UNIVERSITY OF STOCKHOLM INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS HIGGS BOSON EVENTS AND BACKGROUND AT LEP A MONTE CARLO STUDY G. EKSPONG and K. HULTQVIST USD? Report 82 - 05 June 1982 US., f* -- S2. -o HIGGS BOSON EVENTS AND BACKGROUND AT LEP A Monte Carlo Study G. EkspongandK. Hultqvist Department of Physics, University of Stockholm Vanadisvägen 9, S-113 46 Stockholm ABSTRACT + - 0 0 + - Higgs boson production at LEP using ee **Z -* H +ee has A " i studied by Monte Carlo generation of events with realistic errors of me re ment added. The results show the recoil mass (Higgs boson mass) resolution '•> be reason- ably good for boson masses £ 5 GeV. The events are found to populate a phase space region free of , jysical back- ground for all boson masses below about 35 GeV. For masses Above 40 GeV the Higgs boson signal merges with the physical background pi .iuced by semi- leptonic decays of heavy flavour quarks while diminishing in sti ongth to low levels. The geometrical acceptance of a detector like DELPHI is about 80% for Higgs boson events. 1. INTRODUCTION In the standard electrovvrak theory (Ref. 1) spontaneous symmetry breaking is achieved by the Higgs mechanism. One neutral Higgs boson with known couplings appears in the theory as a challenge for experimental researchers. Its mass has not been predicted. Methods which cover as wide a range in mass as possible are therefore valuable. It has been pointed out (Ref. 2) that the reaction 0 0 + e e •* Z -»H 4 p + i (i) is quite favourable for not too heavy Higgs bosons (H ). The signature in an event for reaction (i) is two fast leptons (e:s or p-.s) with high invariant mass and many particles arising in the decay of the Higgs boson. The method would be to look for a peak in the missing mass recoiling against the two fast leptons, and after finding it to look into the detailed composition of the decay products. In the absence of errors and background the recoil mass would be equal to the Higgs boson mass. We have applied Monte Carlo methods for simulating events according to re- action (i) and to add realistic errors of measurement to the observed tracks. In this way the mass resolution for various assumed boson masses has been obtained and also the expected geometrical acceptance of a proposed detector (DELPHI, Ref. 3, Fig. 1) The physical background from the semi-leptonic decays of heavy quarks pro- duced by Z "*qq, has also been studied by us in great detail using Monte Carlo methods. A scatterplot of recoil mass versus invariant dilepton mass in each event is very useful for separating the signal (Higgs boson events) from the background. Studies of these or similar questions have been carried out earlier (Ref:s 4 & 5). The results of Ref. 4 is, however, at variance with ours in that we find a better mass resolution for the recoil mass and a different range of detectable boson masses. Our methods of analysis and of background simulation are different and more detailed. 2. F UNDA ME NT A L RE LA TION S Finjord (Ref. 6) gives the following expression for the differential rate for G M (C tC r F 7 T R> V 9 9 9 , 9 , —9 ^ ^—9^ " -9 —X (1,/i ,x )(2x +-X(1,/i ,x )) (ii) dx" 192 7T ((x"- 1 -L )" * A ) In this formula x = M + -/AL,, where M •+ - is the effective mass of the e e Z oe e e e -pair, a is the relative width of Z and /x = M,, /Mz is the relative mass of the Higgs boson. The scale factor 2 5 2 2 GFMZ(CL + CR} 192TT3 2 varies with sin 6 . W Integration of (ii) yields the total rate. As can be seen from Fig. 2 this drops rapidly with increasing M (Ref. 6). H If p, k, p1 and k1 are the four-momenta of the incoming and outgoing e and e , respectively, then, neglecting V-A interference, the matrix element squared contains the factor ,2 |M| OC [(pkI)(p'k) + (pp1)(kk1)] . (iii) (Ref. 7) This gives a total differential rate 5 2 d r G^ycR^xW.* ) /2 2 2 „ —2 rr-= r-^-r—5 \y M-icos ©cos 6 _ eH dx d(cose)dpd(cos8 )d<peH 2 rr [(x 1+^") ^ ] 22 2 2 _2 2 2i i2>fcos0sin0cos8 sin6 co«p + sin ösin 6 ..cos (p -y j3^(cos S+cos 6 ) (iv) e Hu eH eH eH erl eH , where j3 and y are the velocity and Lorentz-factor, respectively, for the e e - -pair in CMS. The angles are defined in Fig.3. Formula (ii) can be rederived by integrating over the angles. 3. RATES The cross section for e e -*Z -* visible states (excluding w and Bhabas) at the energy of the Z peak is (Ref. 8): + - 0 ff(e e "*Z . ) = 2600ff (v) vis pt where O is the point-like QED cross section. For Vs = 90 GeV = M this is O '- 10.7 pb . pt 30 -1 _2 Assuming a luminosity of 6 • 10 s cm , one year's running (2500 h) gives an integrated luminosity of 54 pb , or 1.5- 106 Z°/yr . Using B(Z -» e e ) 3.71% (for the visible Z :s) one obtains the following average number of reactions of type (i) in a one year run- Table 1 Higgs boson mass (GeV) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 n:o of events 223 127 79 51 33 22 9 4. THE MONTE CARLO GENERATION OF EVENTS We generated the events according to formula (iv), using M - 90 GeV with a width of 3 GeV. Because of the axial symmetry the tp dependence is trivial, tp beeing uniformly distributed between 0 and 2 n. The remaining four-dimensional generation problem was reduced to four suc- cessive one-dimensional ones. This was done by keeping the variables already generated fixed, while integrating out the ones not yet to be generated, thus obtaining a conditional and marginal distribution in the wanted variable, x. The distribution obtained, dN/dx, was normalized to one: 00 dN , — dx 1 dx Generating a random number, £, uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 and choosing x to fulfil x dN N(x) = — (V!) gives x-values with the desired distribution. The first variable we generated was X (= M + -/M,,). Integrating over all e e Z angles gives the cumulative distribution X dIYJV2 2xdx (VU) J dF 2 where /dx is given in formula (ii). For each Higgs boson mass N(X) was calculated numerically for 300 values of X. For each event a £ was generated and equation (vi), N(x) = % , was solved for x by linear interpo- lation . With x fixed to this value cos© was generated according to the same prin- eH ciple. Integrating over (f> and cosö and normalizing one obtains the distri eH bution dN * A 2fl d(cos6 ) A -++ A cos 8eH where 2 A 3(1 ±y ) ±~ 2 4(2^ y ) Equation (vi) now reads : 3A 3 + 3 e8(A This third degree polynomial equation in cos8 rT was solved algebraically. Keeping x and cos6 fixed gives a similar expression for cos© : 6*1 dN 2fi d(cos8) A t A cos ö This time, however, 3(cos26 -t 1 i 2>2(1-cos2e )) ± = 2 2 2 8 (cos 8 + 1 + y (1 - cos 8 )) The resulting equation for cos6 is the same as (viii) for cos8 arl was solved in the same way. Keeping X.cosS and cos© fixed the cumulative distribution in <p is 6x1 6ri NW>eH> = U<PeH where U = ^ V 2yc0SeeHsineeH cose sine eH N = 2 [y2 + r2cos2$ cos2ö-(y2- 1) (cos2© +cos2ö)] -f sin2e sin2© 6rl G*i Cxi N((p ) = Equation (vi) eH ^ ' was now solved numerically. Finally a Lorentz boost and a rotation yields the four-momentum of the electron in CMS (with the z-axis parallel to the beam): M cos6 Pz = 2 z [V( eH-0) cose + sineeHcos<PeHsin$] pv = •- IVf [y(cos& -0) sin8 cos<p-(cos8Cos<pcos(p -sin<p sinp ) sin© j j\ z Z eti 6n en eri pv ~ - M [y(cos8 -/5) sin6sin<p-(cos6sin<Pcos(p tcosipsin(p )sin6 ] (x) The positron momentum is obtained by the transformation 6 -* ir - 6 eH eH ** Tt t 5. PROCESSING OF THE GENERATED EVENTS We studied the detection of the generated events in the DELPHI detector. All events with both electron and positron passing through an electromagnetic calorimeter were accepted. The acceptance was found to be 80%, and is independent of M (see Fig. 4). H The barrel calorimeter accepts about 50% of the events and the end cap calori- meter adds about 30%, either alone or in combination with the barrel. Normally distributed errors were added to the energies with AE JO. 10 forward calorimeter r? I 0.11 barrel calorimeter v hi We also added errors to the angles using £0 - A^> - 0.4 mrad for tracks passing through the forward chambers and Afl -- A<p =1.5 mrad elsewhere. The errors in energy are the dominating ones. 6. SINGLE PARTICLE DISTRIBUTIONS The single-electron energy spectrum for M = 10 GeV is shown in Fig. 5. It is H peaked at high energies (~40 GeV). The electromagnetic calorimeters in DELPHI give a good measurement of these high electron energies. For muons the situation is different, and for energies above 15 GeV the precision is better for electrons. This is the reason for using the reaction Z -• H e e , rather than Z° - H°MV- 2 The electron angular distribution has a (1 •+ Acos 6) shape (Ref.
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