.. Vol. 5, No. 6, October 22, 1958 Semi -1\fonthly $6 per year by first class NE 1/S _germany 112, Hungary 100, Saarbrucken. Oct . 4: H OH-Lauer, G, 14.1; Stcir.es,G, 14.5; Rctczar,H, 14. 6, 400-Kaiser,G, 47.5; Csutoras,H, 47, 8; Poe::schke,G, 48.0 . !Jf­ Szecenyi,H, 180 1 8"; Koppenhofer,G, 170'6 "; Klics , H, 162 ' 7¼. 100-Germ3r,G, J0.4;Goldo ­ vaay,H, 10.6; Feneberg,G , 10,6, 1500 -Rozsavolgyi,h , 3:44. 3; Brc1u1er,G, 3:45.0; l'.ovacs , li, :;;46. 1. Ostach, G, 3:46.5, PY-Horvath, H, 13 1 9~" . BJ-Kruger, G, 24'5t ivi...,1 L"'r"'er, G, 21! 14½. JT-Schenk,G, 244 ' ½"; Kulcsar, H, 242'Si· . 5000-Ihnros, 11, 13:58, 2; ti: ~: o, H, 14: 07. G; ivmllcr, G, 14: oe.o. 400R-Germany 40, 3; Hungr.ry 41. o. Oct . 5: 400!!-J ~-r.z, G, 51. 8. 800-Schmidt, G, 1: 49. 7; !vlissall.a , G, 1: 50. O; Sze!ltgali, H, 1: 50. 1; Kovac:::, 1 ! , l: 51. 0. SP-Lingnau,G, 56'7~; \"/cgmann,G, 55'6!; Varju,H, 54'7} . 3000~t-Jeszensky,H, 6:55,:?; Varga,H, 9:0::l, 8. HSJ-Czapal::u,H, 50'5li , 200-Germ.::ir,G, 21,2; Lauer,G, 21,4; C.;ucc:·as , H, 21.6. HT-Zsivot:r.k")',H, 204'oi; Cserma.k, H, 200 1 st HJ-Pull,G, 6'9}. nadon11 rt:co.rd; 10,000-Iharos,H , 29:56.•l; Szabo,H, 30:00, 8; Sch.aJe,G, 30:01.2. Hoger,G, 30:1 5,8 , 1600R-Germ~ny 3: 08. G; Hungary 3: 17. 2. Berlin, Oct , 5 : Valentin 3:45. 4; Herrmann 3:•l5, 5. West Germ:my 110, Pol~d 110, ~·✓ arsaw : Oct . 1~: Lauer 13, 9; Steines 1•1. 8. 100- Germar 10. 7; Futterer 10. 8; Foik 10. S. 800-Schmiat 8:-~8• .;,; Mclcomaski 1: ~9. O; Miss.11!::i . 1:51. 2; Kazimicrski 1:53, 4. HT-Rut 210' 1"; Cicply 209'10}. ESJ-8chmidt,P, 51'1!; Mclcher­ c~l< 50' . •~00-Kaufrnan.n •1:7. 0; H~s 47 .5; Swato,~s!d •17.5; Mach-:0 . G. OT-Piatkowski, 177' 11.!, BJ-Schmidt, P, 2-1'3". Kzopidlowski, P, 2·.:C'2il, 400R-Gcrmruiy ,:o. •l; Pol:.md 40, 8. "First day score, Germnny .S5., Poland 65 , G000-Krzyszkowink, 1-~ Ot;,, •~; Zimny 1 1:OS, 4; Muller H:12 . 6. 2nd d.'.y, Oct. 1:;: •lOOH-Jruiz,G, 52. 2; Kotlinksi 53. 0. SP-·.·;egmann,G, 57 1 .;.t Lingnnu,G, 56'7t; Sosgornik, P, 55'6t; Kwictkows 1d., 53'10½. 1500-Jochman, P, 3:-~2. 5; Schmidt,G , :1:-12, 5; Brenncr,G, 3:•l·l. 0; Orywcl,P, 3:51.8. 200-Germm- 21.3; Lauer 21.-l; ..., Foik 21. 8. 3000 St-Krzyszkowiak 8:~1. 0; Muller ,G, 8:57. 8; Zbiskowsl:d. , P, D:03. 6, 16CJ0R­ G~rmony 3:10 . 2; Polun 8:: 11. "r. HJ-Pull,G, 61 9-~; Lcwcndowski,P , G17~. PV-\-'fozny, P, 1~•1t JT-Sidlo 257 ' 5; Schcnk,G, 2·16'½; 10,0 00-Ozog ,P, 29:33 , 8; Zimny 20:33,8; Schnde,G, W:~8. 6. Dresden , Oct , 11-12: Kliembt, G, t;,7. 2; Jirasek, Czech, ,;7. 5; Trousil, Czech <c7. 5; 1500-Herrm~ 3:,1:s.o; Vl:lcntin 3:~5.0; Jungwirth,CSR, 3:•15. 1; 3000St-Doring,G, 8:50 . 0; Buhl 8:52 . 8; HJ-Elbogcn ,CSR, 6 1 7/i; Lmisky,CSR, 6'7!; HT-Mclck 201 111t ~l.l0-~landlik, CSR, 21. 0; 800-Vnlentin 1: 51, 0; 5000-Herrmann 14: 18. 4. 10, 000-Jankc 29: 5:3, tl; Honickc, G, 3(1:o,; . 4. Hl:1-Veselsl.:y, CSR, 1«. 5; PV-Praussg er , 1~'7¼; SP-Skol.,lc., CSR, 57'1C>t; JT-Frost , 251 '9¾; Kruger 2,;5'!)"; Sweden Stockholm, Sept. 27: Uddcbom, 51'6~ SP; Vingclcer, Sepe. 20: OT, Arvidsso n, l6S 1 8½. Ostcrsund, Sept . 28: Asplund, HT, 198' 1¾. Linkiping, Oct. ~. 200m, V✓ ac1n 5:10 . 6, Pettersson c.nd D~hl 6 1 6¾. Uppsala , Oct. 5: \Vaern 3: 52, 3. 1\splund 20-~'li. Nybro, Oct. 7: Waern 3:53. 8; Dcltl 6'7~. Pettersson 48. 7, Huag.::ry: Budnp<:::st, Sept . 27: Dznbo.8 :12. 6 for 3000m . Hecker 8:1~ . 8. Sopron, Sept, 26: Toth 10. 5; Rctezzr 1,;, 5; Budapest Oct . 1: Hcck17!r1,;:19A, 5000m. Lug.i.no, Oct. 1-5: Murat , Yugo, 3:45,G; M~hruic, Yug, 30:01.G; Sno.jdcr,Y, 47.8. Knunns, USSR, Sept. 27; 1500, Pipync 3:53. 2; 2.imny, P, 3:5~. 8. Baltsw1ikas, 175'7½; Varanausk~s 57'5~ . Simfcropol, Setp . 25: Ivruiov 1:51. 8; Tkatschcv 200'11] . Finlruid: Kuopio, 10/5: Sulrninun 61 9{. 'fw:ku 10/5 : Hdlstcn .;;7. 7; Salorcntn 30: 07. 8. Mnrnthon: Knrvoncn 2:2,J::3G, 0; Viskari 2:28:16 . ..~ . Tampere, 10/5: Tuomo.ala 30:15 , 2. Charkov, USSR. Sept. 26: Grigclka, 186'9;}, Russi~ rl!cord. NE YI S (cont.) East Europe ivtilitary Mee t, Prague, Oct . 5: 100-Batchikov, USSR, 10.e; 200-Mand- lik, CSR, 21.1; 400-Jirasek,CSR, 47:4; ·Troweil47~5; 800-Jungwirth, CSR, 1:50.3; 1500- Jungwirth 3:44. 3; 400H-Litu}:ev USSR, 52. 7; 3000St-Rzhishchin, USSR, 8:46. 6; Doring, EG, 8:54. HJ-Lans1.-y, CSR, 6'7!; HSJ-Chen, USSR, 51'8½. PV-Klebarov,Bulg , 14 1 1¼; SP-Skobla, CSR, 56'6i . DT-Bukhantsev, USSR, 178'1¾; Artarsi, Bulg, 177'2 ¼; :v~erta,CSR, 174'3 ¾; HT-Nikulin, USSR, 207'6¼. Russian results include : Ruline 6'6¾; Wi.ikhailov 52'5l HSJ; Fe<losscyev 24'7i; Krass­ o wski 14 11¾; Ozoline 10. 4; Petrenko 14'1 ¼. Warsaw, Oct. 5: Schmidt 24'4-k and 52'6-~; Wazny 14'7 1; Kopyto 251'9¼; Cieply 205' a½;Piatkowski 173' ¼". Rome, Oct. 12: 100-Agostini 10. 4; Radford 10:..s; Oerutti, I, 10. 5; Feneberg,G, 10. 6; 400 -~'/righton •lG. 7; Hellsten ,.11.1 ; Scavo •17. 2; 800 -Hewson 1:49. 7; ·:tacrn l: •19. 8; Petter­ sson 1: 51. 9. 1500-Rozsavolgyi 3:45. Cegledi, Austria , 3:45. 2; Ea.nlldi, I, 3: ,16. 2; Jazy, F, 3:47 . 6; Bernard,F, 3:•19.0; H.ammarsland, N, 3:•l.9. 8. 5000-Clark,GD, 1'1:H; Iharo s 1~ 17.9. HH-Lorgcr 14. 3; Mazza 14.5; 400H-Mm-tini 52.0; Trollsas,S, 52.3; Gallil: ~r,Switz, 52. 5. HJ-Pettersson, S, 6'9½. BJ-Yalk~a, F, 24'3t SP-lvicconi, I, 571 7; jT-r. , ~ :..:vere, 264 1 10¾, It clian record; Macquct , F, 252'7?.. Rotterdam, Oc. t 12: Koch, l 7G'l0", Dutch discus record. Nrufclii~USSR, Vladimir K1Jznctsov 278 1 6½ (84. 90), new H.us · . ·.·, ,.,.,_i nnd No. 2 on all time list . Other undated Russian results: Bondnrenko 10. 4 fr~);: ~) ~ , · 11• r, 10. 5; Archiptuk 21. 2; Palu 7366 decathlon points; Yc!remov 51'5j HSJ; : ....J,.~pany..;;ts 179'7½; Tkachev 200'11¾; Oslo, Oct . 18: D.mielsen, Nonvay, 254'7}. Albi, France, Oct. 19: Jazy 1:52. 5; Bernard 8:18 for 3000m. Paris , Oct.19: Ja.zy 2: 22. 9 for 1000m. ivier'mio, Italy, Oct . 19: 100-Omagb.:?mi, Nigeria, 10, 5; Feneberg, G, 10. 6; 400- Spence, SA, 47 . l; \'✓righton, GB, 48. 6. 800-Smith , NZ, 1: 50. 8; Cegledl, /iust.ria, n. t.; Sandowsk.-y, G, 1:50 . 9. 5000-Hyman,GB, 14:16.4; HJ-Pull,G, 61 6¾; BJ, Bravi, I, 2-.1'6}; SP-Lingnau,G, 54'10½; OT-Consolini , 178'6l; JT-Frost,G, 256'5" . Odessa, USSR, Oct, 10: Rybak 6'10¼"; Yalta: Dolotnikov, 500G::n, 14: 09. 4. Warsaw, Oct. 19: 100-Kynos , CSR, 10. 5; jan acek , CSR, 10, 7; 200-Janacek 21. 6; 400-Jirasek, CSR, 48.7. 800-Jw1gwirth,CSR, 1:53,2; 1500-Jungwirth2:51.4l 5000-Krzy­ szkowiak l ~:57. 2; Jochman, P, 13:57, 4. Pavelka, CSR , 14:15. 10, 000-Ozog, P, 29:09. Ka ­ rd~s, P, 14, G. PV- \'va.zny, P, 14'5i·; SP-Kwiatkowslci, P, 53'7t DT-Piatkowski, P, 182'3"; Australia Schoolboy meets : Cleary 9. 8 behind Bursill 9. 8; Testan i 23'7tPrince23'7!. BULLETIN 8OAH.D Next Newsletters November 5, 26; Dec. 10, 24; Jan . 7, 21; Octa. T~FN, mailed Oct. 30. Greatest Sprinters are Dave Sime No. 6 anci Lloyd L~e.>ch No. 5, Wruited by Bert Nelson, NCAA Track I'..!.Field Guide for 1943, a.nd all prior to 1936. Also AAU Track Cz.Field Handbook for19 ~G. Writ~ Box 296, Los Altos, Calif, WIND SPRINTS Steve Von Devan gives final rating of cowitries, allowing 10 points for ench first in 1958 ranking list, 9 for 2nd, clown to 1 for 10th . USA leads with 329 points; USSR 188; Poland 121; Germany 87; Engla.nd 66; Czechoslovakia 39; Sweden 37; Hungary 25; Jamaica 21; Australia 20; Conada .:md South .Africc'.l19; Norw:1y 18; Finland 14; Fr.:mce , Italy 15; East Germany 11; New Zealand 9; Br:izil and Greece 8; Holland 7; Yugoslavia 6; India and Icel.::nd 5; Panama 4; Switzerlruid and Ireland 2. Yolanda Bclas of Romania has broken the women's high jump record for the fifth time, doing 1. 83, or 6', the first six footer • •• marathoner Franno Mihelic of Yugoslavia advises alternating running with skiing during the winter .
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