing for local needs Providing high quality public spaces Promoting a more sustainable environment Promoting healthier and more active lives Enhancing participation in cultural activities 1. Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this report is twofold: 1. To update the Committee on the Open Space part of the wider Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study 2016 2. To set out the findings of the Indoor/Built Sports Facilities part of the wider Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study 2016 1.2 All reports have been prepared for the City Council by consultants Ethos Environmental Planning. This work has been commissioned in partnership with the City Council’s Leisure and Heritage and Parks Services. 2 1.3 The purpose of the overall study is to assess the current levels of open space and sports provision across the Chelmsford area to enable the Council to set standards for new provision and improvements to existing provision. It is to be used to assist the Council in considering what provision or improvements can be made to open spaces, sports and recreation facilities. As such, while it has some key overall findings it is a tool to be used in a more site specific way for assisting in the determination of new planning applications or allocating sites for future development. 1.4 To do this there are three key elements to the study which assess the provision and quality of each of the following: Open Space Playing Pitches and Outdoor Sports Facilities Indoor and Built Sports and Recreation Facilities 1.5 For each of these elements there is an assessment of the current assets across the Chelmsford area, followed by recommendations of what may be needed or where there may be room for improvement to such facilities in the future through the strategies and action plans listed in paragraph 1.7 below. 1.6 The study has surveyed hundreds of sites and facilities as well as carrying out significant consultation with various sporting bodies and users of all spaces and facilities. Importantly it has followed and satisfied Sport England’s guidance on how to produce such a study and what it should include. 1.7 It should be noted that the diagrams and maps included within the study documents are for reference to aid in the presentation of the findings within the reports but these are held on an electronic mapping database which the City Council will use and update. The scale they are reproduced at for the purposes of the reports is limited due to the number of maps and the areas they cover. 1.8 The overall study will replace the City Council’s 2005 PPG17 Assessment. It comprises six reports which cover open space, indoor and outdoor sports and recreation. The reports are: 1. Community and Stakeholder Consultation Report (Local Needs Assessment) 2. Open Space Study (comprising of a main report and six area profiles) 3. Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Needs Assessment 4. Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy and Action Plan 5. Indoor/Built Sports Facility Needs Assessment 6. Indoor/Built Sports Facility Strategy and Action Plan 1.9 Reports 1 – 4 listed above were reported to the Development Policy Committee on 29 September 2016. Full details of which can be found under Item 8 at http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/development-policy-committee-29-sep-2016-700pm. This covering report deals with reports 5 and 6 and provides an update on outstanding issues raised in respect of the other reports considered by the Development Policy Committee in September 2016. 3 2 Context 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities to set out policies to help enable communities to access high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation. These policies need to be based on a thorough understanding of local needs for such facilities and opportunities available for new provision. To supplement the NPPF, Sport England provide further, detailed guidance on how such a study should be carried out. It is essential that, as a key stakeholder, Sport England are satisfied that the guidance has been followed and is met. 2.2 In view of the above, Chelmsford City Council appointed Ethos Environmental Planning to produce a new needs assessment and strategy to inform the planning decision making process to inform the new Local Plan for the period up to 2036. This new assessment will replace the existing PPG17 Assessment published by the Council in 2005. 2.3 The overall aims of the study are: To provide an audit of existing indoor and outdoor leisure facilities and public open space within the City’s administrative area and immediate boundaries. To provide an assessment of these facilities in terms of quantity, quality and accessibility. To provide a community and stakeholder needs assessment. To identify gaps in provision, over provision and priority guidelines for future investment. To develop and provide a strategy determining the actions and resources required to guide the City Council’s decision making up until 2036. 2.4 The overall outcome of the study draws upon an evidence base comprised of: Consultation and engagement with all relevant key stakeholders, agencies and organisations as well as the wider community and general public. A detailed audit of all facilities within the scope of the study. Analysis and assessment of the adequacy of current and future facility provision based on recommended methodologies such as Sport England's "Assessing Needs and Opportunities" national planning guidance. 3 The Community and Stakeholder Consultation Report (Local Needs Assessment) 3.1 This part of the study has been considered by the Development Policy Committee on 29 September 2016 (Appendix 2 of Item 8) http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/development-policy-committee-29-sep-2016-700pm. It examines local needs for a wide range of different kinds of open space, sport, and recreation facilities. It has drawn upon a range of survey and analytical techniques including a review of consultation findings from relevant play, sports, leisure and open space studies. It outlines the community consultation and research process that has been undertaken as part of the study as well as the main findings. 3.2 It is important to note that the results of this consultation report, and other analyses, help to inform the content of the recommended local standards in the Indoor/Built Sports Facilities. 4 4 Update on the Open Space Study (comprising a main report and six area profiles) 4.1 Again this part of the study was considered by the Development Policy Committee on 29 September 2016, Appendices 3 and 4 of Item 8 which can be found at http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/development-policy-committee-29-sep-2016-700pm 4.2 During discussion on this report a number of inaccuracies and omissions relating to provision in South Woodham Ferrers were pointed out and the Committee were advised that the reports would be amended. These amendments have now been made to the reports and the electronic mapping updated accordingly. It should be noted that these changes do not alter the overall recommended standards as set out to the Committee on 29 September 2016. 4.3 The next steps for this part of the study will be for the electronic mapping to be handed over to the City Council.
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