" •" Check out .~ . p.24 SKlIUS ;JO Back to school special " local radio THE INDEPENDENT ATLANTIC SUN Monday, August 28, 1989 An Inde,wndent Student Publication Serving Florida Atlantic University 40 PoJges Free Pres search down to 12 8} BRUCE G01TESMAN Sun Netts Editor Leonard Berry. FAU vke president of Ad­ miruSlnlti.'c Affairs. and Anhur AndelWfl. an Engi~ prof~. are !he twO klcal ClIl1lhdale!i IIIIOIlg tile 12 presidrnllal finalist>. named by the IIoard ofRegents Sel«1ioll Committee on August "Thi$lisl was made after the local FAU Search Adlisory Comminee made itS r~lion of 10caOOida!o The BOR Selection Comrruna:. us­ mg the local COmmHIOt's lis! as I refem1CC. made !tie ~ioll of !be 12 finaliSis. Six of these 12 IOen: recommended by the local commillCC'. BOR Chancellor Charles Reed said that "it \10 as a dif­ fl\:ull dC~lsl0n." The local oomminee is pia) ing an active role In the ~1«11Oll process; six of the len names on l!lc local list are finalisb. According to Commit­ lee Ou.lrman 1..aoct' DeHa\en-Smith. "The Ad­ '1$01')' Comnunee \1.'35 brolen up IOto four groups, Each group selccted Icn ofthe 30 cartdidalcs. The four lislS were then pooled togerner. alld tllree ~11'lCli "'ere on all four lists." These: tllree were Junes Appleberry. Glenn Goerte. and James _ PIIoIoIGUNrCf.: jA,'"S$DI. YllI,lllll. HOYo'e'"er. Young w,lhdmo illS applica­ NOW protestors line up to show their support for Pro-Choice legislation. Gover­ tion before UIe BOR meeting. Berry "a~ remmrncnded b)' the local commit­ nor Bob Martinez recent'" called for a special session of the Florida Senate to tee. appeanng on three of tile four li~t" Ander· discuss his Pro-Life views. !IOn. ho"e"er. "'as IlOt re<:omrncnded. ~Ha,en·Smltll ilid Ihal the local Sean:1l Ad­ two rommillccs have projected the follo....ing timetable: '00ry rommiltee onl} mal~ r«'Qll1ffiC:ndalions 5ep(ernbcr II, lhe local $1.3 million A&S fee budget 10 lM BOR, and ~ I'lOl Il.lIM !he authonly 10 On nWe I~ final dccislOQs. He said lhe BOR rom· tom/mUtt "'ill meet ",tIl lhe mittel', "hich ·'adUt:d Inrormalion abolu!he tan· BOR commlllcc 10 t~ ap­ proximately five finaliSb. signed by acting president duJates that the Advisory Commin~'\' does nOi possess:' will ma'ke the selection, The p~ of selecting tile lie'" president is See SEARCH page 5 By KEVIN McCONNELL budgel of !he University Center. The UC ntensi,·c ",cconhng 10 Univtn;uy Rclalions. the Editor-in.(;bie( is funded each year tIlrough A&S fees and revenue. 'The Srudent Go,-ernmcnt budget alloca· Mariano Rowland. .srudcnl body presi­ tion ofSl.291.651 in Activity and Service dem, said, "witlltllc: way lnat we cui lhe fees WlI$ signed by Dr. Leonard Berry, (Ue) bodget it would have been difkuh for vice president ofacademic affairs who was the UC (10 operate under the slipula· acting lI$ university president unit! Dr. tions)... John Ryan took the Orrlte of interim •'II seemed 10 me dial tIlc: budgd: was not president. lhe nght place 10 legis1alc: (in the fonn of Berry, who nonnaIly acts as presidenl budget slipldalions) and thai should be wilen tIleptesident is absenl, said, ·'1 think adressed in rommillces," Berry said. it's II responsible budgel. .. I thought i! The UC received S69,609lcss than lasl weill through a good process." year alld the Student Senate debated for A&S foes. S4. 92 ofeach emiit hour, are over two hours tile S294.SOO "'hith WlI$ budgeted each year by SG in lhe form of budgeted to !he UC for this year a spending bill. The bill is passed by the 'The second highest figure OlIU1e budget Studenl Senate and signed by tile Siudeni is $265.000 for SlUodcnl Go,'emmcnt Pro­ Body President The budget then goes to gram Board. The amount is $1.911 less the umversity president for his or her than last year, signalure. in regards 10 llle SGPB budget. Rowland J.t~, S. rto.No.'Cf:(J/fC£ '·Our offICe had no real problems With said "I fecI we ha"egiven them a subsmn· The Boca Expo which was held at the FAU Gym tile .allocations:· said Berry. who line .lem lial amounl to "'"ork ",irn Ih,s >ca.r I hope "ewed two budget rideD. Both budget tIlC) do all lhe thlll!!s !hey sa;> lhe> ... ill drew a large summertime crowd. riders "''ere stlpillations placed on lhe do," Ul IIIC, 1\.1,,,,........, ........"'............. .~' ..nl ..... n"..~ ••~ M_. ~ ., ~ NEWS ~. SIephm ~ {l'b)'siI:s). Nn" 1'5)""'" Dq-1­ mel Slurlq ~ (BQooJ. N.. a...--Dr. Bibb Lawo::. S2. --FROM THE NEWSDESK-- tioPIl Metil SdIoWships aft oaly was appoillled dIainnaa of !he meDIt. He Md served., ehainRIID of and SIUd)' *-I. Thr 0lKalIIpUS MIriI ~~ Ie 'AU­ ,-nkd 10 the lOp one percenl of DqlartrnmI of Pl)'eboloo. He Md Ph,~ oaober fGut tbllleou II FAU art IlIWViDg xbool JellJOI'$. served as !he direclOr of the Inslitulc: the DeJ-runcar from deadline fOT' 1ppIic:atll:. is cr-JuM1III hIgh and 16 InIm:slcd Aulleau IIIoukI COIlIICt SUJXl_h !hit fall., N8IionaI Meril. aft pucI ~ry semester. fot Reseudl ill Soc1aI Science at ~ 1965-l976. !he The)' In: Top ...... _ 10 'AU­ Uni~rsily of Nonh Carolina ~fore Stady ..... opponall,-Thr FlIlbtiabl advisor. Dr. Dorodly Scbolarl. D:bclnIb Braonet M. Sleuon. ADM 207. 367·3211 for <H_itic$ major). Anne Fisbcr Nine high school valediclotians mel usuming his new position on August Fulbright Program offers gnd\llllC: 7, "udc:nIli an opportllllily fot resun:/I further infonnation. "erial dlrecICIr ~Dr. S.v,na Scboenbokr. Y<ho had~­ ed &I the ~ clIftaor of the P'"proenal ill dle DrvisOOB l>f N~nulI .... 'RJOIIIIed., the prr­ __ m-. Sdwwomofc" bas been an __ pro(ator sin<'e Professional Typing and Resumes 1m. and had IIeTYCd • iIlIcrim dtrmor Jincc "-y. WE PACK ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, IIONEY KEYS, NOTARY. COPIES, CALL FOR Rd:IriaI ,..or- a..-ms-­ ORDERS. Dr. Roben Scbwan•• professor of COMPLETE LINE OF SERVICES. philosophy 81 FAU for2S years. was Deerfield centre IIlmed 10 the rlIIIk of I!menlus Pro­ fe:uor l"olowiac bii FeCimnenl.. Only 215 S. hdenil Highway 12 odler profeaon bIw bec:n clloJm DeerftekI 8Nctl. Fl 33441 ...- for Ihis /lOtIO, Sc/l".,1 "1$ (305) 360-7555 ~ previously pmaIed ...... Award III EJ.cellena: lit U~lD­ 8fing this ad in lor SCMl off on Select SeMces at this location KNcttorI >II tbe s,n., C--. HAPPY HOUR PRICES OPEN UNTIL apm-11 pm DAILY Sam SEVEN NIGHTS! $1.00 Orahs $1.50 Orinks Sl.95 lhlb Hamburger 'Til 4 PM\ SUNDAyM$2.00 "U-CALL IT" any drink Pool Wednesday Tournament in upper deck sports ber. 9 PM Arm wrestling IIIclnc!IP'FAU night 50" _ • shoo.... with FAU ID.I - championships \ \ Hosted by Jeff Griffith TUESDAY is \ \1\ ~ WET & WILD . I ",.:(' ;~ Wet T-Shirt Contest /' "1~\\\ \ if,--- TIIlIRSDAYolIIRLS NIGHT OUT- .\ ' 51 dranbeer a.11pm Muacleo In _ Compolitlon .. ~~.. soc: Shooters FREE DRINKS 8-12 • FlOe Champagne. Roses 'f ~.... 51.50 Drinks .' , NO COVER FRIDAY NIGHT , • CASUAL DRESS Oulrageous ALL·MALE REVIEW For Ladies I~I '-'- SEXY LINGERIE l.-. ............ _ For Men (upslairs) I -----0>,- I SATURDAY-Saturday Night Happy Hour TIL l1pm MALSO- Cymbals Wortd Famous - .II MINI-SKIRT CONTEST ~ an: etWOllcd8I iDcom­ kboduk call dle Tri-Rai1 oI'fita. i1r11mt1mea. FAU. They an: c:Kb I-!OO-TRl.JlAlL (87"'7245) or. ID ~vina S5llO ill ICbolanhips. 8rowIrd C-,.. 72&-8-W5. .,...... ... I Jf'IllI from Ille: CbIpul Prill' 7W~.,_ Pollce Beat ­ ~. They an: Roben Kdftr ..._- d 1'\IlIUlioo, Jomiler Nil)' of Deer· .... • ..1 IIle Files hIVe been we. F ......, lidd8elcb. T....D1vid ofRMcr1o estIbIishcd for eICh all of the aD· I ..., wi!.- ~ideftl 8eIdI. Hcahct M-=DorWd of BoyD­ didates for w position of .....a.. ..... D11le1cb. SbIwn $pUI:lroek of80cI of FAU. The Ilks an: IVIilable • the _ 4:30 .. ~, Mdiul Croe.kca of Pm l'oIlowia& 1ocIlioas: .......1DctIII 0... ~ a.rioae. ShIIIII Mania of KqsIoac • Ille: ~ Buiktiaa, 1IId. ~ -. I ..... fIei&bIS, EufeaiI D.vil of Silver Room 3\4. from 1:)0.5:00; ~,~T_Spee:I ,...0.'1 . ofFealoD. • IbI Wimberly I..ibnry; .......,,- .. albl BrowW UIliverUy T_. =--- " ... .III 'plu"'atllmdlr­ Office ol dle ~; .. jill a. _-SdMI-TbI Headersoa SdlooI ~ allle: FAU Ubmy. the PBCC­ _-., ... ~ ...........fliI is otferifI& aad rWuoed""lllCll Nonb CImpls. POA Boulevard, IIlildDIlI SitUO _ .......a. prica 10 eligible .studcfu UIldcT the Palm 8clch Qudms. NIlionII Lu.Ildl Progrun. AppIil:I­ .... 'fIIIIc* w IioII fornuI an: bo:illl _ 10 all KI.... lew PIID prolrla. ~..................... ...-a'IJomcs; dlC)' IIlI)' be submit· dInctor-Dr. BmjuniD Kmc. I pro­ .. II:Id • ...,. time cluriac dle sdlooI faIor"!be ~ofCoqilall' "_ ~ ... -".. For..sdilioaal iIlformIIioa., call .... Syaems. IIa .,. 't=:,.- ... .....8aler, !be 1CbooI', dinltIllf, cepIIId ........- ..._ ....!be Doreoc:­ 17,..... .. «_~, I stiff......... klr ofIbII'tlD propm ID the CIOIeF ... (t07) 167-l97O. of Busaacu • FloridI At1aDbc --..... 'AU _Jd- ~:i" U.w-y. He 100k ofIitt ........ II. _ TrWtaI tidIeb Ia lie ........ R.-iIrip lictaIlOr IbI Tn-Railser­ Dr. KiaI ~ Dr. ColIpenMD as Din:aor. Coopennan was ap­ "'"'::":"':'= vice aft IIOW Ivailable ar. .-ioa Allis •, ..... Di~ kicUs. Additionally, I five--minute pointed iOlerim when the ~ ~ adjl,LsaneN bas been mIdc in the PhD prosrun w. SIII1ed IWO years .. .. dledule. For iDfonnIIion 011 the ... ..._""".... \.J spRINGS C./f O~ On. Hour Photo '4,~~ C; 344.1465 Nikon • Canon • Leica • Minolta • Olympus • Pentax Hasselblad • Rollei • Mamiya • Bronica • Tamron Vivitar • sun Pak • Bogen • Quantum • Beseler Largest Selection of . ~ ~r-.. ,....-::= .. ~ .• .,_ MINT USED CAMERAS in South Florida ID) student Discounts complete Darkroom Trades Department Welcome 1249 Universitv Drive.
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