December 13, 1930 Number Thirteen ~ MINNEJOTA ALUMNI ~ John F. Sinclair '06 Writer, CldSS President :IAL PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNE TI 1930 Aerial View o~ the U. o~ M. Campus What a Picture! Thi picture ha bt'en ~ e l ce t d a· th b t neraJ \ lew of 11 eri e. taken by th 1 orth- w t's premi r aerial photographer. Th aho\'c cut s how~ what i~ included in th picture but do not do justice to the rema rka bl e d tail shown in the print from lit ' originlll 8xl0 negatiye. " Te arc r eady to mail prints from th orig in al n gati\'e at th folio" in~ prices : ize 8x10 plain, unmounted, ,'1.25, ca ~ h with order or . '1.50 . D. ize 8xl 0 in arti tic silv l' gray frame, g lassed in, .:2.25, rash. or . '2 . .30 . O. D . 24x30 enlarg ment. b autifully framed, complete including pa (, king and (klh ny cbarg $ 22.50. -------- ----~ ----------- )~=====~ l\IERTOX ._ APSlIOT 'ERVICE, Hl17 Bloomington An'., :\Iinncap Ii" ~ I inlH'sota . ~r e also ha\' clos ­ Pleas . nd m prepaid the following quantity : up aerial vi ews of the ( ) 8x I 0 plain gl'TlI'r li i yi ew 01' l':l mp\l~ . ho pital section th . ( ) 8xl0 in ~ilv e r ~ra;. frame. tadium and Field ( ) 21x30 enlargement. framed. 1I0ll e in th sam ' sizes and at th same ( ) priee • am .. .. .. .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. .... ........... .. ... l)-======j( Addr ss ... ..... ....... ... ....... ..... .. .. .. ... ...... THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY VOLUME 30 DECEMBER 13, 1930 NUMBER 13 Developing Journalists By College Classes J H. MADER '27 OCR.-.\l'L~I teaching- entered it. that the,- might "click," and pop up in b\'l'nty-fifth yenr when colIe:re and a )'l'ar or two a columni b of \\ orld J renown. uninr,itie throughout tht: countr~ he­ With the e five rea on pre ented a ~an their fall tam. in 1930. Today, a a emi-apologetical an wer to the oft­ quarter c ntury after the proces of repeated question, it mi~ht be fitting teachin~ tudent to prepare them ehes 'ational orga.ni;ations 01 lIeu' ­ to call attention ~o the foundation for for I'ntr .nee into the newspaper PTO­ paper publi her and editor have the point. e ,ion he;!nn to tak tanj!:ible form in ginn much thought lately to \(id-\\'l"tern tnte univer itie<;. teachers Journali m student are put on a chool 01 journa.lism. ome profe"ional tatu enrly in their under­ in tim, profe' ion till are a~ke? rel!ularl~ que tion the t:alue 01 uclt ~e­ graduate trainin!!,. There b no molly­ to iu'tib their work nnd their pre enct! partmenU in our colle e tdule coddlinj!;, no free and ea ~ Qranting of on 'colle~e nnd univer it) tnff,. others leel that the college cour e e,euses, no con~ideration for tho e who i a 000 training ground lor Perif)dic~lly the (Jue. tion, "HUll much do not like or are not adapted to the luture netC paper men and teo­ enn .J ourn Ii-Ill 'chool und depa rtmt'nts work. The requiremcnts are n good men. lust recentl) a committee do to I'rrpnre II tudent for new,paper /!round work in Engli h. an in atiable including prominent publisher work," i, tllln~ in the direction of men t'uriositr and a flair for hard work. The and editor tt'Os named to confer IOd w"men "hn are :ruidinp: the de'­ onh' rna ior difference between a tu­ tinit'. of thi new and grent field of pro­ t!'ith a committee repre en/in tlte dent jo'urnali t and a profe. iona} teacher 01 journali m to di euss fe, iooal tlo,lching .h a memher of the new. paper man in the eyes of the fiT't cht j:!raduating from the {'niHr­ 'he Ichole motter. The author 01 J ournlliism in tructor b that the tu­ the timely article on thi po e i ­ «it\" 01 \linnc,ota with lllu.iOT' in d nt doe n t get paid . .rnurnulhm, nd a n new pap r man a teacher 01 journalism in North who hn j:!lllle into the field of Jl.urnnl­ Dakota (,,,iter it)'. i'tIl tt'al'lnn/!,. I feel that chool of In working out thi,• plan it has often heen found eif('('tiYl' to employ a -tu­ .J,'urlw!i rn n nl no ju,tific1ltil'l1 c,ct'pt tllnt col' nn")lnpli,lultent dent lI"i_tant, one who ;" accepted h~­ be u cd at time when the,e people are the . tudent it one M them ell"e.. He in the new' or at the time of their llco,' "H'r, 'lu~'lion a, to their utilit~ is detailed to gile out regular a ign­ death. i enl inl" 1\ fair 11IlC, ,ince but'h train­ ments to h !!,inning tudent, and they Publication furni he.; immediate proof in~ i, till ,. 'r~ n('1\ and quite mi-­ report to him with the writtell re-;ult to the ,tudent him'elf of hi ability or IIlld~r'tood t)\ men and women of other of their work. When all i well, their inabilih' to mensure up to the tandaTd prof,' ,inn.·11 w II a. 1)\' ~(ll'iety at II ork is credited to their record. When of !!ood Journalism. Follo\\;ng publica­ large. To nn,wer that qu~,tion I "i,h thin!!' Ito ukew, their e,cu e' !!,O to tion there i no har,h or brutal crit­ to I" int out fly WilY" in which ,rcouTOIII­ tht' in tructm, Wl10 deal with them iei m of the work publbhcd. Howe\,er. hm tCllchinl!' prepnr"" tudcnh for milch as an editor would with an errant direct placing of re.pon.ibility. ,ror IIt'W pnpt'r "nrk, lilly ont' of whit'h ul,llle or idlin,r r!'porter. Individual prob­ hirkin!!. lo\'"n1\- or careles wrIting, would .illstit)' it in univer,ity curricula. lems confronting the students are d .. alt "nd direct and' hone t appreciation of with separntely in TegU}llr conference !!,ood work timulnte all to pply their houn" 1lrst bt'tween tudent a"i,tant C"lJnriak jOUrI\IIU-UC• education lrain b~'t effort- in fu ture work. t'hurllrtcr, 1;11 dHlC'lcter i, the !!:rclItt'st and . tudent. and th n b('twcen instruc­ tor and student. Probabk th> !!:reate<t• "'llue of u. in:; sillgle fuet"r in tht' requiremenl of /I goud jOllTlla1i,t. This ellrl~ placl'lIlt'nt of Te~pon ibilit~· puhlica tion a laborntoCl' utcn iL for tin the ,houlder, of thc ,tudent ,en' the student is that it pro~'ide the fine t Journnli III dill"\-, throUl!'h lahora­ quickly in/!Ies ut th reliable, th'e competition po"ible. Instead of the tory work anll pllhlication U,",III) H'r~ 1llll1t·,t lind the f.lithful. fhlse three hattie for Tade', alway. a di'puted dost'l,· :I' ,,('i'lted with the cnu"e', !rh'e IJulllilics, of more importllnce thnn th,· ,·tlltll'llt. nwdia for e pre"icm. mea<ure of "bilit, and lIpplication. the I!'t'niu, to the ne\\'~p per editor, nre ,tudent compete' for publication. for n.,· urging ,tudl'nh <'lIrl) tIl apply \·"sily tmeed by fnculh member' allotted 'pace, for prcferred di play in tlwir llllt-nl- in a practi'lIl 'Ill), l'lwol thro~l/!h the conf~renet' pion. the publication. for by-line". fM hoxed of .[ollrn:llt m ('nahll' thc_e yOlln!!: tn('n Xothin/! nn do more to encournge a <lr feature headin;rs, or for the pridlege :tud W<lrnrn tn '.an(\" ieh practical lmin­ -tud('nt 'thnn to ee phy,it'nl rt'sult of ,.f writ;\lg all editorial or column of illl: ill ht'lwren thl'or, nnd al'ndemk his !'trorh. Thi< thl' ,cI1(l01' of .iourn:ll­ IlIl'lIh'm. comment. Here i whole ome competi­ ism do by prol'illing for their protege ' tion thot PTIWid(', the student II. much 'Illtlt'nh of Journa1i'JI) UrI' tought to renl nw(\ia for c'pn'"ing th'm,ehl". 11I0re rea onahle h[l is for ratin!! himself rculI, IInaly,!: :tnd appr 'inte nell ,­ Thi., training takes dl'finite form; he­ and other' thlln Itn) alphnb~tical or paper" tht' grentesl single medium in ,rinninf( h) ll"ignm!'l1ts to coyer the l,umeric:.l Ii b \'\~t (h'l'i'e(\. lhe world fIll' lli"eminating inrurlllntiou, ('lImpu, for news and feature,; then With ~tate. di~trict lind regional pres­ ellncation. cntl'rhlinment and culture. ('(wering cil~ nd town benl fOr 1I1l fl' ociations working in closer co-opera­ In,trudors III tmll valu'lhle school~ lIews of the dll)" pedal 11'. ignment tion with JouTIIlllism tenchec< n~ar hellt'flt thOU'llIlll, M' _ludent, pllrt'nh, induding interlil'lI', speeches, 'onyen­ after ye.n. a practic ,I training ground 1\('\\ 'pII}"'r ('ditor, nud publisht''' hy lions, e,hibitions, etc.: lind p('l'ial i< TlIpidly openin!! up a field in which \\~t'clinl!' Ollt or dht'IHlrnging "htln!!'l' rs- fl'ature artides lind preparation of the studl'nt can test his mettle durin!! 011:' whll 1,,",(, hlinclly ,rone inlo thc hio~r, phie of \I ell known peopk in the 'ummer ""ootion,. l hri,tmll' and fl,·ltl lIf ,rollnlillLm \I ith th .. fninl hnJl~ l'ni\('rsit~ and the Cniwr.it) city to Enster holitlay, and aftt'r 'chOl)1 hour 216 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY and evenings.
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